No Alcohol November 2016 Challenge!



  • bellissimaluna
    bellissimaluna Posts: 75 Member
    I am new to my fitness pal, but I am in on this challenge. love to cook and drink wine. For sure the vino is not helping my weight loss goals!
  • MonkeyMel21
    MonkeyMel21 Posts: 2,395 Member
    How did everyone's weekend go?! Mine was great!! Hardly even tempted and I got a ton done around the house. I'm ready to hit the gym tomorrow just too bad I have to work after, lol.
  • onsickmom
    onsickmom Posts: 212 Member
    Way to go team Sober November!!!!!!!!
  • blwelch1
    blwelch1 Posts: 81 Member
    Good thing for second chances... didn't do too well... no need to give reasons, or excuses...
  • Colt1835
    Colt1835 Posts: 447 Member
    I had two beers over the weekend and even though I really love the taste of beer, I don't think it was worth it. It doesn't do anything for my body. I'm going to see if I can go without it until January 2. Maybe I'll cut it out all together eventually.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,062 Member
    blwelch1 wrote: »
    Good thing for second chances... didn't do too well... no need to give reasons, or excuses...


    What was going on right before you took a drink? Is it "peer pressure"? Habit? Boredom? Hunger? Desire to escape some uncomfortable emotion or situation?

    That's the stuff I had to deal with when I quit, and there are strategies for each.

    Honestly? Making a plan for one month off alcohol should not be difficult...I did it a few times before I quit for good. I mean, I can do anything for 30 days - but once I became dependent, it was really difficult to stop. It kind of sneaked up on me. It just happens, not a lot of warning to dependence.

    If you are having anxiety when you try to quit, you may have (unknowingly) created a physical dependence. There is a lot of info online. ((Hug)) You've taken the first step. Don't give up.
  • blwelch1
    blwelch1 Posts: 81 Member
    cmriverside.... I think my issue is, when i see others drinking, i "feel" like i need to be drinking. That is why i feel like if i stayed home all the time, i would be able to do this. But, i know i need to learn to be ok with being out and not drinking.
  • MonkeyMel21
    MonkeyMel21 Posts: 2,395 Member
    All I see is beer ads on MFP right now, lol. I don't drink Michelob at least. Husband wants to go out Thursday night for his birthday, possibly bowling. I told myself his birthday would be the only time I would drink this month. I want to keep it to two beers though, instead of 3 or 4 like I would normally have. Hopefully it won't derail my progress, I've done great and feel great! My mom will be visiting later this week too and since she doesn't drink at all, this next weekend shouldn't be an issue.

    I saw a couple people caved in this weekend. You're so not alone. I've tried this challenge in the past and only made it 5 days. I never really felt like a break was "needed" like I do this month and I think that's the only reason why I am feeling so optimistic. Good luck to you all. Hopefully this thread helps in some way for you all :)
  • husseycd
    husseycd Posts: 814 Member
    How did everyone's weekend go?! Mine was great!! Hardly even tempted and I got a ton done around the house. I'm ready to hit the gym tomorrow just too bad I have to work after, lol.

    It went pretty well. Met hubs and some friends up at a new tap room for one of our local breweries. Was just going to have a pony pour and water, but hubs ordered a full beer. I did drink it, but that's it. So one beer all weekend. Not at all worried about it.

    We even went to the friends' house afterward for dinner where hubs continued to drink and I just had virgin Moscow mules. It wasn't a big deal at all, which is nice. And I woke up feeling great, unlike poor hubs who continued to drink and listen to records until about 3 a.m. He is now joining the challenge, lol. I too got a lot more done around the house, and had a great workout on Sunday morning.

    My end-game for this challenge is really just to establish a new relationship with alcohol. I have been drinking way more than I should and was worried it was becoming a problem. This week has shown me it really isn't, I just need to set different boundaries, and change habits and mindsets. And a break for my body is a good thing.

    I have been eating way more junk. TBH, not drinking may actually be bad for my weight, haha.
  • futuresize8
    futuresize8 Posts: 476 Member
    Just saw this thread and I want to join...but I don't think I can watch those election results roll in without a few!!
  • futureicon
    futureicon Posts: 348 Member
    Too late "hic"
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,062 Member
    The beer ads are because you posted in this thread or mentioned "beer" in a post. :lol:
  • rachelr1116
    rachelr1116 Posts: 334 Member
    Made it through the weekend with no beer! Yesterday a friend and I went on a long bike ride and passed several of our favorite places for grabbing a beer. It was tempting to stop but we went right on by and ended up riding 25 miles yesterday :)
  • MonkeyMel21
    MonkeyMel21 Posts: 2,395 Member
    husseycd wrote: »
    How did everyone's weekend go?! Mine was great!! Hardly even tempted and I got a ton done around the house. I'm ready to hit the gym tomorrow just too bad I have to work after, lol.

    It went pretty well. Met hubs and some friends up at a new tap room for one of our local breweries. Was just going to have a pony pour and water, but hubs ordered a full beer. I did drink it, but that's it. So one beer all weekend. Not at all worried about it.

    We even went to the friends' house afterward for dinner where hubs continued to drink and I just had virgin Moscow mules. It wasn't a big deal at all, which is nice. And I woke up feeling great, unlike poor hubs who continued to drink and listen to records until about 3 a.m. He is now joining the challenge, lol. I too got a lot more done around the house, and had a great workout on Sunday morning.

    My end-game for this challenge is really just to establish a new relationship with alcohol. I have been drinking way more than I should and was worried it was becoming a problem. This week has shown me it really isn't, I just need to set different boundaries, and change habits and mindsets. And a break for my body is a good thing.

    I have been eating way more junk. TBH, not drinking may actually be bad for my weight, haha.

    The bolded parts are true for me too! I don't think I've become dependent upon alcohol at this point, especially since it hasn't affected my job or life in an impactful way. But there is absolutely zero reason that I should be drinking every weekend solely out of boredom like I have been doing. Also no reason that I should be spending the kind of money at the liquor store that I have been! And I ate so much last week......I was so hungry all week, lol. Not sure if it's the lack of alcohol or hormones or what but I'm definitely not as hungry so far this week, thankfully, lol. Damn leftover Halloween candy.

    And lol about your husband joining in on the challenge now! Poor guy!
  • steph2strong
    steph2strong Posts: 426 Member
    Hi everyone, I just saw this thread. I just recently cut out all alcohol form my diet as I try to get pregnant again. I never really drank in excess but always had a glass of red wine with dinner. I find that now that I don't have any wine with dinner I justify eating more treats during the day, which i never did before. It's not the worst thing in the world because i am trying to gain some weight (i'm a bit underweight) but I'd rather do it eating mainly healthy foods like Peanut butter and full fat dairy than eating cakes and scones. Anyone else experience this? I realize the answer is to just not eat the junk, it just can be hard because my brian is like "you deserve a little treat, save all the healthy food for when you are trying to loose weight". My treat at the end of the day used to be the glass of red wine with dinner.
  • husseycd
    husseycd Posts: 814 Member
    And lol about your husband joining in on the challenge now! Poor guy!

    He was feeling pretty crappy on Sunday, hence the desire to join. He may change his mind in a few days when he's feeling less hungover. ;)

    Really, it's the staying up until 3 a.m. that probably did him in more than the beer. But then, the beer is the fuel for the 3 a.m. LP binge. If he'd gone to bed when I did, he probably would have been fine, or mostly fine on Sunday. Of course, therein lies the problem with booze.

    I've been thinking through my strategy when this challenge is over. This website: is a good one for those who want to moderate/cut back, whatever. I don't find it too judgey. I'm definitely highly resistant to messages that are too preachy or judgmental.

  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,062 Member
    I have to say, if alcohol is causing "harm" maybe it's time to let it go.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,062 Member
    edited November 2016
  • husseycd
    husseycd Posts: 814 Member
    I have to say, if alcohol is causing "harm" maybe it's time to let it go.

    It's only one part of the acronym: Harm reduction, Abstinence, Moderation Support. For many, reducing the harmful behaviors sometimes associated with alcohol is what they need most. Instead of being all or nothing, the idea is to take whatever steps possible to make a positive impact on one's drinking.

    It's like cookies and weight. Too many cookies cause harm (i.e. weight gain), but that doesn't mean you can't ever have a cookie if you want to manage your weight. Maybe you eat the cookie and track it, maybe you don't bring cookies into the house, maybe you have a cookie binge once a week and then eat great the rest of the time. And then maybe there are some people who simply can never have another cookie because it's a trigger to just eat more cookies. But telling all people they can't ever have a cookie isn't necessarily the answer. Whatever works to get a person to their goals.

    But I digress.
  • jo_nz
    jo_nz Posts: 548 Member
    husseycd wrote: »
    Really, it's the staying up until 3 a.m. that probably did him in more than the beer.
    I totally agree that the lack of sleep can also bring on a hangover! When I was pregnant/breastfeeding I didn't drink and after the rare night out, I would still feel rubbish the next day. Not quite as rubbish as with alcohol, but pretty seedy. Don't do that too often these days...

    I went to DH's father's birthday dinner on Sunday and politely declined the wine/beer on offer. Fortunately it was not a wine I really like so it was pretty easy and I'm sure I enjoyed the food more than I would have with the wine (and although I went over on calories, at least I wasn't also adding a few hundred more cals from drinks!).