

  • IremiaRe
    IremiaRe Posts: 801 Member
    edited December 2016
    Hello, Luscious Lovies;

    I am swamped - and while I managed to get caught up on the reading part - I just can't manage a reply to everyone... Sorry, Girls... I will try to do better, tomorrow.

    I had a nice scale victory, today, as I dropped not 1 but 2 pounds since last week's Christmas Challenge weigh in... I am at 221 today - with only 1 more pound to my Christmas goal. Might have to revise that goal! Looks like my workouts must be doing something... other than giving me baby biceps.


    New folks - WELCOME! There is a lot of experience, a huge volume of ideas and masses of love to be found on this thread. It's like having your own cheering section on MFP.

    - (((HUGS!))) The end of suffering was the best that you could do for your Darling.

    Sherry - I am so glad you came back, and so very, very glad you are loving the new place. And BONUS about the dispensary - I wondered about that... The Dalles is a decent sized little town. Sorry about the cable, though... the one downside to small town living - services don't come cheap.

    Janet - So glad your Sister is doing better...

    Meg & Tracie - Nice to see you, Gals... you keep coming back, now.


    Well, I have to run... I am late home, again. Good thing I am cooking, tonight.

    Hugs for everybody!!

    Re in TX
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    GodMomKim wrote: »

    So let the hairdresser add red to my hair! ready for Christmas - at least my hair is...

    That is about the cutest thing I have ever seen!! You are stunning!!!! Becca
    (ol gray haired thing) in
    ol gray Oregon
  • pamwix
    pamwix Posts: 15 Member
    Not sure how this works. I am looking for motivation and do best when I am accountable to others as well as myself. I have been logging into mfp for 4 years but have not logged my food for a long time. I started logging my food again last week and plan to continue on a daily basis. Looking for someone to keep me accountable.
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited December 2016
    Re wrote "I had a nice scale victory, today, as I dropped not 1 but 2 pounds since last week's Christmas Challenge weigh in... I am at 221 today - with only 1 more pound to my Christmas goal. Might have to revise that goal! Looks like my workouts must be doing something... other than giving me baby biceps."

    WAY TO GO, RE!!! You're doing such a great job and we are all cheering you on, but more than that you are giving us all the encouragement to keep at, especially the work outs. What a terrific Christmas gift, thank you. <3

    Janetr OKC
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited December 2016
    I'm Renee and from Dallas, Texas area. 57 yrs old and started my journey seriously in Jan 2016. I am really enjoying my journey, as I have learned some things about me that I did know. Well, I'm here to meet new friends in the same size, shape I'm in that really do understand

    Renee, welcome. You've come to the right place. This is the best group of encouraging, supportive ladies you'll ever meet. We range anywhere from early 50's to early 70's and every one is welcome. Many have lost weight and are on maintenance, many are moving along on their weight loss journey but we are all here for the long haul to make this a healthy life style. Believe me we understand.

    I lived n Dallas for a while and now live in Oklahoma City. Also, I love your name, its my oldest daughter's middle name so I shall remember it. :)

    Again, welcome

    Janetr OKC
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Kim, I second Becca's comment. Cutest hair ever. You pull it off fabulously. :)

    Janetr OKC
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,659 Member
    Hi Gals,

    Katla – good luck with the racoons they are a very smart very persistent animal….

    Joyce – Dogs are amazing! Sending good thoughts to Willis, Dalton and their family

    Sherry - Love that the happy Sherry is back! - well we love you and support you up or down, but I am so glad you are doing so well!

    NYKaren – its this weekend! Fly out I’ll pick you up in Oakland and you can help!

    Barbie – So sad – sitting here crying – such a tough decision, but one made with so much love, and understanding of the decency of life. Sending you and your family hugs.

    Thanks all for the comments on my red hair… it is fun and interesting to see the responses, some are cheering, some ignoring… My male boss who is late 20’s, wears his hair longer than his shoulders, double took, gulped and said nothing…. I loved it!

    So much to do this week, but took time out to go see my nephew – he is such a good kid (18 yrs old) and just about finished with his first quarter in college, and is learning a TON about life and being an adult. He’s taking a full load of classes and working 30-35 hours a week, and having a social life (a bit). It is hard, but he’s being super responsible and I am so so proud of him. I really find it difficult to set aside the 3 -4 hours to have lunch with him, but it is important… maybe it should be a monthly goal..

    December Goals:

    Write Christmas letter, and have all cards ready to send by Dec1…this was for nov. but still working on it.
    Read and report on a book
    Log everyday to the best I can, over if need be.
    11,000 + steps everyday
    Work on water consumption -


    Kim from N. California
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Just my shade, I believe :)

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,369 Member
    edited December 2016
    Kim - I too LOVE your hair. You could have a different colour for each season! How long does the dye last? My contribution to the Christmas spirit is my flashing earrings, which I always wear to the yoga Christmas lunch. This year I have snowmen :laugh:

    I was in bed by 10 pm last night and asleep, but that meant I was awake at 4 am. (6 hours seems to be my new normal) it wouldn't matter, but DH is still sleeping and is quite a light sleeper, so I can't just get on and start my day. Usually I come downstairs and type to you.

    Haven't heard how the viewing went. :|

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Kim- you look fabulous! I love the Christmas spirit! Very festive!


    Mary from Minnesota
  • tngram2seven
    tngram2seven Posts: 465 Member
    Hi all -

    Welcome to all the new ladies! This is a wonderful group.
    Meg - glad to see you back. I returned in October.

    Kim - love the hair. So glad to see a picture of you. I don't remember one from last year.

    Barbie - So sorry to hear about Brandy. It is always such a hard decision. It sounds like you planned things out to make it as gentle as possible for all of you.

    I always have a busy day on Monday. I have my TOPS meeting in the morning, grocery shop, and then host my study group at my home. Everyone enjoyed my Christmas decorations. One nice thing that has been happening during the gathering is that my very shy kitty, Shirley has decided to join the group. She comes down and sniffs everyone and then climbs up in my lap to learn right along with us! She is such a sweet cat and I am glad some of my friends have been able to meet her.

    Hope to enjoy tomorrow with my hubby who has Tuesdays off. We usually go out to lunch and might do some Christmas shopping.

    Goodnight, sleep tight!
    Toni in Tennessee
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Heather, we need pictures of the snowmen earrings, please.

    Janetr OKC
  • GloworminWA
    GloworminWA Posts: 704 Member
    Janetr - LOL

    Kim - it must be difficult to have a 20 year old boss. I saw a cosmetologist who had her hair all different colors like a rainbow and it was beautiful. The colors they have out now are so vibrant - not dull like they used to be.

    Barbie I know how difficult it is to let go of your pet when you know they are suffering. I had to do that with my wonderful cat Princess. She threw a clot in her back and could not even get into her litter box anymore. I just couldn't stand the thought of her being in pain so I let her go. Much love to all of you.

    Re I just love your posts and you are doing so awesome!

    Becca how far are you from Hillsboro? Now that I'm working again I will be able to visit my granddaughter like I used to and they are near Hillsboro.

    Welcome Renee and Verna!

    Welcome back to those of you who have returned!

    Sherry can't wait to see some pics of your new home all set up and winterized! Get your new awesome neighbors in them too.

    Allie so glad to hear you are going to Florida. I hope you have a wonderful and relaxing time.

    Katla we had a raccoon family in the neighborhood I was living in before my move. There were 3 of them and one was disabled - was missing a leg or hand I forget which. He/she got around just as well as the other two. Luckily they were not under my house - I hope yours go away soon. I like the idea of capturing them and letting them go out in the wild.

    I'm off to bed - a friend called me from CA last night just as I was going to bed so got to bed way later than I should have and then I did not sleep well. I did not want to get up this morning but I got myself up and out!

    Good night all my wonderful friends!

    Gloria still waiting for snow in WA snow-smiley-emoticon-animation.gif

  • sherryminch
    sherryminch Posts: 168 Member
    Hey now.......

    Gloria - now that the trip to Portland today is done and I can stay home for the rest of the week I'm going to take some pics and post them.....don't know if any neighbors will be around as Willow works at the market here everyday and the young couple work too but I don't know for sure where (I think she works here in Dufur at the county building and I think he works in The Dalles), I know one lady who also lives alone (I think she said her name is Wanda) goes to culinary school during the day and another single man that moved in the same day I did drives a service route all over around the area during the day.....honestly, I may have to wait till the weekend to get some pics of them all....I think it's just me here during the week days and everybody gets home after dark so I will try on the weekend....and until then I will take pics of my rig, my space in the park and my view out my front windows as well as some shots of stuff around town.....

    Re - congrats on another 2 lbs! You go girl!!!! Wooot!

    Katla - thanks for the advice on the satellite companies.....I checked out their web pages to see which one had the best deal....Dish won, most channels for the money and cheapest start up costs, but I'm not sure I want to do a 2 year contract with either of them so I will call both and see what their prices are for "no-contract" service in the morning....I used to have Dish on my semi-truck years ago under no-contract and loved it....I hope they still have that option.....

    Lenora - unfortunately I can't bring up both MFP and a word app at the same time on my tablet and switching from one to another and back again is a pain in the *kitten* so I will just have to make do with trying to remember what everyone says....I guess if I get too far behind I can always take notes, lol......

    Mary - no harm, no foul....don't worry about it and thanks for your concern....

    Barbie - am glad the room was nice and had a nice soft place for Brandy to lay on....I am proud of you two for making that tough decision and staying strong....she is pain-free now

    WeatherBug tells me there is a winter weather watch up for north-central Oregon, including my little town....supposed to be a 70% chance of snow tonight with an accumulation of 1 - 3" overnight.....I guess we will see when I wake up in the morning....it wouldn't really surprise me as I ran into full blown snow in the Gorge just outside of Hood River on my way into Portland this morning, although it had blown itself out by the time I came back through earlier this afternoon....nothing stuck to the road but did dust the trees a little and a little on the sides of the road in the grass.....it's also supposed to snow a little off and on all week, not sure if I believe that though....

    Did great at PT appt today....therapist said my score went from an 8 to 14.....she wants to get me up to 22 and walking with only one cane....said she is proud of me for doing so well....that made me feel really good and put a big smile on my face....she gave me 3 new exercises to do with the 3 I am already doing.....one hurts my knees a little so she did some minor adjusting on my knees and it felt better when I did it the second time around.....it's a lot of work and working through the pain gets a little tough sometimes but I keep pluggin' away at it and apparently it's paying off.....

    Didn't make my step goal today....missed it by about a 1,000 steps....I don't think the nap I took today helped, lol.....but I did stay below on carbs and real low on fat....almost made my protein goal, missed it by a smidge, so got pretty darn close.....but I did go over on my sodium again dang it.....will have to seriously work on that the rest of this week....don't want my doc having a cow, he's the one who set my goal so I gotta keep him happy.....with BMR and exercise I burned 2,654 calories and only ate 1,325 calories....so I guess that's a good thing....at this rate I better be losing weight dang it!.....

    Watched 2 movies this evening.....the first one was "Hollow Man" with Kevin Bacon-bits in it....not bad, kinda wish I could be invisible sometimes....I think it might be kinda fun, lol....the second one was "Minority Report" with Tom Cruise....pretty good, I like the concept and other-worldliness to it....kind of sci-fi.....I really gotta get satellite TV going soon, I miss my educational TV shows and I'm quickly running out of movies to watch, lol.....and Redbox just can't keep up....ugh.....

    Well....another long post and it's time to go through the daily emails again then get some shut eye....I look forward to sleeping in as long as I want.....although Missy will wake me up to go out to piddle and such....usually about 8:30.....but she usually comes back in right away so I might get to sleep an extra hour or two....

    Just want to say Hello and Welcome to the newbies and returnies.....

    OK, goodnight all and sweet dreams....

    Sherry in "it's colder than a witch's t** in a brass bra" Dufur
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    Morning, all,

    Kim, your hair! Love it! And you have the kindest eyes... love that pic. Found that guys have a hard time when a woman changes anything about her hair. Women love it when I let my hair go to its natural curl. Guys, if they comment at all, are more like, "You changed your hair." Funny.

    Barbie, my dear, my heart aches for all of you.

    Welcome Lisa, Renee, Verna, and anyone new I missed. I'm also a Lisa, so if you sign yourself with your state, region, city, whatever, it will help people keep us sorted.

    My Fitbit Charge HR 2 came in yesterday, got it all updated and synced across my computer and my phone. I also went and worked out yesterday. No more excuses on that end, either.

    Back to work today, have an article to write before I go in--a special request from my boss, as I know all the players, and it's more up my alley. Proud of myself. I told her I don't mind doing an extra article or two a month, but I will charge 10 cents a word for each one. Typical article is 800 words, for reference ($80). So far, she seems to agree to it. We'll see. I agreed to 15 hours a week, as did she, and if she wants over and above, it'll cost her. We'll see what happens when she gets my bill at the end of the month.

    Off to the races, kids... 7 hours sleep last night, woo-hoo! Now I've just got to get food and appetite under control, and I'm good to go. :)

    Love y'all,
    Lisa in West Texas
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    welcome Renee. Keep logging and checking in with the group--this works!!

    Kim if someone wouldn't mind conducting my kiddie concerts, I'd be flying out to make cookies round your table--what fun. I settled on baking a sour cream pound cake for DH last night-delish, how would I know you ask? Well I had a sample- you know for research purposes only :p

    Re you are a woman on a mission, I believe you are going to exceed your goal and start thinking about "onederland" for spring time and you are gonna do it :D Your focus and intention to do this jump off the page whenever you write about it--you go girl!

    Lisa your homestead blog is fantastic. I read a financial independence blog called "frugalwoods" about a young couple who bought land in Vermont and live the life they've always wanted, but at the front part of their lives, I missed the boat on that one. Very inspiring- check it out.

    Ok ladies, I am back on track, 3 days of not eating mindlessly at night, scale is now moving in the right direction, woohoo. NYKAREN
  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member
    Morning all
    Just returned from my 3rd session at the Gym, will go tomorrow but then to DDs until Friday so next session will hopefully be Sat
    I'll need it as I can be a bit naughty at DDs then have a movie and nibbles on Friday night at BFs the Sat annual Christmas meal with DS, he is a wonderful host and I will probably eat and drink too much
    Then next week I have my 1918 Christmas meal. Then have 4 days before we travel to Spain
    Here's hoping the extra exercise helps mitigate these disasters. I do have access to a gym while on holiday and DH insists I go every day which I will

    Welcome to all newbies you will enjoy this group

    Kate UK
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,820 Member
    morning ladies~
    first I couldn't find my house keys for the Florida house, we keep them on a key rack, and now in our lock box our passports are missing, Tom used his for TSA precheck a few months ago and he doesn't know where mine is..
    I am not losing my mind, I havent touched either of these in a long time..
    Barbie~ I am in tears , we have had to go through what you and Jake have 5 times and it is never easy..
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,992 Member
    :) There's a bit of snow on the ground and a bit more coming down. Jake has a medical appointment in Seattle so we're up early to be sure we're on the road in plenty of time to meet whatever comes along and still get there on time.

    <3 Barbie
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Safe travels Barbie and Jake <3