

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,681 Member
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Lenora, love the jokes.

    Katla, you asked about the robot vacuums. years ago we had a Roomba. This was when they were affordable. It did real good. The boundaries you set up in the room worked real well and it never took it self down the stairs. It recognized the stairs and turned itself around. It didn't pick up real big stuff, even if you put it right in front of it. Of course if you could do that you could just pick it up and take it to the trash can yourself. I like the new ones now but now the expense.

    Sister is in a regular room now. She was able to walk with help to the bathroom, so her revised knee is working but she has gone backwards in her therapy. As far as confusion, I thought she was OK but she was talking to one of the brothers and said neither of her kids had called. But befoe brother called she said her son had called and would be up tomorrow.

    Joyce, rainy Indiana
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    edited February 2017
    Stronglift Workout B
    Squats-1X5X 55/65/75/85, 5X5X 90
    OHP- 1X5X45/50, 5X5X 55
    DL- 1X5X95/105/115

    Kettlebell Swing
    GobletSquats- 3X5X30
    Russian Kettlebell Swing- 11X10X30

    40lbs loss by May 27th Challenge
    Exercise daily and stay under calories.

    Keto 3 Week Challenge February 5th-25th
    I love this way of eating!


    Mary from Minnesota
  • gotu52
    gotu52 Posts: 315 Member
    Hi Karen, I have tears in my eyes. Olivia is beautiful and she looks like a fighter!
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,086 Member
    Karen thanks for the Olivia picture.
  • GloworminWA
    GloworminWA Posts: 704 Member
    Well here I go marathon reading as I am WAY behind but 3 day weekend so ONWARD!

    Lisa – so sorry about your husband’s wrist and the financial strain this will most likely put on you. (((Major Huge Hugs)))

    RE – You are a Saint and I hope your husband worships the ground you walk on!

    Beth – prayers for your husband. I know how hard it is to be far from your parents. If I ever move into a 2 story again I will put in one of those stair chairs that takes you up and down the stairs.

    Barbie - Ah Sasha and Beth are quite the runway models!

    DJ – love you back!

    Sharon – is your ex in a 12 step program? (I just saw that someone else also had this question). One of the steps is making amends to those you have hurt in the past. I understand your son’s reluctance. My bio-mother left the 4 of us kids when I was 5 and the youngest was not even a year old. I did not see or hear from her until I was 25 by which time I thought she must be dead. Unfortunately although we had a civil relationship I just could never love her like a mom. My Mom was my step-mom who raised me from the age of 9.

    Sarah – we all got our flu shots as well but my poor 9yr old ended up with the flu last week. It started with his eye bothering him on Sunday and progressed to a fever that night. Took him to doctor the next day who diagnosed flu. I asked how he could have it since he had his flu shot and was told that the flu shot is only 50-60% effective. Poor kid his temp got up to 104 on meds so called the doctor who had me triple the amount of ibuprophen and Tylenol he had been on. Next day up to 103.2 again. Then he started getting better. When the doctor said he would be out of school for 3 days Zac burst out in tears because he had his Valentines ready to take to school way ahead of time. I took them to the school for him so when he got back to school on Friday he had a bucket of Valentines waiting for him.

    Peggy – you are smart starting out with only 2 goals. Sometimes making too many goals at once is an unconscious way of sabotaging ourselves.

    Carey – your poem reminded me of Irish Teri who used to post on here. She writes lovely poetry. And I miss being a cog in her wheel.

    Joyce – was that guy saying that because his company doesn’t install leaf guards?

    Allie – he’s right. Without counseling nothing will change. Been there done that. My ex walked out of the first counseling appointment. From there on the hand writing was on the wall. I went back one time after having moved out with my kids and getting on with my life. I knew the first night it was a mistake. The next time I left was for good.

    Stopping for a while to go make dinner for the boys but will be back later!

    Love you all – and is there anyone here who wouldn’t give one of US a hug if we got together?

    Gloria in WA where it's going to rain the next 5 days! woohoo - NOT!

  • pyanko7
    pyanko7 Posts: 153 Member
    Katla and Janetr - I had a Roomba and it worked great, only drawback was that it would not hold a charge for long. Did one bedroom, then would have to charge for a few hours.

    Karen - Olivia is beautiful. She looks like a little fighter. Sending prayers and hugs your way.

    Hugs to all.

    Paula Y
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,351 Member
    Karen: Beautiful picture of Olivia. Prayers for her continued healing.

    Charleen : Love Lupines! Miss ours at our old house a lot. Beautiful and thanks for sharing!

    Becca: Interested in hearing how your complexion likes the coconut oil soap. I love using soaps with natural ingredients like that. They wash off so cleanly and feel so fresh and clean.

    Mary in MN How did you gt started on the keto diet? Is this something you just started recently? I'm very interested in learning more about it but I wouldn't even know where to start!

    Lenora: Thanks for the jokes! Needed a chuckle.

    Heather UK Thanks for the Bea fix. She is absolutely adorable!

    Sarah Ontario: Cerner is a lot like Epic from what I hear. Yes, it is painful isn't it? If this were the only go-live for awhile, I would be okay but from what I'm hearing it's only just begun. Soon I will be sent out of state and further and further away to our sister hospitals (I work for a Catholic hospital system). I have some big decisions to make here soon... Congrats on making it through your go-live!

    Carey Northern Alberta: I did get a thorough check up at the hospital when I went into the ER. They are satisfied it isn't cardiac in nature but I do have to follow up with a GI doctor to see if there is anything going on esophageal-wise because of the throat tightening I had with the chest pain. Thank you for the nudge to follow up and not ignore it. Something is definitely going on, and I do need to find out what.

    Rita from CT: My name is Tracie. I remember McKesson! We used to have McKesson when I first started in IT at the hospital where I work. You left at a good time. Teaching the physicians to enter their own orders can be like pulling teeth! Telling them that they have to start doing it themselves does not make me a very popular person, trust me... I cannot tell you how much I wish i could retire. But financially it is not in the cards right now.

    I am curious about you becoming a "gypsy". I will have to go back and read up to see what you are up to! It sounds really intriguing!

    @pitegny: Good for you that you were able to give your notice and see a light at the end of the tunnel. I will be 57 in March, and I do not see retirement as an option until I'm 65 since I carry the insurances and the pay is needed in our household. I dream about giving my notice a lot, though, and if something doesn't give I will be making some very tough decisions soon. I will not give up my health for a job, but I cannot leave my job without something else lined up.

    Joyce: You would not believe how many providers we had retire when we went on Epic! Is your husband a doctor? I think Epic truly is a fantastic EMR, but you are right about teaching doctors. They are not always very patient learners. I understand how they feel because patient care ALWAYS has to come first! But at the same time, I'm just doing my job...

    I pray your sister continues to improve and I'm so sorry to hear of her struggles. It must be very difficult for you!

    Ginger in Texas: I absolutely love your list to "smash procrastination". Thank you for sharing!

    It was a beautiful day in Wisconsin today. 55 degrees is unheard of in February in Green Bay! We are to have five days of warm weather so I'm pretty happy about that. I plan to get outside and enjoy the day tomorrow. Today was spent doing the monthly bills and other stuff around here that gets neglected when I'm not around to do them. My husband is retired on disability so he takes care of keeping up the house, so I'm really lucky that way.

    Tomorrow I hope to get outside and maybe go hiking or just walk in a park. I am craving some "me" time to try to put things back into perspective. I've been working very hard on trying to stay positive and grateful for everyday things I take for granted, but stress really has made my whole team on edge at work and I feel like all that negativity is sucking the soul out of me. I'm just not normally a negative person.

    I hope you are all enjoying your weekend! Love to all.

    Tracie in WI

    Word for 2017: Serenity (I am on a quest this year to find a place of peace and serenity in this crazy busy stressful world...)
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Karen, I just love that picture of Daddy's huge hand on her chest, protecting and loving his precious little one. And such a handsome man!

    Pip, your animals are always so content.

    Joyce, cool, rainy Indiana
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,976 Member
    :) We had a super long day starting with getting up at 3:30 so there would be enough time to walk the dogs and great ready for a drive to Seattle for a meeting. I got to do some walking while we rode the ferry going in both directions so even with so much sitting, I ended the day with 16,000 steps but no other exercise. Didn't log my food but didn't go too far off the path. Now it's time for some much needed sleep.

    <3 Barbie from drizzly NW Washington
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    edited February 2017
    Tracie- I started a three-week keto challenge February 5. It goes through February 25. You can hop in and look at the thread that I started. It has information on food to eat and not to eat. As well as helpful hints and information from people that have been on Keto for a while. We prepped ourselves for two weeks prior and all of that information is on there as well. It's a short read but there is valuable advice and recipes as well. Bookmark it and sign in. And ask questions that you need answered. There are plenty of people on there to help you. As well as me.


    Mary from Minnesota
  • karenleona
    karenleona Posts: 3,959 Member
    Made it through the grocery store and past all the Easter goodies that are out!! Not gonna lie, it was tough. Now to get everything into the house with no helpers.
    Having dinner for 20 family members tomorrow so I will be cleaning some more tomorrow.
    My crocuses are peaking out of the leaves!! Gonna have to clean up the garden if it ever stops raining!

    Karen in BC
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,086 Member
    Heather thanks for the Bea fix.
    Still keeping away from the ice cream.
    :heart: Margaret
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,146 Member