No Alcohol November 2016 Challenge!



  • CindyRoseMarie
    CindyRoseMarie Posts: 28 Member
    I realize we're half way through the month but ya gotta start somewhere. I drink way to much wine, about a bottle a night and everyday I wake up and say "No more" but night roles around and I settle back into my old routine. I've gone weeks without and feel great but an occasion comes up (like "Oh, isn't that a pretty moon. I should have a glass of wine and look at it!") and I convince myself that 1 glass of wine will be fine, after all, it's been weeks. That one drink leads to the same old nightly habit until I swear off it again. I never give alcohol a second thought during the day, doesn't affect my ability to get up and function the next day, it's just a REALLY bad habit! So, how are you all doing it??? I really would like to stop drinking forever but I can't picture me in that life. Cindy
  • rachelr1116
    rachelr1116 Posts: 334 Member
    Another night down! I had maybe a migraine today or just a really bad headache. My head was fuzzy all morning reminiscent of a hang over, so that was kind of dumb, lol. It finally went away in the late afternoon though! Hope everyone is having a great week!

    I'm pretty sure that I've identified alcohol as a delayed migraine trigger. I woke up with a migraine this morning and the last time I had a migraine it was also a few days after drinking.
  • MonkeyMel21
    MonkeyMel21 Posts: 2,395 Member
    I realize we're half way through the month but ya gotta start somewhere. I drink way to much wine, about a bottle a night and everyday I wake up and say "No more" but night roles around and I settle back into my old routine. I've gone weeks without and feel great but an occasion comes up (like "Oh, isn't that a pretty moon. I should have a glass of wine and look at it!") and I convince myself that 1 glass of wine will be fine, after all, it's been weeks. That one drink leads to the same old nightly habit until I swear off it again. I never give alcohol a second thought during the day, doesn't affect my ability to get up and function the next day, it's just a REALLY bad habit! So, how are you all doing it??? I really would like to stop drinking forever but I can't picture me in that life. Cindy

    That's what it's become for me. A habit. It's not just an occasional drink anymore, it's an occasional night OFF drinking. So I'm hoping to just re-establish the roll alcohol plays in my life. I by no means intend to cut it out completely but drinking out of habit/boredom needs to stop and there's no time like the present!!
  • onsickmom
    onsickmom Posts: 212 Member
    tamera_g wrote: »
    Ugh, I fell off the wagon a few days ago and stopped logging calories too because I was so disappointed in myself.
    The kids were acting crazy and hubby didn't get home till late. By the time the kids were in bed, I just wanted to relax and do something for myself so I had a glass of wine. I have a hard time finding time for myself.

    Get back on the wagon....Do not feel shame....that's a trap alcohol tries to use to keep you with it...See it loud and clear !!!!!!!! It want you......Say no.....Take control....Start as many times as it takes...YOU GOT THIS!!!!!! Hugs......
  • blwelch1
    blwelch1 Posts: 81 Member
    edited November 2016
    I realize we're half way through the month but ya gotta start somewhere. I drink way to much wine, about a bottle a night and everyday I wake up and say "No more" but night roles around and I settle back into my old routine. I've gone weeks without and feel great but an occasion comes up (like "Oh, isn't that a pretty moon. I should have a glass of wine and look at it!") and I convince myself that 1 glass of wine will be fine, after all, it's been weeks. That one drink leads to the same old nightly habit until I swear off it again. I never give alcohol a second thought during the day, doesn't affect my ability to get up and function the next day, it's just a REALLY bad habit! So, how are you all doing it??? I really would like to stop drinking forever but I can't picture me in that life. Cindy

    That's what it's become for me. A habit. It's not just an occasional drink anymore, it's an occasional night OFF drinking. So I'm hoping to just re-establish the roll alcohol plays in my life. I by no means intend to cut it out completely but drinking out of habit/boredom needs to stop and there's no time like the present!!

  • blwelch1
    blwelch1 Posts: 81 Member
    edited November 2016
    I realize we're half way through the month but ya gotta start somewhere. I drink way to much wine, about a bottle a night and everyday I wake up and say "No more" but night roles around and I settle back into my old routine. I've gone weeks without and feel great but an occasion comes up (like "Oh, isn't that a pretty moon. I should have a glass of wine and look at it!") and I convince myself that 1 glass of wine will be fine, after all, it's been weeks. That one drink leads to the same old nightly habit until I swear off it again. I never give alcohol a second thought during the day, doesn't affect my ability to get up and function the next day, it's just a REALLY bad habit! So, how are you all doing it??? I really would like to stop drinking forever but I can't picture me in that life. Cindy

    That's what it's become for me. A habit. It's not just an occasional drink anymore, it's an occasional night OFF drinking. So I'm hoping to just re-establish the roll alcohol plays in my life. I by no means intend to cut it out completely but drinking out of habit/boredom needs to stop and there's no time like the present!!
    That would be me as well, and how funny it is that i always thought i was the only one like that. I am trying to be more intentional about it this time around. I doubt i will quit it all together, but being responsible would be a good start.
    Welcome to the group CindyRoseMarie.
  • EmilyCowlard2016
    EmilyCowlard2016 Posts: 84 Member
    Eek, going to a comedy show tonight with friends. Bought tickets ages ago. I'll most likely slip up and have a beer! Been good the rest of the month :(
  • MonkeyMel21
    MonkeyMel21 Posts: 2,395 Member
    Another night down for me. Normally I would have had a few drinks with my husband while we cooked dinner together. Next month it will be nice to get back to that. Those are the times I want to keep beer around for and not just drink it all over the weekends, lol.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,108 Member
    Happy Alcohol Free Friday.

    Never having to worry about how much I drink or drank? Priceless.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,108 Member
    *Tap *tap *tap.

    Is this thing on? Where'd everyone go?

    No hangover Saturday. :)
  • MonkeyMel21
    MonkeyMel21 Posts: 2,395 Member
    I'm here and not hung over! Woot woot!! I think this weekend will be my hardest but I'm going to tough it out. I might get some wine for Thanksgiving...there's going to be a little alcohol no matter what and with all the chaos of hosting this year I think I'll probably end up wanting it.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,108 Member
    edited November 2016
    If I could have a glass or two, I'd probably feel the same way.

    Well, I could have a glass or two if the house was full and I was the hostess - because I would have to.

  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,108 Member
    Sunday mornings are pretty dead in a, "Let's try to stop drinking in one of the biggest holiday months of the year," threads.

  • denise007
    denise007 Posts: 55 Member
    Hello I've not posted in my fitness pal in years and haven't really been using the app I'm a healthy weight and work out but I was looking here for some inspiration to stop it cut back on my drinking - I relate to what some of you have said about it be it being a bad habit and about having the odd day off rather than the odd day drinking and when I say day I mean evening after all is done and I look at the clock and think wine o'clock so I am in if it can join at this late stage please?
  • blwelch1
    blwelch1 Posts: 81 Member
    Sunday mornings are pretty dead in a, "Let's try to stop drinking in one of the biggest holiday months of the year," threads.

    Sunday mornings are pretty dead in a, "Let's try to stop drinking in one of the biggest holiday months of the year," threads.


    CM... when did you say you stopped drinking for good?
  • jo_nz
    jo_nz Posts: 548 Member
    Still going here. Not really feeling the desire to drink lately - I have been stressed and tired which would previously have been a perfect excuse for a drink or two, but finding it easier and easier to skip the drink and do something else :)
  • LeelooX2014
    LeelooX2014 Posts: 157 Member
    I did this in September and felt so empowered! It's helped me be more occasional drink night rather than occasional day off. I may join you for this last bit of November holiday or not! In September I even went out to a bar with friends and only had a cranberry juice. I still had fun! Will you guys also be doing December? I'll join you there as well.
  • rachelr1116
    rachelr1116 Posts: 334 Member
    I ended up having one beer Saturday night. I was camping and one of my friends had bought a new beer from one of the local breweries. It's pretty expensive ($14 for a 4 pack of cans) so since he offered one I took it. It was just ok so at least now I know I don't need to buy a whole 4 pack for myself! I did pass on a can of my favorite local craft beer so I'm still considering the weekend a win :)
  • MonkeyMel21
    MonkeyMel21 Posts: 2,395 Member
    Everyone's doing great!! I felt terrible all weekend but kept myself busy cleaning the entire house. I would have definitely been closer to giving in last night if I had felt better, so I guess there's that, lol. I am going to get some wine for Thanksgiving and some beer for DH and other guests. Other than that though I feel great mentally about this month! I think I got the stomach bug my son had last week but maybe not as bad....idk, but I have literally felt hungover for 4 days in a row now and it's really pissing me off. I didn't even go to the gym this morning and I never skip Mondays, they're my favorite. Only one more work day then a 5 day "weekend"!
  • MonkeyMel21
    MonkeyMel21 Posts: 2,395 Member
    138shades wrote: »
    I started a bit back in November and my plan is to not drink until Dec 2nd when I go to a CON.

    I don't have a real desire to drink like normal, however, water and/or with lemonade packets are growing tiresome as my beverage lol. I don't like anything else.

    Let's keep it up.......however, I think I eat more without alcohol.

    I mainly drink water. At meal times though it is nice to change it up so I've been drinking sparkling water or iced tea (unsweet) instead of beer/alcohol this month!