

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    pamwix & newbies: Click on the hollow star at the top of this page to create a bookmark. It will turn yellow. After that you can click on the dark star and it will bring you here. We have to do this over again at the first of each month. :smiley:

    Sandracuella, Jbeans & Gayla in Germany: Welcome! This group is full of encouragement. :smiley:

    Meg: I have daylight temperature lights all over the house, especially in our office area, but I do not have UV lights. I take Vitamin D3 and between that and the lights I do pretty well in winter. :bigsmile:

    Rori: Thank you for offering to help. By being here and being my friends all of you are an amazing help. I've got the Seasonal Affective Disorder issue handled pretty well between lights and vitamin D3. There are some additional stresses with DH's health right now, but we're taking it as it comes and the prospects are excellent for a very good outcome. He needs cataract surgery and they're doing other work to help his vision first. :heart:

    Re: You are looking good! :flowerforyou:

    Becca: I've had mint tea today, too. It is very nice. I hope it works as well for you as it has for me. :smiley:

    I traditionally take Christmas Wreaths and place them on my parent's graves each December. I want to do that this week if possible. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for tomorrow. It is a couple of hundred miles round-trip so weather will be a deciding factor along with how well DH is feeling. If we don't get it done this week, we'll try for next week.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    Nothing is impossible, the word itself says 'I'm possible'!" -Audrey Hepburn
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,102 Member
    Rori I made my annual Shutterfly calendar today. I had trouble adding new photos. I don't know if it was because I was trying to add them from the computer instead of the cloud. I already had plenty loaded so I was able to make one without too much trouble. I make the smallest one and use a free calendar coupon because that is all I order I it does end up costing about $7.00 because of shipping. I just find it a fun way to go back over my pictures, and they have all kinds of backgrounds and layouts to choose from. I used to make one for my mom too. It is a good memory for me so that is why I plan to make one yearly. It did take me at least an hour to complete.

    :heart: Margaret
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    Katla~ I hope your travels are smooth sailing. We are awaiting the storm they say will happen. School recording call today saying no school tomorrow. A snow day? My son will be thrilled!
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Charleen wrote "Finally, I'm done and very tired but happy I took the time to help out my neighbors who couldn't get out and do this on their own. Couldn't find anything in MFP exercise list that fit this workout so I logged it under 'raking leaves'."

    Cheering you on, Charleen, that's a good neighbor I'd say. That's what life is all about and you were a perfect example of that today. Glad to call you "friend". <3

    Janetr okc
  • sherryminch
    sherryminch Posts: 168 Member
    Hey now.......

    Meg from Omaha - Dufur is in north-central Oregon about 13 miles south from a city called The Dalles which is located in the Columbia River Gorge which runs along part of the northern border of the state....if you have Google Maps or some other mapping app on your phone or software on your laptop/home computer you can type in Dufur Oregon into it and it will show you where my sweet little town is.....

    Re - Puffy Princess my a**.........you look wonderful in your "too small" sweater! I wish I could grow my hair long like yours!....."Maaaauuuvalous Daaarling!"......hey guess what.....Hood River has 5 dispensaries and only 20 miles from The Dalles......wooohoooo!

    OK, just put a movie in and I gotta get my fitbit to sync to my tablet so I can see how I did today.......YAY! I get satellite TV sometime tomorrow morning between 8 and 12......I can't wait to watch all my educational channels I've been missing.....that's it for now, post more later.....

    Sherry in "27 degree" Dufur.......(according to WeatherBug) B)
  • Lagopus
    Lagopus Posts: 1,016 Member
    Rori wrote:
    Penny: This AM as I was putting on extra layers for my 2 block walk to the gym, I kept repeating your DH’s good motto to myself, “There’s no such thing as bad weather, only inappropriate clothing.” Tomorrow it will be minus 0 when I walk out at 5 AM. :s:p:*:o

    Aw, Rori. That must be tough for a Hawaiian like you! :flowerforyou: Actually, that motto is what everyone else here says, especially people who work with kids in daycare or schools. My husband, being a meteorologist by training, says "There's no such thing as bad weather, only more or less interesting weather." :laugh:

    I see it isn't just Rori who's getting really cold temperatures now. The cold has finally come to Svalbard, but it still isn't as cold as what many of you have reported. And besides, I'm not there right now. Instead, I'm stuck in Stockholm for another of my teaching stints. Here it RAINED last night. :sad: (Just for comparison, Stockholm is about as far north as Anchorage, Alaska.)

    On the plus side, I've succeeded in running to and from lectures. That gives me a good 5 miles per day. Must run now if I'm going to have time for my shower before class.

    Warm welcome to the many newbies!

    /Penny, nowhere near the North Pole
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,377 Member
    Beth - Wonderful work on the pounds! :D

    Karen - The spicy nuts sound good. I never go near big stores around Christmas and get everything online. You can get wonderful little bottles, lids etc from Amazon. I know some people have objections to Amazon. I do, but I can't do without them as I hate shopping.

    KJ - You could make pickles. Piccalilli is fabulous. Or herbed oils or vinegars. I have a great book called Gifts From The Kitchen.
    The Mexico trip is mainly about the ruins. And a couple of Biosphere Reserves. We are taking in a couple of colonial cities. I am NOT a beach person, apart from swimming and snorkeling. I did scuba one year. I have been persuaded to have three nights on the beach at the end, much against my preference, but I hope to do lots of swimming. The hotel, with separate luxury lodges, looks fabulous. Do you remember that I bought the full length swimming costume to guard against the tropical sun? Basically we are taking a personalised, private escorted car tour of the area with special attention to Mayan history, which is a passion of mine. I hope the guides know more than I do! :laugh:

    I am feeling grumpy this year because I am so aware of everything I put in my mouth that the general eating behaviour just looks crazy to me. Collective insanity! I am not a fan of Christmas anyway, but the carb and saturated fat fest really has my goat this year. I am not against a "little of what you fancy" occasionally, but everywhere I turn I see death on the shelves. Congratulations to those of you who are swimming against the tide and learning to become FIT, HEALTHY people who eat sanely. <3<3<3 Keep filling those plates with veggies!
    I know it's silly to let it annoy me as I only hurt myself by being grumpy, but our health service is overwhelmed by preventable illness. I have not been going to our WI meetings recently as their attitude to food exasperates me. They could be a huge power for good in the country , but our meetings are like a promotion rally for bad food. This is not a political forum and for me health is a huge political issue, so I'll stop ranting now, but I am just so sad for all those suffering bad health and, yes, angry. :'(

    On another note, the big family trauma for DH's side is going to come to a head next week. DH was on the phone to his sister for an hour last night. We are feeling very sad and helpless. :'( DH appears to be coping, but it is hard.

    Love to all, must take him up a cup of tea. <3

    Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,831 Member
    Morning Ladies~
    Well I made it through yesterday.. 10 1/2 hrs and it was wild.. today I got up at 3:30 am as I am trying to get everything I need to do ,done today..
    made dad pecan pie fudge yesterday morning before work, so I will bring that up today...visit with my daughter for a bit and then drop off licorice to my friend Doris, then get my haircut, visit with my brother,have one load of laundry in now,and will get the second before I get moving this morning, pick up my script and then come home and sweep and wash floors and pack the car.
    Barbie~ Sasha looks dreamy in her coat.. I know taking everything a day at a time without sweet Brandy xoxox
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Beth I knew you would have the calorie count for shoveling and snowblowing!! Holy snowman! That sounds like a lot of snow--glad you've got provisions for this storm. Stay cozy

    Heather I hear what you are saying about how this preventable disease is not only ignored ignored but promoted by agribusiness and even our own governments--but we all have free will. Thank goodness we have choices for selfcare and compassion. Our little band of women is just one tiny example, when I get overwhelmed I like you turn to my "improving" books I think you call them, others turn to meditation or writing. Sorry for DH family crisis, one step at a time. <3

    I am not a recipe follower. The spiced nut recipe is just whatever I feel like a little brown sugar with a hint of cayenne, I add cinnamon as well with a little salt. Some recipes call for egg white to bind the spice to the nut but I havent tried that. I did find the lids and bands from the big bad store, and carried on with my life.

    Green veggies are my lifeboat as I float past the holiday carbs, green veggies yum yum yum.

  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    Morning, all... have a long drive into Odessa this morning to get my first intake appointment over for the VA clinic. Debated delaying it into January, as this morning is the first freeze this year... but will leave an hour early and take my time. Just got the electric bill, and as we went straight from air conditioning to heat, it didn't drop at all. Depressing.

    Love y'all,
    Lisa in West Texas
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,744 Member
    morning peeps, no snow, just 32 degrees :0(
  • ljdw99
    ljdw99 Posts: 360 Member
    199 this morning...YAHOO! Unfortunately not a great way getting there...bad cold/sore throat & worry about DH's health. Today he sees ENT for scope to see if changes in CTScan were due to intubation for back surgery or something more serious...he had epiglottis cancer 2.5 years ago. Then cardiologist in the afternoon since same scan showed some blockage of his carotid artery. He's a very well controlled type 2 diabetic but complication still arise because of the disease. If all this turns out ok we must deal with his continued back pain...second opinion & hope more surgery isn't in the future. He's such a great caring guy, and my best friend, I just pray that he has some positives in all this...he's been through a lot without ever complaining.

    I'm reading all that's going on just not posting, trying to do DH's jobs along with mine to get ready for the holidays & big family gathering.

    Best wishes to all keep us in your thoughts

    Lois on a gray & dismal day on the North Shore of Ma.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,377 Member
    edited December 2016
    Lois - Sending you ((((HUGS)))) for your DH's health. So hard to see your best friend suffering. :'( Let's hope it all works out fine. <3
    Well done on entering ONEDERLAND! :drinker:

    Lisa - Hope your clinic visit is fruitful . :flowerforyou:

    Just had my yummy cold turkey burger. :D

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,837 Member
    Good morning all! Happy Thursday! Welcome new girls! You have found a wonderfully supportive group of gals. It is amazing to think of all of the different cities, states, countries, cultures are found on this one thread! All on the same journey. We all know that weight and health is just as much a mental battle as it is a physical one. I have found so much inspiration and support from my friends here, when my weight loss stagnates or my healthy choices begin to take a dive due to the "busy-ness" of life; these ladies are here and I always manage to find those little nuggets of inspiration. <3 Advice to the new girls: Log your food, check in here daily or as often as you can, read and glean the info you need/want, comment when you are so inclined. Love getting to know new people!
    Thank you for all of the gift suggestions. I will have to think on this for a while. I only see my sibs at Christmas; and most of them live only an hour away. I am seriously considering a gift certificate to a local restaurant or bar in my town, so that they HAVE to come out my way to visit. They are all on fb and it just grinds my gears to see them post "beach" pictures when they come out to the beach in the summer and they don't call to tell me they will be here! Ah well, family...you can't live with 'em, you can't....(well, we can just fill in the blank with whatever action fits)
    I better go. I have four littles already here and eating breakfast. Making candy cane mice today for craft and adding jingle bells to our coat zippers for our "countdown" activity.
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    Becca Charming telephone story. Those old phones are sturdy and wonderful. I am jealous. ;)

    Sherry Dufur is a quaint and charming little town. What a gem! I think you are home.

    Barbie ((Hug)) <3

    Charleen Wow, if you add a slash proof strap, you could make a small fortune marketing those travel pouches. So stinkin' cute. Mine has the same basic design but it's a boring black material and not at all adorable. And I didn't make it. p.s. yay for nice people helping their neighbors.

    RE I empathize with your potato chip bender. A few months ago I ate an entire container of something I can't quite remember now and I logged the whole thing, LOL! It looked horrible on my log but it brought me up short so I didn't do an encore. Plus it made me laugh when I went back to look at it on my food log, it was so ludicrous. Better than getting upset about it, just log it and move on. And wear your smaller sweater! Yay!

    Joyce I second Carol's suggestion of OTC Delsym. Orange flavor tastes better than grape, I think. Works very well for me when I have a cough. Plus Ricola cough drops.

    Hi Verna, Maggie, Sandra, Jbeans, Autumn, Gayla, and Joni! This is a great group, keep coming and sharing!

    NYKaren I have actually gone to Walmart with music/earbuds going...

    KJ The crafts are darling. Especially love the clothespin reindeer!

    Mary LOL! Interesting napkins on that table...chuckle chuckle chuckle...

    Beth Great weight loss! Congrats!

    Penny c0131.gif

    Heather WI...?Women's Institute? By the way, turkey burgers sound yummy!

    Lois Onederland! Congrats!

    Jazzercise this a.m. and work this evening with an hour of garage cleaning somewhere in the middle for me today. Not so very exciting.

    Karen in Virginia

  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,976 Member
    Verna, I have been a member of MFP since about May of 2010. I have been on this forum for about 4 years now. My efforts have carried with my depression and life events. My weight has reflected that.

    Currently I am in the midst of a down time but still logging food, just not much posting much. I lost 30 pounds this year since March and need to lose another 35 to 40 to be at my goal weight. Big push this year due to medical reasons. The weight loss controlled the problems, now need to cure them by continuing my journey. Hope to lose the rest in the coming year.

    Verna, thanks to you reaching out to me directly, I posted this info for you and it has reminded me why I am on MFP and love this forum so much. You never know what will help someone else.

    Rita from CT
  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,524 Member
    Good morning everyone, can't stay long.

    WELCOME to all the new girls, wow I go away for a couple days and viola !! new people. how will I ever catch up.

    It is -26 C this morning, and with the windchill -31 C. Oh lovely !! We are off to the city for Dr appointments and grocery shopping for the party this weekend. It is the Family annual Christmas tree hunt. 40 people, 9 little kids under the age of 5. I don't think there will be a wiener roast :( It is way to cold and there are only 6 families that are getting a real tree, all those other people have gone to other kinds of trees, or picked their tree up at the Tree stores.

    And what is really really disappointing - we don't even have much snow. I think we will all be inside anyway!!

    Must run - I will do some housecleaning this morning before we leave for Dr. appointments.

    Oh - I picked up my new walking shoes yesterday when we were in Saskatoon!! YEAH!! My old ones had 680 miles on them, they were still good enough to donate. This was so cool, I said to the salesman that I didn't need another pair of garden shoes and he said they could recycle them for me, there are people that need shoes and my were in good enough shape to be still used!! I said I have more that I could donate!!

    Later everyone, I have to go sneeze!!

    Lillian in FREEZING west Central Saskatchewan
  • SSC1958
    SSC1958 Posts: 411 Member
    Welcome to everyone new - post often and let us get to know you. :)

    Charleen: Would ya' be my neighbor!

    Re: Congrats on the sweater! I'll bet jumping up and down to get a pic count can be logged :)

    Lisa: Safe travels!

    We've hit a cold spell here so it is severly limiting my walking to get coffee at work since it is a 2 block walk. The wind and temperature is making my eyes worse so I need to avoid it if at all possible. Ordered ski goggles to try and protect my eyes going back and forth to work. I wonder if you can see well enough to drive in ski goggles? Well I guess I'll find out they should arrive today.

    Wishing you all a happy and healthy day

    Carey - Northern Alberta

    Goals for Dec:
    - Increase walking to 7500 per day by end of month
    - Get to Tai Chi at least once a week
    - Increase daily water intake
  • Charleen2
    Charleen2 Posts: 223 Member
    Margaret - I found them! Thank you for letting me know they were in the data base somewhere. I believe I had looked for things like 'snow removal' and didn't find anything so assumed they didn't list it.

    Yes, you all can be my neighbors and what a wonderful place it would be!

    Re - The sweater looks awesome! Way to go!!!

    Thank you for the kind words regarding the hedgehog pouch. I love a challenge and trying to figure out how to make as many openings as I could in such a small size was definitely a challenge.

    DD is in the middle of final exams this week. She flies out for her many country adventure this coming Sunday. She leaves Denver and lands in Iceland, then on to London where she will be sightseeing for a couple of days. Then back on a plane and flying to Edinburgh Scotland to visit a friend and sightsee a couple of days. Then on to Stockholm and a train trip to Karlstad to visit friends and sightsee a few more days. Finally a train trip back to Stockholm, plane to London, an overnight stay then back on a plane to Iceland and finally home to Denver airport. She put together her agenda and I am pretty sure she didn't plan on sleeping or factor in jet lag so I speak with confidence that she will ooze off that plane when it arrives home. She claims she can't sleep on a plane.

    Charleen in Colorado (It's -8 degrees this morning!)