

  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Penny, I remember you writing about the avalanche. I am glad only 2 people were killed in it. Glad your town could get together and just be in each others arms again. I have never likes the term 'celebrate' when they remember an event like that. Hope you have a safe trip over the pond.

    Well we managed to get me into the car to get my lab work done today. I thank God for giving Charlie the strength to get my wheel chair in and out of the car. I am glad I was able to walk up our short sidewalk to get back in the house. I was worried how I would get up the steps but I kind of flipped my left foot out to the side and got upstairs OK. I know it wasn't good for us but while we were out we went to Wendy''s and got a carry out cheeseburger and fries. I did 'make it better' by eating grapes with it. So I am fairlry comfortable on the couch with my water. We have this real dense piece of foam rubber and Charlie put it under my seat cushion. It makes it more solid and also makes it higher. Sometimes when my back is in a really bad spasm, I know that by sitting in that seat I will be able to take more steps to somewhere like getting in the bathroom easier. I am learning things like having my pain pills and muscle relaxant here by me instead of in the kitchen. If I could lay in bed all day long it would make it better but I know I can't. I am just glad Charlie is doing OKin being my caregiver, fixing meals, getting me anything i need and also being there when my body doesn't let me walk due to extreme spasm.

    Love you all, Joyce, INdiana
  • sherryminch
    sherryminch Posts: 168 Member
    Hey now....

    Just got back from my walk....got 2,500 steps in, that's over half of my goal....but that's not the best part....when I checked my mail the postman caught me and told me I had a big package (the mail truck was 3 hours late today) and said he hadn't put a package notice in my box yet as he was still distributing the mail....lo and behold I got a big box today from my abuser's sister down in Georgia (his family doesn't talk to him anymore but they call me once a month to check on me....they feel really bad about what he did to me)....in it was a bunch of clothes and some new Muk Luk boots!!!....I took pics of what I got to show you all.....gotta go to the website to post them....gimme a minute or two....
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Charleen ~ What a beautiful room. Your tree is lovely. Hope your DD lands safely.

    Sherry ~ A great surprise for you in the mail. So happy for you.

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,738 Member
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,375 Member
    Penny - My sympathy. DH also sends love. <3
    I hope your Christmas plans go smoothly. <3

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • sherryminch
    sherryminch Posts: 168 Member
    OK, jeez that always takes two forevers.....here they are....I got a pretty purple and silver striped sweatshirt, a warm fuzzy fleece type sweatshirt, a long sleeve top that is thinner and good for layering, a pair of fuzzy "Hello Kitty" jammie bottoms, a wool knitted hat from "Turtle Fur" (a company in Vermont), a jar of moisturizing cream and some moisturizing lotion, some cleaning towelettes, a Christmas card from her and her husband and the Muk Luk boots!!....


    Yay!!!...Merry Christmas to me!!! She is such a sweetheart!....his father just called me and said a Christmas card is on it's way (they usually put a $100 check in there for me....he said this year is no different....) so I should be getting that soon too....I sure love his family....they are good people....

    Sherry in "gonna try on my new boots!" Dufur

  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,947 Member
    Charleen, your home is absolutely stunning. You are a talented decorator.

    Penny, I remember the devastation of the avalanche. So very, very sad.

    Carol, hugs to you. I totally understand the mixed feelings regarding your mom and her situation. It is just darn hard!

    Sherry, congrats on the new sizes. Go, you!

    I've been pretty quiet, hanging in there, dealing with a lot of knee pain. I'm trying out some new knee sleeves that seem to be helping with my workouts. I hated them at first, but I am getting used to them. I've been researching anti-inflammatory diets and am working up the nerve to give it a full-fledged effort. I've upped my regime of pain meds. Last night I slept 7 1/2 hours, which is a major victory for me. The pain usually wakes me up. Five us all I can usually manage. Lack of sleep has taken its toll on my energy levels. I felt much better today.

    On the NSV side of things, I bought myself some serious skinny jeans at Gap. I'm working up the nerve to wear them out in public! I also had the blond taken out of my hair at the salon today. That is going to take some getting used to. Not sure I like it.

  • sherryminch
    sherryminch Posts: 168 Member
    OK, back on the app....the website takes forever to do anything on....why is that??....I wish they would make it so you can post photos from the app!!....

    Oh yeah, there is a pretty purple sweater in there too....she knows purple is my most fav color of all....

    I'm so excited!!...new clothes, new hat, new boots and stuff to keep my poor skin from itching from the dryness in here (I have to run a dehumidifier in here at all times because all the windows fog up when I cook or do dishes or shower.....I have it set on 30% humidity and it gets kinda dry in here....I have to water my poor houseplant almost every other day or it wilts...lol)....and she sent some kitty treats for Missy....the chewy kind that she really likes....

    This Christmas might turn out OK......

    Sherry in "feeling blessed" Dufur
  • sherryminch
    sherryminch Posts: 168 Member
    Charleen - what a beautiful living room (?) and tree!!!....I sure miss having a fireplace....I'll just look at the pic of your's and pretend I feel the warmth from it, lol....

    I sure hope everybody has an awesome Christmas this year!!!

    Sherry in "feelin' kinda special" Dufur
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,947 Member
    Sherry, you can post photos from the app if the photo is on your device. There's a little camera icon with an arrow beside it. Click on that and it will send you to your photo library. Click on the pics you want. Easy Peasy!
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    Katie - so good to see your face. Same struggles here, much sympathy.

    Carol - thinking about you and your mama. Hope it is a peaceful passing, surrounded by love.

    Penny - remembering last year this time--my heart goes out to you and your community. Safe travels.

    Off to writers' group.
    Love y'all,
    Lisa in West Texas, finally above freezing...
  • sherryminch
    sherryminch Posts: 168 Member
    Katiebug - I like calling you that, hope you don't mind....glad you got some good sleep....I know how you feel with the sleeping situation and pain waking you up....I had that problem last night and I hurt real bad this morning but since I got moving more today it is letting up some, so that's a good thing.....girlfriend, wear those "skinny" jeans out in public with pride!!!! You go girl!!!....

    Sherry in "very happy" Dufur
  • sherryminch
    sherryminch Posts: 168 Member
    Katiebug - that's such a cute name for you, lol....on my app (android) it doesn't have the little camera thingy....in place of it where it is on the website is an icon for emojis/emoticons instead....I tried looking everywhere on this app in every place I could find on it for a way to post pics from it, but alas found nothing :( ....so I'm stuck going to the MFP website to do it....I wonder if the iOS app for the Apple iPhone would have it....maybe I should download it and see....I have to take my pics with my iPhone anyway....

    Sherry in "pondering the MFP iPhone app" Dufur
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Sherry – I think that every day, I think about our DYS. But, now that he is married to a wonderful young lady … there is no doubt in my mind that he is ‘happier’. She and daughter can get him to do just about anything. She sent me Halloween pictures, and, I was RITFLMAO to see my DYS dressed up like the SNL’s ‘church lady’ and driving their cart around taking their daughter ‘trick or treating’. Before they were ready, his FnL walked in and saw him sitting on the toilet with daughter putting make-up on him. His reaction was, ‘Boy, what are they doing to you’? But, after he got all dressed up, his FnL thought it was so funny. He’s danced on top of a table on Father’s Day, built her a zip line (FnL and he built a stand) and she is ‘thrilled’. I hope that we CAN go out to Louisiana … I ‘need’ it. I don’t think I can wait until August any more.

    I’m the same way about keeping my house clean (not cluttered at least). As a teenager I was horrible; but, by Friday night (if I wanted to go on a date or a dance) my room had to ‘appear’ clean. I’d take a broom and sweep everything under the twin bed that had bedspreads that touched the floor. Of course, the ‘maid’ got tired of washing clean clothes again. Mother got to where she told me ‘that I had to put up my clothes’. They’d appear on the floor of the bathroom, disappear, reappear all nice smelling and folded. One of the things that it took my DH a long time to break me of, was putting something back from where I got it. So now, usually my keys stay in my pocketbook. But, I have called him at work before and asked where he remembers seeing my glasses last. Thankfully, he can usually tell me where they are. Kitchen counter is the dropping off point for mail, magazines, groceries, junk … and I ‘fight’ it all the time; but, I did get a handle on it this past week.

    It’s been so long since I have had a ‘soft drink’ I don’t think I could drink one without getting sick to my stomach.

    I drink water during the day; coffee in the morning and at night (it does not affect my sleep).

    Nice digs! Those boots look like they’d be warm. My ‘flamingo slippers’ are really warm. My DOGD said when she saw them, she just had to buy them. Her BF actually bought them and she paid him back. When she went back to pick up a few grocery items, she said the others were all gone. Nice that Missy got a treat as well.

    Drkatiebug – My DOGD just had the streaks put back in her hair. Shortly after school started DMGD dyed her hair a nice shade of auburn. She already had a lot of auburn in her hair; my Mother was a natural auburn; both my oldest sister and I had auburn hair. Hers turned solid white in her 20’s; my just turned a nice ‘white’ gray. Neither DH nor sons want me to color my hair.

    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    edited December 2016
    I made a mistake when I told the 'newbie' that the 'brackets' when you want a color to appear, they don't do it automatically, you have to type it in. Go in front of the name, type the bracket ''; then after the name repeat the to turn it back to 'black'. I also use the 'bold' B to make it show up better. No spaces.

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,828 Member
    evening ladies~
    Well on the upside... I did get a 200.00 bonus from work_Tom saw it posted in the checking account, he gave me 120.00 before we left when I asked for 200.00 but I got another 120.00 today I have bought a few incidentals, but not anything wild, waiting to see if something jumps out at me.... will check in tomorrow
  • sherryminch
    sherryminch Posts: 168 Member
    Lenora - I wanna see pics of those flamingo slippers gosh dangit!!!....lol...you sound like me, when I would "clean" my room when I was a teenager, I would scoop everything up and throw it all in my closet!...lol...you didn't dare open the doors or everything would come falling out!...I like your idea of sweeping everything under the bed with the bedspread touching the floor!!...lmao....now that I'm a lot older and have grown over the years I find that if I don't keep my home spotless it really bothers me and I get super cranky if whatever man I am with leaves his dirty clothes on the floor or in the living room (like my abuser used to do)....that kinda crap belongs in the bedroom in the dirty clothes basket dangit!!...lol...I used to hate constantly picking up after him....I swear, that man would never put anything away to save his own life....and then he would bi*** at me for not cleaning the house!!!....after about 8 years of that I shut him up by not doing anything for a whole week!!....the place was a total disaster, you couldn't walk on the floor without stepping on crap and when he ran out of dishes to eat with he finally came to me and begged me to fix it and said he was sorry....that was the only apology I ever got out of that man....but he didn't learn to put his crap away....and besides the abuse, that was one of the biggest reasons why I left him....I don't know why but I just can't handle messyness anymore....but I hate doing dishes....I've been doing dishes everyday now since I was 8 and I'm just darned tired of it....for a while in my life I was eating off of paper plates with plastic utensils and eating frozen dinners and such because I hated doing dishes so much....lol....now a days I just wash them as I use them and since it's just me they usually don't get a chance to pile up....

    Sherry in "I am NOT a Whirlpool dishwasher!!" Dufur
  • sherryminch
    sherryminch Posts: 168 Member
    I've been sitting here looking at all my new wonderful stuff in awe and wonder....guess I should probably fold it all up and go put it away....lol.....I can't help that I'm just a little kid at heart!....lol....the boots fit perfectly and are nice and warm....they will be great for my walks in the snow....never had Muk Luks before....I like them!!...gave Missy some treats so she feels special too....

    Sherry in "winter wonderland" Dufur
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,897 Member
    Hello ladies: Well DH is doing better. He went to church yesterday and I think everyone must have told him he needed to drink more water. He actually took a bottle of water to a concert we went to yesterday afternoon. That is the first time I have ever seen him do that! We have been following a local men's quintet here and they had their Christmas concert yesterday afternoon. Lots of fun. We have our choir Christmas party on Wednesday and the theme this year is Oceania. I have decided to do a kiwi, pineapple and pomegranate salad shaped like a tree. Healthy and will be fun to do.

    Gloria - DH is often the definition of non-compliant patient. Very stubborn, "I don't need to do that" kind of guy. He is diabetic and will see doc tomorrow to sort out meds. We will see how well he does with new regime. He is already hedging on what the gastro guy told him at Swedish, saying he just doesn't need to go to him any more.

    Becca - Love your list.

    Janetr - Love those pictures. It is nice to remind yourself where you have been.

    Joyce - Sending healing angels your way and hope you feel better soon.

    Sherry - Yeah for a Christmas care package!

    Everyone take care, Sue in WA