What's on your mind?



  • honeybee__12
    honeybee__12 Posts: 15,688 Member
    I picked up my car today from the dealership service dept.
    Mostly maintenance issues.
    Finished maxing out my credit card to pay for the work done.
    I was grumbling all the way home.
    I started thinking though, considering the mileage and the amount of the bill, it calculates to 1.5 cents a mile.
    Money well spent, even though it hurt. :smiley:
  • phoenixrising5721
    phoenixrising5721 Posts: 2,252 Member
    Pizza. Yep pizza is on my mind.
  • Reckoner68
    Reckoner68 Posts: 2,139 Member
    Forgot melatonin so I’m just lying in the dark thinking abut getting up to get it but there’s a cat holding me down
  • honeybee__12
    honeybee__12 Posts: 15,688 Member
    Motorsheen wrote: »
    Automatic Flushing Toilets

  • Vikka_V
    Vikka_V Posts: 9,563 Member
    caco_ethes wrote: »
    Today was a struggle with off the charts anxiety and I’m dreading having to do it all again tomorrow
    caco_ethes wrote: »
    Today was a struggle with off the charts anxiety and I’m dreading having to do it all again tomorrow

    hey i’m right there with u <3:(

    my plan is tomorrow try to get outside somewhere alone during daylight away from people like in nature and try to breathe a bit

    Havent read through all the thread...but you people with anxiety issues...do you also get physical manifestations?

    I feel so odd because besides some of the common symptoms (racing heart, shakes, racing mind and worry, feeling of unsettledness or doom, whatever) I get weakness in my arms and hands, like they are weighed down by lead weights, I cant swallow and choke when trying to drink, I feel like I maybe should call an ambulance b/c there is something very wrong with me. Its mostly when there are other people around, like claustrophobia and anxiety or something. It eases off when I can be alone, to some extent. Caffeine seems to exasperate it.

    Anyone else get physical manifestations of anxiety? Not just mental? The weighted down arms and weak grip, and choking when I try to take a sip of water are really disturbing for me right now.
  • iMago
    iMago Posts: 8,714 Member
    Vikka_V wrote: »
    caco_ethes wrote: »
    Today was a struggle with off the charts anxiety and I’m dreading having to do it all again tomorrow
    caco_ethes wrote: »
    Today was a struggle with off the charts anxiety and I’m dreading having to do it all again tomorrow

    hey i’m right there with u <3:(

    my plan is tomorrow try to get outside somewhere alone during daylight away from people like in nature and try to breathe a bit

    Havent read through all the thread...but you people with anxiety issues...do you also get physical manifestations?

    I feel so odd because besides some of the common symptoms (racing heart, shakes, racing mind and worry, feeling of unsettledness or doom, whatever) I get weakness in my arms and hands, like they are weighed down by lead weights, I cant swallow and choke when trying to drink, I feel like I maybe should call an ambulance b/c there is something very wrong with me. Its mostly when there are other people around, like claustrophobia and anxiety or something. It eases off when I can be alone, to some extent. Caffeine seems to exasperate it.

    Anyone else get physical manifestations of anxiety? Not just mental? The weighted down arms and weak grip, and choking when I try to take a sip of water are really disturbing for me right now.

    I get hallucinations sometimes but it happens with or without anxiety really
  • ghudson92
    ghudson92 Posts: 2,061 Member
    Vikka_V wrote: »
    caco_ethes wrote: »
    Today was a struggle with off the charts anxiety and I’m dreading having to do it all again tomorrow
    caco_ethes wrote: »
    Today was a struggle with off the charts anxiety and I’m dreading having to do it all again tomorrow

    hey i’m right there with u <3:(

    my plan is tomorrow try to get outside somewhere alone during daylight away from people like in nature and try to breathe a bit

    Havent read through all the thread...but you people with anxiety issues...do you also get physical manifestations?

    I feel so odd because besides some of the common symptoms (racing heart, shakes, racing mind and worry, feeling of unsettledness or doom, whatever) I get weakness in my arms and hands, like they are weighed down by lead weights, I cant swallow and choke when trying to drink, I feel like I maybe should call an ambulance b/c there is something very wrong with me. Its mostly when there are other people around, like claustrophobia and anxiety or something. It eases off when I can be alone, to some extent. Caffeine seems to exasperate it.

    Anyone else get physical manifestations of anxiety? Not just mental? The weighted down arms and weak grip, and choking when I try to take a sip of water are really disturbing for me right now.

    I get hot, sweaty, dry mouth, heart palpitations, chest pain, headaches, shortness of breath etc... Not fun. Sorry to hear about your symptoms, they do sound unsettling.
  • Reckoner68
    Reckoner68 Posts: 2,139 Member
    Vikka_V wrote: »
    caco_ethes wrote: »
    Today was a struggle with off the charts anxiety and I’m dreading having to do it all again tomorrow
    caco_ethes wrote: »
    Today was a struggle with off the charts anxiety and I’m dreading having to do it all again tomorrow

    hey i’m right there with u <3:(

    my plan is tomorrow try to get outside somewhere alone during daylight away from people like in nature and try to breathe a bit

    Havent read through all the thread...but you people with anxiety issues...do you also get physical manifestations?

    I feel so odd because besides some of the common symptoms (racing heart, shakes, racing mind and worry, feeling of unsettledness or doom, whatever) I get weakness in my arms and hands, like they are weighed down by lead weights, I cant swallow and choke when trying to drink, I feel like I maybe should call an ambulance b/c there is something very wrong with me. Its mostly when there are other people around, like claustrophobia and anxiety or something. It eases off when I can be alone, to some extent. Caffeine seems to exasperate it.

    Anyone else get physical manifestations of anxiety? Not just mental? The weighted down arms and weak grip, and choking when I try to take a sip of water are really disturbing for me right now.

    i got weird anxiety bc i get heart issues and that sets off panic/anxiety. not like i’m thinking about it and worried, but i guess there’s this weird thing where if your heart starts to race or can’t beat right or skips a beat so your brain lets loose some chemicals that induce panic/anxiety. it sucks because my heart does that when i exercise hard or get super hot or whatever and then out of nowhere i got adrenaline and cortisol and glucose and feel this crazy fear, with no reason to it. outside of that, i dont have too much anxiety.

    have u had bp checked? if u get higher bp when u get scared that might make arms/legs feel numb or heavy maybe

    The heart thing—I get something similar. Apparently everyone in my family on my moms side does because I told her about how my heart would kinda skip around when I exercised hard and she’s like “have you tried giving up caffeine? It helped the rest of us” so I did and it did, it happens way less frequently now.
  • Alzzi_2
    Alzzi_2 Posts: 2,149 Member
    1sphere wrote: »
    what's on my mind...my dangerously stupid mind

    Thinking about @1sphere, apparently 'dangerous stupid mind'...
  • Alzzi_2
    Alzzi_2 Posts: 2,149 Member
    1sphere wrote: »
    Alzzi_2 wrote: »
    1sphere wrote: »
    what's on my mind...my dangerously stupid mind

    Thinking about @1sphere, apparently 'dangerous stupid mind'...
    nevermind, I don't want to talk about it. :-) I did nothing wrong, my feelings and sense of the world are too out of order

    Hmm.. I think I know where u are coming from.
    Hope u are ok. I dont think theres anything wrong with your senses.. btw 🙂
  • Reckoner68
    Reckoner68 Posts: 2,139 Member
    Reckoner68 wrote: »
    Vikka_V wrote: »
    caco_ethes wrote: »
    Today was a struggle with off the charts anxiety and I’m dreading having to do it all again tomorrow
    caco_ethes wrote: »
    Today was a struggle with off the charts anxiety and I’m dreading having to do it all again tomorrow

    hey i’m right there with u <3:(

    my plan is tomorrow try to get outside somewhere alone during daylight away from people like in nature and try to breathe a bit

    Havent read through all the thread...but you people with anxiety issues...do you also get physical manifestations?

    I feel so odd because besides some of the common symptoms (racing heart, shakes, racing mind and worry, feeling of unsettledness or doom, whatever) I get weakness in my arms and hands, like they are weighed down by lead weights, I cant swallow and choke when trying to drink, I feel like I maybe should call an ambulance b/c there is something very wrong with me. Its mostly when there are other people around, like claustrophobia and anxiety or something. It eases off when I can be alone, to some extent. Caffeine seems to exasperate it.

    Anyone else get physical manifestations of anxiety? Not just mental? The weighted down arms and weak grip, and choking when I try to take a sip of water are really disturbing for me right now.

    i got weird anxiety bc i get heart issues and that sets off panic/anxiety. not like i’m thinking about it and worried, but i guess there’s this weird thing where if your heart starts to race or can’t beat right or skips a beat so your brain lets loose some chemicals that induce panic/anxiety. it sucks because my heart does that when i exercise hard or get super hot or whatever and then out of nowhere i got adrenaline and cortisol and glucose and feel this crazy fear, with no reason to it. outside of that, i dont have too much anxiety.

    have u had bp checked? if u get higher bp when u get scared that might make arms/legs feel numb or heavy maybe

    The heart thing—I get something similar. Apparently everyone in my family on my moms side does because I told her about how my heart would kinda skip around when I exercised hard and she’s like “have you tried giving up caffeine? It helped the rest of us” so I did and it did, it happens way less frequently now.

    i got a sinus node issue and my heart beats super slow most of the time bc it got damaged from this medication i was once on. but u right bc a ton of coffee is no help either

    Bodies are weird
  • Vikka_V
    Vikka_V Posts: 9,563 Member
    iMago wrote: »
    Vikka_V wrote: »
    caco_ethes wrote: »
    Today was a struggle with off the charts anxiety and I’m dreading having to do it all again tomorrow
    caco_ethes wrote: »
    Today was a struggle with off the charts anxiety and I’m dreading having to do it all again tomorrow

    hey i’m right there with u <3:(

    my plan is tomorrow try to get outside somewhere alone during daylight away from people like in nature and try to breathe a bit

    Havent read through all the thread...but you people with anxiety issues...do you also get physical manifestations?

    I feel so odd because besides some of the common symptoms (racing heart, shakes, racing mind and worry, feeling of unsettledness or doom, whatever) I get weakness in my arms and hands, like they are weighed down by lead weights, I cant swallow and choke when trying to drink, I feel like I maybe should call an ambulance b/c there is something very wrong with me. Its mostly when there are other people around, like claustrophobia and anxiety or something. It eases off when I can be alone, to some extent. Caffeine seems to exasperate it.

    Anyone else get physical manifestations of anxiety? Not just mental? The weighted down arms and weak grip, and choking when I try to take a sip of water are really disturbing for me right now.

    I get hallucinations sometimes but it happens with or without anxiety really

    I have auditory hallucinations sometimes. They are so "real" to me...having visual hallucinations must be very disturbing too.
  • your_future_ex_wife
    your_future_ex_wife Posts: 4,278 Member
    edited August 2019
    Vikka_V wrote: »
    iMago wrote: »
    Vikka_V wrote: »
    caco_ethes wrote: »
    Today was a struggle with off the charts anxiety and I’m dreading having to do it all again tomorrow
    caco_ethes wrote: »
    Today was a struggle with off the charts anxiety and I’m dreading having to do it all again tomorrow

    hey i’m right there with u <3:(

    my plan is tomorrow try to get outside somewhere alone during daylight away from people like in nature and try to breathe a bit

    Havent read through all the thread...but you people with anxiety issues...do you also get physical manifestations?

    I feel so odd because besides some of the common symptoms (racing heart, shakes, racing mind and worry, feeling of unsettledness or doom, whatever) I get weakness in my arms and hands, like they are weighed down by lead weights, I cant swallow and choke when trying to drink, I feel like I maybe should call an ambulance b/c there is something very wrong with me. Its mostly when there are other people around, like claustrophobia and anxiety or something. It eases off when I can be alone, to some extent. Caffeine seems to exasperate it.

    Anyone else get physical manifestations of anxiety? Not just mental? The weighted down arms and weak grip, and choking when I try to take a sip of water are really disturbing for me right now.

    I get hallucinations sometimes but it happens with or without anxiety really

    I have auditory hallucinations sometimes. They are so "real" to me...having visual hallucinations must be very disturbing too.

    I used to get this. Don’t know why or how it stopped. Now I just hear music when the fan is on but that’s tinnitus

    ETA: & when I say used to, i mean it happened 3 times in a short period of time a little more than 20 years ago.
  • Vikka_V
    Vikka_V Posts: 9,563 Member
    Vikka_V wrote: »
    caco_ethes wrote: »
    Today was a struggle with off the charts anxiety and I’m dreading having to do it all again tomorrow
    caco_ethes wrote: »
    Today was a struggle with off the charts anxiety and I’m dreading having to do it all again tomorrow

    hey i’m right there with u <3:(

    my plan is tomorrow try to get outside somewhere alone during daylight away from people like in nature and try to breathe a bit

    Havent read through all the thread...but you people with anxiety issues...do you also get physical manifestations?

    I feel so odd because besides some of the common symptoms (racing heart, shakes, racing mind and worry, feeling of unsettledness or doom, whatever) I get weakness in my arms and hands, like they are weighed down by lead weights, I cant swallow and choke when trying to drink, I feel like I maybe should call an ambulance b/c there is something very wrong with me. Its mostly when there are other people around, like claustrophobia and anxiety or something. It eases off when I can be alone, to some extent. Caffeine seems to exasperate it.

    Anyone else get physical manifestations of anxiety? Not just mental? The weighted down arms and weak grip, and choking when I try to take a sip of water are really disturbing for me right now.

    i got weird anxiety bc i get heart issues and that sets off panic/anxiety. not like i’m thinking about it and worried, but i guess there’s this weird thing where if your heart starts to race or can’t beat right or skips a beat so your brain lets loose some chemicals that induce panic/anxiety. it sucks because my heart does that when i exercise hard or get super hot or whatever and then out of nowhere i got adrenaline and cortisol and glucose and feel this crazy fear, with no reason to it. outside of that, i dont have too much anxiety.

    have u had bp checked? if u get higher bp when u get scared that might make arms/legs feel numb or heavy maybe

    I did go to the doctor, it was a weird appointment. She had these mental health check lists, it was awkward and I was super anxious.

    I havent followed up with the bloodwork and heart checkup, I'm afraid of what may turn up. Do have heart problems in my family, so get it worked up annually. Have high blood pressure at doctors office and when I'm stressed, but not at home.

    I left the appointment with a weird feeling, I felt like she thought I was fishing for drugs, which 100% I wasn't, just was having really hard time dealing with my symptoms at work. Not sure if the symptoms are lessened or I'm just dealing with it better now.
  • cee134
    cee134 Posts: 33,711 Member
    Once when I was young a Yellow Jacket flew into my mouth but I spit it out before it stung the inside of my mouth. Then I went and played on an old Fire Truck. I don't know why that is on my mind now.
  • Vikka_V
    Vikka_V Posts: 9,563 Member
    ghudson92 wrote: »
    Vikka_V wrote: »
    caco_ethes wrote: »
    Today was a struggle with off the charts anxiety and I’m dreading having to do it all again tomorrow
    caco_ethes wrote: »
    Today was a struggle with off the charts anxiety and I’m dreading having to do it all again tomorrow

    hey i’m right there with u <3:(

    my plan is tomorrow try to get outside somewhere alone during daylight away from people like in nature and try to breathe a bit

    Havent read through all the thread...but you people with anxiety issues...do you also get physical manifestations?

    I feel so odd because besides some of the common symptoms (racing heart, shakes, racing mind and worry, feeling of unsettledness or doom, whatever) I get weakness in my arms and hands, like they are weighed down by lead weights, I cant swallow and choke when trying to drink, I feel like I maybe should call an ambulance b/c there is something very wrong with me. Its mostly when there are other people around, like claustrophobia and anxiety or something. It eases off when I can be alone, to some extent. Caffeine seems to exasperate it.

    Anyone else get physical manifestations of anxiety? Not just mental? The weighted down arms and weak grip, and choking when I try to take a sip of water are really disturbing for me right now.

    I get hot, sweaty, dry mouth, heart palpitations, chest pain, headaches, shortness of breath etc... Not fun. Sorry to hear about your symptoms, they do sound unsettling.

    Thank you, and I'm sorry for you too, not fun at all, and hard to know what may trigger it.
  • Vikka_V
    Vikka_V Posts: 9,563 Member
    Vikka_V wrote: »
    iMago wrote: »
    Vikka_V wrote: »
    caco_ethes wrote: »
    Today was a struggle with off the charts anxiety and I’m dreading having to do it all again tomorrow
    caco_ethes wrote: »
    Today was a struggle with off the charts anxiety and I’m dreading having to do it all again tomorrow

    hey i’m right there with u <3:(

    my plan is tomorrow try to get outside somewhere alone during daylight away from people like in nature and try to breathe a bit

    Havent read through all the thread...but you people with anxiety issues...do you also get physical manifestations?

    I feel so odd because besides some of the common symptoms (racing heart, shakes, racing mind and worry, feeling of unsettledness or doom, whatever) I get weakness in my arms and hands, like they are weighed down by lead weights, I cant swallow and choke when trying to drink, I feel like I maybe should call an ambulance b/c there is something very wrong with me. Its mostly when there are other people around, like claustrophobia and anxiety or something. It eases off when I can be alone, to some extent. Caffeine seems to exasperate it.

    Anyone else get physical manifestations of anxiety? Not just mental? The weighted down arms and weak grip, and choking when I try to take a sip of water are really disturbing for me right now.

    I get hallucinations sometimes but it happens with or without anxiety really

    I have auditory hallucinations sometimes. They are so "real" to me...having visual hallucinations must be very disturbing too.

    I used to get this. Don’t know why or how it stopped. Now I just hear music when the fan is on but that’s tinnitus

    ETA: & when I say used to, i mean it happened 3 times in a short period of time a little more than 20 years ago.

    It is weird. It doesn't happen often to me, and most often it's someone calling my name. Most recently it was a doorbell, and someone chanting in the other room.

    The best one was years ago, some man singing Italian opera.
  • your_future_ex_wife
    your_future_ex_wife Posts: 4,278 Member
    Vikka_V wrote: »
    Vikka_V wrote: »
    iMago wrote: »
    Vikka_V wrote: »
    caco_ethes wrote: »
    Today was a struggle with off the charts anxiety and I’m dreading having to do it all again tomorrow
    caco_ethes wrote: »
    Today was a struggle with off the charts anxiety and I’m dreading having to do it all again tomorrow

    hey i’m right there with u <3:(

    my plan is tomorrow try to get outside somewhere alone during daylight away from people like in nature and try to breathe a bit

    Havent read through all the thread...but you people with anxiety issues...do you also get physical manifestations?

    I feel so odd because besides some of the common symptoms (racing heart, shakes, racing mind and worry, feeling of unsettledness or doom, whatever) I get weakness in my arms and hands, like they are weighed down by lead weights, I cant swallow and choke when trying to drink, I feel like I maybe should call an ambulance b/c there is something very wrong with me. Its mostly when there are other people around, like claustrophobia and anxiety or something. It eases off when I can be alone, to some extent. Caffeine seems to exasperate it.

    Anyone else get physical manifestations of anxiety? Not just mental? The weighted down arms and weak grip, and choking when I try to take a sip of water are really disturbing for me right now.

    I get hallucinations sometimes but it happens with or without anxiety really

    I have auditory hallucinations sometimes. They are so "real" to me...having visual hallucinations must be very disturbing too.

    I used to get this. Don’t know why or how it stopped. Now I just hear music when the fan is on but that’s tinnitus

    ETA: & when I say used to, i mean it happened 3 times in a short period of time a little more than 20 years ago.

    It is weird. It doesn't happen often to me, and most often it's someone calling my name. Most recently it was a doorbell, and someone chanting in the other room.

    The best one was years ago, some man singing Italian opera.

    Mine were voices that sounded like they were coming over a CB radio. and i didn’t own one.

    Yours sound nicer. ❤️
  • Vikka_V
    Vikka_V Posts: 9,563 Member
    Vikka_V wrote: »
    Vikka_V wrote: »
    iMago wrote: »
    Vikka_V wrote: »
    caco_ethes wrote: »
    Today was a struggle with off the charts anxiety and I’m dreading having to do it all again tomorrow
    caco_ethes wrote: »
    Today was a struggle with off the charts anxiety and I’m dreading having to do it all again tomorrow

    hey i’m right there with u <3:(

    my plan is tomorrow try to get outside somewhere alone during daylight away from people like in nature and try to breathe a bit

    Havent read through all the thread...but you people with anxiety issues...do you also get physical manifestations?

    I feel so odd because besides some of the common symptoms (racing heart, shakes, racing mind and worry, feeling of unsettledness or doom, whatever) I get weakness in my arms and hands, like they are weighed down by lead weights, I cant swallow and choke when trying to drink, I feel like I maybe should call an ambulance b/c there is something very wrong with me. Its mostly when there are other people around, like claustrophobia and anxiety or something. It eases off when I can be alone, to some extent. Caffeine seems to exasperate it.

    Anyone else get physical manifestations of anxiety? Not just mental? The weighted down arms and weak grip, and choking when I try to take a sip of water are really disturbing for me right now.

    I get hallucinations sometimes but it happens with or without anxiety really

    I have auditory hallucinations sometimes. They are so "real" to me...having visual hallucinations must be very disturbing too.

    I used to get this. Don’t know why or how it stopped. Now I just hear music when the fan is on but that’s tinnitus

    ETA: & when I say used to, i mean it happened 3 times in a short period of time a little more than 20 years ago.

    It is weird. It doesn't happen often to me, and most often it's someone calling my name. Most recently it was a doorbell, and someone chanting in the other room.

    The best one was years ago, some man singing Italian opera.

    Mine were voices that sounded like they were coming over a CB radio. and i didn’t own one.

    Yours sound nicer. ❤️

    Yours is similar to part of the story in a horror book I just finished
  • Miss_Chievous_
    Miss_Chievous_ Posts: 279 Member
    Could really go for Hooters right about now

    C'mere you... I even have a hooter on my Hooters. 😜🤣