

  • AngelsHere2009
    AngelsHere2009 Posts: 2 Member
    Eighteen pounds have snuck on and I've hit my personal weight high (I'm 5'6" at 154.0 lbs). To stay on track, I KNOW I need a daily accountability partner (via email). I like to set weekly goals, 3 of them, and then would like to/need to report on a daily bases to someone so I can keep it going (especially through the holiday season). Any takers?

    I like to include a fitness goal into my three. For instance: 1) 10K steps per day, 2) <1600 cals per day, 3) no eating after 8 pm
  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member
    edited November 2016
    15 min HasFit workout with dunmbells
    KB Swings 5x17x13
    6 mins on elliptical

    healthy lunch, now watching darts on TV

    Have a good and make healthy choices and get up and move (that means me in particular)

    Kate UK <3
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,974 Member
    :) Raining here this morning, so Jake considered that the dog walking may be brief. I'll go for my walk as soon as I finish my breakfast...I am almost finished listening to my current book and am eager to hear the ending...the book is "The Boys in the Boat" about a team of rowers from Western Washington who won gold at the 1936 Olympics....the story is set with the background of Hitler's rise to power in Germany. If you're looking for a book about the success of the underdogs with some scary history in the mix, this is the book for you.

    <3 Barbie from rainy NW Washington
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    JanetR: Happy Birthday! :star::flowerforyou: :star:

    Becca: I'm so happy for you that your son will be home for Thanksgiving. You are a lucky Mom. (((HUGS)))

    Michele: I'm happy for you that Denise will be coming for Christmas Eve. We don't expect to see either of our kids during the Christmas Holidays or for Thanksgiving. There is more than a little heartache there. :sad: We plan to spend Thanksgiving with DH's sister. That is a plus. :smiley:

    Heather: I hope things go smoothly with the purchase of your new place. It looks and sounds delightful. Thanks for showing us the floor plan. Good luck with the sale of your current home. :heart:

    Rita: Amazing Halloween costumes. Wow! :smiley:

    Barbie: It is rainy here, too. We seem to be out of drought danger for the foreseeable future. :wink:

    I'm having a tough time with my mood today. It is raining, and we will not see our kids during the holidays. I'm not happy with being pitiful and need to do something to improve my mood. I hope today's riding lesson helps with that.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    Heather posted a quote similar to this that I wanted to use, but I couldn't recall it quite right. I went online and found this one.

    "So many of us believe in perfection, which ruins everything else, because the perfect is not only the enemy of the good; it's also the enemy of the realistic, the possible and the fun."
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,677 Member
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Well, that was a no go! Supposed to say Hello!
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,085 Member
    Rita FUN!!!!!!
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    edited November 2016
    When my ex SIL was in the National Guard and getting ready for his 2nd deployment, they were sent to Savanahh for their deployment training. My daughter went down there to spend the time with him before he left. She loved it and highly recommended it to me for a vacation spot. But since my DH isn't a destination kind of guy, it was a no go for him. When our kids were little we went to National Parks and loved it but they are to boring now for him. I would love to see it. She especially loved Tybee Island.

    I don't know what I would do if our families didn't do the traditional Thanksgiving dinner. Last night I made a list of all the dishes. My sister is coming Monday, jsut because we haven't seen each other for while, and we will decide who is bringing what. Thanksgiving is small, just DH and I and Michelle, our other daughter her DH and my 2DGC. Then my sister and her DH, her son and his wife. Their son is in college, Katla might want to invite him!!!! LOL. He is a big guy with a big appetite. Especially for deviled eggs. So it's just two families. Small enough we can have it at my house although the handle on our oven is hanging by a thread and it's a bit difficult to open it. We also really need to clean our microwave.

    Our church is one of the early voting places and one of the deacons said this morning was a 2 1/2 hour wait! I am glad we went last Saturday. Maybe this shows that Americans are getting off of their sad butt and voting this year.

    Heather, your floor plan has 3 floors yet the top one is the 2nd floor. So is the ground floor garden level? It looks spacious but yet no to big.

    JOyce, Indiana
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,974 Member
    m1277.gif Monique, You have come to the right place to connect with other women who will support and encourage you. You seem to have found a plan that works for you and the focus to stick with your plan. I have been posting on this thread for a long time and these women helped me stay the course, lose the weight, and keep it off. I am recovering from spine surgery and have spent the last five weeks regaining strength and mobility. I am so blessed to have a community of women available to me all the time to cheer me on. I hope you'll keep coming back.

    :) Barbie from beautiful NW Washington
  • mamatigerj
    mamatigerj Posts: 106 Member
    Thank you for the congratulations on DH's job; we are quite excited. He is set to start on the 14th, so i get a week of "honey-dos" before then. His last unemployment check and his first paycheck should be enough to cover all those bills which will be due at the beginning of December ~ whew!

    Janet ~ I hope you are having a wonderful birthday!

    Becca ~ I am rejoicing with you that your son will get to come for Christmas!

    Heather ~ I am so sorry to hear about your friend; you and she are in my prayers.

    Margaret ~ Your tribute to your mother was beautiful <3

    Monique ~ Welcome & WOW, great work!

    I am down one bra band size ;) And... this morning at stuff-mart i tried on a cardigan in a size large; it fit, comfortably! I have been wearing XL for several years now; recently those were getting too tight, and i had moved into 2X territory.

    Feeling good in Central TX!
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,946 Member
    spikeyhair wrote: »
    Kate UK Are you talking about bookmarking this thread? If so, go to the top of the page where you will see a pale star at the top right corner of the first post on the page. This is not the grey star at the very top of the page, but a little further down across from WOMEN AGES 50+.... Just click on it, which will turn it yellow, and the thread is bookmarked. At the end of the month you can click on it again to unbookmark when the next month's thread is started. Repeat each month...

    Karen in VIrginia

    I have bookmarked the thread in the app but when I go to the website I can't find my bookmarked threads is it possible on the website?

    It works the same way on the computer, but if memory serves me correctly, the star to click to find the thread is a little harder to find and in a slightly different place on the screen.

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,789 Member
    evening ladies~
    well I am up with Faith.. fed her early and gave her her pills and she is corked off, went and got Tom and dopped him off at the house.. he is home in one piece..
    I would love to have a weekend away like Sean and Jean are having, nice concert tonight, Jean went to a spa today for a day of pampering..and my DB set this all up, its nice when you have indisposable income...
    Oh well if I can help them out , I will do what I can..
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,331 Member
    edited November 2016
    Joyce - In Britain we call the street level floor the ground floor and the next one up is the first floor. I know you do it differently in the US. In the plan the 2nd (top) floor is a loft coversion, so there is only storage space in the eaves. What they call the 4th bedroom will most likely have our exercise machines in. The main work will be at the back of the house.
    I just hope it all works out.
    Tonight I watched a detective series set in Brighton. :D

    Love Heather UK
  • mambimumbo
    mambimumbo Posts: 9 Member
    Hi there...Glad I found this thread! I'm 51 years old and have around 67lbs to shed. I'm reaching out on Fitness Pal...I've been on for a bit less than a year, but never posted before and would love some supportive peeps!
    I have 2 goals for November that I set with my nutritionist...she made ME set them so I own them. :)
    1. Eat breakfast every day; I typically skip, which gets me into problems with late-night eating.
    2. 30 minutes of movement a day; can be whatever, but preferably what I enjoy. Right now I'm focused on zumba 'cause it makes me happy despite the fact that I can't really follow along too well. hahaha. Seriously...it's kinda funny. Anyway...glad to be here!

    Feeling stronger today than I did yesterday B)
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    Janetr okc~

    Haaaaaapppppy Biiiirthday to youuuuu! Ok I sang that... I am froggy throated still from my cold or I would really sing to yas! I hope your day is filled with sweet things, sweet people and (ok I have a theme going...), well with people that love ya!!! Love Becca
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    NYKAREN ~ I think if I really want the taste of Thanksgiving I like to warm up some yams and then slowly boil the tar out of the liquid with some brown sugar and margarine. A couple of marsh mellows on the top and I am in a sweet coma heaven..... We went to a Steakhouse one year for Thanksgiving. I had a hard time not judging everything.... (When I cook this I don't do that....and so on) We have gone to a Chinese restaurant some years, which is interesting. The purpose is to be thankful where ever you go :-)
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    Katla~ Eldest son will be here for Christmas not Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving will be us just having TV dinners, grinning at each other. lolol....

    ~ I envy you actually doing the traditional Thanksgiving!!! For many years I had always been the "black sheep that left the fold" in my family, so lots of family all sitting around a table isn't something that my sons ever grew up with, or during my marriage ever happened. Now, with my middle sister and her family being about 2 and a 1/2 hrs. away, you would think that we would connect during holidays, but I have yet to see her interest in that. I shall not bust my butt to make it happen either. (Such a Grinch I am right?) Ah well, I choose to be with people that choose to be with me is all.
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    Happy Saturday to you all!
    I called my middle son today to tell him that his older brother got his leave Dec 22nd thru 29th. He stated that her leave was from Dec 28th to Jan 11th. I stressed that while I would love for them to come up to Oregon, the fact of the matter is if she only gets one week, spending it mostly traveling to and from isn't what I wish for them to do. Also with him just starting a part-time job, I know it will be difficult to get off multiple days. This is the time they need to squirrel away all their paychecks so when she gets out of the Navy the "civilian shell shock" of things won't be too traumatic to their pocketbooks! Of course, with both of them getting weekends off, I asked what their plans were for today. He stated that she needed to organize dates and times with her tattoo guy, because he is doing the rest of her "tattoo sleeve". Ok, I held my tongue with that. They are saving money, so Patrick can do school after the holidays, and she is doing tattoo work? What are with the kids nowadays?? That expense is called Non-essential spending, and really has no place in their lives at the moment....but I will never tell him that. She is kind of a high maintenance gal, and he can never tell her no, so that is that. I told him to keep me in the loop travel-wise, so I can send boxes to them if need be. I want him to have a bit of the family things for their Christmas. The last couple of Christmas's they have traveled to her parents, which I know is closer, but.... (where is my turn.. ) Ok my venting is over.. :-/ I have to keep thinking heck 2 out of 3 sons ain't bad! I am a blessed woman!
    Goddess Blessed Woman
    in Oregon
    where it is RAINING...yet again...well hasn't stopped all night....