Just for Today ..... Daily Commitment Thread- Start of a new year!



  • Saragirl2
    Saragirl2 Posts: 630 Member

    Pretracked most meals/snacks so far.
    Focus on eating healthy & cutting down on processed foods.
    Going to bed by 10pm. Struggle continues!
    Half size me podcast/webinar.
    Walk dog 30 mins in neighborhood.
    Have to get back to gym!
    Aiming for 150g of protein. I have yet to do this!
    Do the 20 min meditation online this afternoon.
    Yoga nidra tonight.

    Have a great day everyone!
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,351 Member
    Just For Today:
    1. STAY GREEN :)
    2. Hydrate :)
    3. Start Plexus Slim :)
    4. Physical Therapy appointment :)
    5. PT exercises x 2 :( So sore after PT appointment I just couldn't get the 2nd one in.
    6. Get my annual required elearnings done for work since they are due by 6/30 and it's going to storm all day anyway. :s Moving this to today.
    7. Freggies Challenge: Eat at least 6 servings of fruit and veggies today. :( Do Tater Tots count?
    8. Sew and complete a couple of potholders to get some practice with binding! :( Didn't want to try walking down the basement steps after PT appt.
    9. BED EARLY! Sleeping by 10:00. I really need to get this one under control and make it into a habit. Struggling! :(
    10. Get up early tomorrow. No sleeping in. Get back into a normal routine for work. :(

    well, since I failed to follow through with so many, I'll have to keep my goals much the same.

    Just for Thursday, 6/29:
    1. Stay Green
    2. Hydrate 80 oz
    3. Day 2 of Plexus Slim
    4. PT exercises x 2
    5. Finish Healthstream required elearnings for work
    6. Update Halogen for work
    7. Freggies Challenge: 2 svgs fruit and 4 svgs veggies
    8. Mind, Body & Spirit Self-Care: Take time to do something for each category
    9. Try not to roll my eyes at my husband. He is driving me crazy today.
    10. BED EARLY! Tonight I will go to bed at 9:00, unplug and read for a bit, with lights out at 10:00 pm.

    Have a fantastic day everyone! :mrgreen:
  • 12774
    12774 Posts: 1,416 Member
    Went to the gym.
    Elliptical x 30 mins
    Strength training x25 mins
    water aerobics.60 mins Treadmill x 30 mins.
    Have to work off the bag of popcorn that I had for snack earlier.
    Formulate my budget planning for July
    Plan weight loss goals for July
  • bookmeister86
    bookmeister86 Posts: 1,165 Member
    Yesterday was a terrible day. I'm under such a lot of pressure at work at the moment. As I'm taking quite a lot of time off for my operation, that means I have to get stuff to a place where I can hand it over to other people before I go. This was always going to be challenging (given I've basically been doing the equivalent of 2 full time jobs for the last 18 months) but it's been even more challenging than it should have been because something that was supposed to be simple and take 1 day has exploded and monopolised the last 2 weeks (and will probably monopolise my last week too). As a consequence, I've been ignoring everything else and now everything else is massively behind.

    Yesterday was probably about the worst in terms of stress levels and workload, I left work at 8.45 and so didn't get home until 10. So, obviously I ended up having a massive food binge... and therefore did not meet hardly any of my targets! Except the exercise class, but even that wasn't so good as I spent most of it ranting to my colleague and therefore didn't do the exercises properly....

    - Log everything I eat :'(
    - Choose healthy lunch (400 cals max) :/
    - NO SNACKS except ryvita or seed mix if HUNGRY :'(
    - Be in the green :'(
    - Exercise class after work :)
    - No alcohol :'(
    - Leave work straight after exercise class :'(
    - Meditate
    - Spend 1.5 - 2 hours at home working on service design project :'(
    - Wind down for an hour (have a bath) :'(
    - Bed at 11 :'(
    - Be productive - no procrastinating or perfectionism! :)
    - Stay calm - remember it's just a job! :'(
    - Listen to music to boost mood :/

    Today will be BETTER. I'm over the worst of the crisis now - we have now made a decision about what to do about it, so it's a question of actioning that, which in theory will be simpler. And I don't have any meetings today apart from a meeting about this project, so I can really make a dent in the work which will make me feel better. And Fridays are always good just because of the Friday feeling :)

    I feel like anyone who's read this far - and who's read my previous posts about work - must be wondering why on earth I haven't left yet? Why on earth would someone put up with working 2 FT jobs without leaving? Well, the answer to that is that I love my job, and it keeps on looking like things are going to get better.... but then they don't. And so I haven't left yet.

    However, there is a distinct possibility that things will genuinely get better in a few months as we are hiring someone for me to delegate to. When that happens, I will - in theory - just be working one job! And I am really looking forward to being a manager - i haven't done it for more than a few months before and I think it'll be really good for me... and my CV.

    BUT... it might not fix things. There is a massive backlog of work to catch up on, so things will not get better immediately. And I have the sneaking suspicion that my company will just decide to double the amount of work so nothing will change.

    Therefore.... while I'm off work, I'm going to do some serious research into job options, so I can decide what job(s) I want to apply for next.... so that when I decide to leave, I can make a move quickly. I think I will also set some criteria for 'what will mean I have to leave' as well. Enough is enough!!!!

    Anyway.... after that mammoth post, I'm just going to keep goals simple:

    - Log everything I eat
    - Be in the green
    - Stay calm and positive

    Happy Friday everyone!
  • mell_m_m
    mell_m_m Posts: 17 Member
    Day after weigh in for me so I will commit to:
    Omelet for breakfast and will use one egg and mostly egg whites.
    Out for lunch for sushi. I will be mindful how much I am eating.
    30 minutes of exercise with the tv
  • 12774
    12774 Posts: 1,416 Member
    JFT 6/30
    Walked for 60 mins in the park this am. it was soooo refreshing
    Going to get a hair cut and color.
    Going to get a mani/pedi
    Continue to make healthy food choices.
    Planning my budget for July
    Plan MFP goals for July
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,517 Member
    @slittlemeister Hang in there! Reading thru your last post, sounds like you've got a good plan for yourself. It's tough when you love what you do, but the company takes advantage. Good luck!

    @12774 Thanks for the reminder, tomorrow (or sometime over the weekend) I will update my June goals, and set goals for July.

    Recap 6/29 R
    1) Keep net calories in the green, or at least w/i 100 = Very close....net calories -99. :smile:
    2) Walked dog 3.09 miles before work, very humid, but at least it wasn't raining :smiley:
    3) Have two more webinars from noon - 2:00, preceded by meetings at 10:00 & 11:00. Not a typical workday, thank heavens. Eat lunch at desk then pace in office. = 2,897 steps in 45 minutes, and >16,000 steps for entire day :smiley:
    4) Errands after work = Done, including grocery shopping / putting away :smiley:
    5) Bedtime by 10:15 & TV off = No, watched a TV show to the end. But it's almost the weekend. :p

    JFT 6/30 F
    1) Walked dog 3.09 miles before work :smiley:
    2) Keep net calories in the green...tomorrow is official June weight and measurements
    3) If best friend and I go to City Deck tonight, eat at home first and drink water there, not alcohol (more rain forecast :'( )
    4) Bedtime by 10:30...want to leave 7-7:30 a.m. for farmers market
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,222 Member
    @slittlemeister - your job sounds very stressful, but it sounds like you also enjoy it. My son is the same way - he works constantly it seems, but its hard because he loves his job. It sounds like you have a great plan though, and hopefully hiring the second person will help you also.

    I need to also set July goals. I did lose about 2 pounds the month of June - a far cry from what I wanted to lose, but , it is better than a gain. I am finding it is really hard to lose even 4 pounds a month. But ... if I stop, I know I'll gain back what I have lost, so we keep going. But I do say that I feel better because of all the exercising I do. I don't want to be a old 67 yr old - want to stay as healthy as I can, even if the scale is higher than I want it to be.

    so JFT, Friday
    1. log all food
    2. concentrate on water. this is still my hardest struggle
    3. go to zumba tonite, or work in the yard some

    Sunday we leave to go see our son, so hoping to eat as healthy as I can over the July 4th holiday!
  • junodog1
    junodog1 Posts: 4,792 Member
    Yesterday JFT 06-29-17
    :) Stay green on calories
    :| Extra steps to make up for Tuesday - no extra today but I've already caught up
    :) Water water water!
    :/ Contact the resume firm - too busy to do at work
    :) Call the vet for my puppy dog

    JFT 06-30-17 [/i]
    Stay green on calories
    Water water water! it's 2:00 and I've only had 2 cups of coffee
    Contact the resume firm
    Take the dog to vet
    Make dinner
    Clean the bathrooms

  • MLHC1
    MLHC1 Posts: 678 Member
    6/29 Thursday JFT:

    Attend Classes✔
    Physics Online HW✔
    Dinner by 7:30pm✔
    Run on elliptical for 30 min. (after dinner)❌
    Physics Online HW✔
    Bedtime by midnight✔

    6/30 Friday JFT:

    Woke up at 4:30 am✔
    Reworked all HW that was relevant to Exam✔
    10 am - 12 pm Physics Exam✔
    (I always ride my bicycle on campus instead of using the bus B) )✔
    Relaxing Lunch with my husband (@olivegarden)✔
    Home w/ kids by 1:45pm :D

    Remainder of Friday:

    Let lunch settle then run on elliptical for 45 min.
    After running ➡️ shower (maybe a little nap)
    Cook homemade Turkey Burgers (Yum!!)
    Maybe go to the movies with the family and watch Despicable Me 3 :D
    Bedtime by midnight

    *Note to self:
    Transferring some self-control from my healthy eating to my studying was helpful for the success of my grades. However, I am now caught up with school work, so don't get behind again AND get back to staying in the green on MFP!! Remember, even though the calories were all in the red this week, at least you logged every bite of everything consumed!! Now, enjoy the rest of your Friday B)
  • lynmac54
    lynmac54 Posts: 23 Member
    edited June 2017
    Friday before the extra long weekend and lots of partying happening. Thankfully with summer here, it's also outdoor BBQ time with an assortment of fresh fruits and salads! I'll be sticking close by the healthy goodies and have no concerns about being tempted by the sweet table or the beer/wine - lucky me! Now here's hoping I can keep my log up and not O.D. on tasty BBQ'd meats! Oh well, at least the protein will be grilled! :D

    To all who are celebrating Canada's 150th and the U.S.'s Independence Day - enjoy the parties and dance lots! B)
  • 12774
    12774 Posts: 1,416 Member
    12774 wrote: »
    JFT 6/30
    Walked for 60 mins in the park this am. it was soooo refreshing
    Going to get a hair cut and color.
    Going to get a mani/pedi
    Continue to make healthy food choices.
    Planning my budget for July
    Plan MFP goals for July

    Did not get my mani /pedi. bc the nail salon was too crowded.Will do it myself now that I am flexible and can bend and do it myself. Will get it professionally done next week.
    Will list my July goals tomorrow.
    Enjoy the weekend everyone!
  • junodog1
    junodog1 Posts: 4,792 Member
    edited July 2017
    Yesterday JFT 06-30-17
    :) Stay green on calories
    :) 10K+steps
    :) Water water water! it's 2:00 and I've only had 2 cups of coffee
    :) Contact the resume firm
    :) Take the dog to vet bacterial ear infection
    :) Make dinner - pork chops, cheesy noodles, brussels sprouts
    :/ Clean the bathrooms - takes 15 minutes but it seems I have to write it down each weekend

    JFT 07-01-2017
    • Stay green on calories
    • 10K+steps
    • Track water
    • Fill out resume firm questionnaire
    • None of those little chocolate candies that have been in my diary too much - 5 more days of this
    • Make dinner - Chicken w/ salsa and __?
    • Clean the bathrooms
    • Treat Dogs ear
    • Find a new career podcast for wogs
  • MLHC1
    MLHC1 Posts: 678 Member
    7/1 Saturday JFT:

    Slept in until 9:30 am ✔
    Brunch with the family :D
    Edit and upload ministry pics to Website
    Run ministry website maintenance
    Manage Saturday Chores
    Budget meeting with husband
    Family meeting
    Run on elliptical for 30 min.⬅️Make this happen!
    Physics HW and online HW (Ch. 15)
    Dinner by 8 pm
    Bedtime by midnight

    (Stay in the Green!!!!)

    Happy Holidays To Everyone!! Be safe this weekend and have fun B)
  • 12774
    12774 Posts: 1,416 Member
    Went to my Zumba at the Y but after 30 mins, the instructor complained of chest pain. She's also asthmatic so we waited around until she was taken to the hospital by the EMS.
    Did 30 mins on the elliptical.
    Family / monthly budget meeting.
    Had a scoop of ice cream, the 1st for the year. Tasted sooooo good.
    Completed 12 wk personal training.

    MFP goals for July

    Increase time on elliptical to 45mins.
    Go to the gym 4-5 x/week.
    Incorporate strength training with cardio.
    Lose at least 5 lbs
    Monitor macros.
    Prepare meals ahead.
    Drink 8+ glasses of water daily.
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,517 Member
    edited July 2017
    Better late than never for Sat.

    Recap 6/30 F
    1) Walked dog 3.09 miles before work :smiley:
    2) Keep net calories in the green...tomorrow is official June weight and measurements = Net calories -109 but Sat. weigh in was great (separate post later) :smiley:
    3) If best friend and I go to City Deck tonight, eat at home first and drink water there, not alcohol (more rain forecast :'( ) = Change in plans, stayed home for dinner / evening :(
    4) Bedtime by 10:30...want to leave 7-7:30 a.m for farmers market = 10:15 :smile:

    Recap 7/1 Sat.
    1) Arrived at farmers market 7:30 a.m. and already busy...got great produce and whitefish for the upcoming week, and beautiful bouquet of flowers to enjoy :smiley:
    2) Walked dog 3.09 miles B)
    3) Once hubby got up, had a great day together, even several games of Rummikub on the patio <3
    4) After indulging in the $5 lunch combo at Dairy Queen, including the hot fudge sundae, I made a healthy skillet chicken with fresh spinach and mushrooms for dinner :D

    JFT 7/2 Sun.
    1) Church service 9 a.m.
    2) Walk dog longer route
    3) Spend time with hubby
    4) Bedtime by 10:30 & TV off...work on Mon.