Just for Today ..... Daily Commitment Thread- Start of a new year!



  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,222 Member
    1. log all food :/
    2. drink water :/
    3. lay out gym clothes from tomorrow :)
    4. try and plan meals better - another thing I am terrible at! :/
    5. plan snacks so I stay focused :/
    6. laundry :)
    7. work on PC boards :/
    8. clean out the car :)
    9. get started on quarterly tax info :/

    Not the best day ---- Tired from the trip = eating junk food. I know when I am tired I do this; need to plan better. Plus, I am always in a down mood after coming back from seeing family. Miss my son and those grandsons so much. But .... our daughter came out, and she and I had a nice time at the mall. I bought her a new candle and a couple tops. But we ended up getting ice cream. Glad she and I had the time together -- but could have been better with the ice cream.

    SO JFT, Friday
    1. clean house
    2. work on quarterly tax info
    3. log all food
    4. concentrate on water
    5. already had a good workout, but lay out gym clothes for tomorrow morning

    My high school girlfriends are coming for a weekend get together here at the end of september - so something to work for!! So need to stay focused!!

    I am so much reading to do to catch up on everything with you guys!! :)
  • 12774
    12774 Posts: 1,416 Member
    Did 45 mins of water aerobics.
    Completed grocery shopping for weekend food preparation.
    Will take my afternoon nap after unpacking groceries.
    Do treadmill x30 mins.
    Get an early start on weekend housecleaning .
  • lynmac54
    lynmac54 Posts: 23 Member
    edited July 2017
    "I cannot be in two states at once. It's impossible even if I wanted to." Maybe the solution is your boss takes on one? That might make it real to her. B)

    I admire your perseverence, your dedication and your calm level headedness that's emerging. And yes I get that it's just a job but it's one that's important to you. I too had to learn that something that was important to me could not and should not be something that's more important than me and my personal wellbeing.

    Hope today goes well for you - it's Friday! :)
  • sherry_ann_mt
    sherry_ann_mt Posts: 100 Member
    Hi...new here. Love everyone's lists! Mine will be simple to start.
    1. Log everything that goes in my mouth....even during golf league this evening.✔
    2. Drink 80oz of water

    Yesterday went Ok! We had an earthquake the night before ....in the middle of the night....we were only about 35 miles from the epicenter so it really rattled out home/town. It was a 5.8....knocked out t.v. over. We had over a dozen aftershocks but only a few have been big enough to feel. So I didn't sleep much that night. I did take a nap yesterday....maybe 30mins (I don't like to nap because I struggle with insomnia) Had golf league....I use a cart but would love to get to where I can walk the course. I had a total knee last winter and need the other knee done. I usually wear a fitbit....but it's not working properly and all my trouble shooting isn't working. So I logged my golf game as exercise yesterday....and I only logged 1 hour instead of the 2 we were actually out for (9 holes). Well MFP says I burned 300+ calories and automatically puts it in my feed....and someone I know in real life who uses mfp to log fitness MOCKED it....they said "lol, were you pushing the cart" It really had upset me. I am a big girl....i was out in 90 degree heat playing the game i love. MFP is the one that says how many calories i burned....even if I was driving a golf cart. (I even went out on the internet and double checked the calorie burn for golfing 9 holes using and motorized golf cart) Made me think I needed to find a different app to use. I then couldn't sleep last night because every time my husband moved I would think it was another earthquake and I was upset that someone...who I know well and love dearly...made fun of my effort.

    At any rate: just for today.....
    1. Drink 80oz water
    2. log every bite....even from dinner tonight when we go to the nicest most expensive place in town (get to use a gift certificate and see some good friends)

  • lynmac54
    lynmac54 Posts: 23 Member
    edited July 2017
    Well I'm caught in the trap of the bouncing yoyo of eating and weight. Staying the course has gone well, but it's interesting that the increase in my weight is inversely proportionate to the reduction in calories that I'm eating! Go figure - caloric intake down, steps up, weight up! Fortunately my weight is still on a downward trend overall. lol

    I guess it's possible the sudden and extended heat wave we're having (30C+/86F+) is having an effect. That plus I'm out in it every day as a volunteer slinging beer and drinks at a local festival when usually I'm at work in an air conditioned office. (Some of us Northern folks aren't use to the heat and like to avoid it).

    I'm also wondering if there's some hidden salt in what I'm eating (i.e. salads made by someone else), but I would've thought the 40-60 oz of water I'm drinking to stay hydrated in this heat would've counteracted that. That said, I am feeling a bit bloated and sluggish so maybe there's something hidden in what I'm eating while volunteering at the festival or my body is saying "hold it, this bod isn't into this new way of being fed"! lol Thankfully I'm not challenged by the beer, wine, pop, etc that I'm serving up!

    So here's today's goals:
    • Log everything (this part's working well)
    • Drink water (but not too much?)
    • Eat only food that I've prepared, or raw veggies and fruit when I'm out (avoid anything that might have hidden ingredients I'm not considering)
    • Keep stepping (but watch for heat exhaustion)

    Just for today.. fresh and natural foods is the order of the day!

    Happy Friday everyone!
  • 12774
    12774 Posts: 1,416 Member
    @sherry-ann-mt. Welcome ! this is a very active and supportive group. I've just joined a few weeks ago and I feel very comfortable here.
    Sorry to hear about the earthquake. I have experienced many growing up in the Caribbean and it could be very frightening. The aftershocks are just as bad. I prefer the blizzards of the northeast anyday.
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,351 Member
    lynmac54 wrote: »
    "I cannot be in two states at once. It's impossible even if I wanted to." Maybe the solution is your boss takes on one? That might make it real to her. B)

    I admire your perseverence, your dedication and your calm level headedness that's emerging. And yes I get that it's just a job but it's one that's important to you. I too had to learn that something that was important to me could not and should not be something that's more important than me and my personal wellbeing.

    Hope today goes well for you - it's Friday! :)

    Today went much better, thanks! I did express my concerns at a meeting today and asked for help and a few of my colleagues offered to help with whatever materials I needed done. So...I'm feeling a bit better about maybe meeting my deadlines! And after going through cancer, I whole-heartedly agree....nothing is more important than my wellbeing!

    Happy Friday! :)
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,351 Member
    Had golf league....I use a cart but would love to get to where I can walk the course. I had a total knee last winter and need the other knee done. I usually wear a fitbit....but it's not working properly and all my trouble shooting isn't working. So I logged my golf game as exercise yesterday....and I only logged 1 hour instead of the 2 we were actually out for (9 holes). Well MFP says I burned 300+ calories and automatically puts it in my feed....and someone I know in real life who uses mfp to log fitness MOCKED it....they said "lol, were you pushing the cart" It really had upset me. I am a big girl....i was out in 90 degree heat playing the game i love. MFP is the one that says how many calories i burned....even if I was driving a golf cart. (I even went out on the internet and double checked the calorie burn for golfing 9 holes using and motorized golf cart) Made me think I needed to find a different app to use. I then couldn't sleep last night because every time my husband moved I would think it was another earthquake and I was upset that someone...who I know well and love dearly...made fun of my effort.

    I'm so sorry someone was insensitive and hurt you by making a careless remark. I want you to know that I think it's marvelous that you were able to to play 9 holes of golf in 90 degree heat! Especially recovering from a knee replacement! I struggle with doing things in the heat and I do burn more calories than others might when doing the same activity.

    Be proud and just keep in mind that some people just don't realize how hurtful their words may sound to someone else...especially when the other person may already be sensitive on the topic. They think they are making a joke, but it's not always funny. I think you did GREAT! Keep up moving forward...one step at a time. You'll get there!
  • 12774
    12774 Posts: 1,416 Member
    lynmac54 wrote: »
    "I cannot be in two states at once. It's impossible even if I wanted to." Maybe the solution is your boss takes on one? That might make it real to her. B)

    I admire your perseverence, your dedication and your calm level headedness that's emerging. And yes I get that it's just a job but it's one that's important to you. I too had to learn that something that was important to me could not and should not be something that's more important than me and my personal wellbeing.

    Hope today goes well for you - it's Friday! :)

    Today went much better, thanks! I did express my concerns at a meeting today and asked for help and a few of my colleagues offered to help with whatever materials I needed done. So...I'm feeling a bit better about maybe meeting my deadlines! And after going through cancer, I whole-heartedly agree....nothing is more important than my wellbeing!

    Happy Friday! :)

    The 1st week back to work after being away for some time always seems like that dreaded orientation . Hope that as you become aclimatized again, your work load will be easier.
  • 12774
    12774 Posts: 1,416 Member
    @MLHC1, Good Luck with your exam today!
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,222 Member
    JFT, Friday
    1. clean house :/
    2. work on quarterly tax info :/
    3. log all food :/
    4. concentrate on water :/
    5. already had a good workout, but lay out gym clothes for tomorrow morning :/

    As you can see, not the best day yesterday. I was in such a down mood - and really tired. I didn't even feel like sewing. Worked during the day helping hubby, but other than that, nothing got done. So today -- I have to turn this around!

    New goals to try to reach, as my high school friends are coming to visit the end of september. So hoping that will get my motivation back.

    SO JFT, Saturday, July 8
    1. log all food
    2. drink water
    3. mow the grass
    4. weed flower beds --- and boy, there are weeds everywhere!!!
    5. trim back bushes, and cut down the dead rose bush that the japanese beetles got to
    6. tonite --- find some high protein meals to make. This is my hardest thing, is preplanning. Something I HAVE to get better at
    7. sip water in the evenings so I don't graze all nite!!

  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,517 Member
    Recap 7/7 TGIF - Had a few frustrations at work this week, plus deal with LPGA tournament traffic to / from work and lunch. Glad it's almost the weekend!
    1) Keep net calories w/i 100 of green = Pretty red at -414. On the bright side, earlier this week I saw an MFP 5 week forecast below 170, so onward! :D
    2) Have been slacking a little on water, so drink up! 80 oz. that's better. :smiley:
    3) Meditate in afternoon = Yes but got interrupted b/c I didn't close my door all the way. :neutral:
    4) Not too late to bed, want to be at farmers market by 7:30 a.m. = Busy week caught up w/ me & I napped on couch. Still in bed by 10:30 :smile:

    JFT 7/8 Sat.
    1) Farmers market at 8:15, not so busy this week. Got wonderful produce, wild salmon, and lamb shanks for upcoming week. Now I just have to plan the meals. Something that I struggle with too, @joan6630.
    2) Walked dog 3.58 miles and got doggie treat at Al's house = happy dog B)
    3) Did some weeding in the front landscaping rocks...have I mentioned I hate weeding rocks? Who did this landscaping, anyway? Not me. :smile:
    4) Get off computer, scrub up, and spend time with hubby
    5) Prep for blood spot test first thing tomorrow a.m.
  • MLHC1
    MLHC1 Posts: 678 Member
    12774 wrote: »
    @MLHC1, Good Luck with your exam today!

    Thank you B)
  • MLHC1
    MLHC1 Posts: 678 Member
    edited July 2017
    7/8 Saturday JFT:

    Woke up at 4am✔
    Reworked old Exams✔
    High protein breakfast✔
    Physics Final Exam 8 - 10:30 am ✔
    Watched "Baby Boss" with the kiddos :D
    Took a little nap after lunch ✔

    Relax and enjoy the rest of the day, I get two days off before Summer II Semester starts :D

    Budget meeting with my husband
    Plan 2 weeks of meals
    Prep grocery list and shop Sunday

    :) Thank you to everyone who sent best wishes and encouraging thoughts my way for my final exam!! I don't have results back yet but I feel like I did alright. :)

    Also, Welcome to All the Newbies!! B)
  • HGSmith0920
    HGSmith0920 Posts: 1,123 Member
    Just for Today, 7/7/17

    1. Log all that I eat :)
    2. Stay in green :)
    3. Dont eat before 12 pm :)It was actually more like 1 pm Lol
    4. Keep till balanced :)
    5. Ask for help if I need it :)
    6. Meal plan :)
    7. Go shopping on my way home from work :)Didnt like the store I went to but it was on my way home so I figured I'd try it. Next time I'm just going to go to mine
    8. Eat sensible dinner :)
    9. Wind down by 10:30 :)
    10. Bed by 11:30 :)Probably way earlier. I can't remember! Lol

    Have a great day everyone!

    So I should have done this this morning but I ended up putting food in the crockpot and then having to run to the store because I forgot an ingredient. Lol. Then spent some time with the parents afterward and then took a REALLY long nap. Didn't mean for it to be 4.5 hours but I didn't set an alarm and that just happened to be when I opened my eyes. Lol.

    But so far today 7/8/17

    1. Logged everything
    2. Stayed in green
    3. Tried to a new recipe for dinner and it was yummy!
    4. Spent some time on self-care(ie 4.5 hr nap)
    5. Did some cleaning
    6. Did a load of dishes, have to do one more
    7. Took after dinner walk with the DH
    8. Wind down by 10 pm
    9. Lights out by 11 pm

  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,222 Member
    edited July 2017
    Monthly weigh ins:

    Starting weight Jan 1: 217
    Goal weight: 175

    July 2: 199.2
    July 9: 198.0

    Saturday, July 8
    1. log all food :)
    2. drink water :)
    3. mow the grass :) I did not realize how HOT it was outside. It takes me almost 2 hrs to mow our entire lawn (we have a very hilly, wooded lot).
    4. weed flower beds --- and boy, there are weeds everywhere!!! :) But only got the front of the house done. The other flower beds will have to wait
    5. trim back bushes, and cut down the dead rose bush that the japanese beetles got to :) Had to just dig it out -- completely dead!
    6. tonite --- find some high protein meals to make. This is my hardest thing, is preplanning. Something I HAVE to get better at :/
    7. sip water in the evenings so I don't graze all nite!! :)

    Hubby said lets go out to eat, so we went out to eat. But ... I got so sick just trying to eat. I think I had heat exhaustion. I was afraid even to walk to the restroom for fear I would throw up. Just sat and drank and sipped water, and the evening was spent in bed watching TV. Guess next time I need to listen to my husband when he tells me not to mow the grass!

    SO JFT, Sunday
    1. log all food
    2. sip on water all day
    3. find low carb, high protein entrees to make
    4. plan meals
    5. work on new quilt for my friend
    6. finish up quilt for other friend who is visiting in the fall
    7. rest day

  • HGSmith0920
    HGSmith0920 Posts: 1,123 Member
    @joan6630 Sometimes husbands can be right...not often, but sometimes. Lol.

    So I have done it!!!! I have officially broken out of the 170's!!!! I am exactly 169lbs! I haven't been this weight in a long long time! I stepped on the scale this morning and let out a shriek that hurt my DH's head and jumped up and down so much that I almost knocked a lamp off our dresser! I have this giant grin on my face! This fasting thing seems to be working! I'm really enjoying the results and it hasn't proved to be all that difficult. Yesterday was a bit hard because I stopped eating, around 7 pm and I stayed up late so I naturally wanted to snack. Instead, I drank lots of water. Lol. I also have a really bad habit of waking up in the middle of the night with the cat and then finding something to eat before I go back to bed. That was a bit difficult last night too. I even opened the fridge at about 4:30 am and almost grabbed a handful of grapes before I realized what I was doing. Lol. But quickly shut the fridge and went back to bed. Got up super late and was able to have a cup of coffee with the DH.

    So onto my goals for the day!

    1. Log all that I eat!
    2. Stay in green
    3. Finish Harry Potter challenge
    4. Clean up the front yard
    5. Clean the bathroom
    6. Do laundry
    7. See if we can go to dinner at Mom's
    8. Wind down by 9:30
    9. Bed by 10:30

    Have a great day everyone!
  • MLHC1
    MLHC1 Posts: 678 Member
    joan6630 wrote: »

    6. tonite --- find some high protein meals to make. This is my hardest thing, is preplanning. Something I HAVE to get better at :/

    3. find low carb, high protein entrees to make

    http://allrecipes.com/recipe/82768/lauras-quick-slow-cooker-turkey-chili/ ⬅️This is one of my favorite meals!!! It is lean, high protein and super easy and convenient to make!! When we serve it for dinner, we add lettuce, tomatoes, a little shredded cheese, avocado and a few Frito chips :D It's delicious and the calories will surprise you; for such a high protein meal, the calories are still reasonable. Let me know if you try it and what ya think :)
  • MLHC1
    MLHC1 Posts: 678 Member
    7/9 Sunday JFT:

    Slept in until 8:30 am :D
    Enjoyed breakfast with the family ✔
    Relaxed all morning ✔

    Now it's mid-day so it's time to get productive!

    Clean house
    Grocery Inventory
    Plan meals
    Grocery List
    Grocery Shop
    Yoga for 45 min.
    Organize office and prep for new semester
    Dinner by 7pm
    Bedtime by 10pm
  • 12774
    12774 Posts: 1,416 Member
    edited July 2017
    Walked on the treadmill x30 mins.
    Zumba class after for 45 mins. Then later in the evening, walked in the park x30 mins
    Sunday is my weighing day so I really expect to do well based on the amount of calories burned for the week.