Just for Today ..... Daily Commitment Thread- Start of a new year!



  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,501 Member
    edited September 2017
    Recap M Labor Day (US) 9/4
    1) No alarm, awake by 7 a.m. Walked dog 3.43 miles, bumped into Kim walking Bogie so we stopped to chat. Visited too long, because we got rained on for last 1/2 mile. At least it was a gentle, refreshing rain. Dog happy anyway. :smiley:
    2) Wash sheets and fleece / hubby works on his SUV = 2 loads done since hubby needed work shirts & jeans washed. And clouds cleared / sun actually came out (yay!) so I hung wash on clothesline. I love freshly line-dried laundry! :smiley:
    3) Put up new light fixture with hubby = Done, such an improvement over the dated fixture there when we bought the place. Hubby mainly did it, I was tool girl and helper, and we did it without getting into a snit with each other. Can you tell I have past experience? :wink:
    4) Make grocery list & shop with hubby = Done, always adventure grocery shopping with hubby. He's like a kid when we get to cereal aisle. :smiley:
    5) Bedtime & TV off 10:30, it's a work day tomorrow = Fail, and I could tell this morning when early alarm went off / no dog walk T a.m. :(

    JFT T 9/5 - I must have underestimated calories past two days (understandable with my estimates away from home) because daily weigh in going in the wrong direction! Ack! Back on plan today.
    1) Net calories w/i 100 green
    2) Keep pushing on project testing / target date 9/13 to email requests for missing docs
    3) Lunch at desk today / continue prep for 9/7 seminar: print 20 name tags, alphabetize all 50, test survey & CPE emails, schedule email blasts
    4) Use Calm app, pause & pray
    5) Unwind 9:30 / bedtime & TV off 10:15 / dog walk W a.m.
  • junodog1
    junodog1 Posts: 4,792 Member
    edited September 2017
    Ugh, life has not been fun these past few days. I mean it's been OK - but just a drag. No big trauma (after a weeping daughter phone call at 1:45 a.m. because of roommate drama) Stuff happens. We can only take life as it comes. I have not been setting goals the last few days, except to get thru the day without getting in the car and driving....driving ....driving..... far, far away. I could do that.

    One evening a few years back when both the children still lived at home, the dear husband and I were sitting out on the driveway with the dog, enjoying watching the sun go down. It must have been a good day. We were talking and I said that I had one of those days in the last week where, as I pull up to the driveway, I want to just not make the turn, put my foot on the gas and just drive away. He looked over and said, "My God! I'm not the only one who feels like that?" It was cathartic! We both felt like we'd let out a big secret that we had been hiding. Now we joke about it from time to time and our real fantasy involves leaving it all behind - together. (He would never really do it. I would though and I think that scares him.)

    On a completely different subject, now we are smack dab in the middle of all the projected paths for Hurricane Irma. All the noobs in Florida are panicking. Water is gone from the store shelves. (Honey - you pick that stuff up in June and stock it until the winter, then when the storm season is over and you are left with four cases of water slowly drink it or donate it to a food pantry.) Generators are gone, but there were not many on the shelves to start with, because Harvey. DH made sure the chainsaw, the generator and the tractor were in working order over the weekend. Again we will take it as it comes.

    The job has deadlines with the state for reporting on September 11. That is Monday. we were going to finalize data over the weekend before transmitting Monday. Guess we are going to have to figure out how to cram that in to the next few days. Arrggghhh!

    So JFT 09-05-2017
    • Stay in the green - you may not get much exercise so eating is critical.
    • Drink water. Lots of water.
    • And, as the Hitchhiker'g Guide to the Galaxy says, "DON"T PANIC!"

  • junodog1
    junodog1 Posts: 4,792 Member
    edited September 2017
    Perhaps over this next weekend, if I have power, I'll be able to sit home and catch up on everyone.

    Keep on!
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    edited September 2017
    But the interview was weird and stressful. I'd been expecting to have an interesting chat about what the job would involve, what I know about policy (the area I'm trying to get into) and my ideas for the business (which I'd said I had lots of in my application).

    But instead it was some weird competency interview where they just fired question after question at me - 'tell me about a time when you....' 'how would you deal with a situation where....' and my personal favourite: 'how do you deal with complexity and uncertainty?' (Like this *kitten* question?!)

    It left me feeling like I have no idea what the job is ACTUALLY going to be and the impression that I do have is that it's going to be predominantly stakeholder management (i.e. manipulating obnoxious people into doing what you want) rather than having ideas/ analysing evidence, etc.

    I have a job interview scheduled tomorrow which is listed as a group interview and scheduled to last for FOUR hours. It's an administrative job with the state, so I have no idea what we could possibly do with our competition which could take four hours. That should be...interesting. It's not a teaching job, so there is no demo lesson or anything. The job requires bilingual skills, so I am guessing that they are going to test our ability to actually speak Spanish, but other than that I have no earthly idea what this will involve.

    At least it is near my gym, so I will just go work out afterwards.
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member

    I am feeling extraordinarily unmotivated today. In addition to this, I am making a detailed list of other small things that need to be accomplished...maybe this will light a fire.

    1. Plan and pre-track exercise for the week :)
    2. 60 minutes Zumba + warmup :smile:
    3. Do some gardening :) found more ripe tomatoes in my own garden!
    4. One self-care activity :)
    5. under 100G carbs :)
    6. under 1200 calories :)
    7. at least 8 freggies :)
    8. meal prep and salsa canning :neutral: well, canned some whole tomatoes and prepped the tomatoes for salsa, but didn't have enough chiles to finish the project...at least they are all in the fridge with their heads cut off and no longer taking up my whole kitchen table

    I actually got a ton of stuff done...which is great, because I totally felt like staying in bed all day.

    1. 60 minutes swimming
    2. One self-care activity
    3. under 100G carbs
    4. under 1200 calories
    5. at least 8 freggies
    6. 10C water
  • skymningen
    skymningen Posts: 532 Member
    I am so done today... But I fought bravely. :p
    The day at work was really unexpectedly stressful and still I am sitting here, slowly calming down and at least only failing a little.
    skymningen wrote: »
    1) Write sth for thesis :|A teeny tiny bit. To have it done. There just was no time.
    2) Drink enough water :)Perfectly fine.
    3) Call parents in the evening :/I won't manage. They are out for dinner, but we chatted a little during lunchtime.
    4) Be a loving girlfriend, even though my uterus hurts. B)o:)So much win! I got him a medication for my MIL (not legally, you know what I mean, his mum). He's very happy about that. And I listened to his tales from his stressful day without bringing mine up too much. I already had gotten a little bit of compassion for my cramps in the morning so I wasn't asking for more. I feel like an angel. o:)
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,501 Member
    junodog1 wrote: »
    Ugh, life has not been fun these past few days. I mean it's been OK - but just a drag. No big trauma (after a weeping daughter phone call at 1:45 a.m. because of roommate drama) Stuff happens. We can only take life as it comes. I have not been setting goals the last few days, except to get thru the day without getting in the car and driving....driving ....driving..... far, far away. I could do that.

    One evening a few years back when both the children still lived at home, the dear husband and I were sitting out on the driveway with the dog, enjoying watching the sun go down. It must have been a good day. We were talking and I said that I had one of those days in the last week where, as I pull up to the driveway, I want to just not make the turn, put my foot on the gas and just drive away. He looked over and said, "My God! I'm not the only one who feels like that?" It was cathartic! We both felt like we'd let out a big secret that we had been hiding. Now we joke about it from time to time and our real fantasy involves leaving it all behind - together. (He would never really do it. I would though and I think that scares him.)

    On a completely different subject, now we are smack dab in the middle of all the projected paths for Hurricane Irma. All the noobs in Florida are panicking. Water is gone from the store shelves. (Honey - you pick that stuff up in June and stock it until the winter, then when the storm season is over and you are left with four cases of water slowly drink it or donate it to a food pantry.) Generators are gone, but there were not many on the shelves to start with, because Harvey. DH made sure the chainsaw, the generator and the tractor were in working order over the weekend. Again we will take it as it comes.

    The job has deadlines with the state for reporting on September 11. That is Monday. we were going to finalize data over the weekend before transmitting Monday. Guess we are going to have to figure out how to cram that in to the next few days. Arrggghhh!

    So JFT 09-05-2017
    • Stay in the green - you may not get much exercise so eating is critical.
    • Drink water. Lots of water.
    • And, as the Hitchhiker'g Guide to the Galaxy says, "DON"T PANIC!"

    Just drive...lol. Best wishes to you, DH and animals to weather the storm. Really, everyone in Irma's path. And good luck with submission by deadline. Maybe being in a hurricane state, FL would extend deadline?
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,501 Member
    But the interview was weird and stressful. I'd been expecting to have an interesting chat about what the job would involve, what I know about policy (the area I'm trying to get into) and my ideas for the business (which I'd said I had lots of in my application).

    But instead it was some weird competency interview where they just fired question after question at me - 'tell me about a time when you....' 'how would you deal with a situation where....' and my personal favourite: 'how do you deal with complexity and uncertainty?' (Like this *kitten* question?!)

    It left me feeling like I have no idea what the job is ACTUALLY going to be and the impression that I do have is that it's going to be predominantly stakeholder management (i.e. manipulating obnoxious people into doing what you want) rather than having ideas/ analysing evidence, etc.

    I have a job interview scheduled tomorrow which is listed as a group interview and scheduled to last for FOUR hours. It's an administrative job with the state, so I have no idea what we could possibly do with our competition which could take four hours. That should be...interesting. It's not a teaching job, so there is no demo lesson or anything. The job requires bilingual skills, so I am guessing that they are going to test our ability to actually speak Spanish, but other than that I have no earthly idea what this will involve.

    At least it is near my gym, so I will just go work out afterwards.

    Group interview may mean you are the interviewee, and a group of people interview you. I've been on both sides of that table. At one former employer, we passed the interviewee from person to person, and ended with lunch, all lasting 3 - 4 hours. Good luck!
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,348 Member
    @Slittlemeister: I have never heard of lavender having that kind of effect on anyone! LOL!

    @junodog1: Be safe! My husband and I have a son and grandkids down in the path also, who live only a block or two from the Atlantic, so I've been worried about them.

    @azulvioleta6 Good luck at your interview! That sounds like it would be a great job! Sure is an awfully long interview though. Wow!

    Hey Slittle!! Guess what I am doing right now!! I'm sitting at a table in a room away from my desk and taking a REAL LUNCH BREAK! Kinda proud of myself one day in a row... :mrgreen:
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    But the interview was weird and stressful. I'd been expecting to have an interesting chat about what the job would involve, what I know about policy (the area I'm trying to get into) and my ideas for the business (which I'd said I had lots of in my application).

    But instead it was some weird competency interview where they just fired question after question at me - 'tell me about a time when you....' 'how would you deal with a situation where....' and my personal favourite: 'how do you deal with complexity and uncertainty?' (Like this *kitten* question?!)

    It left me feeling like I have no idea what the job is ACTUALLY going to be and the impression that I do have is that it's going to be predominantly stakeholder management (i.e. manipulating obnoxious people into doing what you want) rather than having ideas/ analysing evidence, etc.

    I have a job interview scheduled tomorrow which is listed as a group interview and scheduled to last for FOUR hours. It's an administrative job with the state, so I have no idea what we could possibly do with our competition which could take four hours. That should be...interesting. It's not a teaching job, so there is no demo lesson or anything. The job requires bilingual skills, so I am guessing that they are going to test our ability to actually speak Spanish, but other than that I have no earthly idea what this will involve.

    At least it is near my gym, so I will just go work out afterwards.

    Group interview may mean you are the interviewee, and a group of people interview you. I've been on both sides of that table. At one former employer, we passed the interviewee from person to person, and ended with lunch, all lasting 3 - 4 hours. Good luck!

    Thanks! I hope that is what ends up happening.
  • PrincesseAly23
    PrincesseAly23 Posts: 440 Member
    DAY 13 (Sept 5th) goals: Same as today's:
    - Get back on the horse and find my inner willpower Kinda?
    - Stay in the green on cals YES!
    - Stay under 100 carbs NOPE!
    - Drink water YES!
    - Get a new phone. YES!

    Helllo everyone,

    I'm really sorry about my whining and ranting this past weekend. Today went much better. I caved on sugar which blew up my carbs again, but I at least managed to keep my calories under my desired goal for the first time in 3 days. So that's progress. I didn't have the energy to go work out (I had to stay home from work today because I'm feeling very unwell with my TOM) and I didn't have the courage to weigh myself today, (I was still to angry with myself and didnt want to see that big ugly number). I promised myself to weigh just before vacation to see if i managed to get things back under control.

    I've decided to stop aiming to keep my carbs low for now. I'm going to be on vacation for the next 2 weeks and there's no way I'm saying "no" to French pastries and chocolates etc. So I'm going to say "yes" to everything but keep my portions small so that I am within my calories until I can get back home to my own healthy cooking.

    I don't always comment on everything, but i love reading about your day and your lives. This thread really is a Godsend. I would have quit by now if it wasn't for this, so THANK YOU TEAM!!!

    Goals for tomorrow:

    1. No sugar
    2. Keep under Calorie goal
    3. Drink even more water
    4. Keep calm... don't let work stress me out
  • skymningen
    skymningen Posts: 532 Member

    I don't always comment on everything, but i love reading about your day and your lives. This thread really is a Godsend. I would have quit by now if it wasn't for this, so THANK YOU TEAM!!!

    You go girl! And please, definitely enjoy your holiday with all the nice food options (just walk them off sightseeing in between, works wonders), a bit of pampering and lots of happiness.
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,091 Member
    It’s 9pm here.. AND I WANT TO GO TO BED!!

    I’m all mummy’s out. Literally. From 6.30 this morning til about 8.30pm all I’ve had off my 3yo is mummy this, mummy that, mummy mummy mummy.
    I have a “mummy” headache.

    But the house is still a mess post-dinner. The dog has been a d!ck today. Ripping up bins, eating my partners tea (he had it in the bedroom today and he took a phone call and it was gone!)
    I’ve just let him loose in the lounge to “hoover” all the food in the lounge, he thinks it’s a treat but to me he’s saving me a job of picking spaghetti off the floor!
    all I need to do now is mop!

    I’m out again early tomorrow, got to be at the Drs for 9am with both girls for their appointment. And then we got a busy day driving about, my partner has a job opportunity which is hard to come by with his mental health but his friend is taking him on for a little while to keep us on our feet!

    Do you remember me saying my nana left behind thousands of patterns for knitting/crochet?
    I was thinking I could sell them, you know online like on ravelry or craftsy. But really need a laptop to scan them all on to as a pdf.
    Annoying having an idea and not being able to do it, I couldn’t possibly do it all from my iPhone.

    Really need some ideas to bring in some more money, we get by fine but would like a few more days out especially seeing as me and my partner are in al the time with the kids!
    You all seem to have pretty successful careers and I don’t have anything. I’ve had one job in my life lol!
  • HGSmith0920
    HGSmith0920 Posts: 1,123 Member
    Good afternoon all!!!!

    I see everyone has been very active today. Lol. It's been a quiet day for me. Went as saw my doctor today and we are going to start weening me off of my psychiatric meds so that I can start trying to have babies. I'm actually very excited about this. I know it might be a very very tough time for all involved but it's been a long time and I kind of want to see what it would be like. I have lots of tools to be able to deal with the mood swings and I want to start using essential oils because I've heard that they can really help as well. The DH is working tonight so I have the house to myself but I am really lonely. Lol. That's just how I am when he's working and I'm not. I really should do some cleaning and some of the HP challenges but I just dont feel like it. I should make myself dinner and go to the pharmacy but again, I just dont feel like it. Lol.

    @Bex953172 Do you have a public library that has a computer lab or something? Somewhere that you have access to use of a free computer somewhere? That might help!

  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,348 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    It’s 9pm here.. AND I WANT TO GO TO BED!!

    I’m all mummy’s out. Literally. From 6.30 this morning til about 8.30pm all I’ve had off my 3yo is mummy this, mummy that, mummy mummy mummy.
    I have a “mummy” headache.

    But the house is still a mess post-dinner. The dog has been a d!ck today. Ripping up bins, eating my partners tea (he had it in the bedroom today and he took a phone call and it was gone!)
    I’ve just let him loose in the lounge to “hoover” all the food in the lounge, he thinks it’s a treat but to me he’s saving me a job of picking spaghetti off the floor!
    all I need to do now is mop!

    I’m out again early tomorrow, got to be at the Drs for 9am with both girls for their appointment. And then we got a busy day driving about, my partner has a job opportunity which is hard to come by with his mental health but his friend is taking him on for a little while to keep us on our feet!

    Do you remember me saying my nana left behind thousands of patterns for knitting/crochet?
    I was thinking I could sell them, you know online like on ravelry or craftsy. But really need a laptop to scan them all on to as a pdf.
    Annoying having an idea and not being able to do it, I couldn’t possibly do it all from my iPhone.

    Really need some ideas to bring in some more money, we get by fine but would like a few more days out especially seeing as me and my partner are in al the time with the kids!
    You all seem to have pretty successful careers and I don’t have anything. I’ve had one job in my life lol!

    When my kids were young, like yours are, I was home with them too. I remember thinking how badly I just wanted to have a conversation with an adult!!! Our house was always a mess because I had 3 kids (girl and boy twins and then 2 years later another boy). Between the dogs and the kids and the ex-husband who didn't help with ANYTHING EVER, it was soooooo hard! Hardest job I ever have done in my whole life was staying home and taking care of the kids and the house!!! So, I remember that feeling very well...

    I worked a lot of jobs before I got this one. I waitressed many years, even did road construction! Lots of different office jobs, bartender...

    Could you open an Etsy shop and sell some of the things you knit or crochet? If I had a talent that I could do from home, I would do it in a heartbeat! I'm just not very creative at all...as you will see when you get that baby quilt!!!

    I hope you get some rest and that tomorrow is a better day for you, Bex!
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,091 Member

    @Bex953172 Do you have a public library that has a computer lab or something? Somewhere that you have access to use of a free computer somewhere? That might help!

    I do but you only get 2 hours and I think you have to pay for somethings like printing etc. I have a scanner and printer and everything I need just not the bloody laptop. My PC conked out last year and we luckily got it revived one last time for pictures and documents getting saved on a memory card!

    I might ask my partner. He’s pretty savvy with phones and stuff! There might be a way to do it!
    He has an iPad but he’s lent it to him mum for a while.

    Also, hope you don’t mind me asking, what the meds for that you’re on?
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    It’s 9pm here.. AND I WANT TO GO TO BED!!

    I’m all mummy’s out. Literally. From 6.30 this morning til about 8.30pm all I’ve had off my 3yo is mummy this, mummy that, mummy mummy mummy.
    I have a “mummy” headache.

    But the house is still a mess post-dinner. The dog has been a d!ck today. Ripping up bins, eating my partners tea (he had it in the bedroom today and he took a phone call and it was gone!)
    I’ve just let him loose in the lounge to “hoover” all the food in the lounge, he thinks it’s a treat but to me he’s saving me a job of picking spaghetti off the floor!
    all I need to do now is mop!

    I’m out again early tomorrow, got to be at the Drs for 9am with both girls for their appointment. And then we got a busy day driving about, my partner has a job opportunity which is hard to come by with his mental health but his friend is taking him on for a little while to keep us on our feet!

    Do you remember me saying my nana left behind thousands of patterns for knitting/crochet?
    I was thinking I could sell them, you know online like on ravelry or craftsy. But really need a laptop to scan them all on to as a pdf.
    Annoying having an idea and not being able to do it, I couldn’t possibly do it all from my iPhone.

    Really need some ideas to bring in some more money, we get by fine but would like a few more days out especially seeing as me and my partner are in al the time with the kids!
    You all seem to have pretty successful careers and I don’t have anything. I’ve had one job in my life lol!

    When my kids were young, like yours are, I was home with them too. I remember thinking how badly I just wanted to have a conversation with an adult!!! Our house was always a mess because I had 3 kids (girl and boy twins and then 2 years later another boy). Between the dogs and the kids and the ex-husband who didn't help with ANYTHING EVER, it was soooooo hard! Hardest job I ever have done in my whole life was staying home and taking care of the kids and the house!!! So, I remember that feeling very well...

    I worked a lot of jobs before I got this one. I waitressed many years, even did road construction! Lots of different office jobs, bartender...

    Could you open an Etsy shop and sell some of the things you knit or crochet? If I had a talent that I could do from home, I would do it in a heartbeat! I'm just not very creative at all...as you will see when you get that baby quilt!!!

    I hope you get some rest and that tomorrow is a better day for you, Bex!

    This is what I hope to achieve but a) crochet and knitting projects are time consuming and b) I don’t have time :lol:
    I’ve not even finished projects for me so will never get them done quick enough to sell for others!
    But might look into the Etsy shop. I just hate when I put lots of work in for nothing.
    I did start making jewellery at first, made bracelets, earrings and necklaces but just couldn’t sell them. Not even for 99p. (And if I did sell it for that it wasn’t making a profit) And I got in a strop and through the box away lol!

    I’m wondering if knitting is faster, after all crochet is one stitch a time where knitting you seem to get a few stitches on your needles. Not sure though because I’ve never done it lol!
  • josephinebowman
    josephinebowman Posts: 359 Member
    Bex I know just what you mean by letting the dog hoover it all. And I also got very tired of my one son with attitude today. When I had a career, I was very bitter and majorly stressed out. It is about full moon here--that often accounts for the aggravation with me, more crimes, more attitude and fighting. Well, I am not committing more crimes or getting in fights but when I see a full moon, I do try to just stay away from people!
    I had no time today. Kept calories under control but never got to the Y. Made my son his pizza but I just looked up to see the dogs wagging their tails and one catching pizza in its mouth. Got son's basic lessons done, he went to Martial Arts and I did Heritage Center. That's all. One new tire for car and 260$ poorer. Yes, I know never just replace 1 tire but money is not with me!
    For tomorrow, Wednesday,
    trash can is out by curb, watch the old calories and exercise over 1 hour to make up for today when I did NOTHING. Get son's next test, basic lessons done. If it does not rain, I have to ride like a cowboy around on the mower. I need to clean kitchen floor and stairs. You know, I think those were yesterday's goals? Letting dogs out if I can get them to leave the pizza party and then dragging kid to bed.
  • HGSmith0920
    HGSmith0920 Posts: 1,123 Member
    @Bex953172 Celexa(anti anxiety), Rhisperdal(andi depressant), Lamictal(mood stablilizer).
    So for tomorrow, JFT, 9/5/17

    1. Log all food :)
    2. Keep in green :)
    3. Quiet time :DKind of. Read but didn't pray or meditate. Gonna do that before bed
    4. Yoga :(
    5. HP challenges :)
    6. Bike ride :)13 miles on a stationary bike
    7. Dr appt :)
    8. Spend some time cleaning :D
    9. Clothes shopping :(Didnt realize I had to use my clothes money on the appt. For some reason, I forgot that I had to pay for that and the meds. Lol
    10. Bed by 10:30 :/Fail. It's already 10:45

    Have a great night everyone!

    Had a pretty good day today. After my last post, I kicked my *kitten* into gear and did an HP work out and then actually went to the gym! Did 13 miles on an upright stationary bike in 55 minutes. Boy did I sweat and for about an hour afterward my legs kept giving out. Lol The DH closes again tomorrow so I am going to go to the gym that's in my work plaza after the bank closes. That way I won't be as lonely. Lol. But now it's bed time! Got to get up at 6. Woohoo! Lol

    So JFT, 9/6

    1. Log all food
    2. Keep in green
    3. Quiet time
    3. Keep drawer balanced
    4. Make phone call at work
    5. Go to gym after work(bag is already in the car)
    6. Pick up meds!
    7. Make something yummy for dinner
    8. Bed by 11pm
  • skymningen
    skymningen Posts: 532 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »

    This is what I hope to achieve but a) crochet and knitting projects are time consuming and b) I don’t have time :lol:
    I’ve not even finished projects for me so will never get them done quick enough to sell for others!
    But might look into the Etsy shop. I just hate when I put lots of work in for nothing.
    I did start making jewellery at first, made bracelets, earrings and necklaces but just couldn’t sell them. Not even for 99p. (And if I did sell it for that it wasn’t making a profit) And I got in a strop and through the box away lol!

    I’m wondering if knitting is faster, after all crochet is one stitch a time where knitting you seem to get a few stitches on your needles. Not sure though because I’ve never done it lol!

    Go for the small stuff, baby socks and baby hats, small baby blankets maybe. People buy them as baby shower gifts or whatnot and they are usually tiny. I used to do that for free for an organisation that tried to help parents in need by both giving it to them and selling the excess on markets to get other stuff they needed. It usually went pretty fast to do those. There are basic patterns and you just mix them up using colour or maybe adding a crochet flower embroidery.
    Only I would guess that the actual sending away of the stuff could cost you some time?

    Knitting is harder to put down in the middle of a row, and slow at the beginning. When you are used to it it gets faster, but with kids in the house I would think crocheting might be more versatile and less likely to lose stitches when you have to put it down for a child/dog emergency.
  • skymningen
    skymningen Posts: 532 Member
    So todays plans?

    1) Do the conference related tasks at work
    2) Progress with the programming
    3) Drink enough water
    4) Do not freak out because bf is stressed crazy again, be supportive
    5) Go to the gym

    I totally don't feel like going to the gym. I feel like none of it, but the last days were reasonably positive so I just need to power through.