No Alcohol November 2016 Challenge!



  • onsickmom
    onsickmom Posts: 212 Member
    I really do appreciate the kind words and honesty going on here....I may be sad when November is over..... I wish this would keep going year round...HAPPY 26 TH DAY SOBER IN NOVEMBER!!!!!!!
  • denise007
    denise007 Posts: 55 Member
    7 days....
  • MonkeyMel21
    MonkeyMel21 Posts: 2,395 Member
    onsickmom wrote: »
    I really do appreciate the kind words and honesty going on here....I may be sad when November is over..... I wish this would keep going year round...HAPPY 26 TH DAY SOBER IN NOVEMBER!!!!!!!

    If there isn't already a "sober" group, maybe you all could start one!!
  • Squidgeypaws007
    Squidgeypaws007 Posts: 1,012 Member
    Wow, wish I had found this at the start of November xD I think alcohol is one of the main reasons the scale is being so rude to me at the moment!
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,108 Member
    onsickmom wrote: »
    I really do appreciate the kind words and honesty going on here....I may be sad when November is over..... I wish this would keep going year round...HAPPY 26 TH DAY SOBER IN NOVEMBER!!!!!!!

    No reason you can't start a December thread...

    In January there will be LOTS of these. :lol:
  • onsickmom
    onsickmom Posts: 212 Member
    Thank you.....I will probably do that new thread!!!!! Today is another anxiety day!!!! I suffer from it....Part of getting my life back is feeling the anxiety...I'm doing meditation with help from Jason Stephenson on YouTube.....I haven't brought myself to get on the treadmill....I'm afraid of the pain..That gives me It's just dumb!!!!!! That treadmill will help me...These emotions I'm feeling are borderline obsessive!!!! I'm sure it to will pass.....Day 27 November......SOBER....
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,108 Member
    @onsickmom - The anxiety/obsessive thoughts didn't die down for me until I had a few months sober. It took nearly a year for it to go away completely.

    Exercise was super helpful for me to alleviate that anxiety. Alcohol does damage to the nervous system. It takes time to heal. That nervous energy was easy for me to dissipate even with just something simple like running in place for five minutes.

    Sadly, many people don't stick with sobriety because they were using alcohol to calm the anxiety, not knowing that alcohol creates a big problem, creates a situation in the brain where anxiety is heightened when taking alcohol away.

    This too shall pass. Hang on.

    I'm going to send you a private message...
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,108 Member
    Rats. For some reason, I can't send a message right now.

    Anyway, there are online forums about recovery. Why not take a look at one?
  • Hortmama
    Hortmama Posts: 26 Member
    Hiya Onsickmom, I am so impressed with your progress, you have accomplished a great deal and should feel very proud of yourself for getting where you are today. 88 days!!! That is huge! And feelings, being able to feel them, I am so moved that this is happening for you. You were very brave to put this all out there for us to read, thank you for your trust in us. Keep up the strength.
  • Hortmama
    Hortmama Posts: 26 Member
    9 days for me, I am well pleased!
  • EmilyCowlard2016
    EmilyCowlard2016 Posts: 84 Member
    @onsickmom - What an inspiring story and I can relate to your struggles with blocking/feeling emotions. It's nice to know that we are all on this journey together and supporting one another. You mentioned that you use meditation with Jason Stephenson and I'm going to check this out. I recently found Lee Harris online and he has a pretty good website with videos that cover different topics and the first one I saw was called "allowing emotion" and I found it to be very powerful. Much Love.
  • onsickmom
    onsickmom Posts: 212 Member
    @EmilyCowlard...Thank you..I will try the one you mentioned as well....Today is one of them I don't know where to stick my feelings day!!!!!!! I've cried...walked a hole into the floor going back and fourth.... Several things are bothering me..One is that a woman in my town asked my husband about an item I put in my food diary....So she quietly went snooping....And I consider her a good friend...I only told on my feed....So not sure how to feel??? And one of my dogs had an awful seizure last night....I had nightmares...Was awful !!!!! He sees vet tomorrow...And my dad....aka sperm donor has been in touch with me trying to be sweet and kind...And he is...But he may be on deaths door...Said he wrote it all down what he wants me to know and mailed it....And said no more?????? What do I do with that????? My emotions try to control me...They try to lead me back to I don't wanna feel mode....I can't....I refuse!!!! I must feel!!!! Just feel it all.....Wow!!!! I'm feeling....Amen Nov 28 th.....I made it one more day SOBER!!!!!!!!
  • onsickmom
    onsickmom Posts: 212 Member
    Thank you all for comments...I love the supporting of each other....I feel the love..And send mine back to you
  • blwelch1
    blwelch1 Posts: 81 Member
    @onsickmom.. Stay strong. You can do this.. Not sure why your friend would ask, but sometimes when you share, you find out that others are going through the same thing. kind of freeing. I suffer with depression and never wanted anyone to know because i felt that it made me seem weak, but once i shared it, i found out there were others that were close to me that deal with it too. And, your dog, that is scary. I don't have a dog, but we did take care of one for about 6 months and i know how they become part of the family. I think the situation with your Dad might be that he is trying to clear his conscience. you don't have to read the letter. You are in control of that.. Keep your eyes above the storm.. <3
  • onsickmom
    onsickmom Posts: 212 Member
    Thank you for them words.....I guess your proudly right about my dad...I am having a rough go this week...The vet just found Nothing wrong with any of my American Bulldogs blood work at all...So I'm leaning towards the poison....Just lovely.....I called the gal today and talked over some things because I couldn't let it go....She admits to trying to better herself as well...So I felt guilty for even feeling he way I was....I'm anxiety sick today.. Diarrhea and dizziness the whole ballgame...It's awful..I am trying to keep positive frame of mind because I'm not gonna drink and I sure don't want a full blown panicked attack....From what you gals have shared with me it looks like I'm heading out of the dark cloud and closer to the light....Your words sure do help me to keep on going!!!! That and the fact I don't wanna die DRUNK!!!!! I wanna be remembered for my good...Not oh she was just a lush...Drank herself to death....I shouldn't care what others think....I care for me....I don't want alcohol to be my legacy.....Thank you all so very much !!!!!!Happy day 29th of November SOBER!!!!!! YESSSSSSS
  • blwelch1
    blwelch1 Posts: 81 Member
    @onsickmom.. You are doing fantastic.. Today is the 30th... Look how well you are did. Got through the whole month without drinking through the anxieties. Look at the positives. We always seem to focus on the negative, which in my eyes is the devil trying to zero in on us. Don't let that happen. You are stronger than you think.
    Hello December!!!!!
  • MonkeyMel21
    MonkeyMel21 Posts: 2,395 Member
    It's nice to wake up and not have to immediately assess the level of hung overedness! It's the last day of the month!!!! DH and I are planning on taking our son bowling tomorrow night and I will get to have some yummy beer!! I'm going to try to keep moderation in mind! I don't HAVE to have that third (or 4th) beer. I'm nervous to fall back in to old habits next month. I definitely don't want to cut out alcohol altogether, I really enjoy having a few beers with DH every now and then but I want to cut out the excessive weekend drinking. I guess I'll just have to take it one week at a time and if I can't handle it, maybe I'll do a sober January and start all over again!
  • onsickmom
    onsickmom Posts: 212 Member
    Go for it monkey.....I feel OK so far today!!!!!Been a bit of a rollercoaster ride!!!!! I'm so happy to be 93 days sober on this last day of November!!!!!Amen plus I've lost weight!!!! That's always good..I didn't replace the alcohol sugars with candy or cakes...Just ate veggies and slot of salmon...And that yogurt with live culture..I've backed off that yogurt...And I'm sick of sardines!!!!! I may never eat another..ha ha!!!!! Best to you and all here...Would and will be great to do 2017 Sober!!!!!!
  • MonkeyMel21
    MonkeyMel21 Posts: 2,395 Member
    I wish you luck @onsickmom !!! I think I have lost about 1 lb this month, lol. I was hoping to lose more but I know I over ate...a lot... so I know why I didn't. But it's fine, I'm in maintenance really and am usually happy with my body as is so the one lb was just extra vanity weight!
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,108 Member
    I will go to bed sober tonight, so another month added onto my list.

    Well done, @onsickmom :)