You cannot target fat loss!!!



  • antdelsa
    antdelsa Posts: 174 Member
    sijomial wrote: »
    You should have stopped while you were ahead rather than start adding a load of other myths!

    Best to avoid using absolute phrases like "the only way....". Because if you think about it there are many methods to achieve fat loss not just one.

    What about anything i said is a myth?

    All I'm saying is the more you put in the more you get out... how is this a myth.. how is mixing hiit into your training not beneficial over just doing steady state cardio? How is shocking the body a myth?

    Please let me know lol

  • queenliz99
    queenliz99 Posts: 15,317 Member
    coleg04 wrote: »
    queenliz99 wrote: »
    antdelsa wrote: »
    If all your doing is steady state cardio day in and day out then thats fine, but you're cheating yourselves out of progress ..

    As i said before our bodies are highly adaptive, walking for an hour on a treadmill is not pushing your body to its limits, you'll eventually burn less and less calories, its ok to do some steady state cardio, i walk/jog 3.5 to 5 miles on the morning to kickstart my metabolism so i burn more cals throughout the day, but i also make sure to spend 15-20 mins a day on the treadmill and or the elliptical pushing my body.

    I didn't say HIIT was the only effective way to exercise, what i said was try something new, shock your body and see the results faster. If you can't do it then don't bash my post, start off slow and work your way up to it, because the fact of the matter is its a much much much more effective way than steady state cardio will ever be

    Says who? What credentials do you have?

    This is common knowledge.

    You have common knowledge of the OP? Tell me?
  • coleg04
    coleg04 Posts: 126 Member
    No, but the man speaks the truth. The body, in it's constant attempt to retain fat and burn as little fat/energy as possible, adapts to everything we do. This physiology kept people alive when the next meal could be a week or more away. I mean HIIT or no HIIT it doesn't matter.
  • sardelsa
    sardelsa Posts: 9,812 Member
    antdelsa wrote: »
    sijomial wrote: »
    You should have stopped while you were ahead rather than start adding a load of other myths!

    Best to avoid using absolute phrases like "the only way....". Because if you think about it there are many methods to achieve fat loss not just one.

    What about anything i said is a myth?

    All I'm saying is the more you put in the more you get out... how is this a myth.. how is mixing hiit into your training not beneficial over just doing steady state cardio? How is shocking the body a myth?

    Please let me know lol

    As I said before, it depends on your goals. Sometimes doing "too much" cardio, pushing the limits and HIIT can actually work negatively as I mentioned - in my case, it would have affected my recovery for lifting. So there is one reason right there.
  • antdelsa
    antdelsa Posts: 174 Member
    PAV8888 wrote: »
    Hmmmm, and if you can't walk for 8 hours a day to burn more than you ever will with your half hour of HIIT don't bash those who can!

    HIIT is good. Walking is good. Cardio is good. Lifting weights is good.

    They all have relative strengths and weaknesses.

    ETA: And your weight level changes will still depend on your caloric balance.

    I've ran the new york marathon, i have no problem with walking and running long distances but it seems most people's goals here are to lose weight, maybe gain muscle.. why would someone looking to acheive those goals walk for hours on end? Why take that much time in the gym when it can be done more efficiently?

    I never said not to walk, i said instead of doing steady state day in and day out, throw in some hiit, throw in some higher intensity exercise that will shock your body and cause you to burn more calories .... i don't see whats so wrong with that advice lol

  • antdelsa
    antdelsa Posts: 174 Member
    sardelsa wrote: »
    antdelsa wrote: »
    sijomial wrote: »
    You should have stopped while you were ahead rather than start adding a load of other myths!

    Best to avoid using absolute phrases like "the only way....". Because if you think about it there are many methods to achieve fat loss not just one.

    What about anything i said is a myth?

    All I'm saying is the more you put in the more you get out... how is this a myth.. how is mixing hiit into your training not beneficial over just doing steady state cardio? How is shocking the body a myth?

    Please let me know lol

    As I said before, it depends on your goals. Sometimes doing "too much" cardio, pushing the limits and HIIT can actually work negatively as I mentioned - in my case, it would have affected my recovery for lifting. So there is one reason right there.

    I lift 7 days a week, 2 to 3 days a week i do some form of hiit ...

    Get some good bcaas and beta alanine, because it shouldn't be a recovery issue. Too much cardio can be negative especially to lifters which is why hiit is a much better option in my opinion

    Look at a marathon runners body compared to a sprinters ...
  • coleg04
    coleg04 Posts: 126 Member
    I feel like on this page anyone who comments with under 150 posts will be attacked regardless of what they say lol. If you gotta feel superior because you spend your life in the comment section of MFP I truly feel sorry for you. Have a blessed day!
  • antdelsa
    antdelsa Posts: 174 Member
    Funny how people zerod in on the part where I'm challenging you to work hard and totally negated all the other positive things ....

    If you don't want to push yourself then fine, i honestly don't care i was just trying to be helpful and to try to get people to see things from a new perspective... it seems as though people aren't willing to step out of their comfort zones, we can all jump on a treadmill and walk a few miles, get a little sweat going, have a little labored breathing.. and if this is working out for you then great! But at some point you're going to have to increase the speed, the incline and you're going to have to push yourself to get greater results its just the way it is.
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