November 2016 Running Challenge



  • garygse
    garygse Posts: 896 Member
    04 - 13.25 miles
    07 - 10.53
    09 - 10.53
    11 - 11.18

    Total: 45.49 / 100

    It's weird that whenever I run (or walk on in-between days), I always see other runners and walkers around...except for Fridays; there's never anyone around on Fridays. Its like there's some golden rule about not running on Friday, and I'm the only one that doesn't know about it.
  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    garygse wrote: »
    It's weird that whenever I run (or walk on in-between days), I always see other runners and walkers around...except for Fridays; there's never anyone around on Fridays. Its like there's some golden rule about not running on Friday, and I'm the only one that doesn't know about it.
    I've noticed that too. of course, now that it's colder, I'm seeing even fewer people than normal anyway. Nice mileage by the way.
  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    I just realized that I'm on my FIFTH straight 30+ mile week. I don't think I've ever run more than 2 weks in a row in the 30s, and 3 of my last 4 weeks (if tomorrow's run is more than 5 miles) will be higher than the peak mileage weeks when I was training for my first HM, and right on par with the peak weeks of training for my 2nd HM.

    Base Building for marathon training is certainly bringing my mileage up already, and I still have 31 weeks until the race. running 30 miles during the work week, and 8-12 on Saturday every week, is a new experience. My legs definitely feel more tired, and by the time I get to my weekly long runs on Saturday, I already have more miles on my legs than most full training weeks I did before. Despite that, I still feel great.

    I'm looking forward to my cutback the week after next, but I'm also looking forward to seeing how the 5k I have on Thanksgiving goes. IF my shattering my mile PR is any indication of improvement, I could be looking at a new 5k PR (currently 25:30) but I don't want to jinx it!
  • 5512bf
    5512bf Posts: 389 Member
    edited November 2016
    November Goal - 150 Miles

    11/1 - 5.02 - Easy
    11/2 - 4.49 - Easy
    11/3 - 6.49 - Easy
    11/4 - 5.21 - Easy
    11/7 - 6.21 - Easy
    11/9 - 6.21 - Easy
    11/10 - 6.27 - Easy
    11/11 - 4.14 - Easy

    Total - 43.84 of 150

    I have recently been running downtown by our river and a lot of our city's history. We have a lot of really neat things along our bike & running path celebrating our Indian history, our early cattle town museum called Cow Town, wonderful art museums & parks etc. There is also a War Memorial that I've run past 100's of times and always thought i really need to take some time to see this. A little over 2 miles in today I came upon this and thought I really needed to take that time. It put a lot of the recent events in our nation in perspective. Seeing all the names of people I've never met who served and sacrificed was very humbling. We have the rights and freedom to elect and complain because of these men. Our struggles, however real they are to us, pale in comparison to what these men went through for us. I want to thank all of those who've served, It's because of all of you I'm able to do the things I love.
  • Ericsmi
    Ericsmi Posts: 128 Member
    Goal: 50 Mi Run / 50 Mi Walk
    11/1 3.28 mi run 3.28 mi run total
    11/1 1.57 mi walk 1.57 mi walk total
    11/3 4.44 mi run 7.72 mi run total
    11/5 3.71 mi run 11.43 mi run total
    11/5 1.08 mi walk 2.65 mi walk total
    11/6 5.26 mi run 16.69 mi run total
    11/6 0.71 mi walk 3.36 mi walk total
    11/9 3.59 mi run 20.28 mi run total
    11/10 4.01 mi run 24.29 mi run total
    11/10 1.54 mi walk 4.9 mi walk total
  • RunRachelleRun
    RunRachelleRun Posts: 1,854 Member
    Been in something of a funk. I think it's from the rainy weather. I ended up taking a few unscheduled rest days. The result was that I lost weight. Not sure how that works, but I'll take it. I doubt I'm going to meet my goal this month.

    I decided to switch over to kilometres to see if I can get used to it. All the races up here in are in kilometres, and I found that a little annoying during my half, trying to convert all the markers. I've always used miles but I'm going to switch. Garmin alterted me to slow down during my zone five intervals today. I was going 4:14. Took me a second to remember it meant kilometres lol

    Nov 1: 4.93 km (fast finish) + lower strength
    Nov 2: 4.89 km (aerobic) + spin bike + upper strength
    Nov 4: 4.44 km (speed intervals) + running drills + lower strength
    Nov 5: spin bike + upper strength
    Nov 6: 10.96 km (long with fast finish) + lower strength
    Nov 9: 4.41 km (aerobic)
    Nov 11: 3.70 km (speed intervals) + lower strength

    Goal: 33.33 / 128 km
  • 07KatieP13
    07KatieP13 Posts: 220 Member
    1/11 C210K W4 D1: 3.1
    2/11 Rest
    3/11 C210K W4 D2: 2.3
    4/11 Rest
    5/11 C210K W4 D3: 3.7
    6/11 Rest
    7/11 C210K W6 D1: 3.2
    8/11 30 mins Elliptical Trainer
    9/11 C210K W6 D2: 2.7
    10/11 30 mins E/T
    11/11 C210K W6 D3: 3.2

    Total 18.2 miles out of 50
  • RunRachelleRun
    RunRachelleRun Posts: 1,854 Member
    @girlinahat When I started, I had to run at 3 mph on the treadmill to keep my heart in the aerobic zone. I am still slow, around 4.3 mph, but it is progress.
  • greenolivetree
    greenolivetree Posts: 1,282 Member
    garygse wrote: »
    04 - 13.25 miles
    07 - 10.53
    09 - 10.53
    11 - 11.18

    Total: 45.49 / 100

    It's weird that whenever I run (or walk on in-between days), I always see other runners and walkers around...except for Fridays; there's never anyone around on Fridays. Its like there's some golden rule about not running on Friday, and I'm the only one that doesn't know about it.

    I always run Fridays! I have Fridays off work and to myself.

    6 miles this morning. Longest I've run since mid-july. I decided to run a new route (well half new). There's a 5 lane highway that connects to the next town and it has a wide sidewalk on both sides. Lots of people run it although I saw none today ;) It was nice and flat but I didn't care for the smell of car pollution, particularly the diesel dump trucks. I went as far as a big intersection where I'd have to push the crosswalk button and turned around. But my goal is to keep running further that direction.

    Average pace was 9:36 and the last 4 miles I averaged 9:16 so it was a fast run for me. I felt like once I got out on the highway the cars flying by made me run faster. Lol. And probably also I wanted to cross each driveway (businesses) or street quickly if no traffic was turning.

    My back feels much better. Unfortunately I woke up with a sore left shoulder and it's getting more and more difficult to raise my arm above my head. This is not new - recurring ailment for 8 years now. It'll pass.
  • Mari33a
    Mari33a Posts: 1,141 Member
    01/11 3 miles - lovely bright morning, long may it last
    02/11 3 miles
    03/11 3 miles
    11/11 3 miles - I've missed a whole week! I caught a heavy cold in my chest where I could hardly get a sentence out without coughing never mind trying to run. It was totally self inflicted as I didn't dress properly for the huge drop in temperature when running the week before. Plus I was mental busy workwise so could read the posts I did see @5BeautifulDays is back so Welcome Back!


  • OSUbuckeye906
    OSUbuckeye906 Posts: 315 Member
    11/1: 3 miles
    11/2: rest
    11/3: 4 miles
    11/4: 3 miles
    11/5: 7 miles
    11/6: 5 miles
    11/7: 3.6 miles
    11/8: 4.4 miles
    11/9: rest
    11/10: 4 miles
    11/11: 5 miles

    TOTAL: 39/70

    5 miles in 49:34 (9:53 pace) on the hilly neighborhood route today. I neglected to notice the 15-20 mph NNW winds when I checked the weather, so I was running directly into the wind for a lot of the uphill parts (especially the biggest hill in the last mile). Goal was a 10-10:15 pace, but I overcompensated a little on the hills. Overall felt like a pretty good run.
  • OSUbuckeye906
    OSUbuckeye906 Posts: 315 Member
    @kristinegift I hope your problems are just a result of taper crazies! Either way, I think resting yesterday was the smart thing to do. Hope it's feeling better for you today!

    @girlinahat Hooray for a run! Hey, even if it was on the treadmill...a run is a run!

    @katharmonic Hope you feel better soon!
    I felt like once I got out on the highway the cars flying by made me run faster. Lol.
    @greenolivetree I always find myself running faster when I'm running next to a busy street as well because I always feel like everyone is watching/judging me. Funny because I always think positively of people I see running when I am the one in the car. Glad your back is feeling well enough to get a good run in!

    @Marissaxzxzxz Glad you're feeling better!
  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    mbaker566 wrote: »
    Just popping in. Hi. Been running a couple times a week. I'm slower than ever but that's ok. I need to train again.
    Ran 4.5 this morning. Did hills and sprints. Not at the same time. Lol. Saturday i ran tempo.
    Headed out again tomorrow for a long run. I'll check back soon

    Hi stranger! Good to see you are running!
  • RespectTheKitty
    RespectTheKitty Posts: 1,667 Member
    OMG I really need this rest day. I have never run 5 days straight before. I'm already at my highest weekly mileage to date, and I still have tomorrow left! What is happening to me!?

    Only trouble is, the number on the scale went up after weeks of going down. Not sure what's going on there. I'm not eating any more than usual. Maybe I'm retaining water or something.
  • karllundy
    karllundy Posts: 1,490 Member
    Only trouble is, the number on the scale went up after weeks of going down. Not sure what's going on there. I'm not eating any more than usual. Maybe I'm retaining water or something.

    This happens to me, generally temporarily, when I increase my mileage. Keep drinking water and you should be good.
  • kristinegift
    kristinegift Posts: 2,406 Member
    11/1: 8.5 miles
    11/2: 6.7 miles
    11/3: 3.6 miles (am), 6 miles (pm)
    11/4: Rest
    11/5: 14 miles
    11/6: NYCM spectating!
    11/7: 3 miles
    11/8: 3 miles (am), 6 miles (pm)
    11/9: 4.5 miles
    11/10: 5.5 miles (am), no pm run
    11/11: 4.4 miles

    I got home from work today, eager to run (I still haven't worn the new shoes that arrived from Amazon on Wednesday!) and my ankle jam is feeling 90% (no more almost tumbling over when I get up from my desk), so I went out for a tester. And man, my taper crazies make me crazy. You'd think my entire shin/ankle were in pieces under my skin: an ache across the front for 20 seconds, then at the side for a few steps, then the OTHER side, then at the base of my shin, and then in my knee... Bah humbug. I know nothing's actually wrong with it, but I'd love for it to just go away and stop driving me nuts while I fret about marathon day!


    Fall Race Season & Next Year:
    10/8: Coe College Homecoming 5k: 21:26
    10/16: Superhero Halloween Half Marathon: 1:42:24
    11/20: Philadelphia Marathon (Goal: 3:30 or better)
    3/26/17: Philly Love Run HM
    5/14/17: Delaware Marathon Running Festival HM

  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    @kristinegift don't worry about it...only NINE more days of taper crazy