I have a broken heart...



  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    ...on a lighter note...

    i sing! ..shyly and unconfidently like everything else in my life but still. why not!


    Pretty voice. And the gospel songs remind me of my ex.
  • kaned_ferret
    kaned_ferret Posts: 618 Member

    Oh I will absolutely agree with that. Movies like to portray that love can overcome all, when in reality it cannot. People are complicated and perceive things different ways. My issue really is with the idea that men cannot be trusted, which I take as a bit of a slight. Perhaps you have had some unfortunate experiences with the men in your life, but I assure you that not all men are untrustworthy by nature.

    You're right. People are untrustworthy by nature (not just men), though I'm always optimistic to be proven wrong (and cynical enough to not be surprised when I'm not :wink: ). As a species we are simply too self-involved.

    Don't you find that the cynicism makes you withhold a good part of your trust for another person because of the fear of being disappointed? I generally don't trust many people, but the people who do have it have it completely.

    Yes, entirely. I made the mistake of giving my everything one too may times. And from an age perspective, sorry to say the last one that did me over was 40. So don't use age as a safety net ladies, it might be a guide to maturity but it's a loose one and clearly you can get s**t on from a great height at any time :ohwell:
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member

    Oh I will absolutely agree with that. Movies like to portray that love can overcome all, when in reality it cannot. People are complicated and perceive things different ways. My issue really is with the idea that men cannot be trusted, which I take as a bit of a slight. Perhaps you have had some unfortunate experiences with the men in your life, but I assure you that not all men are untrustworthy by nature.

    You're right. People are untrustworthy by nature (not just men), though I'm always optimistic to be proven wrong (and cynical enough to not be surprised when I'm not :wink: ). As a species we are simply too self-involved.

    Don't you find that the cynicism makes you withhold a good part of your trust for another person because of the fear of being disappointed? I generally don't trust many people, but the people who do have it have it completely.

    Yes, entirely. I made the mistake of giving my everything one too may times. And from an age perspective, sorry to say the last one that did me over was 40. So don't use age as a safety net ladies, it might be a guide to maturity but it's a loose one and clearly you can get s**t on from a great height at any time :ohwell:

    Choose better quality guys. :tongue:
  • swagoner94
    swagoner94 Posts: 220 Member
    you should probably get you a condenser mic with a pop guard to bring your voice out a little more

    ahaha didn't expect people would actually go look, but yes i agree. webcams aren't the most efficient. nor are 58435830485 year old out of tune pianos
  • Addis_Daddy12
    Addis_Daddy12 Posts: 548 Member
    Now that my friend was some true cynicism
  • Addis_Daddy12
    Addis_Daddy12 Posts: 548 Member
    Of course I was gonna go and listen. I host my own talk radio show. I listen to everything
  • swagoner94
    swagoner94 Posts: 220 Member
    Of course I was gonna go and listen. I host my own talk radio show. I listen to everything

    that's awesome!
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    Of course I was gonna go and listen. I host my own talk radio show. I listen to everything

    Oh this I have to hear.
  • Addis_Daddy12
    Addis_Daddy12 Posts: 548 Member
  • hedgiie
    hedgiie Posts: 1,245 Member
    i married a lady who is similar to you. and let me tell you that i feel lucky, i'm very thankful that i found her. it seems that you found a wrong guy, it's not until he realize that he found a jewel.

    it's hard to give advise but i can tell that your a catch for a lot of good guys like me.
  • Addis_Daddy12
    Addis_Daddy12 Posts: 548 Member
    Its a show about beer and food....mostly beer. I brew my own beer at home and have a brewery set up in my garage.
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    I was expecting political rants. I'm pleasantly surprised it is about beer. That is awesome.
  • swagoner94
    swagoner94 Posts: 220 Member
    i married a lady who is similar to you. and let me tell you that i feel lucky, i'm very thankful that i found her. it seems that you found a wrong guy, it's not until he realize that he found a jewel.

    it's hard to give advise but i can tell that your a catch for a lot of good guys like me.

    that's so sweet! glad you found such a jewel for yourself. and thank you :) I'm kinda realizing i got some issues now... he is so good to me... he tells me i'm this "jewel" and all. Honestly, he hasn't really wronged me presently. it's me. hating his past. that's about it.
  • Addis_Daddy12
    Addis_Daddy12 Posts: 548 Member
    yeah. Its my radio show to do with what I want. So I can promote pretty much anything that I would like. If I was to find a talent and play their music say as intro or outro music or commercial break plug music, then I have free range to do that
  • michellemybelll
    michellemybelll Posts: 2,228 Member
    Of course I was gonna go and listen. I host my own talk radio show. I listen to everything

    oh dear god i have visions of a rush-limbaugh-esque train wreck.

  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    Of course I was gonna go and listen. I host my own talk radio show. I listen to everything

    oh dear god i have visions of a rush-limbaugh-esque train wreck.


    Honestly I was expecting something more Michael Savage-esque. :laugh:
  • michellemybelll
    michellemybelll Posts: 2,228 Member
    Of course I was gonna go and listen. I host my own talk radio show. I listen to everything

    oh dear god i have visions of a rush-limbaugh-esque train wreck.


    Honestly I was expecting something more Michael Savage-esque. :laugh:

    too bad it couldn't be more dan savage-y 'eh? :wink:
  • GuybrushThreepw00d
    GuybrushThreepw00d Posts: 784 Member
    I just had to reply because I had a similar situation. I was a virgin when I got married but my husband was a slut prior to us getting together. He had very few actual relationships but lots of physical relationships. He stayed with a girl just long enough to get her to sleep with him then he found a way out.

    The first thing I had to do was resolve that I was not going to let his past behaviors change the image I had of the man he is.
    The second thing I had to do was stop comparing myself to the other girls.

    I reminded myself that while he may have slept with lots of other women, he dropped them shortly thereafter. With me, he respected my beliefs and loved me enough to be celibate through three years of dating.

    He cooked for me, would take me on creative dates to the playground to swing when he was broke, would bring me soup and ice cream when I was sick....things he would have never done for those other girls.
    He CHOSE me! Even if I couldn't fully understand it, he saw me as the love of his life and he forgot those other girls. Then after we were married and began having a sexual relationship, I then struggled with worrying that he wasn't happy with me, he thought so and so was better in bed, he wished I would do that thing so and so would do. But I realized that was all in my head.
    He loves me and cherishes me and loved the relationship (physical and otherwise) that we have built together.

    I read this and;

  • Addis_Daddy12
    Addis_Daddy12 Posts: 548 Member
    wow the haters are running deep tonight aren't they? Rush is an idiot....so is Michael Savage...I am not that politically motivated actually. I just don't think people can necessarily be trusted in general
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    Of course I was gonna go and listen. I host my own talk radio show. I listen to everything

    oh dear god i have visions of a rush-limbaugh-esque train wreck.


    Honestly I was expecting something more Michael Savage-esque. :laugh:

    too bad it couldn't be more dan savage-y 'eh? :wink:

    That would have been awesome!!!!
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