

  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,355 Member
    Pip, thank you for your story. Very inspirational - keep doing what you're doing!

    Mary, love the Victoria and Hayley photo - so cute they have the "V" and "H" on their little helmets. I'm guessing they are identical? I could kiss those chubby cheeks all day and never get tired of it ;-)

    Yinka, of course you are building muscle! Your "updates" are so interesting. You are the busiest person I know-do you ever slow down? Good for you, by the way.

    Heather, WOWSA that red dress is super! Are you sure this is a photo of you and not a daughter??? The "book pile" is so sweet... the sad thing about not having kids is not having grandkids - I miss that. Put off starting a family until it was too late I'm afraid, but enjoy seeing everyone else's little ones. Sounds like a busy day and I bet you are knackered!

    Funny, as I read the comments from you all, I imagine you talking in the accent of your region. Having lived on both coasts and a bit in the south, plus having in-laws from Canada, it makes it more fun.

    And if I haven't mentioned it, kudo's to all of you current and retired teachers. Big job! Thank you for doing it!

    I worked in private business for many years then ended up in county government - 911 and Public Works which I retired from last year. I used to be the biggest critic of "government" workers but all jobs can be super stressful, dangerous, and just plain hard, especially in small counties where the $$ and staffing is tight.

    Some folks are able to make them look easy. I always found work, even if it wasn't my "cup of tea", a way to take my mind off other things - family or problems that were concerning me. Glad to have a 2 day a week job now to give my brain a break!

    Have a good week!

    SW WA State,

  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,125 Member
    Thanks ladies for the compliments on my DH's twin granddaughters! Yes they are identical!

    Heather - you look fantastic in your red dress! What a great picture of your DH and DGC!


    Mary from Minnesota
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Heather, I love the red dress. You look mawvelouuuusss...... <3

  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited February 2017
    Kate/Michele - I'm pretty sure my bones weigh more than 127 :):):wink:

    Janetr OKC
  • loseweightbb
    loseweightbb Posts: 36 Member
    Hi again. Wanted to share some from the ebook I've been reading (for 2nd time) while doing the treadmill. It's called "4 Mindsets for Effective Weight Loss: Prepare Your Mind to Lose Belly Fat" by Mark Diaz. It's a FREE Kindle book download.

    The 4 Mindsets are: Control, Enhanced Awareness, Investment Mentality, & Focused Judgement. It mentions often that it's important to achieve Control in order to effectively do the others, but they all work in conjunction with each other.

    The basic gist of control is to stop blaming external factors or people & take charge of your decisions. Accept responsibility for your choices & know you have the power to make better, healthier ones. In order to get better at this, he also talks about pausing before making any decision. During the pause, reflect on the choice & the healthy vs unhealthy consequences of your choice. Then make your decision & accept that it was YOURS - good or bad. By having an attitude that you are in control, you're more likely to get better & better at resisting temptations & also not feel like you're giving up something in life to eat healthy. This attitude will also make it more likely to stick with it for the long haul (making it a way of life) instead of feeling like you're depriving yourself of what you want just to lose wt in the short term. This makes me think of a saying I've heard before (not sure if quoting this correctly): Be careful of your words - they become your thoughts - & they become your actions. (Something like that.)

    Enhanced Awareness is the idea of imagining yourself in 3rd person whenever you feel tempted to make an unhealthy decision. It involves using the pause to remind yourself of what you gain (good health, etc) by choosing healthy food & exercising vs. unhealthy food & not exercising. He suggests even going into the bathroom & looking at yourself in the mirror to do this when practical or if a temptation is strong, so you can better focus on thinking about your choices & put more space between you & the temptation.

    Investment Mentality relates to deciding to invest more time, money, & energy in our lives to healthier endeavors vs. unhealthy ones. (Time spent on MyFitnessPal certainly fits into this.) Again, it comes down to the choices we make: choosing to invest our time/money/energy in things that improve our health instead of things that have a negative impact.

    Focused Judgement is about judging the quality of the food we eat. He mentions that we should focus our attention mostly on nutritional value, rather than social value. He suggests rating foods as either High Quality (basically anything in its natural state, with the most nutrients), Low Quality (heavily processed foods, with low nutritional value), or Medium Quality (minimally processed). Before making a food choice, think about which category it falls into & make most choices the High Quality group. Again, this works along with the Pause he talks about & taking time to consider the value of the food before just mindlessly eating it.

    If you are able to check out this book, I highly recommend it. For those who don't use ebooks, it's probably available somewhere in print, too. The book goes into much more detail & gives some really good additional "food for thought". One feature of the book I also like is that each section includes an Action Step part & Week Challenge. He suggests working on these mindsets before even starting to try to lose weight, but I think it's helpful advice to use no matter where you are in your journey.

    I'll keep reading it again & again (at least skimming anyway) & write down key quotes from it to help me stay focused on these mindsets.

    -- Becky in Upstate NY
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Lanette said "Funny, as I read the comments from you all, I imagine you talking in the accent of your region. Having lived on both coasts and a bit in the south, plus having in-laws from Canada, it makes it more fun."

    I love it, I do the same thing and thot I must be a bit daft lol

    Janetr OKC
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Beth - thank you so much for sharing your son's story. I have read it before but reading it today made me teary and gives me hope for my grandson. <3

    Janetr OKC
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Lanette – I agree; having to fill out forms … I couldn’t get what I take in the way of medications on the 5 little lines. I had a complicated pregnancy that I put on; because it could have turned into cancer if my OB/GYN had not done a whole lot of research.

    My middle sister has 2 kids (girl and a boy); but, she will never have any grandchildren; so she is ‘godmother’ to my oldest sister’s 6 grandchildren.

    Katla – Cracker is an ‘inside’ dog; and, as long as we keep her clipped she doesn’t shed quite a bad as she would if she had her ‘broken’ coat; and, she does not have a doggie odor either because when I take her to be washed, she is ‘de-skunked’ as well. I don’t know what I’d do if she actually did get sprayed; I guess I’d be going to the grocery store, and buying 2 or 3 big cans of ‘tomato juice’.

    Becky – A lot of us open up a word processing program (mind can then be minimized and put up beside the community screen). That is how I keep up trying to post when I find something to do. Or you can go back-and-forth between the screens if you have problems with having to scroll over with both.

    When we go out to eat; the first thing I do is cut my entrée in ½. Then I bring it home and have it the next day at lunch. Restaurants put way too much food on your plate. We went to a Chinese Restaurant and the first time we went and ordered at night; the waiter told us to order the ‘lunch’ plate as they put almost as much on it as they do at dinner. It still was ‘way too much’’ so we brought it home with us.

    When someone says they are having a hard time falling to sleep or waking up; I always suggest they talk to the MDs about the possibility of have ‘sleep apnea’. Ask your husband ‘if’ you snore when you are asleep. When testing, they will let you sleep and they record what is going on in the room, how many times you snore, how many time you stop breathing, how many times and how long you are awake and asleep. The 2nd test, they put on a C-pap machine and send the results to your GP or Neurologist … whoever ordered the test. I had my last test at my ‘lung MD’s’ office; and, I won’t ever do that. I will ask that I be allowed to take it at the hospital because their beds are adjustable … his were like sleeping on a slab of concrete.

    Pip – I think even ‘if’ you have had a lot of ‘fast food’ and then start on MFP, you become aware of how many calories things have in them. That made me stop eating it and sometimes finding out what’s actually in things, will turn you off as well. When I do eat a hotdog it has to be a “Hebrew National” one, since they are kosha. But, I will eat my DOS’s hotdog; but, without the bun.

    Mary – Victoria and Haylee are so cute; hard to believe they are already 9 months old. The helmets are cute with the stickers on them.

    Carol – Our Japanese tulip tree is also in full bloom; usually we have one more frost that sometimes takes some blooms with it. I hope we don’t have one this year. I’m ready for some warm weather. Today is beautiful; so, Cracker and I went for a 45-minute trek around the property.

    Michele – Y’all did not stop; I was on the side of the road, and was waving my arms wildly. They probably don’t serve walk-ups because it puts them too close to someone wanting to rob them; at least from a car, if they ducked that would not get shot. A car driving up; even if they stuck a gun out of the window; are still not in a good position to shoot. That is why they always close the window after you pay and pick up, too.

    I just got back from a 45-minute walk with Cracker. She’s tired and asleep right now. Louis and are ‘fixin’ to watch a movie; actually we are about to watch a movie.

  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,058 Member
    edited February 2017
    Michelle thank you for the suggestion. Unfortunately I do not do any artificial sweeteners and I do not like Stevia because of the bitter after taste. I am giving up ice cream because of its high sugar content and some ice cream still have high fructose scorn syrup in them. High fructose corn syrup is another ingredient I am trying to get out of my diet. I still get a little sugar in graham crackers and dark chocolate over 70%. Since I cut down on sugar I notice knee feels better and I am less bloated. No big movement in the scale as of yet. The important thing is I feel better and do not have cravings for foods with little nutritional value. I hoping to become more active again now that knee is doing better.

    Beth thank you for sharing the wonderful story about your older son.

    Heather you look stunning!

    :heart: Margaret
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,568 Member
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,568 Member
    stats for the day:

    jog- 54.14min, 1-1interval 5.5sp 0incline to 5.5sp 2.5incline, last 1-1/2mi up to 5.6-5.7sp, 136ahr, 150mhr, 10.51min mi, 5mi = 517c
    rowing machine- 10min, 139mhr, 117ahr, 62aw, 1698meters,/1.06mi = 94c
    sMatrix machine- 6min, 139ahr, 156mhr = 74c

    total cal 685
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    BETH ~ Thanks so much for telling us about your son and his amazing accomplishments. I am sure that a lot of this was due to having a wonderful supportive family and the grace and love that God bestows on us.
  • loseweightbb
    loseweightbb Posts: 36 Member
    Lenora: Thanks for the advice. I've actually been thinking lately that I need to get a sleep test done to ck for sleep apnea. I'm concerned about the effect ongoing lack of sleep is having on my health. I've had sinus problems for yrs & have a deviated septum, so do sometimes snore. Not all the time, just mostly when more congested. At 1st the insomnia got worse after going through menopause (at age 42) so I attributed it to night sweats, etc. since that's what usually woke me up. Now it's sometimes that since I'll wake up hot or cold back & forth. Other times, I wake up cuz I have to pee in middle of night or uncomfortable & hips ache, etc so need to switch sides/position. The early morning ones lately are usually being woken up from phone call for hubby to go plow snow or other days just because I've gotten so used to it, I end up waking up then anyway. Wish we had a spare bedroom this time of yr.

    I've also worked on different strategies to help fall asleep better, like avoiding eating or being on computer too close to bedtime & relaxing before bed if feeling stressed. Sometimes, nothing seems to matter, though. Even when feeling completely exhausted, just can't fall asleep. Sometimes feeling annoyed that I can't fall asleep & knowing how exhausted I'll be the next day can be stressful itself, especially if it's been ongoing for a few nights. If I find I'm thinking about stuff too much to fall asleep, I've tried going downstairs & laying on couch & watching (well, just listening to) the tv to try to fall asleep sometimes instead of tossing& turning all night. Also don't want to keep hubby awake with my tossing. Sometimes it works, since I often fall asleep watching tv, but then can't sleep when I go to bed. One night last wk, I tried to listen to some music while on the couch, but soon after the siren for the fire station that's near our house went off, so so much for that. Gave up & tried to go back to bed.

    I do want to make sure there's not something medical keeping me awake, too. I've mentioned it before to drs, but no-one ever suggested a sleep test. One dr. quite a few yrs ago prescribed Ambien, but I didn't feel like it helped - still took about 3 hrs to fall asleep after taking it & then just felt groggy, but minimal amount of more sleep. Don't like taking drugs for it either. I have an appt with my GP (actually the nurse practitioner or physician *kitten*'t - never remember which one she is) in a couple of wks, so plan to ask about it again then. There are so many factors that can affect getting a decent amount of sleep that it's hard to pinpoint the culprit, but I think a sleep test will at least check if it's apnea.

    -- Becky (upstate NY)
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    Thanks ladies, yep I think it was a migraine headache too.
    I have definitely changed my eating patterns since joining MFP years ago. I feel so proud of myself when I take the time to gather what I want to eat. Like foraging in the forest, but the forest happens to be my kitchen. Sometimes you really have to hunt for what your body wants. I don't settle for quick fixes anymore. I like spicy foods, even if it's just sautéing spinach I tend to sprinkle with Cayenne pepper and turmeric. After raising kids it's nice to reintroduce what tastes good TO ME. Not what my husband wishes, or other favorite foods of others, but MY wishes.

    I too take and cut in half meals at restaurants, taking half home. I have noticed how little I can eat yet still be content in my day. We are living in a society of gluttony and super sizes. I look to my scale and my teaspoons and am thankful I have A WOKEN from the fast food haze I was fermenting in.

    I read an article once about the "Slow Food" craze. Think the opposite of fast food. Look at the pleasure of eating locally grown food with people you care about. Looking at the production of foods regionally, seasonally, and not to buy in to the pace of processed food companies. It's an appealing concept! True I would love to practice this utopia way of eating while at a villa in Tuscany, but we do what we must.

    My story is simple. I ate for many years with no feeling, no joy, yet in the moments it was nothing but emotions and feeling. I would go from fast food joint to the next one down the road, over eating. Lee would be out to sea, and I suppose I was filling myself up because I was lonely. When kids came I learned to hide it.

    There comes a time when you realize you have lived longer than you have left, usually in your 50's. So I got my act together. Learned to say what I mean, and mean what I say. To live a truthful and honest life.

    Keepin' it real in
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,355 Member
    Pip – how interesting your story is! Loved reading how you’ve overcome so much and seeing what a wonderful person you are today.

    Beth – your son is such an inspiration. I remember working with a boy who had CP and he could do so much.

    Lenora – the reason we didn’t stop is because we gave Bonnie (especially) the sedative and wanted to get to Titusville before it completely wore off. I’m sorry. As if a person couldn’t get out of their car and shoot? Oh well….I just drove over…..no big deal. Not like I was going way out of my way. Wendy’s is right as you are coming into the condo. I just walked over there.

    Margaret – I don’t do artificial sweeteners either. Just got out the container. The ingredients are
    purified water, whey protein concentrate, organic can sugar, chicory root, sugarcane fiber guar gum, xantan gum, natural flavors, annatto, sea salt, monk fruit concentrate. Has no MSG
    or HVP. One serving (1/2 cup) as 3g protein and 5g sugar

    Michele from NC now in wonderful FL

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,568 Member
    Grits- that's one of the main reason of mfp, to make people aware of what you r putting into your body. I haven't had fast food in a lot of years now and it's ok, I love what I eat now.
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Queen, I have a sleep number bed. I also have a husband who has a really hard time with the billfold so I have a basic one. But that's OK. I still love it. Sometimes I do wish I could ask it what number would help with the hip pain but right now it's taking care of the back pain.

    My Dad used to have a small garden. He was very particular about making his own compost. I wish I knew what was in it. Also wish I could talk to him and ask him. But I will some time later when I die. But he read an article in a gardening magazine. It's called a pomato. You plant a tomato into a potato and then plant the potato. It gave bumper crops of both tomatoes and potatoes.

    Heather, WOWZAAAAAA. Now that's a red dress.

    Pip, I am so glad my state of Indiana had a small part in your journey to happiness again. Did Kirby live here?

    I was able to get up and go to church this morning!!!!!!!!!!!!! Before I had real had a long talk on Saturday nights with both God and the Devil on my desire to be able to go to church. But the Devil always won, I wouldn't be able to sleep at all that night, would get up with my back really hurting, etc, etc. I was really great in making excuses as to why I should stay in bed on Sunday mornings. Last night in my nightly prayers, I expressed to God how much I wanted to be in church this morning. I think it was been 12 Sundays now. It started out last December with the nose bleeds, hospitalizations, back going out, herniated disc. So last night I didn't talk to the devil at all. Maybe he thinks I ignored him. With the physical therapy working on my having back strength while standing still such as in a church choir of just in church, I was able to stand and sing, not the amount to be back in the choir but I still felt more like a member of the congregation and not a little old lady who can't stand up like my Mom was. Whoaaaa Joyce, Did you just have an Ah Ah moment???? You are scared of becoming your Mom who had a terrible as in Ivan the Terrible back. I am scared of becoming my back.

    Went to see my sister, she is doing well. She is on Vancomycin which can be hard on veins, she is now on her third IV and she has only been there since Thursday afternoon. My nephew and his wife were there. He works for a local lumbar, etc company. He can get us our two doors we need at cost + 10% so that will help.

    Joyce, Indiana