Just for Today ..... Daily Commitment Thread- Start of a new year!



  • 12774
    12774 Posts: 1,416 Member
    edited July 2017
    Hope everyone is enjoying the Day.
    Took an early walk in the park for 60 mins, then did some yard work . This surely will offset that small slice of pizza that I had for lunch.
    Dinner will be a piece of Rotisserie/Grill/BBQ chicken and a piece of grilled corn. I am also going to try grilled watermelon with balsamic vinegar. Other than that, will just hang out and watch the local fireworks from my patio.

    @ OConnell 5483 , don't do too much today. Hope that your 1st day back on the job tomorrow, after your medical leave goes smoothly.
    @MLHC1, I was wondering how you made out. Being a mother, wife, and student seem to be so
    much . I do hope that you can find some peaceful time for yourself .
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,351 Member
    12774 wrote: »
    @ OConnell 5483 , don't do too much today. Hope that your 1st day back on the job tomorrow, after your medical leave goes smoothly.

    Thank you! I'm hoping it goes well. I did get everything packed and ready to go, so hopefully my day will be organized and not frantic. :smile:

    I hope you enjoy the fireworks! How nice that you can watch them on your patio! We won't be going this year but maybe next year!
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,517 Member
    Late updates today - - - -

    Recap 7/3 M
    1) Walked dog before work 3.09 miles...saw very low-flying sandhill crane right in front of us, a cardinal, and a mama turkey crossing the road with 8 babies following. :smiley:
    2) Keep net calories in the green, not sure what supper will be = Did great! Net calories 180 in the green. :smiley:
    3) Meditate in afternoon...haven't done this in quite some time, want to improve breath control for choir = Since office was nearly empty, easy to fit in, felt great. :smiley:
    4) Wash dishes piled on kitchen counter = Done! :smiley:

    Fourth of July (T)
    1) Walked dog 3.58 miles, happy dog got 2 treats from Al (we love going by the Al & RJ house) B)
    2) Spent day with hubby once he woke up. We had a quiet holiday at home: did some more yardwork in the a.m. which we were very happy to get done, and played Rummikub on the patio in the afternoon. Plenty of fireworks in the neighborhood, we're not going to the big ones. :smiley:<3
    3) Keep net calories w/i 100 of green = Ate mostly healthy, but too much and net calories -182...oh well, I guess I balanced out yesterday. :wink:
    4) Bedtime by 10:30, it's a work day tomorrow

    JFT 7/5 W
    1) Walk dog before work
    2) Keep net calories in the green
    3) Meditate in afternoon
    4) Unwind by 9:30 / bedtime by 10:15 & TV off
  • junodog1
    junodog1 Posts: 4,792 Member
    I liked this:
    junodog1 wrote: »
    worked on day off, started a search for a new job

    Are these two things linked by any chance? Excessive work is driving me to look into job options!

    Actually no. Somestimes I come in for a few hours on the weekend because it is quiet and I can actually accomplish a task. It is our Fiscal Year End and we have a few extra things to do.

    I am looking for a new job because I just am not enjoying the role I am in now. I made a lateral transfer about two years ago, but spent a year and and a half year training replacements for my old manager position. Now finally starting to define the new position and find that I would prefer work more technology related over the financial reporting work I took on. I can do this and I can learn to like it if I have to, but I would rather go back to technical/functional work like I did about a dozen years ago. For the last ten years I had been a Payroll Director for a 6000 employee organization. In 2013 we implemented a new ERP. I was very involved in the data mapping, product set up, testing, etc (all while also doing my full time job.) I realized how much I missed that sort of work, which I used to do. I am looking for a position doing implementation consulting or technical support or a role for a corporation like HRIS support.

    Wow, that was a lot of response.
  • junodog1
    junodog1 Posts: 4,792 Member

    JFT 07-03-2017
    :) Water – Keep track
    :) Bed by 11
    :) 10K steps for today
    • Ilvermorny yoga challenge
    :) Stay in green on calories
    • Finish resume questionarre
    :) Call terminte protection company. Report problem.
    :) Tell husband to take car to dealership for warranty paint problem.

    Today 07*04*2017
    • C25K Week 1 Day 2
    • 10K Steps
    • Stay Green on calories
    • Install new gate (with DH) for pasture access
    • Water
    • Go to town for fireworks. Be nice in crowds.
  • bookmeister86
    bookmeister86 Posts: 1,165 Member
    @OConnell5483 Good luck for your first day back! Try not to worry about all the emails and projects. I find that at least 50% of post-leave emails can be deleted straight away because someone else has dealt with them already... or which because the deadline has already passed! As far as projects go, I think it's very acceptable for projects to be behind because you literally haven't been there. Maybe re-negotiate the deadlines on some, if you can? It strikes me that there are very few deadlines that really can't be moved if needed. Reasons why deadlines can't be moved are usually stupid ones like 'because we've made a commitment to do it'. Well, so what? Things change! Anyway... good luck! And take it easy :)
  • newbie2143
    newbie2143 Posts: 328 Member
    Good morning all!

    Recap yesterday:
    Overall did OK on commitments, but it was a non-stop day so I had difficulty doing things for ME.
    Log everything I eat ✔️(missed calorie goal by 45 cals ❌ - I just HAD to have that cookie, didn't I??)
    Avoid mindless 3-6 PM eating ✔️ *2 day streak* yay me! - this is such a tough habit for me to break
    Meditate before bed, not iPad ❌ I just didn't have it in me by bedtime... will try to get it done earlier in the day today
    Out for a walk (at least 20 minutes) after supper ✔️ - I'll count it, although it was walking around a mall picking up last minute camp items for my boy, not the usual "going for a walk" intensity, but at least I was on my feet :)

    Today's commitments:
    Log everything I eat, stay under calorie goal by being selective while out for dinner at friend's house
    Avoid mindless 3-6 PM eating
    Meditate over the lunch hour at my desk
    Walk at least 20 minutes
  • junodog1
    junodog1 Posts: 4,792 Member
    Yesterday 07*04*2017

    :) C25K Week 1 Day 2
    :) 10K Steps - 15,038!
    :) Stay Green on calories so many calories burned yesterday I got to eat like a holiday and still stay green
    :) Install new gate (with DH) for pasture access
    :) Water
    :) Go to town for fireworks. Be nice in crowds. :) The being nice part was hard.

    JFT 07-05-17
    • Ilvermorny yoga challenge
    • 10K Steps
    • Stay Green on calories
    • Water
    • Allocate EEs June vacation
    • Meet Termite Co rep to determine infestation
    • Do not cry in front of Termite rep
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,517 Member
    edited July 2017
    @OConnell5483 Hoping your first day back at work goes well! I thought @slittlemeister had great ideas for dealing with "stuff".

    Seems like some of us have had similar work experiences. I had worked for a company for 31+ years, which I loved (except my last 2-3 years there) when my position was "eliminated". It was the best thing they ever did for me! I got 10 months severance pay and finally caught up on sleep. Then I had the opportunity to try consulting for a few years, and when work was available it was great. Now I work locally in my primary profession for a company & manager that have a great work/life philosophy, terrific benefits, and a 10-minute drive from home. All of which outweighs the low pay :wink: But I'm so much happier!
  • HGSmith0920
    HGSmith0920 Posts: 1,123 Member
    @OConnell5483 I hope work is going well! Stay calm and keep your head up!

  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,351 Member
    Thank you @slittlemeister , @cschmitz110515 and @HGSmith0920! I needed to take a mental break so logged in quick to post my goals. Kind of late, but better than nothing.

    I came back to find out that 2 of the 3 people who help me with my job and were slated to help me with my projects and the go-live support of them found other jobs while I was off. I am overwhelmed beyond overwhelmed today.

    @cschmitz110515 , I cannot tell you how many times I have told my husband I wish I could retire early with severance pay! But I've a few years left before I could even seriously hope for that. I'd have better luck winning the lottery. Haha! I am of the mind lately that the pay is not nearly worth the amount of stress anymore.

    @slittlemeister I saw my director in the hall this morning and told her I was feeling a bit overwhelmed. She told me to not worry about it, that everything will be alright. I think I must've looked like a deer caught in headlights. I know she is working hard to get these positions posted and filled as quickly as possible, but it won't be in time for these go-lives. I am literally close to tears. I like your thoughts on how to approach it. I am down to 261 unread emails now, and when I started this morning I was at 364, so that's not too shabby. DELETE, DELETE, DELETE... Tomorrow in our meeting for the first go-live, I am going to find out more about the schedules and dates. then a few hours later, we have a meeting to discuss one of my other really big go-lives, so perhaps I can get things juggled a bit. I have never missed a deadline, and it is making me feel really anxious right now.

    Thank you for the advice! I actually needed to hear those words right about now...

  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,101 Member
    Hey everyone.
    I am still about
    Stayed true to my word that I would get back on track on Monday, I was in the green and exercised etc. Tuesday not so bad, at least I don’t think, I didn’t log but i skipped tea as I wasn’t hungry

    And today... DV bug so literally eating nothing.

    This pregnancy is taking its toll now already!
    Morning sickness and tirednesss
    I’m on the sofa every night from overheating in bed and the fecking dog needing a *kitten* at 3am like clockwork.
    And today I screamed at my neighbour, literally screamed at her to F off and stop knocking on my door then I called her a bit€h!
    Happy daysssssss!

    First appointment on Monday!
    I’m hoping the sickness is a sign it’s a boy, I had no sickness with girls and sickness with an angel boy so fingers and toes crossed!!!

    Miss you all!
    Will post daily again next month when I finally get my phone fixed!
  • MLHC1
    MLHC1 Posts: 678 Member
    edited July 2017
    MLHC1 wrote: »
    MLHC1 wrote: »
    7/3 Monday JFT:

    Attend Class✔
    Tutoring ✔
    Physics HW and online HW (Ch.18)✔
    Grocery List and shopping❌
    Prep for July 4th Day-Trip❌
    Check status on elliptical repair(not ready)✔
    DVD workout instead of running (30 min.)❌
    Dinner by 8pm✔
    Bedtime by midnight ✔

    Change of plans!!! My husband just sprung a whole new trip idea on me last minute. Instead of a simple day trip, now we're leaving tonight and coming back Wednesday morning!! I have class Wednesday morning and a final exam this Saturday. I have to review all the physics info from Ch. 1-14 plus teach myself Ch. 15-18 by 8 am Saturday morning :s I'm totally stressing out!!! I've already ate some cookies to "cope" and now stress is increasing!! I know family is important and I'll have a blast but at what cost will I endure on my Physics grade :'( Sorry to rant on like this but being a full time student plus a wife and mother of three is overwhelming sometimes and I turn to carbs!! This is my struggle.

    Feeling blue :'(

    How are you doing today? I think you are amazing that you do so much on top of being a mother of 3 and wife! If I were trying to do what you are, I'd be wearing a feedbag full of chocolate, failing all my classes, while curled in a fetal position rocking back and forth in a corner! Take a deep breath! Focus on one step at a time and you'll be fine!!

    Awe, thank you for the support!! All day yesterday I did not have cell service bc where we camped. After discussing everything with my husband, we talked through all my stresses and we came to a healthy understanding. So the 4th of July was jam packed. We all enjoyed some family time, went trail riding on our bikes through the canyon trails, then enjoyed some hiking, BBQ and a theater show with fireworks. (I took out my stress on my bicycle while trail riding!!!!) It did turn out to be fun, but it's hard to switch gears so quickly!! Lol, sometimes I feel like "wearing a feedbag full of chocolate, failing all my classes, while curled in a fetal position rocking back and forth in a corner!" :D
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,351 Member
    Just for Tuesday, 7/4
    1. Stay in the green :smile: So far, so good!
    2. Hydrate, 62 oz water :neutral: Halfway there.
    3. Continue to declutter kitchen :) done
    4. Bake apple pie and PB & Heath Bit cookies - for husband to store in basement freezer for his sweet tooth. :smile: Done
    5. Pack tomorrow's lunch bag tonight. :smile: Done
    6. Iron and set out tomorrow's work outfit :smile: Done
    7. Find 3 separate moments to attend to each...mind, body and soul :smile: Done
    8. Unplug one hour prior to bed and go to bed early--be sleeping by 10:00!!! :frowning: Nope. Tossed and turned and obsessed into the wee hours.

    Just for Wednesday, 7/5
    1. Get up early and try to make it a habit to go into work earlier than I used to.
    2. Eat only what I packed and pre-logged.
    3. Hydrate. At least 64 oz
    4. Take 15 minutes in morning to sip a cup of coffee and plan tasks for the day
    5. Get up and walk away from desk if feeling overwhelmed
    6. Only work 8 hours. No working at home either. No more living to work. I work to live...not the other way around.
    7. Clean off paperwork all over desk at work. Clutter-free work zone.
    8. Relax and ice knee when I get home. Don't overdo it.
    9. Unplug one hour before bed and try to be sleeping by 10:00 tonight.
    10. Gratitude journal, listen to podcast or online meditation. Do PT exercises. (Mind, body and soul)

    Have a great day everyone!
  • MLHC1
    MLHC1 Posts: 678 Member
    7/5 Wednesday JFT:

    Drove back to town✔
    Attend classes ✔
    Lunch with my husband✔
    Cleaned out and organized RV
    Dinner by 5pm
    Tutoring 6-8pm
    Physics Exam Prep (final exam on Saturday :s Saturday)
    Bedtime by midnight

    Thank you to everyone for understanding and being so supportive. It's very nice to have such a great support system here in the discussion and on MFP! I hope everyone had a wonderful 4th of July B)
  • junodog1
    junodog1 Posts: 4,792 Member

    Just for Wednesday, 7/5
    1. Get up early and try to make it a habit to go into work earlier than I used to.
    2. Eat only what I packed and pre-logged.
    3. Hydrate. At least 64 oz
    4. Take 15 minutes in morning to sip a cup of coffee and plan tasks for the day
    5. Get up and walk away from desk if feeling overwhelmed
    6. Only work 8 hours. No working at home either. No more living to work. I work to live...not the other way around.
    7. Clean off paperwork all over desk at work. Clutter-free work zone.
    8. Relax and ice knee when I get home. Don't overdo it.
    9. Unplug one hour before bed and try to be sleeping by 10:00 tonight.
    10. Gratitude journal, listen to podcast or online meditation. Do PT exercises. (Mind, body and soul)

    Have a great day everyone!

    Awesome post full of good ideas!

    I am starting to listen to a book - Do Over by Jon Acuff trying to get a little extra inspiration.
  • bookmeister86
    bookmeister86 Posts: 1,165 Member
    Reasonable day today!

    - Log everything I eat unless friend's dinner is too complex to figure out what to log :| Apart from the 'thwarted caramel attempts' which were basically solid sugar. Hadn't a clue what to log there....
    - No snacks except ryvita, if hungry. NOTHING ELSE. :| One small biscuit.... at 5pm! It's always around then that I crack...
    - Choose sensible portions for dinner :)
    - One water for every alcoholic drink :)
    - 30+ minute lunch break :)
    - Meditate :)
    - Check emails at intervals only :)
    - Work through to-do list sequentially :)
    - Stay calm and positive, it's just a job! :)
    - Actually work on the train in a.m. :)
    - Leave work by 7 ABSOLUTE LATEST :| 7.10

    Last day in the office before op tomorrow! Commitments are:

    - Log everything I eat
    - No snacks except ryvita, if hungry. NOTHING ELSE.
    - Be in the green

    - 30+ minute lunch break
    - Meditate

    - Actually work on the train in a.m.
    - Check emails at intervals only
    - Work through to-do list sequentially
    - Stay calm and positive, it's just a job!
    - Leave work by 6.30 latest
  • HGSmith0920
    HGSmith0920 Posts: 1,123 Member

    1. Log all that I eat to the best of my ability :)Didnt actually finish logging until this morning
    2. Make healthy choices at the party :/Too many cookies and ice cream and potato salad!
    3. Enjoy the time with family, friends, and fireworks :)
    4. Do laundry :/
    5. Take out the trash :/
    6. Finish the dishes :/
    7. Read up on Intermittent Fasting :/
    8. Bed by 11 pm :DNot sure, but it was pretty close I think

    So I was almost late to work because I was so busy reading everyone's posts. I didn't realize what time it was until it was past my regular departure time. Lol. I made it with a few minutes to spare because I didn't stop for coffee and traffic was light. But I didn't get a chance to post my goals. So here's a kind of half and half. What's been done already and what still needs to be done.

    1. Log all that I eat!
    2. Stay in green
    3. Did RofR challenge for Hogwarts
    4. Kept till balanced
    5. Asked for help when I needed it
    6. Making a healthy yummy dinner now
    7. Watch some baseball with the DH
    8. Wind down at 9:30
    9. Bed by 10:30
  • bookmeister86
    bookmeister86 Posts: 1,165 Member
    @OConnell5483 That is rubbish news to come back to, hope it gets sorted out soon. That sounds like a very good reason for having to re-negotiate deadlines to me :) I've never missed a deadline either but mainly because I tell people in advance that it HAS to move because I won't be able to make it.

    Sometimes this leads to a bit of a stand-off - 'the deadline can't move'... 'well it can't be met so you might as well move it'... 'it can't move'.... 'well I'm telling you now it won't be met so you might as well manage people's expectations now rather than apologise later'... (slightly politer than this) I'm fairly stubborn so tend to get there in the end...

    It does depend on the people you work with though, some are easier than others to negotiate with. Your director sounds nice... though if my director said 'it'll be all right' I'd probably ask (politely) if they'd be prepared to help out to actually make it happen? Or hire a contractor temporarily to make it happen?

    (It really p$sses me off when people tell me things will be fine without contributing anything to make them fine. Or tell me 'don't stay too late' whilst heading home without volunteering to give me a hand).

    Remember though, above all.... it's just a job! (Remembering that is one of my daily goals now). I'm pretty sure your family - and health - are more important to you. Try to focus on other aspects of your life if you can - that might help you get less bothered by work!

    (I see you're meditating too. That's also good. I find that reduces the intensity of negative emotions a lot - I recommend!)

  • 12774
    12774 Posts: 1,416 Member
    Did 30 mins of strength training .
    Only did 15 mins on the elliptical bc I would have been late for my water aerobics class which turned out to be a disaster. Normally the pool is cordoned off in half for the classes, today it was divided into 3 with lot of kids for the Summer Programs. Needless to say, it was very noisy and also my skin was itching due to excess amount of chlorine that is added during the Summer months. As of tomorrow, I will do my classes in the other pool which is usually much colder.
    Maintaining my macros and drinking 8 + glasses of water.
    Tomorrow is my weighing day.