

  • ljdw99
    ljdw99 Posts: 360 Member
    Reading but not taking notes...feeling blah with this sore throat & stuffiness & overwhelmed with all the jobs I need to get done.

    Barbie you've done so well in your recouping from back surgery

    Beth in Buffalo I know you said you're DH ad issues after his surgery but it sounds like he is improving.

    My DH is not! Saw a physiatrist on Friday & thought the new meds for muscle & nerve pain were working but Sunday he was back to the stabbing pain that has him crying out when it hits...I don't know what to do! There's no way he'll be able to do much at PT today but I'm going to ask the therapist her opinion. All the specialist say it takes time but it's been two months & I'd consider him still an invalid. It's so hard to see this very active guy hobbling around not able to do much of anything...bending over to put his shoes on is a major undertaking!

    Kim love the hair

    Pip your nails rock

    Yeah to all those celebrating victories in their journey & (((hugs))) to those in need! Although I think Becca would say everyone needs a hug!

    Lois frustrated & feeling a little powerless on the North Shore of Ma.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,363 Member
    Hope all the hubbies feel better soon. <3

    Just about to get ready for my trip to London. DH is exercising, but I won't have time.
    The house is fairly straight for the viewing.

    All your talk of getting ready for Christmas makes me resolve to get my cards done this week. It's a job which always goes quicker than I expect. I've already given out a few by hand. We've bought the stamps, which cost a FORTUNE!

    Must run, lots of love, Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • sherryminch
    sherryminch Posts: 168 Member
    Hey now......

    Cheri - I am totally amazed at your graph you posted....I'm lucky to get in the 4,500 steps I set my fitbit for.......speaking of fitbit, I may be lame when it comes to technology but I think it's the greatest darn thing ever invented!.....

    Kim - love the hair!

    Beth - I giggled so hard at your sparkling tree story I almost wet myself a little! That's funny....I can picture the vacuum blowing snow and glitter everywhere!....at least your inner child got to play and laugh!....

    Joyce - so so sorry to hear that Dalton won't make it.....at least with Willis back home he might not be so restless with pain.....it's amazing how well people who are sick respond to dogs and other animals.....I'm glad he got a little relief with Willis there and was able to pet him....what a blessing......

    Barbie - I'm sorry Brandy is having problems and limping, it's heartbreaking to have sick fur babies.....I'm sending love and prayers to you and yours.....

    MrsGLT - thanks hun.....I'm sorry to hear about your honey's foot pain, I feel for him......I don't have gout but my arches have fallen and now I need orthotics, the pain was bad until I got them so I can just imagine how he is feeling.....poor guy.....

    Janetr - sorry to hear about your sister but I am also glad she is doing better and is hopefully on the mend.....sorry your house was in such a mess when you got home....I probably would have wigged out and had a massive cow, then stormed out.....I am somewhat of a neat freak.....I admire your composure.....especially with the bugs, bugs give me the heebie-jeebies!.....

    Katla - I love your live tree!! I had racoons at a house I once rented several years ago....found a guy right down the street from me who knew what to do....it was a momma with babies so he got a live animal trap, set it up along the momma's travel route and baited it with big marshmallows (apparently they love them) and the next morning he came back and she was in the trap and he crawled under the house after the babies.....he took them all off to a remote area of woods where there were other racoons living and set them free....problem solved and happiness was had by all....

    Pip - love the nails....I taught myself how to do my own so I could save money....they actually turned out rather well but can't do my own anymore as my hands are to shakey now and I am too much of a penny pincher when it comes to stuff like that for myself....

    Who did I forget?....I can't go back any pages on this thread or I will lose what I have already typed....sorry if I didn't respond to someone who said something to me.....forgive me, sometimes it's hard to keep up.....

    Well, the winterizing is complete except for one thing I have left to do.....I have a puffy piece of quilted foam insulation that has mylar type foil on both sides that goes across the inside of the front windshield that I still have to put up....but the rest is done....

    It turned out to be another sunny beautiful but cold day here....went for a walk around town here....checked out the little historical museum that had lots of neat old farm equipment outside....the buildings are closed for the season so I didn't get to see inside them but they had all the different equipment numbered with descriptions of what it was and how it was used.....very interesting stuff....it was neat to see.....

    Had to go back into The Dalles to take the movies back.....stopped at Goodwill again, found a nightshirt with a kitty on the front that says "Paws Off!", a really nice grey sweater in my size and a nice navy blue and grey stripped v-neck long sleeved shirt for layering....also found the cutest little Rival Crockpot, it holds a quart and is the perfect size for making little batches of soup....I didn't know they made them that small!....

    Had sloppy joes for dinner with a bunch of steamed baby carrots.....today I surpassed my step goal, kept my carbs way down (even with eating some of the goodies I laid out for everybody), also kept my fat way down.....but went a little over on my sodium even though I never add salt to my food.....made my water goal for the day and with my BMR and the calories out for exercise I burned about 2,500 calories today and only ate 1,394 calories....all in all I think I did pretty good today.....

    Tomorrow I have to go into Portland (eeewwwwwwwww) for my PT appt.......can't miss that......not gonna hang around there long after either......oh yeah, I almost forgot, they DO have a dispensary in The Dalles (but only one I think, will have to double check that with my Leafly app and my Weedmaps app) but now I don't have to go all the way into Portland for my "medicine", wooohoooo!.....just for my various docs now.....

    Met another neighbor today, lovely younger couple.....they are in the trailer to the left of me.....I think he said his name is Josh and for the life of me I can't seem to remember her name.....I am always so bad with names.....lovely pretty girl though.....they have two dogs who hardly bark at all, one of them they said is 17 years old.....he has to pick her up and take her outside so she can piddle and poo, then pick her up again and put her back in the trailer, she can't walk so well anymore, some problems with her hips, but they keep her well medicated for her pain and she is very friendly and seems to be a pretty happy dog.....she is a Golden Lab mix....pretty dog.....

    I love this place.....with everyday that I spend here I get more and more relaxed and love this place more and more.....everybody is so friendly......even the ranchers who drive through town wave as they go by when I am out walking.....someone, I think it was Carol, forgive me if I'm wrong, asked if Missy is a cat....yes, she is a cat, she has brown/black/white stripes and markings kinda like a tabby cat.....she weighs about 8 lbs....I will have to take a pic of her down at the creek and post it here so you can see her.....she means the world to me, I don't know what I would do without her.....i am very happy that she seems to like it here and there are other kitties she gets along with and hangs around with.....

    Well, I think this post has gotten long enough, don't you??.....I should go through my emails now then get some shut eye....I hope everyone gets some good sleep and has sweet dreams....tomorrow is a new day and a new way.....

    Sherry and Missy in "making my environment a product of me!" Dufur
  • GloworminWA
    GloworminWA Posts: 704 Member
    Nite all - up too late for that 6am alarm
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    So great to check in with you all. What a busy great group!

    Lois sounds like you need a second opinion on DH recovery, this isn't just a slow recovery, ask for additional professional support, imo

    Cheri love the positive bar graph, very motivating.

    kim. Festive hair color and wish I had been around the kitchen when you were baking all those cookies--what fun.

    holiday gifts baked and mailed to family in Florida, as well as a small amount of online shopping, done and dusted. The excitement of the holiday is blended with concert crunch--wrangling distracted kiddos to focus long enough to play well for their proud parents.

    I don't want to jinx anything but I feel back on track with the night time eating, which on reflection was doing me wrong. I substituted any evening grazing with pumpkin pudding--- 0% Greek yogurt, pumpkin purée cinnamon and a touch of maple syrup with chia seeds about 120 calories but for some reason it kept me from eating everything else. Oh yeah, I am substituting ginger tea in afternoon for my usual coffee. That might be another reason I am sleeping better.

    Happy Monday, just got a two hour school delay for a few little slippery snowflakes--guess who now has time to address the Christmas cards (insert glittery Christmas tree here with Beth surrounded in glitter, tee hee)


  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    Morning, all, happy Monday to those where it's still Monday!

    On my second cup of coffee, and beginning to be able to string two words together. Accomplished a few small things, a few big things this weekend, but have not yet been able to bring myself to track my food--it's as if my mind thinks, if I didn't write it down, I didn't eat it. Silly mind.

    Changing that today.

    Still rainy, cold and damp, has been all weekend. Should be getting my Christmas present in today - a new Fitbit Charge HR 2. I missed my Charge HR since it gave up the ghost a month or two ago. I like the fact that I can program a reminder into this new version to get up and moving. And that I can change out the whole band if I want to.

    One of those "big things" I finished this weekend was getting the website up and running that talks about our journey to the semi-self-sufficient life. For now, just a blog, not a moneymaker, so feel free to pop over and check out Homesteadiness. I'll be adding to it every chance I get. All the photography at the top is mine, from my travels over the last year.

    Got to get the coffeepot set for the DH before I go work out...

    Love y'all, stay warm and dry!
    Lisa in West Texas, where the sun's s'posed to come back out this afternoon
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    Lisa Your website is GREAT! I have bookmarked it. :)

    Good morning, ladies!

    Sherry It really is great to see you happy.

    Karen in Virginia
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,812 Member
    well I tried posting a nice chatty note about an hour ago and the internet went out grrrrrr
    Lisa~ bookmarked your website :)
    On my second cup of tea and it is snowing here... will get the boys out for a walk before work and working 9-5 today,9-6 tomorrow, 7:30-6 on weds, thursday off and alot of stuff to do that day.. and friday 9-5 and then we are off ..there is a dance down at our park on the 17th and I would like to go, guess who doesn't? well I e-mailed our renter who will be staying with her gentleman friend and I will go with them.... I like to have a good time , and if Tom wants to stay home with the dogs.. well there ya go
  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member
    Lisa great website but not sure how to bookmark it

    Gym again this morning and hairdressers to have roots coloured to hide the grey. Might try to get some cards written today.

    Kate UK
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,836 Member
    Good morning all! Happy MOnday! Well, I got up early and got dressed to shovel only to see that my DH beat me to it. That's okay. There was only about three inches out there. He can't do much due to his RA; so I am kind of happy he got out and did this.
    Kim- Love your hair! Color is so much fun! Making cookies with your mom, reminded me of traditions from when I was growing up/ and when my own kids were small. When I was small we made candy with my mom. We would make chocolate covered cherries, rock candy (anise, wintergreen, and cinnamon), and butter mints. I haven't made any of these since mom passed. With my own children our holiday creations are gingerbread men, home made pretzels, and we have a countdown calendar and we do one activity a day (or did when they were young). Activities on the calendar run from baking, to building snow men, snow shoeing, going to see Christmas lights, shoveling a neighbor's driveway...DYS is the only one left at home and he still does some of these things with me. I have added some new "activities" that are just for DH and me, like window shopping downtown, winter trail walks, etc. We will have to see how many we can accomplish...
    Lisa-Loving your blog! It makes me very excited for this next adventure in your life!
    Lois- Hope you feel better soon! Having a cold is the pits! Especially during the holidays. <3
    Beth The GLITTER!!! Martha Stewart loves her glitter! It does tend to stick around and like you, it makes me happy to find the sparkles later! My daycare boys think it means that Tinkerbell was here!
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member
    Some photos of my fur babies from the 1980s

    Hoping Dad would drop some of his breakfast

    We do love the Sunshine

    I do miss them even now

    Kate UK

  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    I'm so sorry, Barbie.
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Barbie- i'm so sorry to hear about Brandy. (((Hugs)))


    Mary from Minnesota
  • vernalwicks
    vernalwicks Posts: 19 Member
    Good morning everyone. I love all of your stories. I am looking forward to getting to know you all a little better. I am grateful you share your accomplishments. I am not losing quickly so I hope to stay motivated while I am waiting to loose. I will talk with you tomorrow. Verna
  • MrsGLT
    MrsGLT Posts: 44 Member
    Barbie, so sorry about your Brandy. It's such a hard thing to lose a pet. Hugs

    I'm on day 6 of healthy eating. I actually woke up not tired today. I can only imagine how good I'll be feeling in a few months.

    Finished my Christmas decorations this morning. I don't do anything outside but hang a wreath on the door. I would love to hang lights on the house but just can't bring myself to spend the money. Besides we're about to have a new roof put on the house.

    I'll post some pics later. Just wanted to say hello and have a great day.
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,812 Member
    Barbie- Nothing can prepare a family for the loss of a furry friend.My love and sympathies go to you and Jake ,Brandy bless her heart and sweet Sasha for she will be lost without her companion..my love to you all