Just for Today ..... Daily Commitment Thread- Start of a new year!



  • bookmeister86
    bookmeister86 Posts: 1,165 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    Really need some ideas to bring in some more money, we get by fine but would like a few more days out especially seeing as me and my partner are in al the time with the kids!
    You all seem to have pretty successful careers and I don’t have anything. I’ve had one job in my life lol!

    Have a look at http://www.moneysavingexpert.com/make-money/

    There are lots of tips on there about how to make some extra cash. They won't all apply to you and probably won't make you a fortune, but hopefully some will apply and can get you a bit extra for some treats!

    Also, have a look at https://benefits-calculator.turn2us.org.uk/AboutYou to see if you're claiming everything you could. Lots of people in the UK don't claim everything they are entitled to (it adds up to billions!) - you might find you're owed extra! (It's worth a shot anyway).

  • bookmeister86
    bookmeister86 Posts: 1,165 Member

    Hey Slittle!! Guess what I am doing right now!! I'm sitting at a table in a room away from my desk and taking a REAL LUNCH BREAK! Kinda proud of myself one day in a row... :mrgreen:

    I'm very impressed! Did it help?

    I didn't have one yesterday actually - I had coffee with a colleague at 12 which ended up going on until 2.30. It definitely negatively affected my mood not getting that time out!
  • bookmeister86
    bookmeister86 Posts: 1,165 Member
    I have a job interview scheduled tomorrow which is listed as a group interview and scheduled to last for FOUR hours. It's an administrative job with the state, so I have no idea what we could possibly do with our competition which could take four hours. That should be...interesting. It's not a teaching job, so there is no demo lesson or anything. The job requires bilingual skills, so I am guessing that they are going to test our ability to actually speak Spanish, but other than that I have no earthly idea what this will involve.

    I suppose they could be getting you to talk to other candidates in Spanish to observe how well you speak. But that seems odd, so I agree with the consensus that it's probably just a panel of interviews.

    Hope it goes well - and enjoy the gym trip afterwards!
  • bookmeister86
    bookmeister86 Posts: 1,165 Member
    Not a good day yesterday. Went home slightly early due to stomach ache/nausea. Think I'd over dosed on coffee because of being tired (this has happened before). Ended up hibernating in my bed feeling sorry for myself. Think this was initially because of my stomach pain, but then it just turned into a case of the blues. Think all the stress/ drama of applying for a new job (having just returned from a month of sick leave) is taking it out of me a bit!

    Oh well, hopefully today will be better. Going out for dinner with a friend tonight which will probably cheer me up!

    Yesterday's commitments -
    - Log everything I eat :)
    - No snacks except ryvita :)
    - No alcohol :)
    - Go to gym and burn 350 cals :'( Didn't feel too well (think I drank a bit too much coffee which doesn't tend to do me much good)
    - Be in the green with 300 deficit :'( Didn't manage this due to not going to gym. However, was around 0
    - 30 + minute lunch break :'( Coffee meeting dragged on over lunch (ended up confessing to colleague about interview)
    - Meditate :smile:
    - Leave work by 5.30 :smile:
    - Call mum (and sort out tax) :'( Due to hibernating in bed

    Today's commitments -

    - Log everything I eat
    - No snacks except ryvita
    - Order pre-planned meal at Pizza Express (the pizza with the hole in it, NO starter, NO dessert)
    - G&T only
    - One water for every G&T
    - Be in the green

    - 30 + minute lunch break
    - Meditate
    - Stop procrastinating (thinking about the job application) and get some stuff done
    - Arrange chat with colleagues to discuss alternative opportunities
  • leahkathleen13
    leahkathleen13 Posts: 272 Member
    Don't go over calorie goal, and check in here each day for seven days! If I do today well, it will be a new start because I've been off and on for seriously about a year and I've put back a lot that I lost.
  • MLHC1
    MLHC1 Posts: 678 Member
    9/5 Tuesday J-Done-T:

    ✔Prep lunches
    ✔Kiddos to school
    ✔Attend class
    ✔Small grocery trip
    ✔Premade dinner
    ✔Laundry (×3 loads)
    ✔Back to university for Lab
    ✔Home (Dinner early)
    ✔Pick up kiddos and meet hubby
    ✔Back to university for evening class
    ✔Enjoyed relaxing with hubby and watching T.V.
    (I totally neglected my HW :# )
    I didn't log my JFT, yesterday but I DID log my food intake.

    9/6 Wednesday JFT:

    ✔Read P.Chem guide book & drank coffee
    Prep lunches
    Take kiddos to school
    Grab breakfast
    Take teeno to school
    Attend class
    Return home ~10:30 am
    Read research articles
    ☆☆Run on elliptical ☆☆ (do this it'll make myself happy!!)
    Back to university for research
    Pick up kiddos & teeno (sit and wait for football bc coaches "rule the world" >:) )
    Take teeno to youth group
    Home --> dinner by 7 pm
    Pick up teeno from church
    Bedtime by midnight (might be a little past this bc I am behind with homework)

    I'm sorry I need to catch up with the JFT posts, I'm hoping I'll have time this weekend. Everyone hang in there and keep up the good work :D
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,348 Member

    Hey Slittle!! Guess what I am doing right now!! I'm sitting at a table in a room away from my desk and taking a REAL LUNCH BREAK! Kinda proud of myself one day in a row... :mrgreen:

    I'm very impressed! Did it help?

    I didn't have one yesterday actually - I had coffee with a colleague at 12 which ended up going on until 2.30. It definitely negatively affected my mood not getting that time out!

    It actually did do me some good to get away from my desk for 20 minutes. I laughed at the looks my colleagues had on their faces though. Nobody has ever seen me sitting in there before and kept asking me what I was doing! Ummm....taking a lunch break?! LOL

  • Saragirl2
    Saragirl2 Posts: 630 Member
    Just skimmed through a bunch of posts-so behind. Now that the kids are back in school I'm hoping to get some much needed organization & a solid schedule.

    Walk dog before it rains.
    Prep basement in case of flooding.
    Pretracked most meals for the day. Meat is defrosted & will have supper started by 4.
    Drink 9 cups if water, I've cut back w/o realizing it.
    Cut back on processed & sugar (again). Amazing how they sneak back into my routine.
    Do crunches on living room floor.
    Meditate w/calm app for 25 mins.
    A bunch of crazy errands to do today. I'm reminded to never take my health for granted, 2 healthy neighbors/friends are suffering from back problems that have resulted in pinched nerves. Trying to help them where I can. I'm aware that I need to take off about 45 lbs & get back to lifting weights at the gym.
    Review daily "To Do" list.
    Started giving away the sweets I picked up in Canada. I swear, I'm addicted to maple flavoring :smile:

    Thinking of you all in your struggles & victories.

    "If you had no fear of failure, what would you do?"

  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,348 Member
    Just for Tuesday
    1. <29 g added sugar, <75 carbs, increase protein :( Late might bowl of Raisin Bran put me over on sugar. Darn Raisins!
    2. Take 500 more steps than yesterday :wink: I didn't hit the number I wanted but I did take the stairs several times and moved more during my work day, so I'm taking that as a small win.
    3. Listen to my podcasts :)
    4. Remain positive. Walk away from negativity at work. :)
    5. Stand more, sit less at my desk today. :)
    6. Send less emails; call or walk over by people for questions :)
    7. Do not stress or complain at work today :)
    8. Leave work by 4:30 :)
    9. Good Start, Good End challenge. Come up with morning and end of day routines and try them for one week for a less stressful start and end to my days. :) Started brainstorming ideas.
    10. Meditation walk tonight :(
    11. Gratitude journal today :)
    12. Unplug at 9:00 and sleep by 10:00. :( Closer to 11:00

    Just for Wednesday
    1. <29 g added sugar, <75 g carbs, increase protein
    2. Listen to inspiring podcasts
    3. Stand at my desk 30 minutes for every hour of sitting, alternate sitting with standing
    4. Send less emails; call or take a walk to colleagues' desks
    5. Do not complain at work today. Complaining doesn't fix anything and just makes me crabby.
    6. Finish Wound Provider lesson plans today. Begin patient build for class.
    7. Put a smile in my voice today
    8. Leave work by 4:30
    9. Begin my end of the day routine challenge tonight
    10. Meditate / read Simple Abundance / gratitude journal
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,348 Member
    @Saragirl2 I started listening to the Half Size Me podcast. The first one I listened to had her friend Molly on it and it was so good! Thanks for the suggestion! :)
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,501 Member
    Recap T 9/5 - I must have underestimated calories past two days (understandable with my estimates away from home) because daily weigh in going in the wrong direction! Ack! Back on plan today.
    1) Net calories w/i 100 green = Not quite. Red 164 :/
    2) Keep pushing on project testing / target date 9/13 to email requests for missing docs = Tested 4 samples :smile:
    3) Lunch at desk today / continue prep for 9/7 seminar: print 20 name tags, alphabetize all 50, test survey & CPE emails, schedule email blasts = Name tags ready; realized I had to find survey templates in recently upgraded app (that always put me behind) & have notes to follow for completion on W :smile:
    4) Use Calm app, pause & pray = Kinda. Need to let the "busyness" go and rest my mind. :/
    5) Unwind 9:30 / bedtime & TV off 10:15 / dog walk W a.m. = Almost, it was 10:25. Then hubby woke me at 2 a.m. (he works 2nd shift) to tell me the digital alarm clock mysteriously dropped an hour back, and I would be late. What the?!? Clock was fine when I went to bed. So I went downstairs to get my phone and set alarm, then we chatted a little, and I lost at least an hour of sleep. :(

    JFT W 9/6
    1) Even with less sleep, I walked dog 3.09 miles before work, heard cranes & saw geese on the move, a sure sign of autumn. = Happy dog :smiley:
    2) Have prelogged (yay!) all meals / snacks for today / stick w/ plan & net calories green
    3) Prep/test survey email & schedule email blast; do same for CPEs if time
    4) To-Do list after work
    5) Unwind 9:30 / bedtime & TV off 10:15 / walk dog short route before seminar Th

    Have a great (hump) day, everyone!
  • jennyi27
    jennyi27 Posts: 114 Member
    Just for today - 9/6
    1. Don't drink any soda (trying to finally give this up!)
    2. Avoid late night snacking
    3. Log my dinner (I already have breakfast and lunch covered!)
    4. Get back to the gym for the first time in a LONG time!
    5. Start getting tomorrow's lunches packed tonight
  • skymningen
    skymningen Posts: 532 Member
    JUST FOR TODAY (and the next 14 days):

    Enjoy my honeymoon in Italy and Amsterdam. Eat what I want, without restrictions or guilt, but use everything I've learned over the past six months about portion control, eating slowly and joyfully, and stopping when full.

    There will be gelato. Oh yes, there will be gelato...and pasta and chocolate and wine and cheese. ❤️

    I have logged every day for almost 700 days, so this will end my streak (I'm going to be away from electronics as much as possible). And I'm okay with that. I may log in a notebook, or I may forego it altogether and trust that by now I certainly know when I'm full.

    My only true goal is to come back from this trip and say that I truly enjoyed myself, but that the definition of enjoying myself was not gorging myself. See you all in 2 weeks!

    Have a wonderful time and enjoy every second!
  • skymningen
    skymningen Posts: 532 Member
    Today was exhausting, so I am checking in before I fall asleep on the couch.
    skymningen wrote: »

    1) Do the conference related tasks at work :#I did the two I had. And then ended up getting another. Great.
    2) Progress with the programming :)I finished a basic version of what I need. It needs polishing, but it is already more than I had hoped finishing.
    3) Drink enough water :)Done. Now that I am thinking of it again it is no problem.
    4) Do not freak out because bf is stressed crazy again, be supportive :#I am a little freaked, because he sounds very bad. But I have been as supportive as I could. I just don't see any effect.
    5) Go to the gym :|I went. I did a very intensive 50 minute training. Then the lady at the counter said "You already leaving? Are you tired?" Excuse me? I had a hard day and STILL just worked my kittens off! Gnaaah.

    In the end I powered through. Work is very stressful and I am worried about my bf. I am not sure how long I will have strength for both of us. I mean, he is nice and kind with me, I am just afraid he is going to do something bad for himself.
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,091 Member
    JUST FOR TODAY (and the next 14 days):

    Enjoy my honeymoon in Italy and Amsterdam. Eat what I want, without restrictions or guilt, but use everything I've learned over the past six months about portion control, eating slowly and joyfully, and stopping when full.

    There will be gelato. Oh yes, there will be gelato...and pasta and chocolate and wine and cheese. ❤️

    I have logged every day for almost 700 days, so this will end my streak

    And in Amsterdam there will also be “coffee shops” ;)

    And 700 days is a serious achievement! Well done!
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,091 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    Really need some ideas to bring in some more money, we get by fine but would like a few more days out especially seeing as me and my partner are in al the time with the kids!
    You all seem to have pretty successful careers and I don’t have anything. I’ve had one job in my life lol!

    Have a look at http://www.moneysavingexpert.com/make-money/

    There are lots of tips on there about how to make some extra cash. They won't all apply to you and probably won't make you a fortune, but hopefully some will apply and can get you a bit extra for some treats!

    Also, have a look at https://benefits-calculator.turn2us.org.uk/AboutYou to see if you're claiming everything you could. Lots of people in the UK don't claim everything they are entitled to (it adds up to billions!) - you might find you're owed extra! (It's worth a shot anyway).
    Thanks, I already do lots of online surveys and just product tested nappies and got £20 too!! Which was best one I’ve had in a while! 2 packs of 44 nappies (one of new Pampers! - they are amazing!) and they give me 20 quid too! I’ve not had to buy nappies for 2 weeks lol!

    We claim everything were entitled too!
    We get a fair amount. Neither of us work so we actually get a large amount due to my partners illness. As it needs to cover a full persons wage at least and then ive got all my benefits too and the kids.

    skymningen wrote: »
    Bex953172 wrote: »

    This is what I hope to achieve but a) crochet and knitting projects are time consuming and b) I don’t have time :lol:
    I’ve not even finished projects for me so will never get them done quick enough to sell for others!
    But might look into the Etsy shop. I just hate when I put lots of work in for nothing.
    I did start making jewellery at first, made bracelets, earrings and necklaces but just couldn’t sell them. Not even for 99p. (And if I did sell it for that it wasn’t making a profit) And I got in a strop and through the box away lol!

    I’m wondering if knitting is faster, after all crochet is one stitch a time where knitting you seem to get a few stitches on your needles. Not sure though because I’ve never done it lol!

    Go for the small stuff, baby socks and baby hats, small baby blankets maybe. People buy them as baby shower gifts or whatnot and they are usually tiny. I used to do that for free for an organisation that tried to help parents in need by both giving it to them and selling the excess on markets to get other stuff they needed. It usually went pretty fast to do those. There are basic patterns and you just mix them up using colour or maybe adding a crochet flower embroidery.
    Only I would guess that the actual sending away of the stuff could cost you some time?

    Knitting is harder to put down in the middle of a row, and slow at the beginning. When you are used to it it gets faster, but with kids in the house I would think crocheting might be more versatile and less likely to lose stitches when you have to put it down for a child/dog emergency.

    You’ve just gave me an idea.
    What about.. a pair of booties and a bib (crocheted) with either pink/blue or edging for girls/boys and i personalise the bib with their name with embroidery?
  • josephinebowman
    josephinebowman Posts: 359 Member
    Not working the goals here. Within calories but had to leave the pool after 45 minutes due to weather. Did some son's lessons but it was a constant nag fest. Rained so no mowing. Men came to estimate cost for house repairs 36k--not happening. Off to Scouts and I will maybe walk while he is in meeting or maybe read paper.
    Tomorrow is another day as Scarlet said. Same goals, better outcome...
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    I have a job interview scheduled tomorrow which is listed as a group interview and scheduled to last for FOUR hours. It's an administrative job with the state, so I have no idea what we could possibly do with our competition which could take four hours. That should be...interesting. It's not a teaching job, so there is no demo lesson or anything. The job requires bilingual skills, so I am guessing that they are going to test our ability to actually speak Spanish, but other than that I have no earthly idea what this will involve.

    I suppose they could be getting you to talk to other candidates in Spanish to observe how well you speak. But that seems odd, so I agree with the consensus that it's probably just a panel of interviews.

    Hope it goes well - and enjoy the gym trip afterwards!

    There was a panel of interviewers (normal) but there were also TWENTY other candidates in my group. There was an additional group in the morning. So, apparently, they are going pick a single finalist from those 40-ish people without doing an individual interview.

    It was very strange. They gave us all a question and we each had to speak for five minutes on the topic. Then we did a group activity where we had to work together. I did not lead the group, but I gave the formal presentation and credited the woman who did take charge--she just happened to get handed the instructions. After that, we had to hand-write answers to two questions related to the job. There was no Spanish test at all, but I worked in the fact that I have taught Spanish at the college level, which is fairly good proof that I really am fluent. :)

    I think that I stood out (I am a VERY good public speaker), but so did one other guy there, and he has experience that is more directly relevant to the position. On the other hand, he had a horrible hipster beard, whereas I had the same hairstyle (big curly bun updo) as three of the five panelists, so perhaps I have a chance based on sartorial style alone. :) Anyhow, I feel good about giving it my best try.

    I didn't really meet my goals yesterday or set any today, but I will get back on track tomorrow.
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,091 Member
    Are you all safe from hurricane Irma? X