How did you meet your SO?



  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,841 Member
    scottyp65 wrote: »
    At a bar called The Hitching Post...

    Is that the one in Arizona?

  • gamerbabe14
    gamerbabe14 Posts: 876 Member
  • mattdhall
    mattdhall Posts: 85 Member
    We played in a band together.
  • serenityfrye
    serenityfrye Posts: 360 Member
    In college. A few of us all drove to church together every week, but they were older boys and I was too shy to get to know them well. Actually my best friend had a crush on him for ages so it took me a while to stop considering him "off limits" and agree to go out with him when he asked :tongue:
  • ValleyHooper
    ValleyHooper Posts: 1,993 Member
    We met online, but he had some friends in the same town I was in. He drove all the way from Montana to California to see me. He never went back. We got married pretty fast (felt right, but we were young and stupid). Anyways it will be 13 years next month. I am surprised someone could put up with me for that long. He deserves a damn award or something. :D
  • LittleHearseDriver
    LittleHearseDriver Posts: 2,677 Member
    Note: Skip to the end for a much quicker "too long; didn't read"

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    I had a really close friend who used to date my cousin back when I was like 15 when we all hung out together in a tight-knit group of friends. We'll give him a code name of He ended up moving away and eventually joining the Army a few years down the road. Well, apparently, Z had harbored some kind of romantic/nostalgic feelings for me all those years and ended up telling one of his best friends in the military all about me. They would talk about all the good memories we'd had and whatever else I'm sure guys talk Well, his friend thought - since Z was stuck in a loveless marriage at the time, and he'd been waxing poetic about some hometown girl so much - that he should grow some balls and end things with the aforementioned now ex-wife and confess his feelings for me. Z hesitated, but ended up deciding to stop back by my mother's house when he came back home for a visit and figured he would confess said feelings. However, I was 19-20 by that time, so I obviously didn't live there anymore. I get a call from my mom that Z randomly stopped in after several years and to get in touch with him.

    So, I did. And, he confessed. It was awkward, because he was more like a brother to me and I was also in a relationship at the time. Not a happy one, but I don't stray on anyone for any reason. So, I was polite and jovial about it so I didn't hurt his feelings too much, but you could tell he started to pull away a little from reigniting a friendship at that point. So, his friend from the military steps in on his behalf to give him a good word and tell me that Z was in love with me, and that I should give it a chance. Doesn't help, because I obviously don't have romantic feelings for him. But, me and Z's friend become friends over the whole ordeal -- we actually end up being a lot closer than Z and I ever were, even back in the day.

    But, it's all long distance friendship over the internet, because they were stationed in Colorado and I was bouncing back and forth between AZ and CA at the time. (That aforementioned bad relationship had me moving back home to CA over the course of that time.) So, jumping forward a few years because this is already long enough...I am officially broken up with my ex for the last time for many reasons and am back in California permanently. Z's friend had also ended his relationship around the same time, because she kept cheating on him. We commiserated with one another for having survived horrible relationships, and it was becoming clear that we would have been much happier all along with people like one another, since we had so much in common and had the same values for relationships. However, we remained just friends. Then, my best friend and I were planning a trip to a brewery out in Colorado, and I mentioned maybe stopping by to see him. My best friend must have known all along that she wanted us together, because she quickly dropped out of the plans and said that I should still go without her. Definitely a wink-wink there, but I was still clueless at the He found out and agreed that I should still go and could stay with him instead of having to pay for a hotel. So, I thought -- "Awesome! It's good to have friends! Maybe I will."

    And, then a few weeks later - before I decided if I was going to go or not, we were talking on the phone, and he started telling me about this girl he really liked but that they were friends and he was afraid to tell her and ruin things between them because they were really close. I was happy for him because he deserved someone who finally made him happy, and I urged him to bite the bullet and just tell her! So, he did...and, that "friend" was actually me. And, up until that point, I had never given romantic feelings a thought, because we were pretty much best friends and thought I just really cared for him -- but, it was like a light switched on when he told me, and my heart stopped. I didn't just care for him, I loved him. And, it clicked. I decided to go see him under the pretenses of still going as friends and then we'd see if there was chemistry, but no pressure if there wasn't. I didn't want to lose his friendship either. Well, that was almost 10 years ago, and we're married with kids now. The chemistry was undeniable then and still is to this day! :heart:

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    TL;DR: He was a friend-of-a-friend who tried to get me together with said friend, but he is a terrible wingman, and we ended up together instead! :lol:

    This made me tear up :love: That's straight up Nicholas Sparks material!
  • SomebodyWakeUpHIcks
    SomebodyWakeUpHIcks Posts: 3,836 Member
    Nicholas Sparks introduced me to my wife our first year at Rysner.
  • SomebodyWakeUpHIcks
    SomebodyWakeUpHIcks Posts: 3,836 Member
    We met on AOL in a chat room. I was surfing profiles, thought he might be interesting and he didn't live too far from me. I was just looking for friends. Met in person the next day at his work, we sat on a skid of potatoes and talked for 2 hours. Been together 18 years and married for over 16 :heart:

    Dang, AOL has been dead for a long time! You just made me feel old!!