Humans are not designed to drink cows milk



  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    Who cares what other species do? Humans who are descended from enough generations of dairy farmers or herders have evolved the ability to digest lactose as adults. This has evolved in the last few thousand years, and only in populations that kept milk producing animals (it's likely they were kept for meat initially, then they gradually shifted into eating dairy, probably starting with supplementing children's diets with dairy, then those individuals who could digest dairy at older ages had a survival advantage as they had an extra food source to turn to in a food shortage, and so survived better and left more genes in the population... continue that for enough generations and you have a population that's adapted to eating dairy). Other populations that never kept milk producing animals carried on exploiting other food sources, and never adapted to eating dairy, and there are much higher levels of lactose intolerance in those populations. Lactose intolerant people shouldn't drink milk, but chances are they already know that, due to getting ill from drinking milk...

    I am descended from dairy farmers. I am adapted to eating dairy; it doesn't make me ill. I will continue to eat dairy.
  • rachseby
    rachseby Posts: 285 Member

    THANKYOU for this. I'm a veggie but am toying with the idea of becoming vegan. This helps.

    you know if nobody bought meat or milk, that cow would have never been born, right? or would be meat instead of milk

    If the cow was never born, she wouldn't suffer. You can't justify the industry like that.

    I haven't consumed meat or dairy in 12 years. I see where meat is OK for most of us, but in general, humans eat (and waste) too much of it.

    We are the only species that willingly drinks milk from another species and after infancy.

    Soy milk, in moderation, is a great alternative. High protein, low cholesterol. Just get it unsweetened.
    I heard that unfermented soy is bad for you...

    Not to mention the inhumane treatment of all those soys. Soy abuse has to end.
    I like my sushi too much..
  • thesupremeforce
    thesupremeforce Posts: 1,206 Member

    And, Be sure to show this pitcure to the Bobcat, Mountain Lion, or Coyote that will come looking for her, too!

    I'm trying to picture a bobcat taking down an adult cow. The mental image is hilarious to me.
  • KenosFeoh
    KenosFeoh Posts: 1,837 Member
    Nonsense. Humans are omnivores.
  • StacyReneO
    StacyReneO Posts: 317 Member
    That's why I only drink almond milk. It has fixed all my flatulence problems. Give it a try!

    Getting rid of all dairy has rid me of flatulence issues as well. I am not a fan of almond milk unless I make it myself, so I tend to use a lot of coconut milk.
  • K_Serz
    K_Serz Posts: 1,299 Member

    And, Be sure to show this pitcure to the Bobcat, Mountain Lion, or Coyote that will come looking for her, too!

    I'm trying to picture a bobcat taking down an adult cow. The mental image is hilarious to me.

  • KristinD1977
    KristinD1977 Posts: 100 Member
    Unless you have been surgically enhanced to have 4 stomachs, like a cow, then there is a pretty good chance that cow's milk was not designed for you. If it were the ideal nutrition then why would so many mother's choose breastfeeding when it would be so simple to feed cow's milk instead which we (human's) must be designed to consume by this point in time???
    This is a fitness site and while not EVERYONE on here aims to be healthy or feel better, plenty of us do and are. While human's weren't designed for the vices mentioned, many people do enjoy them in moderation but they can in no way become their physical best by making those items the main staple.
    I don't think that the OP was calling milk the devil just sharing info about a positive digestive change. :)
  • theoriginaljayne
    theoriginaljayne Posts: 559 Member
    The genetic mutation that allows for lactase production throughout life in some indicates that yes, in fact, you ARE designed to drink cows milk if you have that mutation, considering that dairy farming is what brought about the mutation and its persistance.

    By the logic of the "we aren't designed to drink cows milk" hooplah, if you in fact are one of the people blessed with lactase production in adulthood, you absolutely SHOULD drink cows milk as you know for a fact that your ancestors specifically evolved to drink cows milk; it is the one food product that you are absolutely certain that you are in fact designed to consume, as there is no other reason for lactase production to persist into adulthood.


    Most people of European ancestry have the genetic mutations that cause lactase persistence, due to cattle domestication in northern Europe several thousand years ago. Approximately 35% of all humans worldwide also have lactase persistence. Most of the people who do experience lactase nonpersistence can still eat varying amounts of dairy with no symptoms, especially fermented products like cheese and yogurt.

    I'm going to go enjoy a glass of milk now.

    For your researching pleasure:
  • etoiles_argentees
    etoiles_argentees Posts: 2,827 Member
    Where our ancestors came from, how they adapted to manage their environment, and where we live today all have a huge impact on our health. I produce the needed enzymes (lactase) as an adult so somewhere back in the 1400s or so there was dairy available to me.
  • MSeel1984
    MSeel1984 Posts: 2,297 Member
    Im alergic to almonds AND milk. *sigh*

    What's a girl to do?!

    Buy a goat.

    Wait, is that against the rules too?
    How about cat's milk?

    "You can milk anything with nipples..."

    "I have nipples, Focker. Can you milk me?"
  • susannamarie
    susannamarie Posts: 2,148 Member
    Unless you have been surgically enhanced to have 4 stomachs, like a cow, then there is a pretty good chance that cow's milk was not designed for you.

    Cows do not actually use their 4 stomachs to digest milk. This is a common misconception. The rumen, reticulum, and omasum are all for digesting grass, grain, and other vegetative matter. When a calf drinks, the sucking mechanism runs the milk directly into the abomasum, which is the true stomach and similar to our own.
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,474 Member
    I disagree TOTALLY.
  • acogg
    acogg Posts: 1,870 Member
    I know a young girl who was lactose intolerant until she was age 8. She grew out of it
  • SirBonerFart
    SirBonerFart Posts: 1,185 Member
    Unless you have been surgically enhanced to have 4 stomachs, like a cow, then there is a pretty good chance that cow's milk was not designed for you.

    Cows do not actually use their 4 stomachs to digest milk. This is a common misconception. The rumen, reticulum, and omasum are all for digesting grass, grain, and other vegetative matter. When a calf drinks, the sucking mechanism runs the milk directly into the abomasum, which is the true stomach and similar to our own.

    What do you think you are some kind of doctor?
  • susannamarie
    susannamarie Posts: 2,148 Member
    Unless you have been surgically enhanced to have 4 stomachs, like a cow, then there is a pretty good chance that cow's milk was not designed for you.

    Cows do not actually use their 4 stomachs to digest milk. This is a common misconception. The rumen, reticulum, and omasum are all for digesting grass, grain, and other vegetative matter. When a calf drinks, the sucking mechanism runs the milk directly into the abomasum, which is the true stomach and similar to our own.

    What do you think you are some kind of doctor?

    Nope, just someone who knows how calf digestion actually works.
  • chubaway
    chubaway Posts: 1,645 Member
    Im alergic to almonds AND milk. *sigh*

    What's a girl to do?!

    Buy a goat.

    Wait, is that against the rules too?
    How about cat's milk?

    "You can milk anything with nipples..."

    "I have nipples, Focker. Can you milk me?"

    I'm a man, with nipples, try milking me and you'll be missing a few teeth . . . wait, on second thought . . .
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,228 Member
    Unless you have been surgically enhanced to have 4 stomachs, like a cow, then there is a pretty good chance that cow's milk was not designed for you.

    Cows do not actually use their 4 stomachs to digest milk. This is a common misconception. The rumen, reticulum, and omasum are all for digesting grass, grain, and other vegetative matter. When a calf drinks, the sucking mechanism runs the milk directly into the abomasum, which is the true stomach and similar to our own.

  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,228 Member
    Humans weren't designed. We evolved. We are still evolving.


    Oh thank you thank you thank you!
  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    I know a young girl who was lactose intolerant until she was age 8. She grew out of it

    Oh hi, I didn't know we had met!

    Seriously though, my brother and I both had trouble with milk as kids. We would get upset stomachs, ear aches, nosebleeds, etc. My mom had to take us both off all products with dairy in it. It was no fun.

    But we both grew out of it.

    Brb, gotta go drink my protein shake mixed with milk.