

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    barbie - my heart is still heavy for you. I know what you're going thru

    Ava - welcome! You CAN do this, Keep coming in here for support of each and every kind.

    Went to Penney's to get these wine charms for a gift for the ceramic christmas party only they don't sell them. They don't sell umbrellas, either. I had a coupon for $10 off a purchase of over $10 so I got Lynette a sweater for christmas. In the end it cost me $8. then went to Bed Bath & Beyond. Got what I think is really neat, its these pens that you can use to write on your wine glass. Then went to WalMart to get some of the veggies for the veggie tray for the mahjongg and ceramic christmas parties. Will need to go to Aldi to get the rest of the veggies.

    Ordered this pair of jeans mainly because I found out that if they didn't fit I could return them to the store. See, I have a pair in this same make only in an 8P. Online they only had 8short. I wasn't sure if they were the same thing or not, so I ordered them. They came today and they fit. Am I ever grateful.

    Becca - I'd love to meet up with you. I hope we get to one day.

    janet - LOL

    Charleen - what a neat pouch. You sure are talented

    Meg - you are a site for sore eyes! Glad you're feeling better

    Thrifty Sherry - WOW! Dufur looks like such a lovely quaint town. I can see why you love it so much

    Michele in NC
  • IremiaRe
    IremiaRe Posts: 801 Member
    Hi Gracious Gals!

    My intentions to do better today - blew it. *sigh* I have had trainings and meetings up the wazoo - so, no love for y'all... well, not posted love, anyway.

    Thank you all for the kind words - I really have every intention of breaking the 200 barrier as soon as humanly possible - however, today, I didn't even make it to the gym. I got up, I got dressed, and I decided I had better get dinner in the crockpot before I left... um.. yeah. Took longer than I anticipated.

    However - dinner is cooked, I have done a couple of things to prep for future meals and I washed a few dishes as penance for missing the gym.

    The worst part is - I still have to leave some calories on the table - since my allotment is basically a maintenance amount of calories. *sigh* Oh well. That's why God gave us Pre-Logging. Planned my day accordingly, and unless I have another attack (uh - had one last night... went on a potato chip bender - darn my DH for reminding me they were there!) I should be fine. I believe I may be pre-menstrual - since I had NO ability to say "NO" to those salty, delicious carbs, last night. I am going to be better, tonight. And besides, the chips are gone.

    The good news is - I always leave some calories on the table - so, I didn't do too much damage, even on my little bender.

    Well, I have to run - Moroccan Chicken Stew awaits....and that stuff is tasty!

    Hugs for Everybody!

    Re in TX
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    megblair1 wrote: »

    OK so I have been gone so long; has anyone heard from Sylvia (Mollywhippet)? at all? I remember us commenting on how long she had been gone.

    Take care, Meg

    Meg, the last we heard was Sylvia was doing fine just very busy with the opening of the new artist's coop. I do worry so about her and her son and grandchildren. Would love reassurance that all is well in her world. :/

    Janetr OKC
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,736 Member
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Pip, guess you're gonna have to run over to Hawaii, I just read on line that some place there got 2-3' of snow. Wow. I lived in Denver the first 47 years of my life and have had enough "big" snows to last a life time, but I definitely want a few inches just a couple of days before Christmas :)

    Sherry, what a wonderful little town. I got "lost" in the pictures. Thanks for sharing.

    Janetr okc (where is is going to be cold tomorrow, but no snow)
  • sherryminch
    sherryminch Posts: 168 Member
    Pip - such a gorgeous dog! Which one is this one? Is it a him or a her?.....sending "snowy" thoughts your way.....

    Sherry in "dinner's almost done" Dufur.....(I keep wanting to call it Dufus, lol!)
  • sherryminch
    sherryminch Posts: 168 Member
    How do you get 'em to hold still long enough to take an awesome pic like that??.....I can never get a good one like that of Missy.....she has to be sleeping for me to catch her, I think she might be a little camera shy.....I want a pic of her with her pretty golden eyes open.....

  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    Michele in NC~Ah, its not an if we meet up, its just a when thing.. ((hugs))) Becca
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Hello lovely ladies. Haven't posted much yesterday or today. Yesterday I developed a wicked cough. Di said today that it is not flu or virus and I am not contagious. But oh do I hurt in my chest and head when I cough. Today I had 2 Christmas dinners. Lunch was Sunday School class and they catered meat and potatoes and then a few people brought deserts. We played bingo and sang Christmas carols. I tried singing but it didn't work. This evening was the choir and it was catered. We have a high school that is a trade institute and they have a culinary institute. They actually serve lunch every day for a very decent price. We usually play some games like how many words you can make out of a particular phrase, and another like that. We have two people who usually win all of those kind. Tonight we decided just to draw names for door prizes which would have been the prizes for the games. I have to get a 'Dirty Santa' gift for our family Christmas and now I have it! I will put the 2 prizes i got today together and let it be it.

    Doctor's office offered to prescribe cough medicine only and I said no. I have never had any cough medicine that tops a cough. My lungs sound good but the cough sounds so moist and wheezy at places but really they are only in my throat. I have to see the pulmonologist tomorrow in order to have Medicare pay for my new CPAP. I am interested to see what he has to say about my lungs and cough.

    Barbie, I am so sorry. I think Pip said it best. Your decision shows so much strength and love. You are one of the most determined woman that I have ever met.

    JOyce, Indiana
  • GloworminWA
    GloworminWA Posts: 704 Member
    Busy day today - had to leave work early to get DGS#1 (RJ) to a doctor appt. Then had to pick up DGS#2 from daycare, get them both home for a snack and then to counseling. After that home to make dinner and then get ready for the next day. Tomorrow I have to leave work early to get RJ to an orthodontic appt. He was born with an underbite or crossbite. I've asked since the first time I ever took him to a dentist if something would be done to correct it and over the years I was always told when he was older. The dentist I took him to a couple of months ago said he may be too old now to correct it. Anyway he will probably need braces as he has a very small mouth and his teeth are very close together. They may have to pull some to make room for the rest of them. Guess he will find out tomorrow.

    Looking forward to Friday when I get my first paycheck! I'm going to try to find a few 3/4 sleeve tops for work.

    Welcome to all of our new sisters!

    Sorry I don't have time to respond individually tonight but I need to get to bed and get my beauty sleep. Now why do they say that because I don't know about you but when I wake up in the morning I look worse than when I went to bed. I think pillows should be called "facial rearrangement apparatus"

    Thanks Sherry for posting all the pics!

    Nite nite! sleepy-smiley-face.gif

    Gloria in WA where we had a dusting of snow this morning

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Meg: I haven't seen a post from Sylvia in months. The last I remember she was very busy with her artist's coop. :flowerforyou:

    Sue: You're quite a bit north of me, and I envy your snow. I can see snow in Washington just across the river but none where I live in Oregon. :ohwell:

    Sherry: I hope you're snug and warm in your new spot. I love the photos of your charming new home town. :smiley:

    Joyce: I like to drink herbal tea for a cough. I like Peppermint and Sleepytime best. :heart:

    I have my home decorated, and we haven't had any raccoon noises today. Yay! That is two good things. On the minus side, I'm not getting my Christmas shopping done and am feeling worn out. :noway: I hope to have a better day tomorrow. I get seasonal affective disorder as the days get darker & the nights get longer. It is time to take all the measures I can to fight it off. I'm sitting under bright lights this minute. I'll do it as early in the morning as I can, too. I'm happy to have yoga tomorrow. It gives me something to look forward to.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    "Normally I'm quite normal . . ." The Gods Must be Crazy
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,372 Member
    Thanks Sherry for the photos. It all looks great. To a Brit it looks like a travel programme! :D Real homey.

    Katla - Good news about the racoons! :drinker:

    We are having a warm spell here after the cold snap last week. Bit damp and the arthritis in my hands knows it, but I prefer it to the cold. Don't like having to spray the car windows to get to yoga. :noway:

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,826 Member
    morning ladies~
    well again I havent slept well... but oh well..
    I am just gonna breath my way through today as it is gonna be bat a-- crazy... tomorrow will be to as it is my day off. but I have so much to do,I have written a list..
    have to be at work at 7:30 so gotta go, will check in in the morning
  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member

    Kate UK
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Lost my post, and it was gonna be a good one!!

    Ah well, cheers and hugs to all facing challenges today. Together we can do this :)

  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Charleen ~ Love the cute hedgehog bag. Your daughter is lucky to have such a creative mother.

    Sherry ~ Your little town looks like a very nice place for you to be.

    Janet ~ I too am short! 5' 1-1/2" Everyone in my family is taller than me. When we went to the GD's gym show the other night I was worried that someone tall would sit in front of me and I wouldn't be able to see.

    Joyce ~ Sorry about the cough. When I had that after TG I found an OTC 12 hour cough medicine (Delsym) and it was like a miracle.

    Pip ~ Keep the pup pics coming! Your fur children are lovely.

    Getting DH ready for his monthly antique show and hoping to drive South to see my mom on Thurs. We are supposed to have a hard freeze here on Fri so not looking forward to that.

  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,099 Member
    Katla my mom had a raccoon that would come in to the attic when it rained. I do remember one visit where I was in the east bedroom and the door to the west bedroom was shut. I could hear the "critter", that is what I called it, scratching on the door in the west bedroom. They had a tree by the side of the house that it climbed up to a hole in the siding. Once the tree was gone and the hole patched the problem was solved. It sounded like a dog tromping around on the roof.

    :heart: Margaret
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,974 Member
  • Charleen2
    Charleen2 Posts: 223 Member
    Morning ladies!

    Woke up to see we have snow! We often get little or none of what is predicted so I was surprised to see I will have to get out and move the darn stuff.

    Charleen in Colorado (My exercise plan for the day has been defined by Mother Nature)
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Gloria, between what the genetics in my side of the family and the grand kids Dad, they were bound to have terrible mouth. Their Dad had to have teeth removed and a partial plate at a young age. But his Mom wants to provide the money for everything! Teeth removal, partial plate, braces, retainer, everything. My oldest DGD just had her braces taken off last week. And they look wonderful.

    One good thing about this cough is that my husband is so worried about it that when his ileostomy bag sprung a leak in the middle of the night, he changed it all without my help. For about the past 4 weeks, he has been doing everything but when it come to placing it over his stoma, he asks for my help. But he didn't want to wake me. Bless his heart, that doesn't prevent him from waking me up just to see if I am OK. Last night I hadn't coughed in a while and he didn't like the silence. So he woke me up. It's really hard to go back to sleep after that.

    Joyce, Indiana