

  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    Penny Just visited GeoGuessr - I got sites in Alaska, South Africa, Norway, and Wisconsin. It's like where in the world is Carmen Sandiego for adults. Fun!

    Karen in Virginia
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,730 Member
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,993 Member
    :)DJ, we vote by mail here which means that we get our ballots in the mail a few weeks before election day and fill them out when we want to and return them either by mail or to one of several local "drop-off" locations. There are no polling places. Ballots can be returned right up to election day. I love voting this way. There is no standing in line anywhere. Jake and I usually have a discussion about the candidates and ballot measures when we get a voting pamphlet. We mark our choices in the pamphlet and then when the ballots come, we copy our choices onto the ballot and always go together to drop the ballots off.

    :'( I called this morning to schedule Physical Therapy and the soonest they could schedule me is two weeks from today so I guess I have a few more lessons to learn about patience. After I got off the phone with the scheduler, I took a walk because that always calms me down....I reminded myself that a month ago I was still wearing nightgowns and not yet able to walk outdoors and gratitude saved the day.

    yoga-exercise-smiley-emoticon.gif After the walk we meditated for 15 minutes and that made me feel even better

    <3 Barbie

    The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT.
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Happiest voting memory, every year taking my daughter into the voting booth; this is the first year I will be going in all by myself in 18 years! And yes, my DD showed us a pic of her mailing in her ballot--we were so proud.

  • blumenstockbj
    blumenstockbj Posts: 94 Member
  • GloworminWA
    GloworminWA Posts: 704 Member
    Heather - I too looked up your mangetout as I'd never heard of it. Maybe you can tell me the difference between bangors and polish sausage?

    Penny - be safe there darned global warming!

    Carol - that is such a happy emoticon - just love it.

    My crockpot meal the other night was a big hit with the boys. Whole potatoes in the bottom (peeled or not), chicken on top (frozen or not), about 1 cup BBQ sauce (basted again about half way through). Cooked on high for about 5 hours until the skin was pulling away from the drumstick. DGS#1 says this is my 3rd best recipe after pork chops and brined chicken breasts!

    Started out the low carb day with coffee and scrambled eggs with a little shredded cheese. Now I need to work on my menu for the week and decide what's for dinner tonight. Either hamburgers or pork tenderloin (the tenderloins were on sale for half price the other day so I bought 3 and threw them in the freezer).

    I've already been to counseling with DGS#1, the library to pick up 'The Dance of Anger' and '1, 2, 3 Magic' (a type of discipling which I have used in the past), loaded the dish washer, called about a chair I would like to have for my desk off of Craigslist, and now going to do laundry oh yeah . . . and fill out my ballot.

    Later gators!

    Gloria on a roll in WA rolling-smiley-emoticon.gif
  • GloworminWA
    GloworminWA Posts: 704 Member
    edited November 2016
    One more thing before I forget - if anyone is interested in the book Strong Women Stay Young it is on YouTube. I was hoping to find the video there but no go and I'm not paying $20 for a VHS of it from Amazon on Ebay!

    Remember everyone BIG SMILES! smiling-tooth-smiley-emoticon.gif
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    hey Glo I found 1 2 3 Magic a really helpful book. It can be wonderful but use it consistently and fairly. It is so important to take some of the frustration and emotion out of the equation when disciplining but boundaries and respect are so important in raising a citizen !
    Your under pinning of love you have for your grandchildren is so beautiful
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    APG91: Welcome! Tips for stress, blues, munching-- I recommend exercise for all three of these issues as a first level of defense. Find something that you enjoy and put that something on your calendar for each day, then do it. Yoga is on my MWF calendar days. Walking with friends is on T&Th. Add something that is fun for you in the mix. I take a riding lesson, Pip rides her bike, Barbie will be back to dancing as soon as her doctor allows it and we have a few dedicated swimmers. My best food strategy is portion control. I measure my portions and count the calories. Good luck!

    Be back later, I'm going for a ride with DH.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Sherry, several people don't put a post, just some kind of punctuation mark. It marks where they have read to, it's quick and easy.

    Barbara, I can't imagine how in the world a person could put up a pool without reading directions. Well, my son in law could and did. He is smart like that.

    Ellie, my almost 10 year old DGD is doing a radio spot today. They had a local radio asking kids to write about things the were thankful for and on one day it was about seatbelt. Several years ago they were in a bad car wreck and the kids were left hanging upside down by their seat belts. So they liked her story and asked her, and many others to be recorded. From what she wrote, they made a 15 second and 30 second script. So she did that and it caught the ear of another radio station. So they are in Louisville, Ky today doing that live interview. And she can be ad lib. I don't know how they will be able to shut down shop for the day if they allow this kid to be ad lib!

    As you all know we are having our family Christmas at a rec hall that belongs to our local Baptist association. It is just a big room with a kitchen off to the side. It does have a large fireplace with a big hearth. It will be our responsibility to take the round tables and chairs that are stacked and set up our space. There are two bathrooms and small storage room. So we will have 9 kids and all of us adults there. My DGD are 10 and 15, the remaining kids are 5 and under, don't know each other since they see each other once a year, 3 are shy, 3 are warriors and would beat some one up if some one took a toy and then a new born. As far as adults, there be the Mom of the newborn who is the Mom of the 3 warriors, we will never be sure if my nephew is the dad to any on these kids except the newborn and we know he is not. Then the other 3 will be there with his Mom who is afraid to leave them there with their father who will be there with his current main squeeze. But in any other year, they are in town together, share a hotel room together and in each others arms whenever possible. But the main squeeze will be here so who knows what those dynamics will be there. I think for entertainment we should buy a box of condoms, blow them up and let the kids toss them around like balloons, then deflate them and give them to my 2 nephews. The Mom of the 3 shy kids is engaged and we are wondering if her soon to be husband will join her next year.

    Christina just called, Ellie had her radio spot recorded, they didn't have to give her any cues, when they stopped for commercials, she just started talking. I guess she is used to her Dad's recording studio he has in their house. He does Christian podcasts on using echnology in the church. She was presented by the Head of Department of transportation of Kentucky with a medallion saying she is an ambasodor. She is the only child that this has been given to, a few adults have it. But it was because of her bravery in the wreck and her willingness in talking about it so freely.

    Joyce, proud Grandma in Indiana

  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    edited November 2016
    jmkmomm wrote: »
    Becca, I wish my husband would believe he is a veteran. He served during the Vietnam War but was never overseas. He served as a medic here in the states. He said he isn't a veteran because he never saw any active duty. But he singed up himself, was willing to serve, just lucked out that he was never in active duty. But he never partakes in any thing veteran wise, never wants to stand if they are honoring Navy, doesn't understand why I stand in his behalf.

    Heather, when Charlie and I make anything, I am the brains and Charlie is the brawn. He buys a box that will have a cabinet, etc in it, expects to take it home empty it all on the floor and put it together. There are directions for a reason. I separate everything, make sure everything is there and just ask him to lift things for me. I put it together and he tightens. That's the way we do it. well, did it. Neither one of us are strong enough to pick up that heavy wood/particle board.

    Joyce, Indiana

    Well I term "active duty" as anyone that puts on a military uniform. You represent more than just you, you become a walking ambassador, so I'm glad you stand for him. I remember once when my son got done with Boot Camp, he came home before he went to Sea School. So we had planned on him coming out with us to the "Clothing Optional resort" because it was July 4th. I told him to bring his uniform, even though he was questioning why. I said Just Bring It. So after lunch we told him to put it on, and while he was doing that my husband was putting on his Chiefs uniform on (dress whites he had ordered online). So son comes out of the bedroom and meets up with The Chief, they hug, and it was really touching. One reason is because our youngest son that is the teenager now, well he was 5 then, and had never seen Dad in a uniform. My husband was already retired by the time he was born, so he had this look of awe. So we all walked around, and everyone was hugging us, and saying thank you to my son and husband. He realized that he was part of a bigger picture. It was a really special day....
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,098 Member
    Rita love pictures of grandson Adam.
  • IremiaRe
    IremiaRe Posts: 801 Member
    Hello Glorious Gals!

    It’s another glorious Monday... the weigh in for the 24 week Christmas Challenge:

    GOAL WEIGHT: 220

    Wahoo! Still on track for the Christmas Challenge!. AND if I make the goal, I am certain I will be able to wear the three shirts I bought while I was travelling... You may recall we did the “K-Mart” tour while on the road to Tucson – and when I was there, I got three shirts that were... pretty tight. Maybe, if one were very confident and a little trashy, the shirts might have been considered “wearable” but, I am not about showing quite EVERY ripple of flesh, so, these three shirts were too tight. I got two of them because I loved the colors and textures and at 40% off, they were dirt cheap. The third is a black sweater – very plain, except for the row of rhinestones around the scoop neck. I got that one, because at 40% off, I would pay that much for it... I liked it that much. So, I tried them on today. SOOOO close to wearable. If I get that extra 7 pounds off, I know I will be able to wear the sweater – which is greatness, since it is well suited to Christmas and New Year’s events.

    I have been perusing the Strong Women Stay Younger book. Turns out I have been haphazardly doing most of the exercises that are recommended, already – just not doing them in the “heavy enough weight so that 8 reps is all you can do” weights. I am pretty stoked. I am going to start doing them in an organized manner according to the plan and see how it goes. I have decided to forego the magic beans in favor of a few extra muscles. For one thing, the muscles, I KNOW will work, and for another, the beans cost all kinds of money – while the muscles only cost a few extra minutes at the gym every morning. **I checked the book out at the local library – I have taken some notes on the exercise and will make a photo copy of the double page spread showing the whole list of exercises.

    And it’s super cool to know that the unintended impact of my strength and fitness goals will be stronger bones and improved balance. BONUS!! In celebration, I donned my chunky heeled boots, with my fall dress, today. I figure if my balance is better, I can wear heels higher than 1 inch.


    Janet – you look MAHVELOUS, Dahling.

    Heather – The house looks awesome. Fingers crossed that the chain holds.

    – Your kids look like they have a great time for Halloween. Gratz on the pound! And what a handsome boy! I bet you are proud.

    Lisa – Gratz on a successful sale! And HURRAY for VA Health Coverage! And Double Hurray for the five pounds. Have fun writing those op-eds...

    – Deep Cleansing Breaths... stay strong, Sister!

    Sherry – Every day is a new chance to get it right. Hope the motor home is perfect for you and Missy. I think I could probably live in it! And hey – you live pretty close to where I used to live. My house was a block off of 47th and Prescott.

    Carol – good luck with the low carb. Just be sure to read the labels, carefully! I am always surprised when I find a sausage that has as many carbs as it does protein... I shouldn’t be – but I always am.

    KJ – sorry about the lingering cough. Sorry I have no idea how to get rid of them.

    Barbie – you get a such great sense of accomplishment from doing those things that need doing, too... I cleaned out my bra and girdle drawer this weekend – now it’s only stuff in there that actually fits. YAY! Next up, the underwear drawer... got some ancient granny panties in there... HUGE, I tell ya...

    Michele – My DH says I have “Christmas Issues” because I have a HUGE collection of Christmas music. I am one of those people who would listen to the stuff year round – but, then folks would say I am crazy – so I ration myself from Thanksgiving Day thru New Year’s Day. Can’t wait to see your Christmas Decs.

    – hope they can do something for Homer.

    Penny – THANK YOU – you saved me the trouble of Googling Mangetout.

    DJ – Another great veggie for dipping – Jicama! It’s starchy enough that it’s crunchy – and it has a little sweet taste to it. And it is heavy fiber, too. Peel vigorously – don’t be shy. Or you could try the infamous Kale Chips that are all the rage these days.

    Everyone Else – I will try to get back to replying to everyone, asap. I am thinking good thoughts for all of you.

    New Gals
    – WELCOME!! We all have our stories to tell – I, for instance, had lap band surgery about 12 yrs ago – lost a whole boatload of weight – but got lazy when I felt SOOOO good. When life stepped in with a few curveballs, I just stopped doing what I knew I should do. Thankfully, I only gained about 15 pounds back (lap band was awesome for me!) – and then I coasted for a long time... at 275. Yeah, 275 was 92 pounds down from my top weight – and I had a real spring in my step, too – but, time passes, knees degenerate... you all know the drill! So, I am here at MFP, doing what I know works – lower carb eating, CICO. I am not being too hard-core on the diet – since I do know I will have to be eating this way for the rest of my life – and I am making my focus all about exercise. I am currently trying to roll some more organized strength training into my plan – since the haphazard training I have done has had such fabulous effect. Muscles are good! So, you will probably hear a lot about that, from me. I am an unashamed exercise devotee. I will preach the gospel of aerobics... I will sing the psalms of strength training!


    Well, Girls – I have a great many things to get done before I leave for the day, so I had better get back to it!

    Hugs for Everybody!

    Re in TX
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    My Christmas Candy Trains :-)
    You said you wished to see them. Simple items all hot glued together. I then took a cereal box and cut out 4 rectangles wrapping each in Christmas wrap. I then took some ties, and poked a small hole on each side of the train, adhering the train to the rectangle with the twist ties. This makes it easy to give to people especially kids, where they want to dismantle the thing right away. When I send the two to my son and wife, I can just put bubble wrap around them.
    The DIY Diva on the Oregon Coast
  • GloworminWA
    GloworminWA Posts: 704 Member
    APG91 - I would only add to Katla's list PLAN AHEAD! If you know that you have a healthy snack put aside for snacking then you don't have to think about what to have or just do mindless eating. I buy bulk almonds and put 1/4 cup in snack bags so they are ready to go. A great snack also is apple slices with almond butter. I've also found that eating something sour like petite dill pickles curbs the desire for sugar.
  • heathervallon
    heathervallon Posts: 15 Member
    Hey, all. I just started on the MyFItnessPal 4 days ago. It's been a hellacious year and I've gained 19 lbs from exactly this day last year and 25 in total from 2 years ago. Not making excuses for it, but I've been busy and depressed and pizza seems easier than cooking and ... you know the drill.

    I have been diligently logging and making good choices for 4 days and I KNOW is only 4 days but I would have liked to see the scale got the right direction a tiny bit, but it's not budging. I know it will - I just feel sadly unmotivated today. I won't cheat, I know it will happen, but I wouldn't mind an attagirl right now.

    Nice to see a bunch of people my age, by the wy.
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,820 Member
    evening ladies~
    it has been one heck of a day.. took Homer in and left him for the day had a temp and stil lethargic.. well they put fluids under his skin and did 2 chest x rays , and of course found nothing... 247.00 later the next stpe is to check his bone marrow.. who knows how much that will cost, but we will do it to rule out cancer... now if he was like 2 and they found something we might work with it but at almost 11 I dont think we will go that route... we will wait and see how things go, on stronger antibiotics ,more anti inflamitories, and we shall see what goes on..
    got to work and was non stop except for 2 pee breaks and no lunch... so making something now....
    who knows how tomorrow will go
  • GloworminWA
    GloworminWA Posts: 704 Member
    heathervallon - you might take a look at how much water you are drinking each day. It really makes a big difference. Tea and Crystal Light count in the water category but not coffee as, if I remember correctly, dehydrates you.

    Gloria eating a very healthy and delicious salad in WA salad.gif
  • Marcelynh
    Marcelynh Posts: 974 Member
    stupid allergies

    sneezing in Houston
  • ilikegardens
    ilikegardens Posts: 134 Member
    Buenas Noches, Mi Amigas!!
    I just got back from visiting my mother in Ecuador (last night)--it was a good, if hard, trip. She's been a bit depressed in the past year, and I arrived to find that she hasn't been moving much, so her legs are very weak, and she can't walk very far at all. She said she was better for my coming and that she'd be more active. I hope so!

    On Friday, one of my dogs died :( . He was old (about 12) and had been ill for a while, but we thought his illness was under control. My husband found him in my office Friday morning. He used to follow me all the time, and I'm sad that I didn't get to say goodbye.

    I also came home to find that my refrigerator's water line had been leaking. It has made a big mess--leaked into the basement, buckled the wood floor in the kitchen. My DS and DH noticed that the pantry door was not closing easily--my DS recognized that the floor was buckled, but didn't know that likely meant there was water somewhere it shouldn't be. My DH just thought the door was hard to close... He'll fix it, but I had to clean the mess.

    I've finally logged on to MFP on my laptop and have downloaded some pictures from my camera, so I can post. First, a picture of my DGS, who I visited in mid September, around his first birthday


    Then, a picture of Cuenca, a city in the Sierra in Ecuador. The annual festival was being held... Lots of arts and crafts, lots of people. There are four rivers running through the city, and it's lovely. But it's also 8300 feet high... (lower than Quito, though, which is about 9300 feet!).



    A picture of the view from the front porch of my mother's house in Yungilla, a valley southwest of Cuenca, which has very temperate weather. It's also beautiful, but I get badly bitten by mosquitos...


    My Spanish got much better while I was there. I'm finally beginning to understand my friends' children--maybe not getting the meaning of everything they say, but at least being able to distinguish words and understanding some of what they say. It's much easier to understand most of the adults I spoke with. It's hard to learn a language when you only speak it for about a week once every year or two.

    I think I lost a bit more weight--there are lots of hills! And we tended to eat our main meal mid-day.

    I'm also 16 pages behind in reading this month! I will catch up and find out what's going on in all your lives.

    More later,
    Karen E