Humans are not designed to drink cows milk



  • hseipel12
    hseipel12 Posts: 26
    Im alergic to almonds AND milk. *sigh*

    What's a girl to do?!

    Buy a goat.

    Wait, is that against the rules too?

    ^^This! I have some for sale!!
  • rachseby
    rachseby Posts: 285 Member
    Im alergic to almonds AND milk. *sigh*

    What's a girl to do?!

    Buy a goat.

    Wait, is that against the rules too?
    How about cat's milk?
  • Heather_Rider
    Heather_Rider Posts: 1,159 Member
    Im alergic to almonds AND milk. *sigh*

    What's a girl to do?!

    Buy a goat.

    Wait, is that against the rules too?

    But I dont LIKE the taste of goats milk!! :cry:
  • Heather_Rider
    Heather_Rider Posts: 1,159 Member
    Im alergic to almonds AND milk. *sigh*

    What's a girl to do?!

    Buy a goat.

    Wait, is that against the rules too?
    How about cat's milk?

    Thats just fukcing wrong! LOL!
  • rachseby
    rachseby Posts: 285 Member
    I'd also like to point out that a cow is someone's cow, not "someone's" mother, because that would make a calf "someone." Calves are not "someone," they are someone's animals.

    And someone's steak
  • TheBitSlinger
    TheBitSlinger Posts: 621 Member
    I can't stand next to a cow without wanting to slather BBQ sauce on it.
  • Teardrop81
    Teardrop81 Posts: 132 Member
    Why do I always get sucked into reading the ENTIRE thread of these controversies? :noway: Well, at least I realized I was wasting my time only halfway through this one. I'm going to find some awesome new recipes now, which will most likey include dairy. :tongue:
  • phatguerilla
    phatguerilla Posts: 188 Member
    ALL of your farting? i drink almond milk but i still fart yo...what's up with that? :huh:

    You need to get 100% of your calories from almonds and almond by products, duh.... Humans were designed to eat almonds dontchaknow
  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member

    THANKYOU for this. I'm a veggie but am toying with the idea of becoming vegan. This helps.

    you know if nobody bought meat or milk, that cow would have never been born, right? or would be meat instead of milk

    If the cow was never born, she wouldn't suffer. You can't justify the industry like that.

    I haven't consumed meat or dairy in 12 years. I see where meat is OK for most of us, but in general, humans eat (and waste) too much of it.

    We are the only species that willingly drinks milk from another species and after infancy.

    Soy milk, in moderation, is a great alternative. High protein, low cholesterol. Just get it unsweetened.
    I heard that unfermented soy is bad for you...

    Not to mention the inhumane treatment of all those soys. Soy abuse has to end.
  • iplayoutside19
    iplayoutside19 Posts: 2,304 Member

    And, Be sure to show this pitcure to the Bobcat, Mountain Lion, or Coyote that will come looking for her, too!
  • mikemsu
    mikemsu Posts: 77 Member
    We are the only species that willingly drinks milk from another species and after infancy.


    So much for that theory!!!
  • calibriintx
    calibriintx Posts: 1,741 Member
    The first time I heard this, I was pregnant and really emotional. That coupled with the fact that dairy worsened my morning sickness, and I jumped right on the milk-is-for-baby-cows-not-people-wagon. I was at a breastfeeding class and they spent more time bashing cows milk than teaching us about breastfeeding. I left there completely disgusted by everything dairy. Eventually I started eating cheese and yogurt again but I'd still gag if I tried to drink milk.

    It wasn't until I joined MFP and read thread after thread of the anti-milk rants that I started to realize how badly those ladies had ninja'd my brain. Happy to report that I now drink milk again. :drinker:
  • JennaM222
    JennaM222 Posts: 1,996 Member

    and she is damn tasty! Medium rare please!

    Yes with a side of A1
  • susannamarie
    susannamarie Posts: 2,148 Member
    Our cats, pigs, and chickens all love milk, both cow milk and goat milk. As a matter of fact, the cats sit by the milking parlor mewling for their share, and the pigs and chickens come running when they see the bucket, even if they have grain in the pan.

    Since I have the gene for lactase persistence, I will drink milk, as my body was apparently designed to do whenever the gene mutated for my ancestors. I have never experienced ill effects, on my digestive system or otherwise, even when drinking more than a gallon per day.
  • Legs_McGee
    Legs_McGee Posts: 845 Member
    I've tried a number of the different 'milks' out there and while I like them, I find them awfully sweet, so I'm going to stick to my cow's milk, thank you very much.

    Though I'm pretty certain that years of generations drinking cow's milk has made it okay for us to have it.

    So why is there still lactose intolerance among our society? All humans are lactose intolerant, just some people are more "intolerant" then others. I'm sorry, but i'm not drinking a steroid & hormone laced milk that makes a calf grow to 900lbs in a few months.

    I'm not lactose intolerant; lactose and I get along very well. I like cow's milk - especially with chocolate in it. I think almond milk and soy milk are nasty.
  • rachseby
    rachseby Posts: 285 Member
    Humans are not designed to drink cows milk, I totally agree. Thats how I don't understand why everyone freaks out saying, "I'm lactose intolerant!" Well duh, everyone is because we're not meant to have milk past childhood. Our bodies aren't designed for it.

    No, not everyone is lactose intolerant. There are many of us who carry a mutation that allows us to continue drinking milk past infancy. Look it up. I am not lactose intolerant.
    There are people who are allergic to nuts or shellfish...does that mean no one should eat them?
  • rjmudlax13
    rjmudlax13 Posts: 900 Member
    Humans weren't designed. We evolved. We are still evolving.

  • Heather_Rider
    Heather_Rider Posts: 1,159 Member
    Humans are not designed to drink cows milk, I totally agree. Thats how I don't understand why everyone freaks out saying, "I'm lactose intolerant!" Well duh, everyone is because we're not meant to have milk past childhood. Our bodies aren't designed for it.

    No, not everyone is lactose intolerant. There are many of us who carry a mutation that allows us to continue drinking milk past infancy. Look it up. I am not lactose intolerant.
    There are people who are allergic to nuts or shellfish...does that mean no one should eat them?

    No, but at least stand down wind of those who dont eat them.. we arent "blessing" you... dont share with us!!
  • rachseby
    rachseby Posts: 285 Member
    I can't stand next to a cow without wanting to slather BBQ sauce on it.
  • rachseby
    rachseby Posts: 285 Member
    Humans are not designed to drink cows milk, I totally agree. Thats how I don't understand why everyone freaks out saying, "I'm lactose intolerant!" Well duh, everyone is because we're not meant to have milk past childhood. Our bodies aren't designed for it.

    No, not everyone is lactose intolerant. There are many of us who carry a mutation that allows us to continue drinking milk past infancy. Look it up. I am not lactose intolerant.
    There are people who are allergic to nuts or shellfish...does that mean no one should eat them?

    No, but at least stand down wind of those who dont eat them.. we arent "blessing" you... dont share with us!!