November 2016 Running Challenge



  • ddmom0811
    ddmom0811 Posts: 1,878 Member
    @ohhim- I haven't had time to read the whole report, but I will. I did read about the 3000 calories you ate while biking. When I did my 100 mile bike ride, I had about 3 Clif bars, 8 packs of Sports beans, PBJ and bananas at the stops, and an unknown quantity of Gatorade, actually Skratch. It's so weird because you could never eat like that on a run but on a bike you have to or you will bonk. You are just... AMAZING!

    @kristinegift - deer stared you down.... yikes!

    11/1 - 4.3 miles
    11/2 - strength training
    11/3 - rest day
    11/4 - 4.5 miles + strength training
    11/5 - 34 miles biking
    11/6 - 9 miles
    11/7 - 3 miles
    11/8 - 4.1 miles
    11/9 - rest/day of mourning
    11/10 - 5 miles

    Upcoming races
    11/30/16 - I/ITSEC 5K
    2/5/17 - Daytona Beach HM
    2/26/17 - Disney Princess HM Orlando


  • OSUbuckeye906
    OSUbuckeye906 Posts: 315 Member

    11/1: 3 miles
    11/2: rest
    11/3: 4 miles
    11/4: 3 miles
    11/5: 7 miles
    11/6: 5 miles
    11/7: 3.6 miles
    11/8: 4.4 miles
    11/9: rest
    11/10: 4 miles

    TOTAL: 34/70

    4 miles in 38:46 on the hilly neighborhood route. Goal was to be between 9:45 and 10 pace, actual was 9:44. Had a side stitch around mile 2.5 but was able to outrun it. Knee is feeling sore and shin is feeling tender, so I'll need to make sure I get in some knee exercises today and probably take a slower pace tomorrow.
  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    11/1- 6.05
    11/2- 6.13
    11/3- 6.01
    11/4- 6.12
    11/5- 10.25
    11/6- Rest
    11/7: 6.05
    11/8- 6.01
    11/9- 6.02
    11/10- 6.14

    Total: 58.78/150

    Today's nootes. I did the normal 3 mile loop around twice this morning. For the folks who check my Strava, you can see that miles 3 and 6 had some of the worst HR averages for the run. This is because the weatherman LIED. instead of a WSW wind, which would have been in my face only part of the run, it was a SW to SSW wind, and Hammered be on the long southbound stretch of the loop.

    Average HRs for the splits were: 146, 151, 156, 154, 153, 155; for an overall average of 153. Garmin has more time spent in z3 than Strava does but that's because Garmin has my z2 topping out at 155, and Strava has it at 156.

    All in all, a harder run than I was planning, but I only have 16 more miles this week, so I think I'm OK.
  • karllundy
    karllundy Posts: 1,490 Member
    11/1 - 5.1 miles. Gorgeous 62° morning to run!
    11/2 - Slept in. Stayed up too late cheering the Cubs victory!
    11/3 - 5.32 miles. Trek class / treadmill
    11/4 - 4.7 miles.
    11/5 - 3.5 miles. Easy, short run with my 10 year old son.
    11/6 - Rest / crazy busy day.
    11/7 - 5 miles.
    11/8 - Bodypump class.
    11/9 - Slept in. Election "hangover"
    11/10 - 5.32 miles. Trek class / treadmill (oddly, exact same distance as last week)

  • tartanhibee
    tartanhibee Posts: 63 Member
    5k this morning 31:17 I'm getting closer to my pb (31:06) I hope to beat it by the end of the month.


    @ohhim great race report I enjoyed reading it.
  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    5k this morning 31:17 I'm getting closer to my pb (31:06) I hope to beat it by the end of the month.


    @ohhim great race report I enjoyed reading it.

    You've got more than enough time. I'm sure you'll smash it by the end of the month.
  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    Anyone ever had a professional training plan made for them? I'm feeling like, since I'm so impulsive with my running, that having a set plan for the 18-20 weeks leading up to my marathon would be a big help. Trying to get some insight if folks have had that done before.
  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    Date Miles today - Miles for November
    11/1 9 miles - 9 << 5 above VT 4 below VT
    11/1 5 miles - 14 << Daily Double 5 below VT
    11/2 5 miles - 19 << 5 below VT
    11/3 9.5 miles - 28.5 << 9.5 below VT
    11/3 5 miles - 33.5 << Daily Double 5 miles below VT
    11/4 5 miles - 38.5 << 1 mile above VT and 4 miles below VT
    11/5 13 miles - 51.5
    11/6 REST DAY
    11/7 5 miles - 56.5 << 5 below VT
    11/8 6.2 miles - 62.7 << 6.2 below VT
    11/9 4 miles - 66.7 << 3.5 below VT
    11/10 5 miles - 71.7 << 5 below VT


    Upcoming races:
    UAH 8K - 3/6 <<< 34:33 3 in AG
    Oak Barrel HM - 4/2 <<<< 1:38:00 3 in AG
    Bridge Street HM - 4/10 <<< 1:36:33 3 in AG
    PEO-AVN Team Day 5K - 5/4 <<< 19:10 (2.9 mi) 1 in AG 5 OA
    Cotton Row Run 10K - 5/30 << 44:57 PR
    Firecracker Chase 10.2 miler 6/25 << 1:20:22 1 in AG & 15 OA
    Huntsville Half Marathon - 11/12
    Rocket City Marathon - 12/10

  • lissadecker
    lissadecker Posts: 220 Member
    November goal: 75 miles
    11/1: 3 miles (m)
    11/2: Rest Day
    11/3: 3 miles
    11/4: 3 miles (m)
    11/5: 3 miles
    11/6: 2.75 miles
    11/7: 3 miles (m)
    11/8: 3 miles
    11/9: Rest Day
    11/10: Rest Day

    My Total/November: 20.75 miles
    Mike's Total: 9 miles

    Just wanted to check in quickly. I have been having some difficulty breathing and some strange chest pains and Mike has asked me not to run until I can see my doctor. I have an appointment this afternoon so hopefully I will be back on track tomorrow.

    Have a great day everyone!

    Upcoming Race:
    12/3 Snowball Run 5K, Kingwood TX

    Yay! My ticker is working again!

  • Agator82
    Agator82 Posts: 249 Member
    Goal: 30 Mi

    11/02/2016: 4.5 Mi Total, 2.75 Mi Running
    11/06/2016: 3.0 Mi Total, 2.00 Mi Running
    11/07/2016: 3.2 Mi Total, 2.50 Mi Running
    11/09/2016: 4.0 Mi Total, 3.00 Mi Running

    (2) 1.5 Mi Intervals, will probably have a couple forced rest days due to schedule conflicts

    Distance Left: 19.75 Mi
  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    @lissadecker I hope it's nothing, but it's a good idea to get it checked out.
    @kristinegift I got a picture of that deer for you this morning. Yeah him standing there staring you down is a good reason to go another way

    11/10 - 0 today had to have the Macy girl at the groomer at 7:00 this morning.
  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    edited November 2016
    @MNLittleFinn I wrote more to my note to you above. I edited that comment after you replied to it.

  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    Stoshew71 wrote: »
    Nope! I always wrote my own based upon the concepts that I am constantly preaching.
    If you are so inclined to pay someone, pay me. I will gladly steal your money offer my services to you. :wink:
    AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Sometimes I really think I need a coach. My "problem" is that I just love running, so figuring out mileage/intensity/rest/ all that stuff......
  • karllundy
    karllundy Posts: 1,490 Member
    @ohhim - Great job! Love the format of your race report!
  • greenolivetree
    greenolivetree Posts: 1,282 Member
    Apparently I had inflammation around my back ribs causing the pain. I feel better today. Probably run tomorrow.
  • RespectTheKitty
    RespectTheKitty Posts: 1,667 Member
    Yesterday was a rest day, meaning I only ran three miles. LOL :smiley:

    Tonight I don't have any plans, so I'll be able to get in a longer run. I'd like to make it at least six miles, since I won't have a chance to run on Friday.
  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    Yesterday was a rest day, meaning I only ran three miles. LOL :smiley:

    Tonight I don't have any plans, so I'll be able to get in a longer run. I'd like to make it at least six miles, since I won't have a chance to run on Friday.

    You are doing awesome! Isn't it great having an "easy" day be something that wasn't even possible before? I know I loved it when 3 miles became an easy, short run.
  • ereck44
    ereck44 Posts: 1,170 Member
    @lissadecker I hope it's nothing, but it's a good idea to get it checked out.
    @kristinegift I got a picture of that deer for you this morning. Yeah him standing there staring you down is a good reason to go another way

    11/10 - 0 today had to have the Macy girl at the groomer at 7:00 this morning.

    I need to move where you live. He is magnificent. All I see are squirrels carrying nuts in their mouths, no black bears, deers, squirrels, skunks. We have beautiful trees much color.

    Rest day today. Going to work tonight. Then attending an in-service at 1 p.m. After that, fitting a run in before meeting my trainer at the gym.
  • ereck44
    ereck44 Posts: 1,170 Member
    November goal: 75 miles
    11/1: 3 miles (m)
    11/2: Rest Day
    11/3: 3 miles
    11/4: 3 miles (m)
    11/5: 3 miles
    11/6: 2.75 miles
    11/7: 3 miles (m)
    11/8: 3 miles
    11/9: Rest Day
    11/10: Rest Day

    My Total/November: 20.75 miles
    Mike's Total: 9 miles

    Just wanted to check in quickly. I have been having some difficulty breathing and some strange chest pains and Mike has asked me not to run until I can see my doctor. I have an appointment this afternoon so hopefully I will be back on track tomorrow.

    Have a great day everyone!

    Upcoming Race:
    12/3 Snowball Run 5K, Kingwood TX

    Yay! My ticker is working again!


    I am glad that you are getting that checked asap. Sending prayers your way.