Creepiest MFPers?!?



  • erniewebbiii
    erniewebbiii Posts: 1,174 Member
    _dracarys_ wrote: »
    _dracarys_ wrote: »
    No one wants to creep on me lol

    Make your profile pic a shirtless, 6-pack torso. You're welcome.

    She likes unsolicited dick pics, just FYI, gentlemen!

    I.C.E. Cream Official Tester
    IKEA Professional Put Together-er
    Kickboxing Class Attender
    Period Enthusiast
    Been in fitness for about 2 years and have studied kitty-gif-ology, nutrition and Dinosaurs

    Yes, I like to compare theirs to my own.

  • synchkat
    synchkat Posts: 37,368 Member
    epr3996 wrote: »
    synchkat wrote: »
    Either I'm losing my touch or I've just experienced all the creepers but I haven't had any really weird messages for awhile. There was the one I woke up to of someone wanting to do something on my face but that was the last.

    I can send you one if you like? I don't want to have you thinking you have lost your touch!

    but then I'd have to tag you here
  • jnichel
    jnichel Posts: 4,553 Member
    _dracarys_ wrote: »
    _unsteady_ wrote: »
    _dracarys_ wrote: »
    No one wants to creep on me lol

    Make your profile pic a shirtless, 6-pack torso. You're welcome.

    I call bs on this i changed mine to this

    And i just got laugh at -.-

    Because bottles > cans. Duh

    Something, something, your cans, something, something.
  • _MotherSuperior_
    _MotherSuperior_ Posts: 158 Member
    jnichel wrote: »
    pssh you don't know creepy til an mfp friend finds you IRL, stalks the *kitten* out of you without having ANY of your personal information, and then tries to kidnap you.

    true story.

    I would have succeeded too, if it wasn't for those pesky kids.

    kids?! uh oh...i think you have me confused with another one of your stalkees...
    pssh you don't know creepy til an mfp friend finds you IRL, stalks the *kitten* out of you without having ANY of your personal information, and then tries to kidnap you.

    true story.

    How is Florida this time of year!?

    I.C.E. Cream Official Tester
    IKEA Professional Put Together-er
    Kickboxing Class Attender
    Period Enthusiast
    Been in fitness for about 2 years and have studied kitty-gif-ology, nutrition and Dinosaurs

    wouldn't know, but i hear prison is nice. at least my stalker seems to be enjoying it!

    I'd stalk're pretty!

    I.C.E. Cream Official Tester
    IKEA Professional Put Together-er
    Kickboxing Class Attender
    Period Enthusiast
    Been in fitness for about 2 years and have studied kitty-gif-ology, nutrition and Dinosaurs
  • km8907
    km8907 Posts: 3,861 Member
    There are a couple females on here that are still on forums regularly. I was nice to them and friended them when they requested when I was still new to the site. They started sending me perverted messages constantly which was disturbing to me. So I deleted them as friends. You can still see at least one of them "regularly" on the forums and still being perverted. The forums are like hunting grounds for creepers. I think if the situation was reversed and it was a guy constantly acting like this, there would of been action taken but since it is a girl doing it, its overlooked by generally most people which is sad in my opinion.

    @Angela937 ?
  • jnichel
    jnichel Posts: 4,553 Member
    There are a couple females on here that are still on forums regularly. I was nice to them and friended them when they requested when I was still new to the site. They started sending me perverted messages constantly which was disturbing to me. So I deleted them as friends. You can still see at least one of them "regularly" on the forums and still being perverted. The forums are like hunting grounds for creepers. I think if the situation was reversed and it was a guy constantly acting like this, there would of been action taken but since it is a girl doing it, its overlooked by generally most people which is sad in my opinion.

    Yeah, I have this problem all the time on here.
  • jnichel
    jnichel Posts: 4,553 Member
    synchkat wrote: »
    epr3996 wrote: »
    synchkat wrote: »
    Either I'm losing my touch or I've just experienced all the creepers but I haven't had any really weird messages for awhile. There was the one I woke up to of someone wanting to do something on my face but that was the last.

    I can send you one if you like? I don't want to have you thinking you have lost your touch!

    but then I'd have to tag you here

  • km8907
    km8907 Posts: 3,861 Member
    K guys this is going to be really long but it took place over a long period of time.

    Soo once upon a time with a different MFP account I had commented on one of those threads asking where you're from. And I got a message from this girl who wasn't from my area but had lived in my area when she attended University which happened to be the same University I had attended. Anyways she added me as a friend and a few days later we started messaging back and forth. We had A LOT of things in common. We both had went to school for graphic design, both of our birthdays were January 23rd, we had very very similar pasts. (shoulda been a warning) So we had talked for a while and a few months later she said she'd be passing through my area and asked if I wanted to do lunch. We ended up having lunch and from there a really great friendship started to happen. We'd talk all the time. She'd come visit for a few days. I'd go visit her for a few days. She's was an awesome friend. And it was something I really needed at that point in my life. But then she came down New Years. And we went out had fun with a few of my other friends, and came back to my place as she was staying over. She never liked my then fiancé and he used to always tell me he thinks she's in love with me. I thought he was crazy. That night after he went to bed she tried to kiss me and told me she loved me. I chalked it up to her being heavily intoxicated. And for the next year our relationship retuned to normal and we grew even closer. Then around Christmas last year (2015) I ended up cutting things off with my fiancé. I was in the lowest point of my life and she was the best friend you could ask for in that time. Then around March she started talking about her friend "Maverick" and how I would get along great with him. She showed me pics he was gorgeous. When she went back home from a visit she said she would be back to visit soon. And during this time I started messaging back and forth with this Maverick. He was witty and intelligent, 2 things I really like in man. We had been talking for months at this time and he asked if he could come visit with Becky. I said sure. But before they came I had got into an argument with Becky and sensed some jealousy from her. But still they both came down. We rented a hotel room and planed it a great couple days. Although Maverick and I got along he was nothing at all the same. I thought he was nervous. The next day he realized he forgot his bag in Ottawa. So we proceeded to drive 6 hours to Ottawa to get his bag and drove back home. During the drive he opened up a bit more but the conversation was limited as I didn't want to bring up much after sensing this jealousy from Becky. We got back to my area, partied for a few days and had fun. By the end of the visit I want feeling Maverick anymore. But after they got back home he called me and told me he was sorry he was the way he was. That it he was nervous and I had already said I was sensing jealously from Becky. So we resumed talking on the phone for a few more months but never video chatted which I didn't think was weird because I hate video chat but all my friends had said it was weird. Then it got even weirder. He started having headaches, those heachaches turned into brain tumours. Next thing I know he's having brain surgery. At this point I cared for him. We were planning a visit for him to come down prior to the headaches so I told him I was going to make the drive. And he begged me not too. During this same period of time Becky had been applying to Universities. She got a late approval and told me she'd be moving my way next month but she couldn't find a place. I told her she could stay with me until she found a place. Now we're into early August of last year. Maverick has healed strangely fast from brain surgery (he obviously had superpowers) and Becky is two weeks from moving in with me. And I look Maverick up on Facebook. I find nothing. But I remember Maverick is his middle name and look him up by his first name. I find him. I add him and message him. He asks me how I've been though I just got off the phone with him a half hour ago. This is where I learn that I've never spoken to Maverick on the phone. He never had a brain tumour. And he never has had a single conversation with me prior to coming to visit me. That Becky had told him to come down for the visit and that she thinks he'd really like me. He said very early into our drive to Ottawa he realized something weird was going on but didn't say anything to not freak me out since I was in a car with a stranger and very far from my home. He said he stopped talking to Becky right after their trip because he started to put things together. And that he was glad I messaged him because he didn't have any info on me to tell me what was going on. I was livid. This b!tch was 2 weeks away from moving in with me. We'd been friends for 3 years at this point. She'd been there for me through everything. I called her and went bananas. She then starts telling me she's in love with me. I told her I never wanted to hear from her again. She called me for days. 50 times a day at least. When I didn't answer them she drove down. She messaged me that she was here I told her to go home. She then proceed to try to break passed the security in my building and they had to escort her out. I could hear her yelling and crying 16 stories up. She started adding all my friends to Insta and Facebook. Everyone just ignored her and eventually she stopped. It's been 3 months since I've heard from her. I'm just lucky she didn't move in!!! Oh and I never found who it was I was speaking too. And guess what her birthday isn't January 23rd. Shocking I know!

    You were probably talking to her somehow. Maybe she used a voice changer. That's creepy.
  • LiftingRiot
    LiftingRiot Posts: 6,946 Member
    K guys this is going to be really long but it took place over a long period of time.

    Soo once upon a time with a different MFP account I had commented on one of those threads asking where you're from. And I got a message from this girl who wasn't from my area but had lived in my area when she attended University which happened to be the same University I had attended. Anyways she added me as a friend and a few days later we started messaging back and forth. We had A LOT of things in common. We both had went to school for graphic design, both of our birthdays were January 23rd, we had very very similar pasts. (shoulda been a warning) So we had talked for a while and a few months later she said she'd be passing through my area and asked if I wanted to do lunch. We ended up having lunch and from there a really great friendship started to happen. We'd talk all the time. She'd come visit for a few days. I'd go visit her for a few days. She's was an awesome friend. And it was something I really needed at that point in my life. But then she came down New Years. And we went out had fun with a few of my other friends, and came back to my place as she was staying over. She never liked my then fiancé and he used to always tell me he thinks she's in love with me. I thought he was crazy. That night after he went to bed she tried to kiss me and told me she loved me. I chalked it up to her being heavily intoxicated. And for the next year our relationship retuned to normal and we grew even closer. Then around Christmas last year (2015) I ended up cutting things off with my fiancé. I was in the lowest point of my life and she was the best friend you could ask for in that time. Then around March she started talking about her friend "Maverick" and how I would get along great with him. She showed me pics he was gorgeous. When she went back home from a visit she said she would be back to visit soon. And during this time I started messaging back and forth with this Maverick. He was witty and intelligent, 2 things I really like in man. We had been talking for months at this time and he asked if he could come visit with Becky. I said sure. But before they came I had got into an argument with Becky and sensed some jealousy from her. But still they both came down. We rented a hotel room and planed it a great couple days. Although Maverick and I got along he was nothing at all the same. I thought he was nervous. The next day he realized he forgot his bag in Ottawa. So we proceeded to drive 6 hours to Ottawa to get his bag and drove back home. During the drive he opened up a bit more but the conversation was limited as I didn't want to bring up much after sensing this jealousy from Becky. We got back to my area, partied for a few days and had fun. By the end of the visit I want feeling Maverick anymore. But after they got back home he called me and told me he was sorry he was the way he was. That it he was nervous and I had already said I was sensing jealously from Becky. So we resumed talking on the phone for a few more months but never video chatted which I didn't think was weird because I hate video chat but all my friends had said it was weird. Then it got even weirder. He started having headaches, those heachaches turned into brain tumours. Next thing I know he's having brain surgery. At this point I cared for him. We were planning a visit for him to come down prior to the headaches so I told him I was going to make the drive. And he begged me not too. During this same period of time Becky had been applying to Universities. She got a late approval and told me she'd be moving my way next month but she couldn't find a place. I told her she could stay with me until she found a place. Now we're into early August of last year. Maverick has healed strangely fast from brain surgery (he obviously had superpowers) and Becky is two weeks from moving in with me. And I look Maverick up on Facebook. I find nothing. But I remember Maverick is his middle name and look him up by his first name. I find him. I add him and message him. He asks me how I've been though I just got off the phone with him a half hour ago. This is where I learn that I've never spoken to Maverick on the phone. He never had a brain tumour. And he never has had a single conversation with me prior to coming to visit me. That Becky had told him to come down for the visit and that she thinks he'd really like me. He said very early into our drive to Ottawa he realized something weird was going on but didn't say anything to not freak me out since I was in a car with a stranger and very far from my home. He said he stopped talking to Becky right after their trip because he started to put things together. And that he was glad I messaged him because he didn't have any info on me to tell me what was going on. I was livid. This b!tch was 2 weeks away from moving in with me. We'd been friends for 3 years at this point. She'd been there for me through everything. I called her and went bananas. She then starts telling me she's in love with me. I told her I never wanted to hear from her again. She called me for days. 50 times a day at least. When I didn't answer them she drove down. She messaged me that she was here I told her to go home. She then proceed to try to break passed the security in my building and they had to escort her out. I could hear her yelling and crying 16 stories up. She started adding all my friends to Insta and Facebook. Everyone just ignored her and eventually she stopped. It's been 3 months since I've heard from her. I'm just lucky she didn't move in!!! Oh and I never found who it was I was speaking too. And guess what her birthday isn't January 23rd. Shocking I know!

    Awesome!!!!!! Not really but creeper skills were on point
  • ew_david
    ew_david Posts: 3,473 Member
    edited January 2017
    _unsteady_ wrote: »
    _dracarys_ wrote: »
    _unsteady_ wrote: »
    _dracarys_ wrote: »
    No one wants to creep on me lol

    Make your profile pic a shirtless, 6-pack torso. You're welcome.

    I call bs on this i changed mine to this

    And i just got laugh at -.-

    Because bottles > cans. Duh

    Waay ahead of you and still the same result


    And we have a winner

    Also that story that I'm not quoting because it's too on earth did you let that go on for so long?!
  • DaveTimeKeeper
    DaveTimeKeeper Posts: 103 Member
    awesome that I have not met any creeps on here,
    most the creeps I know are in real life though and dangerous,

    most recently a guy who heard that my fiance passed and tried to hit on me, I turned him down and he threatened to kill me along with some other x rated content, I blocked his number and figured hes all talk, (he is 300lb and really lazy) but about 5 nights ago I was woken up to the sound of the doorbell and banging on the door, my mum freaked out (yeah I live with her, I am disabled) and went to see who it was, it was him and he knows where I live, I dident tell him, he works as a nurse and found it in my medical records...

    I cant call the cops because I dont own a phone that allows 911 calls, and I know 1/2 the police in the area, one hates me nearly as much.

    I am glad that I might be moving soon because half my town hates me for being foreign (burn crosses in my yard and occasional letters in my mailbox), and the other half know back when my abuser would sell me, so I have a lot of enemies...
  • Escloflowne
    Escloflowne Posts: 2,038 Member
    K guys this is going to be really long but it took place over a long period of time.

    Soo once upon a time with a different MFP account I had commented on one of those threads asking where you're from. And I got a message from this girl who wasn't from my area but had lived in my area when she attended University which happened to be the same University I had attended. Anyways she added me as a friend and a few days later we started messaging back and forth. We had A LOT of things in common. We both had went to school for graphic design, both of our birthdays were January 23rd, we had very very similar pasts. (shoulda been a warning) So we had talked for a while and a few months later she said she'd be passing through my area and asked if I wanted to do lunch. We ended up having lunch and from there a really great friendship started to happen. We'd talk all the time. She'd come visit for a few days. I'd go visit her for a few days. She's was an awesome friend. And it was something I really needed at that point in my life. But then she came down New Years. And we went out had fun with a few of my other friends, and came back to my place as she was staying over. She never liked my then fiancé and he used to always tell me he thinks she's in love with me. I thought he was crazy. That night after he went to bed she tried to kiss me and told me she loved me. I chalked it up to her being heavily intoxicated. And for the next year our relationship retuned to normal and we grew even closer. Then around Christmas last year (2015) I ended up cutting things off with my fiancé. I was in the lowest point of my life and she was the best friend you could ask for in that time. Then around March she started talking about her friend "Maverick" and how I would get along great with him. She showed me pics he was gorgeous. When she went back home from a visit she said she would be back to visit soon. And during this time I started messaging back and forth with this Maverick. He was witty and intelligent, 2 things I really like in man. We had been talking for months at this time and he asked if he could come visit with Becky. I said sure. But before they came I had got into an argument with Becky and sensed some jealousy from her. But still they both came down. We rented a hotel room and planed it a great couple days. Although Maverick and I got along he was nothing at all the same. I thought he was nervous. The next day he realized he forgot his bag in Ottawa. So we proceeded to drive 6 hours to Ottawa to get his bag and drove back home. During the drive he opened up a bit more but the conversation was limited as I didn't want to bring up much after sensing this jealousy from Becky. We got back to my area, partied for a few days and had fun. By the end of the visit I want feeling Maverick anymore. But after they got back home he called me and told me he was sorry he was the way he was. That it he was nervous and I had already said I was sensing jealously from Becky. So we resumed talking on the phone for a few more months but never video chatted which I didn't think was weird because I hate video chat but all my friends had said it was weird. Then it got even weirder. He started having headaches, those heachaches turned into brain tumours. Next thing I know he's having brain surgery. At this point I cared for him. We were planning a visit for him to come down prior to the headaches so I told him I was going to make the drive. And he begged me not too. During this same period of time Becky had been applying to Universities. She got a late approval and told me she'd be moving my way next month but she couldn't find a place. I told her she could stay with me until she found a place. Now we're into early August of last year. Maverick has healed strangely fast from brain surgery (he obviously had superpowers) and Becky is two weeks from moving in with me. And I look Maverick up on Facebook. I find nothing. But I remember Maverick is his middle name and look him up by his first name. I find him. I add him and message him. He asks me how I've been though I just got off the phone with him a half hour ago. This is where I learn that I've never spoken to Maverick on the phone. He never had a brain tumour. And he never has had a single conversation with me prior to coming to visit me. That Becky had told him to come down for the visit and that she thinks he'd really like me. He said very early into our drive to Ottawa he realized something weird was going on but didn't say anything to not freak me out since I was in a car with a stranger and very far from my home. He said he stopped talking to Becky right after their trip because he started to put things together. And that he was glad I messaged him because he didn't have any info on me to tell me what was going on. I was livid. This b!tch was 2 weeks away from moving in with me. We'd been friends for 3 years at this point. She'd been there for me through everything. I called her and went bananas. She then starts telling me she's in love with me. I told her I never wanted to hear from her again. She called me for days. 50 times a day at least. When I didn't answer them she drove down. She messaged me that she was here I told her to go home. She then proceed to try to break passed the security in my building and they had to escort her out. I could hear her yelling and crying 16 stories up. She started adding all my friends to Insta and Facebook. Everyone just ignored her and eventually she stopped. It's been 3 months since I've heard from her. I'm just lucky she didn't move in!!! Oh and I never found who it was I was speaking too. And guess what her birthday isn't January 23rd. Shocking I know!

    So what you're saying is you like witty and intelligent guys and you're single? I'm in Ottawa so...hit me up?


    I.C.E. Cream Official Tester
    IKEA Professional Put Together-er
    Kickboxing Class Attender
    Period Enthusiast
    Been in fitness for about 2 years and have studied kitty-gif-ology, nutrition and Dinosaurs