

  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,837 Member
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Welcome to all the 'newbies' ... post what you prefer to be called, location (general or specific), family, hobbies, fur babies, come often, post often. Each month Barbiecat posts a link to the next month. Make sure that you benchmark the new page of the month by clicking on the outline of the star, it will turn yellow.

    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    edited December 2016
    Katla – My Mother made a beautiful tree skirt, cross stiched, about 5’ in diameter with the 12 days of Christmas … she had a lot more patience than I did. Thankfully I got it when she passed away.

    Heather – I miss my “Kissy Kat” from when I was in HS; but, Tux, is a funny cat. He is an outside cat, will bring a variety of things to the door to let us know he is ‘doing his job’. Each time I take him into the Vet and the people come to get him; he goes to them without any hesitation. Will put his front paws around their next and go totally limp. He back legs are down around their knees. They are surprised when they learn that he is an outside cat. He has allergies and right now he has lost his voice. Apparently, he does not realize it, he opens his mother and nothing comes out.

  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,097 Member
    Charleen gorgeous!

    Retaking over 55 driver online. I thought it was good for five years. It is only good for three. Course is quite different than the last time. They are going much more in depth to the physical changes you go through as you age. There is more discussion on how cars are changing and the technology involved. This part is timely because I am starting to look at cars and I will have a better idea what to ask for. They also think roundabouts are wonderful. I find them confusing.

    :heart: Margaret
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,970 Member
  • SSC1958
    SSC1958 Posts: 411 Member
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,970 Member
    Cat-dog wanting the laptop open! Lol!
  • vernalwicks
    vernalwicks Posts: 19 Member
    Good morning, everyone. Today is my third day with this program. My Doctor introduced me to it. I feel like I am being held accountable while I am on this program. I was sick in bed yesterday but managed to stay with my commitment. Although I only lost .5 yesterday. I think today...If I can move about I will do a little better. I am really looking forward to my goal and at the same time, I realize if this is going to work (this time) that slow is best. It is truly freezing here!...I would love to go back to bed... I want everyone, on this site, to know I am sending you a special little prayer for today. "They" say, prayers are really helpful. With love, Verna
  • vernalwicks
    vernalwicks Posts: 19 Member
    PS I am going to see if I can get my photo up today......
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,729 Member
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    Missed posting yesterday so just read about Lots of new people including one from Dallas. Yea another Texan.
    Barbie -so sorry for your loss. I also cried when I read she kissed you both. What love you showed her and she repaid you.
    Re- great job, you go girl.
    Charlene - your Christmas tree skirt is beautiful. Looks like a lot is work but so worth it.
    Have to get busy as lots happening today. Enjoy your day
    SueBDew in TX.
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,369 Member
    Had a nice lunch with my friend. I had plaice with vegetables, but couldn't resist mopping up the garlic butter. Only black coffee afterwards.
    Came back to find DH bagging up old clothes for the dump. I joined him by rooting out an old winter coat and anorak from the cupboard under the stairs. :D Lots of dead moths. (I had put moth killer hangers in there)
    Did I ever tell you how much I love decluttering!!!!! :laugh: I'm also going to throw away a big pile of poetry magazines when I've looked through them to see if there is anybody I know. :D

    Good thing about a "proper" lunch is I don't need an afternoon snack. Having homemade bolognese sauce with snow peas for dinner. Stewed fruit and yoghurt.

    I'm currently re-reading the science bits from YOUNGER NEXT YEAR. Really interesting. I'm skipping the rest of it this time. The human body is a wonderful thing. :D<3 Good food is our friend and exercise is a miracle cure.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Moy in Kenmore WA, rhjones & pamwix: Welcome to a great group. Stop by often and get to know everyone. :smiley:

    Becca: I got your message and sent one back. I'm not sure when our next coast trip will be, but I'm sure there will be many. I'd love to meet. :bigsmile:

    janetr: The new lipstick is an interesting idea. You go first and tell us what you think. :wink:

    Gloria: Our neighborhood is beside the river and there is a large population of raccoons. If we capture a family and set them free in the woods another family will be right there to replace them. Our best strategy is to make our foundation into a fortress with metal bars to keep the critters out. It is frustrating and will eventually cost thousands because we'll need to have the insulation under the house replaced. :sad:

    Sherry: It sounds as though you are settling in to a lovely community. YAY!!!!! :flowerforyou:

    Barbie: Safe travels on your trip to Seattle. :heart:

    Lenora: I made a tree skirt from a kit years ago. It was a preprinted fabric with fun Christmas images and colors. I still have it, but won't be using it this year because of the live tabletop trees. :bigsmile:

    Carol: Your grandchildren a s adorable. :heart:

    Verna: You're off to a good start! :smiley:

    Heather: "I'm currently re-reading the science bits from YOUNGER NEXT YEAR. Really interesting. I'm skipping the rest of it this time. The human body is a wonderful thing. Good food is our friend and exercise is a miracle cure." This is true in my experience, too. :flowerforyou:

    I'm walking with a friend this morning and taking the dog to the groomer. This is a season when SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder) becomes a challenge for me. I'm taking my vitamin D and soaking up lots of bright light in my house. It helps, but this year I have more worries than usual due to the raccoon invasion and DH's eye troubles. Yesterday I went to yoga for the first time since Thanksgiving and that was wonderful. Today's plan to walk with a friend is a plus, too.. I have to remind myself to take it one day at a time.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison
  • ljdw99
    ljdw99 Posts: 360 Member
    Barbie so sad for you...made me think of making that decision for our sweet German Shepard who was same age as Brandi...his name was Brandon. I shed a tear all over again :'(

    Lois still sick but taking DH to 4 app'ts this week
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    Today I walked on the treadmill at 4mph. The program used different inclines. The plan for tomorrow is to go to yoga and then take the water aerobics class.

    After exercise went to ACMoore, but realized that I already have soaps for the holidays so I'll need to take those back.

    Did I tell you that they're closing one of the branches of our Y? The one closest to me. Yes, it was small but it was also personal. Well, the guy who was the CEO let it go downhill. But I do get 6 months added to my membership for this.

    Got some of the inflatables out yesterday. It's raining but CPI is supposed to be here today to do some sort of upgrade so we probably won't be working outside.

    Lenora - good idea, I'll ask at my acMoore if they offer a quilting class. There is the crochet one. I would really prefer one that has hand stitching rather than machine. Love your pic. Glad you enjoyed the pizza. Our Mellow Mushroom is so loud, there isn't any carpeting to absorb the noise. Is yours loud, too? I'm so sorry you lost your mother so close to the holiday. I've made lots of craft-type things for Denise, I never see them. I see them at Jess'.

    Kim - love the hair, but she didn't put green stripes in it along with the red!!!!

    MrsGLT - is this the first time your hubby has had gout? Vince takes Uloric to prevent another attack of gout. It IS really painful

    Joyce - me heart breaks for that little boy. Yes, dogs have a way of making you feel better, so do cats

    Janet - so happy for your sis. Thanks for telling us. To me, there is just so much expected of a person at the holiday season, and the food! I'll be happy to get back to a normal eating. Love the new way to lose weight

    Sherry - I usually get serving dishes, etc at the Salvation Army. This way, when I give something to someone, I don't want the dish returned. What have I lost? Only a few dollars and deep inside I know it's going to help someone

    Lisa - loved your website

    barbie - my heart is with you and everyone. You know,when we had one of our cats put to sleep, I will swear on a stack of bibles that as the vet was giving her the injection she look at me as if to say "it's OK"

    Lisa - barbie took a plank challenge a while ago, I bet she can help you. Wish I could help you, but honestly I don't record my exercise here (except in the "note" section.). I found that eating back my exercise calories just doesn't work for me. I'd either wind up eating junk just to get my calories up or else I was so low on calories MFP would constantly yell at me.

    Charleen - awesome tree skirt.

    moira and renee and pam and anyone else that I may have missed - welcome!

    Rori - whenever I go over on carbs, it always seems that the next day when I get up I have "cotton mouth"

    Michele in NC