
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding .

    Good Afternoon My Dear Friends,

    Mary, great picture of you and Margaret. Good going on the car, for both of you.

    Sue, so glad you got DH to the doc when you did. I hope he has a speedy recovery.

    Just a quick Hello so you’ll know I’m still here.

    pretty-pink-welcome-smiley-emoticon.gifto any Newbies that I missed. Come often and join in the chat. This thing works!! Please sign your post with what you want to be called. It makes it easier for us to respond to you. Also a location is great, be it specific or general. We are happy to have you join us.

    Sending love, good thoughts and sunshine to all of you and I hope you all have a Happy and Healthy Day!
    I Love yout07209.gifDJ
    Myrtle Beach, SC
  • Deanne182
    Deanne182 Posts: 18 Member
    @SSC1958 Thank you for the welcome, will do!

    I pulled out a new pair of walking shoes and anklets.. which is a major treat that only happens may once a year to commence my offical work outs, start. I walked on the treadmill and did some kettlebell swings. Only 30 mins today but it is a start!
  • Deanne182
    Deanne182 Posts: 18 Member
    @DamitJanit Thank you .. we were posting at the same time!
  • Charleen2
    Charleen2 Posts: 223 Member
    Afternoon Ladies,

    Had a bad night last night, was sick and couldn't sleep. Sometime during my wandering about the house I saw the outside temperature was -6 degrees F and snowing heavily. Finally napped a bit after feeding the cats and woke up dreading going out and shoveling the 5 inches of fallen snow.

    But to my wondering eyes did appear as I peeked out the window, a neighbor had come and shoveled my porch, sidewalk and a path up the driveway! I love my neighbors!

    When the temperature finally hit 6 degrees F I got bundled up and took my snow beast (snow blower) for a walk all over the driveway. Saw the newest member of our neighborhood struggling to clear their driveway so I walked the snow beast down and cleared it for them. I think that was appreciated as much as a plate of cookies! I definitely got my exercise in for the day.

    I'm in for the day, drinking a hot mint tea with honey to help clear my head and sooth my throat. It could be a cold or the flu, I don't know.

    Charleen in Colorado (Feeling fuzzy headed today)
  • 17761776
    17761776 Posts: 1,098 Member
    Thank you ladies for your support. <3 It really helps.
    DH was still in a mood until around 3 pm, though perfectly polite, but he then went out for a walk and came back in a better frame of mind. He is fine now. Katla and Barbie - any sort of criticism, even wrongly perceived, sets him off. I think when he was young he never felt he was doing the right thing. His mother was bipolar and hospitalised ftom time to time. He could not bring friends home. His father never praised him in any way. (He was adopted ) I think most of his life he was fighting a rearguard action. But I don't like having to tread on eggshells around him. ;)

    I made my Pistachio Soup. Never again! It tastes delicious, but the amount of work getting the skin off the pistachios! ! ! It is now safely in the freezer and I have to decide who I love enough to give it to! :noway:
    Going to make the Walnut sauce tomorrow. :D

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx

    I don't know what it is but I have had it!!!! As they age they get worse n I'm done doing the egg dance! After 43 years going to a marriage counselor , he ca come or not his choice. I'm just plain tired, never know when the mountain going to explode. His mother treated him as the second coming of Christ, same with dad and 5 siblings. Most friends our age going thru the same thing, not sure why but I'm done! Gayle Minneapolis
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    lenora oh it is worse, she has two grandchildren and a great grandchild that she is housing as well--rent free. She is an enabler and no amount of reasoning is gonna change that. DH and I make suggestions but it is up to her. Luckily she listens when DH helped her with the will and who gets what is very carefully spelled out and fairly distributed, she got all the docs ready for end of life care so that is a great weight off of DH.

    Gonna roast a leg of lamb and serve with mashed potatoes for a fancy meal tonight. Getting the tree tomorrow yipeee, (insert the awesome tree emoji here)
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,085 Member
    stats for the day:
    jog- 24.57min, 138ahr, 9.27ap, 6.1-1.6sp, 152mhr, 2.60mi = 248c
    fitbit- 153mhr, 154c
    rowing machine- 20min, 127mhr, 65aw, 3437meters, = 165c
    fitbit- 127mhr, 87c
    total cal 413
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,085 Member
    Peach- trained them from the get go...

    i'm sorry, i don't remember the app name that made the pic look like that, i removed it, didn't use it as much as i thought i would have. if it comes to me, i'lll let u know
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,206 Member
    edited December 2016
    (((Gayle))) Mary mentioned getting together again. I know we have talked about it. I know you have been busy with your mom. The last few months with my mom's passing, DS still testing the limits, and other (neighbor, refrigerator, working) has made it difficult for me to follow through. The next time Mary is in town let's plan something.

    :heart: Margaret
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 10,003 Member
    hidee ho ladies~
    will have to make up for less than stellar walking steps 8,000 at dance tonight. Tom left about 45 minutes ago for the dog track, he is feeling good on and off with the prednisone... but its up to him if he wants to go back to Dr..
    Gayle~ girl I know where our coming from... 20 yrs ago he wasn't anything like he is now....
    took the boys for a walk and will get dressed in a bit for the dance.
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Lenora, my old CPAP used to have the 'ramp' capabilities. But when I got my new one, he didn't program that in since I had used one for a long time. So at first he just told me to turn it on and go to bed. But since I am in the bathroom a lot or just not sleeping and pulling the CPAP off and I mean literally pulling it off in frustration. But all of that was ruining my actual sleep recording in the computer in the CPAP. So he set it that all I have to do is that I put it on my nose, take an deep breath in and it's on. With my new sleeping pill I get to sleep a lot faster. He put me on Remeron, it's not an actual sleeping pill but an antidepressant. He tried to get it to work for Charlie last year when he had such a terrible appetite with his meningitis. And it works with insomnia. I just hope I won't have any problems going off of it if he ever stops it. I just know that the Ambien had such a addicting quality that I am glad I am off of it.

    Slept real good again last night of course but then my old problem of back pain came back. So after hobbling to the bathroom, got into the heating pad. I thought my usual 10 minutes would work since I knew I needed to go into kitchen and get my morning antibiotic. This is what I used my Aleve for. Then the nose bleed happened and I don't dare use one again. But I sure need it.

    I had planned on making a big pot of vegetable soup today with Charlie's help. This did not happen since I can barely walk.

    Weather is crazy. We have temps in the teens and 20's then today for a short time it was to go up to close to 70. Yes, 70. Then quickly drop down to the single digit with rain which of course turns to ice. So even though my pneumonia feels great today and even if i didn't have a really bad back pain, I wouldn't go out in this ice tomorrow morning. And the thing I bought for my back support is sitting in the choir lost in my seat right now!!!! I am going to try to really increase the pressure on my sleep number. If I wake up with this pain when it is set at 50, then maybe I need to set it at 60 or so.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    edited December 2016
    Heather: I'm glad that your DH came back from his walk in a better mood. In my experience, walking is a good way to reduce stress and find a sense of peace. :heart:

    Charleen in CO: I love that your friends shoveled your porch, sidewalk & path up the driveway. What is even better is the way you "paid it forward" to your newest neighbor. WTG!!! :bigsmile:

    Gayle in Minneapolis: I'm sorry that your DH is behaving like an awakening volcano and happy that you're going to a counselor for yourself. Good luck. :flowerforyou:

    We got our new printer up and working and that is good news. It is our joint Christmas present for this year. I had another idea in mind, but we'll see about that later. We need to be able to print. DH is currently napping in the living room.

    I am planning to make chicken soup for dinner. We've been having soups on a regular basis lately and love the first serving, but are frustrated because the pasta continues to "grow" in the pot after we put leftovers into the refrigerator. We decided to try Orzo. It is shaped like rice and about the same size. Maybe it will stay a reasonable size in the leftover soup. I hope so. I'll let you know how the experiment goes in a few days.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    Nothing is impossible, the word itself says 'I'm possible'!" -Audrey Hepburn

  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,148 Member
    :) Thank you for all your kind words about how well I'm doing with my recovery and especially the physical therapy exercises. I am reminded of a friend who went to physical therapy for something and when they suggested that she continue to the exercises for the rest of her life,she rebelled at the suggestion and she never did them again. It is amazing to witness that sort of self-sabotage behaviour.

    :) We had one of our favourite lunches today.....Jakes's pasta sauce with "meatless meatballs"....he has his over 4 ounces of carefully weighed spaghetti and I have mine over a package of frozen cauliflower. He makes his marinara sauce in huge batches and freezes it in quart canning jars. We use one jar for two meals.

    :) Today is supposed to be the last of the below freezing days...tomorrow it will be warmer with a little rain.

    <3 Barbie in NW Washington t7820.gif
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    Barbie I LOVE the snowman!

    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member

    Allie – I understand. We never thought that we would basically retire ‘out in the country’; but, here we are; but, DH still works. He is a self-employed paint contractor and our DOS works for him. He has really tried to slow down; but, I am not seeing it. Today I had a real ‘melt-down’ about some things that were totally ‘out of my control’. There are times, even though I could NOT ever ask for a better DH; that it seems like he does things that I, personally, would give a ‘deadline’ to have some people do things – to ease up on us. Of course, we never thought I would be required to ‘retire on a disability’ either. Talk about getting a real wake-up call. Not only did I spend 2 ½ months (in-and-out) of hospitals, my income dropped by 75%. But, at least I was ‘vested’ … so I do get a retirement check every month. It’s just a shame that ‘health insurance takes more than ½ of it’. But, at least I am thankful we have it and I don’t see it and we don’t have to pay for it out of our SSI and SSD checks. There’s always a silver lining, you just have to ‘look’ harder at times, it seems.

    So … now my rant … haven’t ranted too much, I don’t think.

    Today, I was resentful of DH; for not being here this week. But, he and DOS look forward to their 10-day trip to go hunting with DYS out in Louisiana. I was resentful of my DOS for ‘not’ doing much in the way of allowing his Dad to ‘let up’ insofar as the business. Resentful of DDnL#1 for a ‘post’ she made on FB; even ‘if’ she had done it about someone else. I just did not ‘hit’ me the right way, especially since that day, I have allowed here to drive my car to work so that DOGD could take her car into the shop. The post just ‘hit me wrong’.

    A few weekends ago was the ‘first’ time in over 16 years that she ‘admitted’ to us, that she needed help. At first she tried to lay blame on us; but, DH refused to allow her to ‘even go there’. She was so close to having a ‘melt-down’ that she was asking for our help. DH told her that he really thought she needed to make an appointment with her MD and see about something to calm her nerves, or else she end up in the hospital under less than the best of conditions. Surprisingly, she called her OB/GYN and she put her on Wellbutrin. I’ve been on it before. She talked to him as if I was ‘not in the room’ using phrases like ‘I don’t want to be like her’. “Well, darling, you are a lot more like me than you think.” She had come down here ‘against’ DOS’s wishes. He thought that ‘in her condition … crying all the time’ that she’d only make matters worse (between us).

    She was a lot calmer within 2 days. So, apparently, on our trip up to see DOGD’s boyfriend graduate from college … I said something that just did not set well; but, she said nothing about it. Until this post on FB. Pretty much to the effect that ‘some people don’t have to worry about things, they just go out and get them’. I want to say, ‘stop biting the hands that feed you (or help all of you). We’re busting our @$$-es and they just keep asking for $$$ (because if we don’t, then the girls won’t …). I’m tired of having the girls ‘dangled in front of my nose like a carrot to a horse’. Resented having the ‘girls’ totally ignore a ‘favor’ I had asked so that I could fix my slippers that one of them gave me. I resented Cracker for tearing the stuffing out of them.

    Went to crank the trucks for DH; no problem until I turned his GMC off and the ‘security’ light came on. I could not get the key to turn either way even when I jerked the steering wheel that is supposed to ‘unlock’ it. I don’t know if the light had been on or what, I just did not notice it until I had cranked the darn thing. Tire is going flat (he knew that was happening); but, I am afraid that now he will need an expensive ignition … I’ve heard so much about how badly he needs a ‘new’ truck that I want to tell him, take the damn money out of my retirement account, take my car and trade it in on a new truck (as long as they will pay my note off). We can just be a one-vehicle family. Would not be convenient (especially for me); but, I am tired of all the total ‘bitching’ that is going on about getting a newer truck. He’s told DYS to let him know what they’ll give him when he decides to sell his present truck. I told him, you are crazy if you think he is going to do that … they’ll have to pay off any existing note; and, the way you are asking that he sell you the truck is not right!

    DYS has gotten to the point that he won’t call his brother because of the negativity that exudes out of every word he has to say. I feel like a ping-pong ball that is getting slammed at every turn. So as I cried the entire 30 minutes to get into town, I bought another thing of pink thread (that my DMGD had ‘left in her BF’s truck … and she did not know when she’d get it). Two days of not having it to work on my slippers. Everybody has a FREAKING excuse! I want a ‘Calgon Moment’; but, I am not even sure I could relax because our tub is so short. I’m having a one-woman pity party here. So excuse me … I will go to bed earlier tonight and maybe I will feel better by the time they get home.

    I’d like to have ‘retired’ to the beach, honestly. But, at least I am thankful that we did not move to Denver 30 years ago. There ARE things to be ‘thankful’ for …

    Sorry for the RANT! It’s been a while since I have felt this way.

    Heather – I’ve been bipolar probably since my teens; although I did not get diagnosed until I was 35. It’s been a ‘rough’ 31 years, it was rough even before then – not understanding what I was going through or why. I would not blame my DH if he ‘packed up and left’ when I am ‘in an episode’. Usually, I am just fine, so long as my medications are all in ‘tweak’ with one another. Right now, I don’t really ‘think’ they are. But, I have also had friends whose husbands were ‘bipolar’ and it seems like it affects a man in a worse way than it does women. I know that my DH does the things he does for our boys; because of the way he and his brother got treated. They ‘hated’ him; but, DH says that ‘at least he learned how to be a worker’ because of it. Oh, and his brother also works for him. He is so slow and there is no reason that he needs to work, except that every dime he makes working for DH goes for expensive scratch-off lottery tickets. He’s won some big prizes; but, you can’t convince me that he hasn’t paid out nearly as much. You ought to see the ‘stacks’ of losing lottery tickets he has on his sofa table. Maybe he turns them in for ‘2nd chance drawings’ or something.

    I think maybe the ‘big moon’ has had something to do with just about everybody’s moods. LOL!!! Men and Women. Children and animals.

    Charleen – Your neighbors sound wonderful for doing that for you.’’

    NYKAREN – Oh, DH is definitely an ‘enabler’. He just uses me as his ‘sounding board’. I just want to ‘smack’ him sometimes; but, I would never do that. Even DYS says that DOS gets him to do things that HE really needs to do (or pay for). It’s not fair to DYS, who has never asked us for anything. He made his own financial arrangements for going to out-of-state university. We helped by paying his rent the entire time. We gave him an allowance; but, we were both working and could afford to do so. He’s got a great job working for 5 men and a wonderful wife and step-daughter. DYS is ‘happy and well-adjusted’ … I want to live near him, not right next door to our DOS at the moment. Way too much freaking ‘drama’ that gets brought home to Mama. BUT, if I say anything that is taken as a possible ‘insult’ to his ‘wife’ (DDnL#1 … not necessarily always ‘dear’) … he gets mad and takes up for her, or her side is ‘right’.

    Pip - HA! HA! I don’t think I could get Cracker to put one of those coats on, no matter the weather outside. We tried training her when we got her; but, clothes? Nahda! Right now she is still in the doghouse. Got my slippers repaired; thanks to a curved needle.

    Joyce – Ever since they ‘upped’ my starting point on my C-pap, I’ve not had any more problems of ‘not getting to sleep’. I had thought about going back to my old one for a while; but, decided against it, when I got told that AHP could call the MD and get an order to set it up. My old one, all I had to do is turn it on, take a deep breath and it would start. I flatly refuse to have another ‘pill’ Rx’d for me. Doesn’t seem like I can go off any of the ones I have to take. I do take all my ‘bipolar’ meds at night because they make me really sleepy and I cannot function if I take them in the AM (or even ½ of them in the AM).

    If you have back pain, I would suggest investing in a ‘mattress warmer’. Like an electric blanket but from the backside up. Surprisingly, you cannot feel the wires that go through it. Best darn thing I have purchased in a long time. My Mother had one on her bed.

    Today, the weather here was beautiful. I probably could have worn shorts! Crazy, because 2 days ago it was rainy and cold.

    I told my lung MD the last time I went to see him, after getting the reading out of C-pap to send to Medicare, that ‘if’ I ever had to go through another ‘sleep study’ that he would have to give me an order to have it done at the ‘sleep study place for the hospital’. He asked me why and I told him that the beds there were adjustable and his beds were like trying to sleep on a slab of marble. Pillows were even worse. He just laughed. I meant it!

    Barbie – I still have my pulley over my 2nd bedroom door. Sometimes doing that makes my shoulder feel so much better. I’ve done ‘exactly’ what the OrthoMD told me to do, both times, and I have not had any trouble. I think when you get to our age, we need to keep those parts moving or else they will freeze up … and then ‘rust’.

    DH just called and I ‘fell apart’ over the phone, because of not being able to start his truck a 2nd time after taking out the key. He said I’d probably have to jiggle the thing, could not do it, he’ll just have to do it tomorrow himself. I HATE that damn truck!

    I ate a hamburger patty tonight; and some lima beans. But, I had to walk 25 minutes on the treadmill to work my daily food intake ‘off’. I don’t like ‘eating back my calories’ … I prefer to stay within my daily CI.

    Tonight I will watch the news from the bed. Right now watching the Ninja Warrior show. I tense up every time they jump over something. I think I get tired doing that. HA! HA! HA!

  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    This was our second day in FL and the weather is perfect. Have walked miles and miles. We celebrated two grands Birthday (twins) and have been to three parks so far. Trying to keep up with reading so I don't get so far behind.
    SueBDew in FL.
  • ljdw99
    ljdw99 Posts: 360 Member
  • GloworminWA
    GloworminWA Posts: 704 Member
  • GloworminWA
    GloworminWA Posts: 704 Member