

  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding .

    Good Evening Ladies,

    Barbie, sorry you missed your call about the PT, but honestly if you didn’t mention that you had vented, I’m afraid I’d have missed it. You are such a gentle person which is one of the many reasons we love you.

    Kim, it sounds like a great Thanksgiving to get to see people you haven’t seen in a long while. I hope you can get a sitter so you can stay over.

    Janetr, great picture. Your hair always looks like you have just stepped out of a beauty salon.

    Barbara, what a bummer about owing taxes. Not a good Christmas surprise.

    Heather, so happy that you will be able to move into the new house and enjoy all the surroundings, even if there is future renovating to be done. I always feel that I need to live in a house for a bit before I make any major changes, even in decorating. A house feels different in a month or two than it does when we first move in. Thanks for sharing the floorplan.

    Rita, I love the pictures. Oh to be young and enjoying dressing up! They all look great.

    Wendy, welcome. This group of ladies is wonderful for support and information. Feel free to check in every day and report to all of us. If you need, and only when you ask, we will even offer a virtual kick in the behind if you fail your self-imposed goals. For many of us, this is a life long journey of health and we continue to come here for support.

    Kate, that is good to keep moving. I especially feel good when I move a lot while watching TV because it’s just so darn easy to settle in and be a lump. Thanks for the reminder!

    Katla, we won’t be seeing our DD at all through the holidays either. This is the third year since she moved to Oregon and it just as well be a foreign country. 1425974yo2dew1h5c.gif

    Joyce, your Thanksgiving group sounds like just the perfect size. I think the holidays are the hardest for a small family of 3 like ours. We don’t live near any other family and with our DD gone it just leaves the two of us. We do invite single friends that don’t have family nearby and that makes it better.

    Monique, welcome!!! What a marvelous thing to be able to lose that much weight. The fact that you found what works for you and have stuck to it is a testament to you. How did you determine that you were insulin resistant? I have lost enough to get my A1C under control and get off my diabetes medicine and cholesterol medicine but have stopped losing weight and I need to lose another 30 pounds. Congrats again on the wonderful success and keep up the good work.

    Juanita, congrats on the smaller sizes. That is more exciting to me than the scale moving. *Okay, it’s nice when both things happen* Keep up the good work.

    Mambimum, welcome. Please tell us a bit about yourself to help us get to know you. This is a great place for support and information so come often.

    Lisa, great job on the sale. How nice to make that much more than you expected. I know it is a lot of work.

    Gloria, that is too bad about your DD gaining that much weight. I know you worry about her. Good for you on winning the battle of wills with your GS. Hang in there…you are older and smarter than they are. 2917621utt9f0loqx.gif

    Kim, your strawberry tub sounds fabulous. Maybe you can share a picture of it at some point?

    Brenda, welcome to you as well. Hope to see you here often.

    Sherry in Portland, congrats on the new home. It will be great to save that much money. Good luck with the move. (later) The pictures are great. It looks wonderful.

    Kate, congrats on your loss. Woo Hoo3358282v1qx40vcem.gif

    Lisa, congrats on all the good news. Sale, VA, weight loss, new trailer, etc.

    Allie, so sorry to hear about Homer.

    Heather, give your DH a kiss for me for shaming you into writing. Lol I do realize you have had a few other things going on lately but you seem to have been putting it off for months.

    Fyree, I am going on a cruise Dec. 2nd and concerned about the gain also. I used to do like you and always lose it within a few weeks of getting home but didn’t lose it last year. I have another one scheduled on April 24 so need to get something going here.

    pretty-pink-welcome-smiley-emoticon.gifto any Newbies that I missed. Come often and join in the chat. This thing works!! Please sign your post with what you want to be called. It makes it easier for us to respond to you. Also a location is great, be it specific or general. We are happy to have you join us.

    I’ve been staying busy but don’t ask me with what? Some time spent working on my committee for the Moose. We have a meeting tomorrow night and a work project on Tuesday evening. Thursday two friends and I are going to the Christmas Show and walk our buns off. They seem to have more booths this year so I’m looking forward to it. We got up early yesterday morning and were ready for bed early last night. I guess because of the time change, I woke up about every hour and looked at the clock. Hope I sleep better tonight. Congrats for all the victories and ((((Hugs)))) for all that need them.Sending love and good thoughts to all of you and I hope you all have a Happy and Healthy Day! rainbow-smiley-emoticon.gif

    Words I live by:
    Savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.
    Opportunity. Each day offers new opportunities for good health and happiness if we just look for them and choose them.
    I Love you, blow.gif
    Myrtle Beach, SC
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    edited November 2016
    Sherry In Portland~ Congrats on your new digs, and saving money!!! I grew up in the Damascus area a suburb of Portland. Presently we live on the coast near Astoria :-) Oregonians unite! :smiley:
    in the greenest corner of Oregon
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    Virginia Beach, VA ~
    From this ol Navy Retired Chiefs wife I want to say that I am thankful for your service. (((hugs))) puts my hand out to the screen..."nice ta meet cha!!!"
    (stubbing her finger on the screen) in
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    Lisa in rainy, damp West Texas~ Thanks from this ol Navy Chiefs Wife for your service... ((((((hugs)))) Congrats to settling all the VA situation!
    I have an older son that is active duty, and even though he isn't in a war zone, he still has a job that could put him in harms way at any moment. It's the commitment to defend and "answer the call" that makes me thankful. When I am out in the civilian world, I have talked with so many and I say thank you, (that is long overdue for most of them sadly), and I have heard the most harrowing, heart-wrenching, stories from them. These are the men and women that wear caps proudly, or vests, and I listen to their stories if they wish to share them with me. I know many from Vietnam do not share, because they came home to a world not wanting to hear their stories. I can not relate, and trying to is naïve of me, so listening is really all I can do.
    Wow, serious string there...
    But nice ta meet you!
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,365 Member
    Gloria - You could probably Google the Allbran loaf - mine came from the Guardian newspaper. But it is the normal Allbran I use, not the buds. My father ate Allbran every day of his life for breakfast, followed by bacon and egg. He used the same oil for the bacon and egg for weeks on end. It was lard, I think. Even as a child I thought it was disgusting - the kitchen smelt rancid! He used to like to get up early and take time alone over his breakfast, reading the newspaper.
    When I got a newspaper round as a teenager he would have a boiled egg ready for me when I got home. It was usually hard, so I would melt a lump of butter on the top of it.

    I have been ploughing on with my Duolingo German, though I am finding it hard and I am mainly revising. 22% fluent, according to them. I DON'T think so! I continue to keep revising my Spanish just so I don't forget it. :D

    I didn't put on any weight on my cruise. We stayed very active, with swimming, gymming and much walking and the food was so delicious I didn't need to stuff myself, if that makes any sense. I found I was happy to go low carb. There was so much healthy choice.
    Our next trip is to Mexico in January. Speaking Spanish, hooray! A lot of car travel, but I expect we will walk as much as possible. A few places will have pools, or sea. Mainly we will be exploring the Mayan remains. Plus a couple of colonial cities. I hope to manage with lower carb there too. My challenge is alcohol as we always seem to be in "holiday" mood abroad.

    Time for bed. We hope to hear if the couple who viewed our house on Friday want to take it further. Not getting too excited though as they were the first ones to see it.
    DH and I are going to shop for the ingredients to make a Christmas cake. (Very rich fruit cake) He absolutely loves it, so we make one together every year. Takes three and a half hours to cook and you have to wrap the tin in brown paper and make a greaseproof cover with a hole in it for the top, to stop it burning on the outside before the inside is cooked. ;) Then you store it, poke holes in it and "feed" it with brandy. Nearer the day you cover it with marzipan and then with royal icing. I usually make little wavy peaks. Some of the decorations that go on top were my mother's. This year I think the grandchildren are coming on Boxing Day, so I don't know if DH will be able to wait that long to eat it! Some years we have made two so he can eat one before Christmas. :D Luckily he is very skinny!

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • Marcelynh
    Marcelynh Posts: 974 Member
    Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum.

    It's drink like a pirate day.

  • sherryminch
    sherryminch Posts: 168 Member
    DJ - thanks! I think I will really like living in it!

    Becca - thanks! I have been to and through Damascus many times! I am a Portland native and lived in Astoria as well for several years (went to college there at Clatsop Community College back in the mid 90's)! You would probably know where Rocky Butte is here in east Portland, I am at the foot of that hill (at least until I move in a few days). Just off the corner of 82nd Ave and Fremont. I am moving to an RV park over by Delta Park and PIR in north Portland. Yay for Oregonians!!!!!

    Sherry in "where did the sun go?" Portland
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Becca – DH’s brother went to Vietnam 4x as a MP. Doesn’t talk about it, other than he has told the boys what it involved. Walking the perimeter of their camp. He really hates talking about it; gets extremely moody if he does. He says he saw things that no man ought to see. Kids were friendly; but, would be fighting with you at night. Young kids, the same ones that some people would buy candy and sodas for. He still sleeps with a loaded gun on the dresser by his bed. When I found the loaded gun in one of my young son’s dresser, I told him to unload it and put the ammunition in a different place. We had never kept a loaded gun in the house. Boys hunting, so they had been taught to never do things with guns until they had checked the chamber to make sure that wasn’t a bullet in there and to never point a gun at something unless they planned of killing it. When he told me that he had no plans on unloading it, that he always slept with it within reach; I told DH that he “HAD” to move. Wasn’t going to have a loaded gun in a house with young children. They might have known not to touch it; but, if a friend had gone in there, they might have.

    Guess I am going to read for a while; Louis has on one of his ‘blood and guts’ movies.

    Talked to oldest sister; one whose husband had the stroke. Says there are going to be there for a while. Tomorrow they are going to do an EEG to make sure he isn’t having seizure activity; which is normal for stroke patients. MDs say he is doing remarkably well; that he could be ‘dead’. So his has a lot of ‘gratitude’ for that. Has to have another bleed surgery tomorrow, don’t know what time. They took him off the blood thinners for some reason; but, this means that clots will continue to form. I felt so much better to hear sister’s voice and know that she was taking good care of herself. Middle sister is taking her food and snacks daily; when the girls were with her they’d bring something home from the restaurants. Praying that all goes well during the surgery. Sister feels good about his progress even with its little set-backs. He is still ‘critical’; but, she stays in his room other than to take a shower and all that. She says the armchair in the room is actually a recliner, so she had gotten some sleep. Told her that I knew BnL would be glad when he got home to his own surrounding and not being woken up every couple of hours for someone to do something to him. Throat is sore, from having surgery and all that breathing apparatus hooked up to him. Difficulty has subside since his tongue has gone down. So swollen after he fell in the hotel. No broken bones in his face; which is surprising since he ‘face planted’ himself in the fall.

  • sherryminch
    sherryminch Posts: 168 Member
    Heather - the Christmas cake sounds soooo yummy! You should take a pic of it and post it here before he eats it so we can see what a beautiful job you do with it! (Drooling!) :p

    Sherry in "dry but cloudy" Portland
  • llbrixon
    llbrixon Posts: 964 Member
    Becca – DH’s brother went to Vietnam 4x as a MP. Doesn’t talk about it, other than he has told the boys what it involved. Walking the perimeter of their camp. He really hates talking about it; gets extremely moody if he does. He says he saw things that no man ought to see. Kids were friendly; but, would be fighting with you at night. Young kids, the same ones that some people would buy candy and sodas for. He still sleeps with a loaded gun on the dresser by his bed. When I found the loaded gun in one of my young son’s dresser, I told him to unload it and put the ammunition in a different place. We had never kept a loaded gun in the house. Boys hunting, so they had been taught to never do things with guns until they had checked the chamber to make sure that wasn’t a bullet in there and to never point a gun at something unless they planned of killing it. When he told me that he had no plans on unloading it, that he always slept with it within reach; I told DH that he “HAD” to move. Wasn’t going to have a loaded gun in a house with young children. They might have known not to touch it; but, if a friend had gone in there, they might have.

    Guess I am going to read for a while; Louis has on one of his ‘blood and guts’ movies.

    Talked to oldest sister; one whose husband had the stroke. Says there are going to be there for a while. Tomorrow they are going to do an EEG to make sure he isn’t having seizure activity; which is normal for stroke patients. MDs say he is doing remarkably well; that he could be ‘dead’. So his has a lot of ‘gratitude’ for that. Has to have another bleed surgery tomorrow, don’t know what time. They took him off the blood thinners for some reason; but, this means that clots will continue to form. I felt so much better to hear sister’s voice and know that she was taking good care of herself. Middle sister is taking her food and snacks daily; when the girls were with her they’d bring something home from the restaurants. Praying that all goes well during the surgery. Sister feels good about his progress even with its little set-backs. He is still ‘critical’; but, she stays in his room other than to take a shower and all that. She says the armchair in the room is actually a recliner, so she had gotten some sleep. Told her that I knew BnL would be glad when he got home to his own surrounding and not being woken up every couple of hours for someone to do something to him. Throat is sore, from having surgery and all that breathing apparatus hooked up to him. Difficulty has subside since his tongue has gone down. So swollen after he fell in the hotel. No broken bones in his face; which is surprising since he ‘face planted’ himself in the fall.


    They take folks off of blood thinners prior to surgery so they do not bleed out.
  • willnevergiveup
    willnevergiveup Posts: 138 Member
    DJ asked how I knew I was insulin resistant. One sign was being apple-shaped. Another was craving carbs all the time. I also had high blood pressure. Oh, and then it was a sure thing once I was diagnosed with diabetes. :-( Once I realized that my problems--weight, high blood sugar, and high blood pressure--were not the problems but the symptoms, I was finally able to figure out what I had to do. If I lowered my carbs and stopped eating sugar, I didn't produce as much insulin and if I produced less insulin, I was no longer hungry all the time and didn't crave carbs or sugar anymore.
  • willnevergiveup
    willnevergiveup Posts: 138 Member
    And I am so thrilled there are other Oregonians here! I live in a small town near Corvallis.
    ~ Monique
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,984 Member
    :) My "rest day" has been interesting. I will have about 4.000 steps by the end of the day compared to over 17,000 yesterday when I went on my two long walks. I got two chores done that I don't like to do but that I needed to do. The important thing is that the muscle pain in my buttocks, legs, and ankles is gone which was the whole point of the "rest day". Jake and the dogs took a two hour nap and I knitted and watched figure skating. I got up and moved around every 20 minutes so my back wouldn't get stiff. Watching athletes doing something that resembles dancing in many ways was very inspiring to me. It was also encouraging to me to hear how long it took some of them to recover from surgery or injury to help me stay patient about how long I have to wait to be able to dance again. We were supposed to meet friends for lunch but they canceled at the last minute so we got to stay home with the dogs, eat our familiar healthy food, and make good use of our afternoon.

    <3 Barbie from beautiful NW Washington
  • sherryminch
    sherryminch Posts: 168 Member
    Monique - Yay for Oregonians!!!! There are several people here in the Pacific Northwest in both Washington and Oregon, plus at least one lady in Idaho that I've seen here.

    I am soooo jealous of those of you who get to travel. I have never been out of the lower 48, but I HAVE been to all 48 (used to drive truck - 18 wheelers - for a living for approx 15 years). Since I can no longer do that line of work all of my "travelling" consists of watching travelling shows on OPB (public television)! Maybe someday I will get to go to my favorite place - Egypt! But I'm not holding my breath for that one, lol! You all are so lucky!

    Sherry in "couch travelling" Portland
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,723 Member
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,395 Member
    Did an hour of Butt Bible DVD. The plan for tomorrow is to do one segment of a Butt DVD, hold my plank, then take the extremepump class.

    fryee and valerie - welcome

    Sherry - good deal on the motorhome. Best of luck to you

    Heather - it's good that you can look past the way things look right now in a home and see potential. So many people (me included) can't

    Lisa - so happy for you being fully covered. Doesn't matter if you were in conflict or not, you still served this country

    Well, we took down the last of the Halloween decorations. Now on to Christmas. Halloween is the warm-up to Christmas

    katla - your not the only one who is having trouble with the "fall back". I seem to want to eat all the time. It just feels so late

    Carol - good luck on your new diet. Tell us how it goes

    Rita - have fun at the aquarium

    KJ - you are very smart to get things ready early for the shower

    Thanks everyone for the welcome back. I have missed being here, but you can see what kept me busy. I don't know if I mentioned (I probably did) that I made a brains panacotta with "blood", sausage/cheese bites, had apples, a mac & cheese casserole and I took oval crackers and piped "RIP" on them and put them into the mac & cheese, cheese cubes

    Returned the tables etc that we borrowed from the couple how cohosted the social with us. Also, the lady who borrowed the "intestines", "bone dust", "eye of newt" and "brains" returned the jars they were in to me. that's all I really needed.

    Forgot to say that I cut down a tablecloth to fit the 4' table we have. Really, I don't know if we'd ever use for eating at, it's too narrow. But Vince uses it in his music room (the table, not the tablecloth). I did another tablecloth, but cut it too short (forgot to add the extra length beyond the yard), but I really didn't like that tablecloth much anyway.

    Off to take a shower.

    For the first time ever in my life I made chocolate truffles. Guess they came out OK, but I think they should have been rolled in powder sugar instead of granulated sugar

    Michele in NC
  • sherryminch
    sherryminch Posts: 168 Member
    Michele - mmmmmmmm, chocolate truffles!!! I'm sure they are just as yummy with the granulated sugar! (Drooling!) :p

    I don't get sweets very often, can you tell?? Once on the lips, forever on the hips!!!

    Sherry in "where did I put that candy bar?" Portland
  • GloworminWA
    GloworminWA Posts: 704 Member
    Heather I'm with your DH I love fruit cake. I know a lot of people hate it but I remember my grandmother making it from scratch which included shelling and cutting up the nuts. I don't know that I would like any kind of frosting on it though.

    Does anyone else know what Halvah is? For those of you who don't know it is a candy made from sesame seeds. I grew up eating it since my Greek grandfather always had it in the refrigerator. I thought it was a Greek food. Then one summer I went to Manitoba, Canada to visit my Mom's German parents and lo and behold if they didn't have it also only in a big wheel like cheese. I'm sure it has a million calories in it but I can taste it just thinking about it. Can you tell sugar is my downfall?

    Gloria getting ready to go low carb again in WA o:)
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Lenora I'm assuming you were making a joke about my wanting to ride the flamingo. :)

    DJ (Janet #1) thank you for the nice compliment. I only go the the salon for a haircut. I keep it short so I don't have to mess with it. Lol

    Janetr okc