Just for Today ..... Daily Commitment Thread- Start of a new year!



  • MLHC1
    MLHC1 Posts: 678 Member
    @Bex953172 Congratulations!!!! :D

    6/27 Tuesday JFT:

    Attend Classes
    Physics HW and online HW
    Run on elliptical for 30 min.
    Take dog to vet for regular vac. shots
    Get back on track with calories.
    Physics note card prep
    Dinner by 8 pm
    Bedtime by midnight

    Sunday night and yesterday were high calorie days so get back on track and keep in mind the weight that has already been lost B)
  • PhedraJD
    PhedraJD Posts: 1,392 Member
    @Bex953172 I am normally just a lurker. Had to come out of hiding to say congratulations. :)
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,104 Member
    Thank you! Can we all cross our fingers for a boy this time!!
  • junodog1
    junodog1 Posts: 4,792 Member
    My future grand child is a girl, so the boy must be saved for you.
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,521 Member
    edited June 2017
    @Bex953172 Congrats! :smiley:

    Recap 6/28 M
    1) Walked dog 3.43 miles before work :smiley:
    2) Keep net calories in the green = Yes, and I didn't eat back all my activity calories either! :smiley:
    3) Work on to-do list in evening but stop at 9 p.m. to unwind = Done, although dryer with towels was still going at 9 so I finished folding before 9:30. I'm finding that having an "unwind" time at least 45 minutes before my target bedtime is really helping me. :smiley:
    4) Bedtime by 10:30 & TV off = 10:15 :smiley:

    JFT 6/29 T - Going to be a challenging day: farewell "food" day in office, so far I've seen a cake, mini-cupcakes, turnovers and donuts in the conference room. Ack! Someone is bringing bread & egg salad, I don't know what else is coming. I brought bananas. Also, I have two back-to-back webinars from noon to 2:30, so brought my lunch (and snacks as usual) today.
    1) Have a tiny piece of cake, if any (it's store-bought) and look for any healthy options; I'm not obligated to eat everything or even anything during the farewell.
    2) During webinars, close door and pace in office
    3) I already have two loads of laundry on line before work and I didn't fit in dog walk, so walk dog after work
    4) Stop to-do list at 9 p.m.
    5) Bedtime by 10:15 & TV off, have 8 a.m. online class on W
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,353 Member
    @Bex953172 Bexie, Bex, Bex, Bex!!!!! CONGRATULATIONS! This certainly would explain a lot! I ate everything in sight when I was pregnant! :lol:
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,353 Member
    Just for Monday:
    1. Pre-log meals & snacks and stick to plan ;) Didn't prelog, but stayed green
    2. Hydrate 64+ oz :)
    3. Therapy exercises for knee x2 :( Therapy appointment kicked my *kitten* today. Was in pain all afternoon afterward.
    4. Write out index cards of why I want to lose weight and review them often ;) Will do today
    5. Remind myself that sugar is bad for my health :)
    6. Go to postop follow-up appointment :)
    7. Body, Mind and Spirit Self-Care:
    a. Read or listen to something regarding nutrition :)
    b. Read Simple Abundance book :)
    c. 15-minute meditation :(
    8. Unplug one hour before bed and get to sleep by 10:30 pm :( I really suck at this one. I need to get this one under control. It would help so much if I could fall asleep earlier.

    Well, I'm off one more week. I go back on July 5th. They put me on some anti-inflammatories to help take care of the swelling and warm areas I still have. when I asked if I could take anti-inflammatories, the nurse at the hospital told me no, because I was taking an aspirin a day for blood thinner. Turns out that was not correct and I should've been on them for two weeks now. UGH. Hopeful this turns the corner for me.

    Just for Tuesday:
    1. Stay in the green
    2. Hydrate 64+ oz
    3. Therapy exercises x 2
    4. Write index cards for Beck's diet solution chapter 1
    5. Take 2-hour online class for creating Captivate assessments
    6. Do one self-care item for each: Mind, Body, Spirit...
    7. Unplug and go to bed one hour early. Sleeping by 10!!!!

    Have a great day everyone!
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,222 Member
    edited June 2017
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    Hello everyone!
    You'll probs all laugh at this!

    So you know last week I went on that binge? I've gotten better since but stilln struggling a bit. Just mindless eating and struggling to stop once I get started!

    Anyway, I've been wondering what could of caused it, depression, lack of motivation? Turns out there's a perfectly good reason for it all!


    OMG ---- CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!! So happy for you!! When I was pregnant - I ate everything that was is site, so this explains all!! But still keep logging, and keeping us posted!!!
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,222 Member
    JFT, Monday
    1. get back to healthier eating :/ Did OK, but then my daughter had a bag of opened bridge mix here - well -- I had to finish the bag!! But, I :) got out for a very long walk, so I still was not too bad.
    2. 5 veggies and/or fruits
    3. drink water :)
    4. go to zumba tonite :/ It was like 78 degrees - so went out for a walk instead

    JFT, Tuesday
    1. log all food
    2. already went to the gym, but lay out clothes for tomorrow morning. Try and go to a zumba class tonite, or a short walk
    3. work in the yard - too nice to be working inside. Hubby and I are both going to play hooky today!
    4. get laundry done - I have about 8 loads to do! We leave on sunday to go see our grandsons again over the 4th.

    Hope you all have a great day! One day at a time!! ...
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,104 Member
    edited June 2017
    @joan6630 Oh yeah don't worry I'm not going anywhere!
    Do need to speak to the midwife though about my calorie intake, see where I stand with that!

    I have no idea when I'm due though.
    I'm 8 weeks late for a period but a pregnancy test was negative 2 weeks ago?
    Confused much!
    But maybe late Jan early Feb!
    I'll have to wait for the first scan!
  • 12774
    12774 Posts: 1,416 Member
    edited June 2017
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    Thank you! Can we all cross our fingers for a boy this time!!
    Congratulations! I'll cross fingers, but trust me, that does not work! You just have to refocus and make healthy food choices for you and baby.
  • 12774
    12774 Posts: 1,416 Member
    Taking it easy today.
    Waiting for Sears tech for maintenance check of appliances.
  • HGSmith0920
    HGSmith0920 Posts: 1,123 Member
    @Bex953172 YAAAYYY CONGRATULATIONS!!!! That's so exciting! Keep us posted!
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,104 Member
    12774 wrote: »
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    Thank you! Can we all cross our fingers for a boy this time!!
    Congratulations! I'll cross fingers, but trust me, that does not work! You just have to refocus and make healthy food choices for you and baby.

    I know, a long list of food in not allowed is running through my head!
    So glad the FSA okayed runny eggs!!
  • MLHC1
    MLHC1 Posts: 678 Member
    edited June 2017
    6/27 Tuesday JFT:

    Attend Classes✔
    Physics HW and online HW➡️in progress
    Run on elliptical for 30 min.❌
    Take dog to vet for regular vac. shots✔(this took longer than expected)
    Get back on track with calories.➡️ate some cookies :D
    Physics note card prep➡️in progress
    Dinner by 8 pm➡️9pm✔
    Bedtime by midnight❌not likely

    I'm having a had time getting back on track and in routine :(
  • HGSmith0920
    HGSmith0920 Posts: 1,123 Member

    Now for JFT, 6/27/17

    1. Log all food :)
    2. Keep in green :)
    3. Walk/gym :/
    4. Eat healthy, yummy meals B)
    5. Clean the bathroom!!!!! <3I dont know why I put this off so often! It's an absolutely tiny room and takes me about 10 minutes! Lol
    6. Take out the trash :)
    7. Finish the dishes :|Did the dishes from yesterday and emptied the sink and then filled it right back up again with tonight's dishes!
    8. Spend time with the DH <3Have been doing this all day! We had the day off together.
    9. Bed by 11:30. :pProbably way earlier! It's only 9:18 now and I'm already contemplating going and laying down!

    Good evening all!

    Was a very good day today! And I have another day off tomorrow! It was a gorgeous day today and got out for a little while, but I didnt get my walk in. Did all sorts of cleaning and errands. The time I did spend outside, I spent with the DH, walking up to the end of the driveway(1/4 mile) to the Pokestop and back. We did that twice. Lol. I love that I was able to spend the day with DH. We are best friends, so spending days off together(when we get them) is like spending the day with a really close friend. Lol. I tried to do most of the cleaning of the house today so that I dont have to do much tomorrow. I have a few chores to do, but nothing too strenuous.

    So onto tomorrow's goals!

    1. Log all food
    2. Keep in the green
    3. Finish the dishes
    4. Clean out the fridge
    5. Do laundry
    6. Work on Hogwarts Challenge
    7. Walk
    8. Eat appropriate portions at meals
    9. Bed by 11

    I think that's good for tomorrow! Have a great night everyone!
  • 12774
    12774 Posts: 1,416 Member
    edited June 2017
    Check weight
    Do laundry.
    Purchase cordless drill at HD. Did research for purchase.
    Do 30 mins on the elliptical
    Take 2 water aerobics classes.
    Take afternoon nap. Always very important.
    Prepare meals for the next 4 days
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,353 Member

    The time I did spend outside, I spent with the DH, walking up to the end of the driveway(1/4 mile) to the Pokestop and back. We did that twice. Lol. I love that I was able to spend the day with DH. We are best friends, so spending days off together(when we get them) is like spending the day with a really close friend. Lol.

    I just love how much you enjoy being with your DH! It is so refreshing to hear you call him your best friend. I feel same way about mine! It's wonderful, isn't it?
  • bookmeister86
    bookmeister86 Posts: 1,165 Member
    @Bex953172 Congratulations!! That's super exciting. Crossing my fingers for a boy, though I'm sure you'll be thrilled either way :)
  • bookmeister86
    bookmeister86 Posts: 1,165 Member
    Back on the boards... was away at a music festival for 6 days, and couldn't use my phone much as needed to conserve battery!

    Eating was TERRIBLE at the festival - there are so many unhealthy options, everywhere you look! Doesn't seem to have had too much effect on my weight though - although I'd gone up yesterday, it's fallen off today.

    So I'm going to do my weigh-in today :) But from now on I'll do weigh-in every Tuesday.

    Today's weight: 12 stone 0.25lb (168.25 lb)
    Target weight for next week - 11 stone 12 (166 lb)

    I'm going to try to lose quite a bit this next week because I'm having an operation next Friday (7th) and after that I'll be stuck at home recuperating for 4 weeks, banned from moderate exercising for 6 weeks, banned from strenuous exercise for 3 months. So I need to make the most of these last few days!

    So... Today's commitments -
    - Log everything I eat
    - Choose healthy lunch (450 cals max, ideally less)
    - NO SNACKS except ryvita if HUNGRY
    - Be in the green
    - No alcohol

    - Meditate
    - Leave work at 5.30pm to break the pattern of early evening snacking. Finish work at home if needed
    - Be productive - no procrastinating or perfectionism!
    - Stay calm - remember it's just a job!
    - Listen to music to boost mood