No Alcohol November 2016 Challenge!



  • EmilyCowlard2016
    EmilyCowlard2016 Posts: 84 Member
    I slipped up over the weekend and had a couple glasses of wine at my sister-in law's at dinner. I still feel that it was a moderate amount, so I'm not too upset about it. I'll be good for the rest of the month :)

    This challenge has definitely helped me think differently about alcohol and made me realize that I really don't need it as much as I thought I did and I definitely don't need to binge drink to have fun. My old habit was to not drink during the week, but on the weekend I'd make up for it by binge drinking if I went out for dinner or if I had guests over and by hitting up happy hours if I was bored or out and about. I miss that lifestyle a little, but I see now that it's not sustainable and I feel more empowered to make better choices for my health. And I love not being hung over on the weekend so that is definitely a bonus.

    I drink a whole bunch of soda now and there are some good ones that are flavoured with 0 calories. Also, decaf coffee and tea, hot cocoa and loads of water.

    Good luck everyone! Keep up the good work!
  • tamera_g
    tamera_g Posts: 128 Member
    I went out to eat with friends and just had sparkling water. Yay me!
  • onsickmom
    onsickmom Posts: 212 Member
    I don't see my post from last night...Oh well...Made it thru the night just fine...I'm feeling thankful for all my blessings big or small...So happy to see the sisterly love in here!!!!! Nov 22.....Went by real fast...Happy sober Thanksgiving to all....Can make that the new tradition...No alcohol holiday instead of its a holiday..Must drink

  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,108 Member
    Still alcohol free. I wouldn't have it any other way.

    I don't do moderation well. Tried and failed many times. Sure, I can have one or two. Sometimes.

    It's those other times when I just want to be buzzed and happy and keep the party going. I agree with Emily - it's not sustainable and the thing with alcohol dependence is that it just happens and then getting out is extremely difficult. Lots of people don't get out until it kills them. I've seen it too often, and it starts innocently.
  • blwelch1
    blwelch1 Posts: 81 Member
    Hello All.. today will probably be my last day on here until after Thanksgiving. I hope everyone that celebrates takes time to enjoy their families and the many blessings that they have.
  • onsickmom
    onsickmom Posts: 212 Member
    I had awful anxiety last night.... TRIGGER!!!!!! I know if I slam down a few it would calm me down ...Instead I paced the floors....And watch little house on the prairie....Nice calming show...Before long it passed....My first real thought of drinking....I know the outcome....So no way!!!!!!!!! Have a great holiday all.....Day 23 November SOBER!!!!!!! YES
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,108 Member
    Well done @onsickmom

    Emotional distress - that's what we medicated with alcohol, right? Keep on keeping on with your sobriety.

    LHOTP = ha, I haven't seen that show in years. I watch "Friends" when I need to escape into a happy show.

    The holidays may be difficult. There are AA meetings around the clock right now, through the weekend. Hang on.
  • SideshowTam
    SideshowTam Posts: 75 Member
    edited November 2016
    I had a couple of sips of my boyfriends beer last night, but i'm not counting it, literally two sips.

    ...Which means in 6 days I will have been alcohol free (with the above exception) for two months! And thats coming from drinking quite heavily 2-3 nights a week. I'm definitely feeling soooo much healthier, and even in this gorgeous Summer weather I'm not feeling the urge to go buy some beers and sit in the garden.

    Ideally this will last until Christmas (at which point all bets are off - I'm going to my in-laws and its tradition to play golf and get drunk) but if I *can* make it to Christmas, that will be 12 weeks sober!

    Good luck to all the American folk participating with the Thanksgiving holidays upon you! I won't hold it against you if you need a stiff drink to deal with your racist uncle (I hear that's also tradition???) hahah I jest... but seriously :wink: :smiley: Stay strong and enjoy spending time with your families <3
  • jo_nz
    jo_nz Posts: 548 Member
    I had a glass of bubbles at my daughter's birthday dinner the night before last. It was quite nice but I really didn't want more - yay!
    Tomorrow night will likely be a bigger test for me. I'm off to a dinner party with friends and they are not light drinkers. I am going to try and stay focussed on my weight loss goals to help my motivation - I know I will go over calories with the yummy food and can't really justify spending more calories on food as well.
  • denise007
    denise007 Posts: 55 Member
    Hi so hubby says last night- do you fancy a glass of wine (hell yes) -but say no I'm good maybe at weekend - but I won't then either as he is away until Saturday and I won't be tempted Friday and I have organised to to run 14 miles with a friend on Sunday morning - defensive planning ahead - I got this! Reading everyone's posts are so helping me to stay on track - thanks d
  • SideshowTam
    SideshowTam Posts: 75 Member
    denise007 wrote: »
    defensive planning ahead - I got this!

    Very nice strategy! :smiley:
  • Hortmama
    Hortmama Posts: 26 Member
    It's never too late to start, right. I have three friends who have stopped drinking from last week till December 17 so those are my dates. I love bubbly water so that gets me through the nights out with friends. I like the strategic plans I have been reading here. You are. Good inspiration for me. Will this continue into December? Happy Thanksgiving from Canada.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,108 Member
    Thanksgiving! I got to eat more because I wasn't drinking (moar calories!) and I am able to actually absorb the nutrients from my food since I eliminated alcohol.

    I can't tell you how much better I feel in every way. Sleep, stress, general happiness is through the roof as compared to how I felt when I drank.

    There is nothing that alcohol does for me and a lot that it does against me.

    @Hortmama - I am sure someone will start a December challenge. December is a tough one for people who are trying to moderate their intake. As if.
  • MonkeyMel21
    MonkeyMel21 Posts: 2,395 Member
    @onsickmom , I've been reading your story and seeing glimpses of a possible future for me if I'm not careful. I'm glad that you have such a positive attitude towards recovery in all aspects of your life. I don't even know you really, but it makes me happy and hopeful for you. Thank you for sharing your story.
  • MonkeyMel21
    MonkeyMel21 Posts: 2,395 Member
    Yesterday was a relief to get back to normal after the holiday. I ended up drinking Wednesday evening with my husband while we were prepping and then had wine on Thanksgiving. Honestly, I would have been fine without any of it and drank more than I should have. It didn't ruin anything though and everything went well! I definitely won't be hosting for a while though, lol. Too much pressure! But at least we were guaranteed leftovers! I hope everyone (in the US) had a great holiday! Let's finish out the month strong!
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,108 Member
    @onsickmom - It keeps getting better. Emotions are for a reason, right? I mean they are a God-given signal of what we need to deal with.

    Well done. It took me a full year before I felt completely normal in my body and mind - and I did a lot of inner work in that year to give myself the best chance at continued sobriety. I too drank to excess to cover overwhelming emotions - but in the end it covered all emotions and took me to a very dark place.

    I survived TDay. :) I've eaten over 2800 calories for three days this week, though. That has to stop! I didn't have any turkey this year and the leftovers are non-existent. Onward. I'm in maintenance weight-wise, and I'm not going to start putting weight back on after all the work I've done!
  • onsickmom
    onsickmom Posts: 212 Member
    Thank you for the support and sisterhood....We all struggle in some way...It takes a tribe to raise a child...It takes a tribe to get us into recovery from any addiction....But it all starts with you...Have to throw in the towel or bottle in this case and just get real.....Admiring it's a problem to yourself is a great first step....Because if you can't NOT drink.....Might be a problem...You just may not know it yet or chose not to see it...I did the same thing...I'm an alcoholic amongst other things...Working on my inner self!!!!! Oh boy I might need a few tribes to get thru this one...So any and all words do help....I'm not alone....your not alone..WE CAN BEAT THIS
  • onsickmom
    onsickmom Posts: 212 Member
    Admiring was supposed to say admitting.....spell