What did you dream about last night?



  • vikinglander
    vikinglander Posts: 1,547 Member
    yayabeaks wrote: »
    Well... you know the plastic egg that comes inside the kinder egg with the toy in it? Well I dreamed that massive Ines of those were coming from the sky!

    Thousands of eggs coming out of the sky? This means the universe was created by a great cosmic bird!! We can fight wars over whether it was a chicken, a pheasant, or a toucan!!
  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,788 Member
    TheRoadDog wrote: »
    I dreamed I was in a Hollywood movie
    And that I was the star of the movie
    This really blew my mind
    The fact that me, an overfed long-haired leaping gnome
    Should be the star of a Hollywood movie, hm
    But there I was, mm
    I was taken to a place
    The hall of the mountain kings
    I stood high upon a mountain top
    Naked to the world
    In front of
    Every kind of girl
    There was long ones, tall ones, short ones, brown ones
    Black ones, round ones, big ones, crazy ones
    Out of the middle came a lady
    She whispered in my ear
    Something crazy
    She said

    Spill the wine, take that pearl

    Oh my goodness! That is such a cool dream!!! I know exactly the meaning. Do you?

    No. Explain it to me.
  • vikinglander
    vikinglander Posts: 1,547 Member
    Last night I had a dream that I was choosen to represent some party for the the president. I was given athority to speak for the party but not allowed into the party agenda meetings because I represented it. Everytime I tried to get into the room I was told it was against the policys of the establishment and would disqualify me. At one point Ivanka had to sit outside the room with me so I wouldn't try and sneak in. I tried yet again and was told to stay out. This time I started to feel embarrassed and spoke with truth saying, I am smart enough to speak for your party but not smart enough to be invited in. And I left.

    Oh. No.

    I KNEW there was another agenda!!
  • browneyedgirl749
    browneyedgirl749 Posts: 4,984 Member
    I had a dream I was going on a house tour with a friend. The house was a fixer upper. We opened the freezer to see that it had power to it, and there was food in there. We opened the fridge and it didn't work. There was a huge 7 layer dip in there, and it started to move. There was a big *kitten* rat that came out of it.
  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    Not last night but the night before I had a really intense dream about a coworker...and all I recall is her grabbing me and then me kissing her neck.

    Very weird in the office today.
  • Just_J_Now
    Just_J_Now Posts: 9,551 Member
    I can't remember what I dreamed about last night, thank goodness. My dreams are often progressively scary so I don't like to dream. They start out fine then suddenly I wake up in cold sweats and frightened.

    ps. Is it dreamt or dreamed? The grammar police might come after me. *shrugs* :#
  • TurnuptheACDC
    TurnuptheACDC Posts: 318 Member
    I had a dream that I climbed on top of the white Chevy Tahoe and started teeing off. I guess the driving range at the golf course isn't cutting it anymore.
  • loveliveswithin
    loveliveswithin Posts: 2,256 Member
    TheRoadDog wrote: »
    TheRoadDog wrote: »
    I dreamed I was in a Hollywood movie
    And that I was the star of the movie
    This really blew my mind
    The fact that me, an overfed long-haired leaping gnome
    Should be the star of a Hollywood movie, hm
    But there I was, mm
    I was taken to a place
    The hall of the mountain kings
    I stood high upon a mountain top
    Naked to the world
    In front of
    Every kind of girl
    There was long ones, tall ones, short ones, brown ones
    Black ones, round ones, big ones, crazy ones
    Out of the middle came a lady
    She whispered in my ear
    Something crazy
    She said

    Spill the wine, take that pearl

    Oh my goodness! That is such a cool dream!!! I know exactly the meaning. Do you?

    No. Explain it to me.

    I messaged you the details.
  • loveliveswithin
    loveliveswithin Posts: 2,256 Member
    I dreamt that I was walking alone on a train track in the middle of nowhere and it was getting dark.

    That was it, no idea??? :anguished:

    The track represents life. Do you view life right now as an endless track going to a destination you can't quite see yet?
  • loveliveswithin
    loveliveswithin Posts: 2,256 Member
    kittkat789 wrote: »
    All I can remember is I kept having dreams I was being chased

    Being chased means you still believe in opposing forces... good and evil. With out a chaser (opposing force) there would be no chase.
  • loveliveswithin
    loveliveswithin Posts: 2,256 Member
    J_Surita3 wrote: »
    I can't remember what I dreamed about last night, thank goodness. My dreams are often progressively scary so I don't like to dream. They start out fine then suddenly I wake up in cold sweats and frightened.

    ps. Is it dreamt or dreamed? The grammar police might come after me. *shrugs* :#

    Dreamed and dreamt are both allowable past tense forms of the verb dream. Dreamt is often described as the British version of the word, however, a Google Books Ngram search shows that dreamed is more common than dreamt in both British and American English.

    I wouldn't have guessed, I graduated with a fine arts major. :)
  • fit4life_78
    fit4life_78 Posts: 165 Member
    yayabeaks wrote: »
    Well... you know the plastic egg that comes inside the kinder egg with the toy in it? Well I dreamed that massive Ines of those were coming from the sky!

    nice :) .......and what is the massive toy that you got ;)
  • loveliveswithin
    loveliveswithin Posts: 2,256 Member
    I was walking into the city. A man came out of the shadows laughing. He was slicing and stabbing at my flesh. I was totally annoyed that he was blocking my path and I said "go". He was swept away with the wind and I continued on my path.
  • loveliveswithin
    loveliveswithin Posts: 2,256 Member
    TheRoadDog wrote: »
    TheRoadDog wrote: »
    I dreamed I was in a Hollywood movie
    And that I was the star of the movie
    This really blew my mind
    The fact that me, an overfed long-haired leaping gnome
    Should be the star of a Hollywood movie, hm
    But there I was, mm
    I was taken to a place
    The hall of the mountain kings
    I stood high upon a mountain top
    Naked to the world
    In front of
    Every kind of girl
    There was long ones, tall ones, short ones, brown ones
    Black ones, round ones, big ones, crazy ones
    Out of the middle came a lady
    She whispered in my ear
    Something crazy
    She said

    Spill the wine, take that pearl

    Oh my goodness! That is such a cool dream!!! I know exactly the meaning. Do you?

    No. Explain it to me.

    I messaged you the details.

    I was taken away to a place you know not of. I was told that this was not your dream but the dream of another. Why did you tell me this was your dream?

    Good luck to you.
  • loveliveswithin
    loveliveswithin Posts: 2,256 Member
    A few days ago TheRoadDog messaged me about a "dream" he had,
    Here would be the interpitation if it was truely his:
    The movie "role" or script is the part you play in this life. You are the "star" because the stars shine brighter than the darkness. A star represents those who have God's wisdom (like King Solomon) that are given the gift to shine brightly for those who know not the Light. The fact that you are in disbelief that this is your role shows you are very humble at heart. God humbles the proud but shows favor to the humble

    The "mountain kings" are those who have stood face to face with God (like Moses). You stood naked because there was nothing to separate you and God (remove your shoes, for the ground you stand upon is holy... nothing should separate you from the face of God, nothing you DO or say will bring you closer or farther from God, it is what you believe in that matters). The many women figures represent all the flowers of the field or the multitudes ("many are called but few are chosen"). The one who drew herself forth with the message "spill the blood, take the pearl" is either saying receive (by believing) the Christ and take(receive) the pearl of great price (Truth) or Speak the Truth (speak what you believe in and receive the Pearl (priceless treasure/Truth).

    Is it such that TheRoadDog believes this lie to be reality? Does your perception lead you astray? If this was truly your dream your purpose would have been much different than the one you are now.
  • FeraFilia
    FeraFilia Posts: 4,664 Member
    I dreamed about drinks on the beach. So ready for my vacation.
  • loveliveswithin
    loveliveswithin Posts: 2,256 Member
    I dreamt I was at a huge banquet table. There were all sorts of people there, homeless people, wealthy people, tall, short and such. They were all talking together about all sorts of things. Like a big family.
    After dinner, we all went out into the city. Disaster was all 'round. I saw a car that was smashed by a huge firey boulder. The homeless man, from the banquet, ran into the car to save the people inside. Just then, the car engulfed in flames. Then, I saw the same man walk from the car unharmed. He motioned to me to "come on let's go help the others".
  • BoosDimples
    BoosDimples Posts: 2,826 Member
    Last night's dream was very disjointed(probably because my sleep was broken), it involved trying to protect seals and homeless children but, ultimately, I ended up locking myself in a public toilet. An old school friend and someone I don't know were trying to get in at me. The stranger was yelling" It's been three months!" To which I responded: "since you last took a *kitten*?". Srsly. :confounded:
  • BoosDimples
    BoosDimples Posts: 2,826 Member
    I've also dreamed about two MFp'ers this week, too.
  • LittleLionHeart1
    LittleLionHeart1 Posts: 3,655 Member
    edited May 2017
    Someone was getting married. My mom, and I think it was my dad (could have been someone else) were ready to leave for the airport. But I realized I never packed. So I went into a panic to pack some luggage, throwing random clothes into a suitcase. I was nervous about flying, and I don't remember ever flying, or being on any plane.

    So we are about to go to the wedding. I'm not sure whos wedding. I'm wearing a purple long dress. But can't find my shoes. What in the kinda shoes could I wear with this dress? So I'm looking, and walking down a street, and asking people if they have any shoes for me. And someone gave me some gold shoes. And I thought what a weird combination for my outfit. A long purple dress, and gold shoes. Then I woke up.