Just for Today ..... Daily Commitment Thread- Start of a new year!



  • lynmac54
    lynmac54 Posts: 23 Member
    edited July 2017

    Tomorrow in our meeting for the first go-live, I am going to find out more about the schedules and dates. then a few hours later, we have a meeting to discuss one of my other really big go-lives, so perhaps I can get things juggled a bit. I have never missed a deadline, and it is making me feel really anxious right now.

    My suggestions, if I may.... with looming deadlines it's time for critical thinking and time to focus on the main objective: the must haves (i.e. not the nice-to-haves) to get the job done. There'll probably be a myriad of things (noise) that will try to take your attention but it's just that "noise". If you can visualize yourself rising above it as if you're on the mountain top looking straight ahead at the goal rather than down in the valley with all the details/noise, it may help you stay above it all and only do what's necessary (critical). Take care of the big stuff and don't forget to take deep breaths! ;)
  • lynmac54
    lynmac54 Posts: 23 Member
    Well.. just for today I blew it! lol. But the mixed salads, fresh sandwich, veggies and cheese was soooo good ! Fortunately for me my excess today was only slightly more than yesterday's shortfall, so hopefully it will all balance out.

    But I still managed to log and step and drink tons of water!
  • MLHC1
    MLHC1 Posts: 678 Member
    edited July 2017
    MLHC1 wrote: »
    7/5 Wednesday JFT:

    Drove back to town✔
    Attend classes ✔
    Lunch with my husband✔
    Cleaned out and organized RV✔
    Dinner by 5pm➡️8pm
    Tutoring 6-8pm✔
    Physics Exam Prep (final exam on Saturday :s )✔
    Bedtime by midnight ✔

  • junodog1
    junodog1 Posts: 4,792 Member
    JFT 07-05-17

    :) Ilvermorny yoga challenge
    :) 10K Steps 11,733
    :) Stay Green on calories
    :) Water
    :) Allocate EEs June vacation
    :) Meet Termite Co rep to determine infestation
    :) Do not cry in front of Termite rep

    Termite news could have been worse. I knew we had termites; that was not a question. The good news was that supposedly the drywood termites are slow eaters. More to come. Yesterday's meeting script was like this:
    Me: I found some termites, they are coming from this window frame
    Rep: Yep, you got termites. I'll have to pull your file and call you when I get back to the office.

    JFT 07-06-17
    • Ilvermorny yoga challenge
    • 10K Steps
    • Stay Green on calories
    • Track Water Intake
    • Reconcile liabilities for YE
    • Write up a work out plan for the week.
    • New Chicken recipe

  • asclepsia
    asclepsia Posts: 204 Member
    Lots of entries to catch up on this week; this site is such a blessing--feeling the support from everyone, and a commitment to keep logging in, updating,etc. Reading everyone's news is fun, too. Hoping everyone had a fabulous fourth. Our town had great fireworks on Tuesday night, complete with patriotic music---it seems the whole town turned out and it was a fun, orderly gathering-- :) .
    Good news on the weight loss goal---lost four pounds--however, the method was less than pleasant. After a wonderful birding expedition to Colorado, I came home and promptly picked up a stomach virus that lasted for five days--ugh--no food would stay down, felt weak, achy, but I did lose four pounds, and have kept it off so far. Yahoo!
    Just for today:
    Log all food
    Keep hydrated
    Locate music for violin soloist
    Get groceries
    Straighten the house
    Practice an hour or more
    Walk--25 minutes
    PS: Tried to include a picture of me, but it posted sideways--any ideas why?
  • MLHC1
    MLHC1 Posts: 678 Member
    7/6 Thursday JFT:

    Attend classes
    Dinner by 7pm
    Physics Exam Prep
    Bedtime by midnight

    Trying to keep it simple until after my final exam Saturday morning B)
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,517 Member
    edited July 2017
    @MLHC1 Good plan to keep things simple for now. Good luck on your exam!

    @slittlemeister Wishing the doctors success on your op and an uneventful / speedy recovery. :smile:

    Recap 7/5 W
    1) Walk dog before work = No, sleep was more important. Given that I had walked 19 1/2 miles over 6 consecutive days, I needed a break. :/
    2) Keep net calories in the green = 115 in the red, not horrible. :neutral:
    3) Meditate in afternoon = Yes, not long enough though. :smile:
    4) Unwind by 9:30 / bedtime by 10:15 & TV off = No to all. :s Went to local park to hear city band play at 7:30. Afterward, managed to cross river with no drawbridge raise, then waited at least 10 minutes at a train crossing. Home at 9:15, did some minor chores, logged on computer (mistake), and then watched late news. I could feel late night when alarm went off this morning, hard to get out of bed. :(

    JFT 7/6 R
    1) After 2 snooze alarms, got up & walked dog 3.02 miles before work, heat & humidity not horrible yet = happy dog :smiley:
    2) Keep net calories w/i 100 of green
    3) Evening, make recipes with fresh strawberries & blueberries, find zucchini recipes
    4) Unwind 9:30 / bedtime 10:15 & TV off

    Have a good day everyone!
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,222 Member
    Starting weight Jan 1: 217
    Current weight 200.4
    Goal weight:175
    (5'11" tall)

    Progress so far:
    Jan 1: 217
    Feb 1: 211
    March 1: 205.4
    April 1: 202.6
    May 1: 204.6 --- OOPS!!!!! GOING IN THE WRONG DIRECTION!!!!!! :/
    June 1: 200.4
    July 1: 199.2

    I have not been making nearly the progress I am wanting ..... but .... I do feel better, and my exercise is much better. In fact, I have found that I am enjoying my time in the gym or at zumba, so for that at least, I have been successful.

    But .... I need to be watching what I eat much better.

    So, my goals for the month of July are:
    1. consistently aim for 8+ glasses of water a day -- this is still a struggle for me
    2. plan my evening snack so I don't go so crazy with grazing in the evening
    3. keep going to the gym/zumba 4x a week minimum
    4. goal is to lose 4 pounds this month.

  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,222 Member
    After 3 days being gone, spending the July 4th with our son and grandsons - I don't even want to get on the scale this morning. But ... I know the month of June wasn't nearly what I hoped.
    I am going to continue to weigh in and report on here my weight each week - in hopes that will get me more motivated! I want to get completely away from this 200s!!!

    So, my goal
    1. log all food
    2. drink water
    3. lay out gym clothes from tomorrow
    4. try and plan meals better - another thing I am terrible at!
    5. plan snacks so I stay focused
    6. laundry
    7. work on PC boards
    8. clean out the car
    9. get started on quarterly tax info

    I have so much reading to catch up on here -- you guys are all doing great!
  • lynmac54
    lynmac54 Posts: 23 Member
    Well, yesterday's damage wasn't too bad and am back on track today with a healthy balanced breaky.
    So Just for today...

    Log log log everything!
    Do do do more steps!
    Drink drink drink water!
    Eat eat eat but only the good stuff!

    Have fun in all that you do today, and remember "We were born to be real, not to be perfect" :)
  • sherry_ann_mt
    sherry_ann_mt Posts: 100 Member
    Hi...new here. Love everyone's lists! Mine will be simple to start.
    1. Log everything that goes in my mouth....even during golf league this evening.
    2. Drink 80oz of water
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,351 Member
    Just for Wednesday, 7/5
    1. Get up early and try to make it a habit to go into work earlier than I used to. :) Done. Now if I can make it a habit to leave earlier too!
    2. Eat only what I packed and pre-logged. :/ Was doing great until husband brought me a piece of apple pie after dinner.
    3. Hydrate. At least 64 oz ;) Very close
    4. Take 15 minutes in morning to sip a cup of coffee and plan tasks for the day :) This was awesome. This needs to become a habit!
    5. Get up and walk away from desk if feeling overwhelmed. :) Not only did I walk away from desk, I got in car and went for a quick ride.
    6. Only work 8 hours. No working at home either. No more living to work. I work to live...not the other way around. ;) Close...closer than I have in a long time anyway. Counting as a win because I didn't work at home!
    7. Clean off paperwork all over desk at work. Clutter-free work zone. :) Started it. I have piles of it all over that people dropped on my desk while I was gone.
    8. Relax and ice knee when I get home. Don't overdo it. :) Sore!
    9. Unplug one hour before bed and try to be sleeping by 10:00 tonight. :wink: Counting as a win since I did unplug at 9:00 and read a book until my eyes shut.
    10. Gratitude journal, listen to podcast or online meditation. Do PT exercises. (Mind, body and soul) :) Yup, Yup and yup!

    Well, I got through day 1 yesterday. Glad it is a short week for me. I asked my boss how we were going to get through this (skeleton crew) for the two projects going live simultaneously in two separate states. I thought she had a plan since she told me not to worry. Well, her answer was that she doesn't know yet, but she is trying to remain calm so that I remain calm. If I don't hear anything by tomorrow, I will need to set up an appointment to meet 1:1 with her and discuss bringing in contracted help. No other choice. I cannot be in two states at once. It's impossible even if I wanted to.

    I really need to learn not to take it out on my dog and husband when I get home feeling crabby and overwhelmed. Adding it to today's goals.

    I did bring some of my personal items and papers home with me last night. I'm slowly going to start bringing home any personal items I would want to take with me if I left this job. Not saying I'm leaving. I've been here 24 years!
    But I want to be prepared for anything. It has been decided not to push any of the projects back...instead we are extending them and making them larger. Adding more locations to the go-lives in our Western Division. I am speechless and cannot even talk about it without feeling like my eyes are going to tear up on me. So, I am going to follow the advice that you wonderful people have given and try to remember, it's just a job!

    Just for Today, 7/6
    1. Make healthy food choices
    2. Log every bite
    3. Hydrate 64 oz
    4. Focus on one project at a time, one task at a time
    5. Turn off email notifications and check them randomly between meetings/tasks
    6. Take a walk when I feel anxious or stress creeping in. Only SCREAM in my head...no screaming out loud.
    7. Get up early again and find "coffee me-time" before I come to work. :D Done. I love this.
    8. Continue to declutter my desk at work and pack more personal items in my laptop bag to bring home. Leave laptop here. No working at home tonight.
    9. Body, Mind & Soul: Find 3 separate moments to address each...read, gratitude journal, meditate, podcasts, bubble bath, gym....pick three!
    10. Unplug one hour early and go to bed by 10:00 so I can get up early again tomorrow.
    11. Oh yeah...almost forgot! I will not take it out on my husband or dog if I go home ready to kick someone in the shin. o:)

  • 12774
    12774 Posts: 1,416 Member
    I did my water aerobics in the cooler pool at the Y for 90 mins. It was so refreshing. I also did 45 mins of strength training.
    My main goal for July is to lose 5lbs.
  • asclepsia
    asclepsia Posts: 204 Member
    asclepsia wrote: »
    Lots of entries to catch up on this week; this site is such a blessing--feeling the support from everyone, and a commitment to keep logging in, updating,etc. Reading everyone's news is fun, too. Hoping everyone had a fabulous fourth. Our town had great fireworks on Tuesday night, complete with patriotic music---it seems the whole town turned out and it was a fun, orderly gathering-- :) .
    Good news on the weight loss goal---lost four pounds--however, the method was less than pleasant. After a wonderful birding expedition to Colorado, I came home and promptly picked up a stomach virus that lasted for five days--ugh--no food would stay down, felt weak, achy, but I did lose four pounds, and have kept it off so far. Yahoo!
    Just for today:
    Log all food :*
    Keep hydrated :)
    Locate music for violin soloist :)
    Get groceries
    Straighten the house :)
    Practice an hour or more :)
    Walk--25 minutes
    PS: Tried to include a picture of me, but it posted sideways--any ideas why?

  • MLHC1
    MLHC1 Posts: 678 Member
    MLHC1 wrote: »
    7/6 Thursday JFT:

    Attend classes ✔
    Tutoring ✔
    Dinner by 7pm✔
    Physics Exam Prep ✔
    Bedtime by midnight ✔

    @cschmitz110515 Thank you!! :)
  • HGSmith0920
    HGSmith0920 Posts: 1,123 Member

    So onto my goals for 6/6/17:

    1. Log all that I eat :)
    2. Stay in green :)
    3. Keep till balanced :)
    4. Ask for help if I need it :)
    5. Don't eat until 12pm :D11:55 am
    6. Drink at least 64oz of water :)Closer to 124oz actually
    7. Get to appointment on time :)
    8. Make list if of questions for the doc :DDidnt need them anyway since I had all the questions answered that I needed. Lol
    11. Yummy healthy dinner :DA custom salad from Wawa...very yummy but high in sodium
    12. Wind down by 930pm :)
    13. Lights out by 1030 :)

    Good morning all! What a wonderful day today is! Lol. I'm in a great mood this morning.

    I currently have a cat in my lap as well as a laptop so he's making it very hard to type! Lol.

    Yesterday was a great day! I started intermitting fasting yesterday which in layman's terms means that I only eat from 12 pm until 8pm. So pretty much I dont eat anything in the morning or in the middle of the night. I can drink no calorie things though. So I've switched out my morning coffee that's laden with milk and sugar for a cup of super tasty tea. It wasn't as hard as I thought it was going to be. so that was nice. I dont usually eat breakfast anyway so it wasn't much pf a change. Lol. But today is actually a Friday for me! I have the whole weekend off! That never happens! I've worked all but one Saturday since I started and that one I requested off! Lol! But anyway, on to my goals!

    Just for Today, 7/7/17

    1. Log all that I eat
    2. Stay in green
    3. Dont eat before 12 pm
    4. Keep till balanced
    5. Ask for help if I need it
    6. Meal plan
    7. Go shopping on my way home from work
    8. Eat sensible dinner
    9. Wind down by 10:30
    10. Bed by 11:30

    Have a great day everyone!
  • MLHC1
    MLHC1 Posts: 678 Member
    7/7 Friday JFT:

    No classes, study for final exam all day!!
    Check on elliptical repair
    Dinner by 6pm
    Bedtime by 10pm
    (Early morning on Saturday bc of Physics Final Exam)
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,517 Member
    Recap 7/6 R
    1) After 2 snooze alarms, got up & walked dog 3.02 miles before work; heat & humidity not horrible yet = happy dog :smiley:
    2) Keep net calories w/i 100 of green = Yay green! :smiley:
    3) Evening, make recipes with fresh strawberries & blueberries, find zucchini recipes = First had to stop at 2 stores after work to pick up several ingredients, then put gas in car so I didn't coast home on fumes. Made strawberry muffins and Red White & Blue Trifle. Sharing trifle at work today, and left a smaller bowlful at home for hubby. Found 3-4 of my favorite zucchini recipes to make later. Washed dishes as I went. Started recipes later than I wanted, done at last at 9:45. :smiley:
    4) Unwind 9:30 / bedtime 10:15 & TV off = Finally sat down to relax / eat strawberry muffin (see #3). In bed / TV off 10:30. :neutral:

    JFT 7/7 TGIF - Had a few frustrations at work this week, plus deal with LPGA tournament traffic to / from work and lunch. Glad it's almost the weekend!
    1) Keep net calories w/i 100 of green
    2) Have been slacking a little on water, so drink up!
    3) Meditate in afternoon
    4) Not too late to bed, want to be at farmers market by 7:30 a.m.
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,351 Member
    Just for Today, 7/6
    1. Make healthy food choices :s I did fantastic all day, even made myself a nutribullet for breakfast with lots of spinach. Then at 8:00 p.m. everything went out the window and I ended up consuming 700+ calories of sugary desserts. I could just kick myself today.
    2. Log every bite :) I logged it, just didn't like logging it.
    3. Hydrate 64 oz :)
    4. Focus on one project at a time, one task at a time :)
    5. Turn off email notifications and check them randomly between meetings/tasks :)
    6. Take a walk when I feel anxious or stress creeping in. Only SCREAM in my head...no screaming out loud. B)
    7. Get up early again and find "coffee me-time" before I come to work. :D Done. I love this! Hope to make this a habit.
    8. Continue to declutter my desk at work and pack more personal items in my laptop bag to bring home. Leave laptop here. No working at home tonight. :s Ended up working at home. 14-hour day.
    9. Body, Mind & Soul: Find 3 separate moments to address each...read, gratitude journal, meditate, podcasts, bubble bath, gym....pick three! :smile: I wrote in my gratitude journal, listened to a guided meditation and went to bed early.
    10. Unplug one hour early and go to bed by 10:00 so I can get up early again tomorrow. Unplugged at 9:00 but didn't fall asleep until later because I was reading.
    11. Oh yeah...almost forgot! I will not take it out on my husband or dog if I go home ready to kick someone in the shin. o:) I wasn't mean!!! Woo Hoo! :mrgreen:

    JFT - Friday:
    1. Stay green
    2. Log every bite
    3. Hydrate more with plain H20
    4. Remain calm today in some very hot-topic meetings. Suggest productive solutions.
    5. Take more personal effects home from work. Continue to declutter my cubicle.
    6. Make a task list of 3 top priorities for today and follow through until completion.
    7. Mind, Body & Soul...address each with 3 separate moments
    8. Go to bed early and try to make it to Farmer's Market tomorrow morning