
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    Margaret so very sorry for your loss. May your memories sustain and comfort you.

    currently in Midlothian, VA visiting my daughter for the week
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Margaret,am so sorry for your loss. I would suppose that if she didn't remember you a year ago, you have actually lost her twice. Twice as hard.

    Marceylyn, what a great group of grand kids. I can't imagine having that many. I have 2 and I am sure that will be all. May get more 4 legged grand kids but none of the other! But those are enough for me!!!!

    Joyce, Indiana
  • Poerava14
    Poerava14 Posts: 1,084 Member
    Margaret: ((((Hugs)))) to you. I'm sorry for your loss.

    Katla: Congratulations. Hope by now you've stocked up on coffee.

    Talk about the circle of life.
    Love you all. Stay well. We can do this.

    Colorado Foothills
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,086 Member
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding .

    Good Evening Ladies,

    Rori, my area is still impacted by the Hurricane and resulting flooding but we were very blessed. Other than a few shingles and lost trees we haven’t been put out by the storm at all other than the day he came through. It’s almost like looking at the news of a different state but I know it is literally just around the corner. Some of the most recent flooding is less than a mile from us. I thank the Lord every day! A HUGE Congrats on getting the scale moving again. Way to go. Mars is too funny on that leash. How nice for both of you. Love the pic.

    Joyce, you are so right about us always having our memories. That is how I feel each time we sell a home and move on…I still take the memories with me and what happened in that house.

    Barbie, just like all the others here, we don’t expect you to respond to each of us. I just enjoy every response regardless of who it’s directed to. You just keep healing, my friend! (((Hugs)))

    Katla, congrats on the new addition. flying-stork-carrying-a-baby-smiley-emoticon.gif I hope you have safe travels and a wonderful stay.

    Liz, glad all is okay. Please take care of yourself!

    Allie, I’m thinking of you as you go from one helping situation to the next. You are such a wonderful person and I know saying goodbye isn’t easy. I hope you can feel my hugging you from afar.

    KJ, I think I’ve had 3 colonoscopies so far. Only my first one was a bad experience. The “stuff” they gave me to drink gave me severe stomach cramps and I had a few times I didn’t run fast enough even though I wasn’t far from the bathroom. LOL *fond memories* The last two preps were a piece of cake. I think they have just improved the cleansing agents over the years. If you just follow the instructions I’m sure things will go fine. Oh the joys of maturing. Lol

    CMG, welcome. Yes this is a great group of ladies for support and information. Please tell us a bit about yourself to help us get to know you. We also ask that you sign each post with the name you want to be called and a location, general or specific.

    Cheri, I’m sorry to hear that things aren’t as good as they could be, but happy that you are still out and doing. Good for taking your trip and just get on that plane and imagine that some of us are sitting all around you. You know how we love to support our friends. Have a great visit!

    Joyce, how wonderful that Charlie could remember and share some things about his childhood. I hope it does happen again.

    Gloria, I don’t have trouble getting to this forum but often have trouble trying to log my food. The diary just freezes up???

    Ladylosealot, welcome. What part of the East Coast? Please sign each post with the name you want to be called. Come often and just don’t give up.

    Debby, welcome and Thank You for Your Service! We are happy to have you join us and glad to lend support any way we can. Start by coming here often and logging all that you eat. It’s too bad you no longer have a gym available. Are you able to work out any at home?

    Viv, welcome back. This time maybe you’ll stay with us even when you reach your goal. We are good for maintenance too.

    Marcelyn, congrats on the great progress since surgery. Keep up the great work. Wonderful picture of your grands. You must be so proud!!!

    Katla, no coffee??? Where are you??? Glad all is well with mother and son.

    Margaret, so sorry for your loss. Even though she didn’t know you, it’s a second loss. My DMIL who I loved dearly, passed from Alzheimer’s a number of years ago and I remember what it was like. (((Hugs)))

    pretty-pink-welcome-smiley-emoticon.gifto any Newbies that I missed. Come often and join in the chat. This thing works!! Please sign your post with what you want to be called. It makes it easier for us to respond to you. Also a location is great, be it specific or general. We are happy to have you join us.

    Fall arrived in Myrtle Beach sometime during the night. I had a window open and had to put on a light blanket. It was great sleeping! Went to the Moose Lodge to help run the horse races. It was fun and a successful fund raiser. I’m exhausted and heading to bed.

    Sending love and good thoughts to all of you and I hope you all have a Happy and Healthy Day! rainbow-smiley-emoticon.gif

    Words I live by:
    Savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.
    Opportunity. Each day offers new opportunities for good health and happiness if we just look for them and choose them.
    I Love you, blow.gif
    Myrtle Beach, SC
  • GloworminWA
    GloworminWA Posts: 704 Member
    My Facebook account just got locked because someone tried to get into my account from China. An old high school friend said he received a message from me and was responding when all of a sudden my account said something about Spam. He called me and at first I didn't understand that he thought I had sent him a message. So someone probably hacked him and now everyone he contacts is getting hacked. Facebook said they would help me setup a new password but now I'm concerned that maybe it's not really Facebook. I'm going to try to get Facebook security to straighten this out. Grrrrrrrrrr

    Gloria in WA not Dongguan China
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Gloria, what a pain. So sorry. I hate to see/hear about all the internet hacking occurrences. Where does it all end? I hope you can gey it all straightened out. (((Hugs)))

    Janetr okc
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,148 Member
    1056287i3zmwzup2m.gifStats for today:
    8900 steps
    43 minutes walking outside in two walks
    errands and a late breakfast at I Hop
    family nap

  • 17761776
    17761776 Posts: 1,098 Member
    Mary stunning!

    Marcelyn You are indeed blessed.

    DB called my mom of 98 passed away last night. She was only in the hospital for a two days. When I saw her in September she did not know me. We still made the best of that visit.

    :heart: Margaret

    I'm so sorry, I know she was 98 but still your mom. My just turned 94, still has a good brain but the body not so good. In my prayers, hugs ❤️ Gayle
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,086 Member
    So sorry margareturk
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,971 Member
    Margaret, I am so sorry. No matter how old or the circumstances, I imagine it is still very, very hard to let go of your mother.

    Thanks to all who offered advice regarding Social Security. My DH and I are going to take the financial advisor's advice about what to do with a nest egg that we have and on DH's retirement accounts, but I think we are going to ignore his advice to wait on SS. We agree with whoever posted on here that they preferred to collect SS and let their investments ride since they would provide some inheritance for the children. We are going to have it deposited directly into savings and use it to do some home improvements as we accumulate enough to pay cash for the projects. That way we can save our emergency fund for true emergencies.

    More interesting financial news at the bug household. You know we had to get a new HVAC and I let DH take care of the whole thing. Well, today in the mail we got a check for $600 from the company. Apparently, there was a rebate on our system. Did he even know? No, he did not! I think I would have known about $600. I did leave him strict instructions about the $100 rebate from our power company and you better believe I will remember to claim the tax credit when I do our income taxes. But this $600 was a very nice surprise.

    Welcome, Debbie, and thank you for your service to our country. You have gotten good advice already so I will stick to welcome.

  • GloworminWA
    GloworminWA Posts: 704 Member
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    Margaret, my sympathy for your loss. For most, the loss of a mother is a blow, no matter how old, no matter how expected. Seventeen years later, I miss mine still.

    We have finally settled on next steps--we'll live our lives as we are now, fixing one thing at a time on the warehouse, and finishing up those things we've started. But, should it sell, we will go ahead and go find what we're looking for (if we haven't found it already). Neither of us can bear the thought of an apartment--nor does it make sense to us to live out of an RV park here (or elsewhere) long term. And renting a house would mean buying furniture again, etc., also not something we want to do here.

    If it doesn't sell, we're looking at five more summers here... which makes me sigh, as living in a blast furnace for months on end is not my idea of a good time. But, we're comfortable, and by my 62nd birthday, in 2022, we should be able to put a sizeable nest egg away AND have the warehouse paid off. The amount we pay here at the warehouse, with taxes, insurance, and mortgage included, is still less than we would pay to rent a decent house here. And as it's in an industrial area, it's quiet 99% of the time in the evenings, not necessarily true in a residential area.

    Off to the races - still cleaning and pricing to do for the final sale here at the warehouse. Being able to keep some of the things that matter to me for our "someday home," was actually quite comforting, and made a lot of the choices much easier on what to sell and what to keep. And, of course, there's Sunday morning laundry. I try to get there at 5:30 a.m. each Sunday--hopefully the bad people are sleeping off their drunken stupor, and the good people are sleeping the sleep of the virtuous, so there's only me and a couple other early risers. We drove past there Friday night at 6 p.m. and there were ten cars... not my idea of a good time, fighting a crowd to fold my undies.

    Love y'all,
    Lisa in West Texas, where the high temp is supposed to hit 87 degrees today. In October.
  • IremiaRe
    IremiaRe Posts: 801 Member
    Margaret - ((Hugs!)

    Re in TX
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    margaret. Sending you strength and love <3

  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    lisa. You sound at peace with your decision to stay the course right now. I can relate, we are staying put for at least 3 years even though we hate the winters here in NY. In reality we will probably have to stay for a total of 7 years to reach a better retirement but I am keeping options open for my own peace of mind.

    Grocery shopping and meal planning/preparation today. Long week ahead so want to get my dicks in a row :p NYKAREN
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Yikes ducks in a row. :#
  • Lagopus
    Lagopus Posts: 1,016 Member
    edited October 2016
    Margaret - Sorry to hear about your mother.

    Allie - My thoughts are with you in what must be a difficult time. You have lost a lot of dear ones recently. :cry:

    Haha NYKaren. That duck typo conjured up a highly inappropriate and thoroughly amusing image in my (dirty) mind. Thanks for correcting it in an additional post rather than editing it out! :laugh:

    Heather - I've just left a pot on the stove with my first attempt at Barbacoa Beef. We'll see how it turns out. I know you like it, but I also know you're more into spicy and hot-peppery than I am. I'm such a wimp!

    The sun officially still goes above the horizon for a couple more days, but since we have mountains in the south, we've seen the last of it in town for this year. Tomorrow it's supposed to rise at 11:24, climb to 0.3° above the horizon, and set at 1:57. Ah, well. I'll see it in Stockholm when I go there in a couple to teach.

    /Penny, at the cusp of the dark season at the North Pole
  • MountainMomma58
    MountainMomma58 Posts: 44 Member
    Good morning everyone. I have a challenging food day ahead. We have the Giants playing football at 9:30 a.m. and the Jets playing at 1:00. A couple of friends are coming over for the games. That means - bagels, quiche, french toast casserole, mimosas, then buffalo chicken dip, stromboli, pulled port sandwiches and wine. Hopefully the guys will eat the food before I can get to it.
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,847 Member
    Good morning ladies! Happy Sunday! Wow! three pages since yesterday! So many I want to respond to, so I will work my way backwards.
    MountainMomma58-Game day! What fun! A bagel and a piece of quiche would be a good choice for breakfast. Plan on 150-200 cal count for the mimosa. Will you put out a veg tray or fruit tray with the food? That would help you make better choices. Have a bite of something "naughty" and fill your plate with fruit and veg. Either way, just enjoy your day with friends and family! We celebrated last night with the Cubs win! Wooo! Go Cubbies!
    Penny-You live in such an amazing and beautiful place, I envy you that. But two hours of daylight?! Ugh! And I have been dreading the shorter days in Michigan. I will not do that anymore, because I will keep you and the people of Svalbard and Longyearbyen in my mind.
    Karen- giggling at the typo! Yup, my mind went there.
    Margaret- So sorry for the loss of your mom! 98 years! What a life and the things that she had seen experienced in that lifetime! I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers. <3
    Gloria- Ugh! Getting hacked is the worst! I told my DH the other day that I will never want the technology where you control your home, etc through your phone/computer. This has been the way the latest group of hackers have been able to invade peoples lives. I even have issues with DH paying our bills online. We have a separate account for online ordering, so that the bad guys can't get into our savings.
    DJ- I love sleeping on cooler nights! My DH however ends up wearing his fleece and a winter hat to bed. LOL! He's a trooper, he never asks me to close the window.
    Cheri- So glad you ventured out and made the trip to see your daughter! Have a wonderful visit and safe travels back home.
    Mary-Safe travels!
    Joyce- It is wonderful that Charlie was able to share some of his past. My DH is very quiet about his childhood/school years. Some I don't think he remembers UNLESS some one triggers something. I remember the oddest things and have shared pretty much everything. Some things in my past will go with me to my grave, however.
    Janet-LOVED hearing about your wonderful day! You so deserve to have as many of those as you can get!! :*
    Charleen- We are working on winterizing around here, also. Haven't done a thing with my driveway, yet, and it is full of cracks. Getting the hose put away, outside faucets covered and pipes drained and turned off, AC unit covered, gutters cleaned, chimney re-capped. BAsically all ready to hang lights for the holidays. It does seem to be never ending.
    Pip-Does the cold bother Kirby (muscle and bone pain/stiffness)? I began running in the winter, so I tend to do better in the cold weather. I don't mind sweating, but I HATE running in the heat and humidity. The only relief is to run to the lake and jump in mid run (which is what I often do). The chafing from wet clothes is the PITS, though!
    Debbie-Welcome! Thank you for your service! It sounds as if you are making great progress. You truly are an inspiration! You've got this!
    Becca- Rest is important! Take care of yourself. I have been dealing with the crud for four weeks. FINALLY felt well enough to get my lawn mowed yesterday. Been coughing a little more and have more dirt being blown from my nose, but it feels good to get things done!
    Marcelyn- BEAUTIFUL grandkids! Lucky you! So many! You bet your buns that as soon as grandchild #1 is born, I will be flooding these pages with photos!
    Carey- Love the Pokemon joke! My kids were into Pokemon when it first came out. I thought it was going to drive me crazy, then; and here it is again. My boys are 29 and 23 and they spent quite a bit of time this summer "chasing" them. Seems to have calmed down a bit, though.
    Kate UK- I would start by changing what you are eating. I know what I need to eat, but don't always stick to it. Which is why I have been sitting at the same weight for about a month or two. I guess it's time to get the boot out and give myself a kick in the butt and start making healthy choices so that my weight starts moving in the right direction. I stay under calorie, but I am not getting the protein that my body requires. I am spending my calories on starchy and high sugar foods. >:) We can do this! o:)
    Liz- So wonderful that you have your husband's support in your meal choices and preparation! So hard to eat right when you are making special meals for yourself and a different meal for family!
    Carey- Your racing horse emoji made me think of my daughter. She works in Fort Worth, TX, for a family/business that raises/breeds racehorses (among other things). Anyway, the owner has a particular horse who has been performing well this year and she had my daughter order personalized Hershey bars (with the horses name and picture on the wrapper) and sent to friends. For some reason, this just tickled my fancy and amazed me at the same time!
    Well...I think I have hit up about every one who has posted! LOL! Hello to all I didn't respond to <3 Barbie, Heather, cmg2305 (was it Connie?),Lenora, Gayle, Lisa, Michelle (getting ready for her Halloween blow-out!)etc. I think of you all often!