
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    Morning, all... kind of a tough weekend so far. Long story, not worth telling, all is fine now, but spent most of yesterday morning crying. Not my usual mode at all. However, to keep my mind off things, did get all 60+ pieces of the t-shirt quilt I'm working on trimmed and backed with the fusible web. Even drippy clouds have silver linings, apparently. :)

    And got the laundry done yesterday morning, a day earlier than usual, which I'm glad of, because it's 19 frosty degrees outside (-7 C) and only 44 degrees (7 C) in the camper. The propane bottle that my DH thought would last the night did not hold up to trying to keep the camper furnace going all night. Which is OK; my last errand for the week was getting the 100-lb propane tanks filled that I bought the week prior. They're sitting right beside the hitch, and once the DH gets up, he can get the tanks switched over. One should last us the winter and the other the remainder of 2017. I covered the DH up with a couple extra blankets, and headed for my warehouse office to roost over the electric heater. :)

    Got my editorial to do this morning, then I'd like to get another 1,000 to 1,500 words done on the current book, and by then, the sun will be up. However, we're already near our high temp for today. Won't be above freezing until tomorrow noon or so. The blessing of living in the desert, though, is there's no accompanying precipitation. These people cannot cope with snow or icy conditions... Good day to stay inside and warm anyway.

    Speaking of which, I need another cup of coffee.

    I do read everything, comment seldom--still love y'all, though!
    Lisa in West Texas
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    katla I've got a suggestion for your soup pasta---par cook a batch separate from the soup (al dente) and store it in the fridge. Add it to each batch of soup when you hear it up, won't swell up and tastes great. I LOVE SOUP :)

    Lisa sorry for your blues, this too shall pass. Send us a pic of your tablet quilt.

    Well the lamb roast wasn't so terrific, there is plenty left and will look up some recipes to figure out how transform into something better- shepherds pie perhaps?

    Have to get to the gym first thing and prep for DD homecoming Wednesday. Should be an easier week only one evening concert and two very simple caroling events with the kids-heres hoping o:)

    Pushing the cookies away, NYKAREN
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,615 Member
    NY KAREN - Curried lamb is fantastic. It doesn't have go be hot, just use the warming spices. Shepherds pie also excellent. :D

    Tonight we are having Hairy Dieters' tagine. Lamb, sweet potato, chick peas, apricots and tomato. Gorgeous. It comes out over 400 calories, but it's worth it. Broccoli with it.

    Lisa - (((HUGS ))) <3

    Going to have a go at the Iranian walnut sauce today. It normally goes with chicken, but can be served with eggplant, which I have cooked and frozen.
    I'm going to book our local gastro pub for our evening meal with his daughter. It's a summer walk away, but not in the pitch black winter lanes. We will get a taxi there and back. :) I can manage lunch, but I really can't face much more entertaining. I don't know when my elder son is coming. He will have to leave the two dogs with his father and come on to us by train. Not easy to organise. :*:*:/ His father is picking him up before Christmas with the greyhounds. He doesn't drive and lives in Nottingham, which is quite a way away.

    Going to finish my online delivery today. It's coming on Tuesday.

    Love to all, Heather UK xxxxxxx

  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,412 Member
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 10,003 Member
    Morning Ladies~
    Love the snowman Karen...
    I have to say I had a ball at the dance.. I really did.. it was a 2 person band, woman on drums and the man on keyboards,but what a talent, they played all sorts of stuff and at the end sang all of the armed forces anthem, the canadian anthem and america the beautiful, and with all of those everyone got on the floor and made a big circle and sang along.. I hope they come back for future..
    we are going down to aunt and uncles in Ft Myers told his aunt we cant stay long because we have to get back to the boys. so we will be going out to eat at 5 hopefully...
    no pool today as it is a hour drive down and back ...
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,206 Member


    I see students having a more difficult time this time of year, too. I think it is a combination of the Holiday Stress, the shorter days, more candy and cookies, and this week because of our sub zero temps not getting out for recess. Once winter hits which it has up here everything takes longer too. Getting ready and out the door, driving, shopping because of the holidays.

    I made up my mind many years ago to pace what I do for the holidays. I only make one kind of bar and perhaps caramels if I I have time. I divide theses and give out small batches as gifts.

    :heart: Margaret
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,847 Member
    <3 Ugh! the weekend before Christmas. Do I need to say more? I do this to myself every year. Crazy, crazy. Family gathering today. Trying to get everything done, but an hour or two of shoveling snow every day eats into the time to get stuff done. (don't get me wrong, still love the white stuff) We have about four feet now. Got my little bit of Christmas shopping done, yesterday. Now that our kids are older, we fill stockings, then give them cash/gift cards. I only had to go to two stores to fill the stockings, but it took three hours due to the long lines to check out! :s I talked to my hubby and I think we are going to change it up next year. We have decided to give the kids a token gift to let them know we are thinking of them and love them; but then sending them a catalog from World Vision or another charity and have them pick a gift for a needy person/family.
    Heather and other women of moody guys- my DH is the same way. Walking on eggshells is hard to do. (Quite possibly why I identify with what Allie is going through.) We have our moments when all is right with the world and we are connecting. BUT, we are the proverbial "opposites" that "attracted". He is quiet and likes to be alone; I am loud and love people. He watches the news, sports and I watch a variety of things (except the news and sports). He is a pessimist and cynic and I am an optimist. Some days that works, most days it doesn't. But I love him (most of the time) and I remember who I married and I see who he could be, if I could just get him to let go of his burdens and worries. Last night, he asked if I wanted to take a drive and look at Christmas lights. Yup, I had a ton to do. I was sitting at the table sending out the last batch of Christmas cards. But a voice in my head said "Go. He hasn't asked you to do anything fun in a LOOOOONG time!" So I jumped up and went. It was nice. He, of course, was ever the gloomy Gus. Bemoaning the fact that so few homes were lit. I suggested we drive over to the new neighborhood across the highway. There they were. Light display, after light display. Which then got him melancholy and thinking about our kids and missing them. LOL! But it was an hour of relaxing and calm during a hectic weekend. He has been working like mad, because it is end of year for his office, and he has many projects with deadlines looming.
    Well, here I go rambling on and need to hop off and get the morning shoveling done, so I can get the rest of my stuff done before heading to the inlaws for Christmas! Hohoho! Hugs to all of you! I am reading! Loving the pics! Sending my love!
    WElcome new girls! nsv: I haven't weighed myself in a while, but my muscles are toning up and jeans are fitting better (due to my new winter workout-shoveling) xoxoxoxo <3 KJ (Kelly)
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,148 Member
    t7828.gif We have two boxes of holiday related items (Christmas and Hanukkah). I brought the boxes in from the garage at the beginning of the month so I could get my holiday socks and jewelry to wear for the line dance performances at the assisted living places. Then I got out the towels that I can use as dishtowels or hand towels. I found a box of holiday cards to use if there was a good reason to send someone a card. Otherwise, it's all still in the boxes and shall probably remain there. After all my growing up years of trying to make my mother happy by participating fully in holiday decorating and events and years of teaching and doing holiday related decorating, art projects, and events with my students, I think I've had enough. In my line dance class on Friday we'll dance familiar dances to holiday music instead of the usual music and on December 25th we'll go out to eat at noon at our favorite Chinese restaurant with a friend who enjoys our company. There are several lighted and decorated trees in the room where I teach my line dance class and I enjoy the decorations, but I'm grateful that I am no longer doing all the work of decorating my house. Holidays should be fun. I hope everyone who is shopping and decorating and baking and cooking is enjoying every minute of their preparations.

    <3 Barbie from cold and dark NW Washington

  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 4,214 Member
    Sounds like holiday stress getting to all of us! Hang in there girls.

    The tree I posted is in my front yard. Huge and beautiful.

    Already 50 degrees out and foggy. All the snow moving yesterday going away. Gotta love New England!

    DH miserable this morning. I'm headachy, sore, and still in a poor me kinda mood.

    Rita from 'soupy' CT
  • pamwix
    pamwix Posts: 16 Member
    Good morning ladies. Haven't checked in for a week but I have been logging most of my food. Keeping very busy. Looking for friends that log their food on mfp. Please add me. Time for breakfast, steel cut oats with apples, cinnamon, pineapple, raw almonds and strawberries today. Need to go shopping to get more blueberries and bananas. Breakfast is my favorite meal of the day. Have a wonderful day.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Barbie: I love your snowman. I'd never thought of putting spaghetti sauce over cauliflower. It sounds good. :smiley:

    Sue: It is great to see that you're enjoying your trip. :bigsmle:

    NYKaren: The partially cooked pasta in the fridge is a great soup idea. We tried orzo last night and it is destined to go down in history as a once in a lifetime event. Neither of us liked it. :noway: We like lamb rare and also like lamb stew. Most of our lamb is tiny T-bones and we grill them on the BBQ. :bigsmile:

    Heather: We got Hairy Bikers programs from our previous TV provider but their shows aren't offered by our current TV provider. :ohwell:

    Rita: I love soup and that is what we had last night. As previously mentioned, I didn't love orzo. :noway:

    The day has started with a call from my son that was welcome, and a quarrel with DH that wasn't welcome. I think we have cabin fever from being cooped up. I vote for getting out of the house for a while. I may take the dog for a walk, drag DH out to lunch, or both.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison


  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    cheri my max on the elliptical is 15 minutes, same tingling as you described.

    It Felt so great to get to the gym today, also knocked out some little errands and am enjoying the time with DH. NY is turning really warm after our little snowstorm yesterday. NYKAREN
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Good Morning! Wet and chilly here!

    Cheri ~ I can well imagine what you have been through if your husband has been diagnosed with Asperger's. I remember some of the 5th graders I taught and how self-absorbed they were. You have been so supportive and i commend you for all you have done to make your marriage work.

    Ladies ~ It seems like so many of you are venting this weekend about DH's. Hugs for all of you. I know exactly how you feel...47 yrs of marriage you go through a lot. My DH is so easily set off and rants/raves whenever he feels like it without regards to the feelings of others. He has not always been like this so I attribute it to age.

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,615 Member
    My DH is being extra nice today, so he probably realises he was unreasonable yesterday. Normally we get on really well, but he hates any whiff of criticism and hates for me to be down or unhappy. He interprets that as his fault. :noway: I consider myself lucky to have met him at the age of 53 and my life has never been happier. I spent so much of it unhappy, that every day is a blessing. We laugh a lot and are very considerate of each other. It is a rule only to watch TV that we both enjoy on the main TV. If I want to watch other things I can go upstairs or watch it online with headphones on. Or wait until he goes out. He watches LOTS of sport, but on his laptop, with the sound turned off. He doesn't like headphones. :*
    The same goes for the radio, or music. We always ask and both have to agree. He doesn't like many of my music preferences and I don't like listening to other people's music. I play mine when he's gone out or I have bluetooth headphones. He has an MP3, but doesn't often get a chance to listen.
    He does a lot of Sudoku, I do a lot of writing to you and my Duolingo. We are in the same room, but all is quiet and peaceful. :D<3 . I consider not being considerate of other people's noise preferences a form of abuse.

    My walnut sauce is taking hours to cook down. I don't have to do anything apart from stir it occasionally, but I don't think I will be making it again in a hurry, unless it is fabulous! :#

    Love to all, Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • tngram2seven
    tngram2seven Posts: 465 Member
    Good morning all,

    I have been reading your posts but not commenting too much. Glad I am not getting behind. It sounds like so many of you are struggling with holiday stress. Sending you hugs and prayers.

    I had an evaluation at work Friday. My supervisor said he thought my main strength was that I was genuine. This seems so ironic because my public persona is not at all how I am truly feeling. I never let others see the real side of me. Maybe that is why I am so service oriented. I can use helping/serving others as a good way to hide the real me. Hmm - deep thoughts for a sleepy, gray day.

    Well, off to get ready for work

    Toni in Tennessee
  • 17761776
    17761776 Posts: 1,098 Member
    (((Gayle))) Mary mentioned getting together again. I know we have talked about it. I know you have been busy with your mom. The last few months with my mom's passing, DS still testing the limits, and other (neighbor, refrigerator, working) has made it difficult for me to follow through. The next time Mary is in town let's plan something.

    :heart: Margaret

    Sounds good!!! Need a break from reality!
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 10,003 Member
    afternoon ladies~
    went out for a walk and got 1/2 way through bent down to tie my shoe and got real real dizzy, could turn my head either way without losing balance.. came home and lay down for a bit of a nap and feel much much better..
    our renter stopped by and we had a nice chat... we will be leaving in a bit to go down to Fort Meyers
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member