What did you dream about last night?



  • sw33tp3a1
    sw33tp3a1 Posts: 5,065 Member
    It involved food
  • liftorgohome
    liftorgohome Posts: 25,455 Member
    It involved her ^
  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    Odd but all I remember is a guy with a massive schlong telling me he was more of a man and more powerful. Weird chit.
  • Motorsheen
    Motorsheen Posts: 20,508 Member

    I wasn't even naked....

    can I get a mulligan on last night's dream?
  • miacara1
    miacara1 Posts: 60 Member
    Sleep? What's that?
  • Cerealsensei
    Cerealsensei Posts: 1,625 Member
    HyeKarma wrote: »
    I had a dream that I was running through different buildings and these random underground spots but i was always running off of a wall or a platform. I never let my feet touch the ground at any point. At one point i jumped on a few tables and then somehow got my head stuck in a microwave for a few seconds. It was probably the most fun I've had in a dream in a long time.

    Your head stuck in a microwave. :D

    Life can be cruel even in the dream world lol
    SEAHORSES4EVER Posts: 1,553 Member
    I was eating an everlasting corndog, it was rotten but I kept eating it
  • loveliveswithin
    loveliveswithin Posts: 2,256 Member
    I was at some sort of mall. I was with a friend, who I know only in spirit form. He held my purse for safe keeping while I went to find my ID. I retraced all my steps. Time was up and the mall was starting to close. I went back to my friend, we started to leave as I then knew, all I was looking for was in the bag he held for me.

    I have dreamt of this spirit many times before. He always comes in different forms. For lack of a better word, he is likened unto a soul mate.
  • loveliveswithin
    loveliveswithin Posts: 2,256 Member
    i pulled up at steak n shake parking lot i was suppose to meet my wife there. i found her car i opened her door she was with 3 of her friends. she had her hair cut short again and they were passing around a joint . disappointed i closed the door and left then i woke up

    Again, a situation beyond your control.
  • loveliveswithin
    loveliveswithin Posts: 2,256 Member
    i pulled up at steak n shake parking lot i was suppose to meet my wife there. i found her car i opened her door she was with 3 of her friends. she had her hair cut short again and they were passing around a joint . disappointed i closed the door and left then i woke up

    Again, a situation beyond your control.

    so daniella what does that mean?

    Perception is awareness shaped by belief. Beliefs "control" perception. Rewrite beliefs and you rewrite perception. Rewrite perception and you rewrite genes and behavior... I am free to change how I respond to the world, so as I change the way I see the world I change my genetic expression. We are not victims of our genes. We are masters of our genetics." -Bruce Lipton Ph.D., cellular biologist

    Could you perceive the situation differently?

  • Vikka_V
    Vikka_V Posts: 9,563 Member
    So this is a reoccurring dream that I've had for years, since I was a kid.

    I dream that I was helping my brother move dead bodies from one hiding place to another (in the dream I assume he had killed the people). I was trying to protect my brother.

    Analyze please
  • loveliveswithin
    loveliveswithin Posts: 2,256 Member
    Vikka_V wrote: »
    So this is a reoccurring dream that I've had for years, since I was a kid.

    I dream that I was helping my brother move dead bodies from one hiding place to another (in the dream I assume he had killed the people). I was trying to protect my brother.

    Analyze please

    The dead in this dream represent thoes who "sleep", thoes who are bound to the rules, statutes and laws. You are trying to re-cover up the body by giving them a new cover, recovering into another form of the grave.
    Your trying to "help" your brother but in the process, your really "helping" yourself.

    Do you see your helping others by redirecting their "lost" beliefs into new "right" beliefs?
    In your dream, both movements of the dead still end in death. The real miracle would be to bring them back to life. Thus, no hiding anymore.
  • loveliveswithin
    loveliveswithin Posts: 2,256 Member
    i pulled up at steak n shake parking lot i was suppose to meet my wife there. i found her car i opened her door she was with 3 of her friends. she had her hair cut short again and they were passing around a joint . disappointed i closed the door and left then i woke up

    Again, a situation beyond your control.

    so daniella what does that mean?

    Perception is awareness shaped by belief. Beliefs "control" perception. Rewrite beliefs and you rewrite perception. Rewrite perception and you rewrite genes and behavior... I am free to change how I respond to the world, so as I change the way I see the world I change my genetic expression. We are not victims of our genes. We are masters of our genetics." -Bruce Lipton Ph.D., cellular biologist

    Could you perceive the situation differently?

    no i cant .... when im dreaming i dont know im dreaming until i wake up maybe reason nothing surprises me. i know some people they know when they are dreaming and i know some who cam change it.

    I don't mean to change your dream thinking. You can change your perceptions in awake life.
    I can see your struggling so here is an example... Your at work, your Co worker leaves before forfilling all their duties. Now you have to do them. Your irritated. (Here's where perceptions come in) Fact, the situation is beyond your control. You could choose to identify with the person who shirked their duties and say, they probably just forgot or it slipped their mind, I have extra time, I don't mind doing it, I've been there before... your molecular levels are changing from closed and angry to compassionate and open.
    Or you could see the situation as out of control, your irritated and you will not do some one else's work! Your going home and that's that! Your angry and will stay angry. Your molecular composition hasn't changed.

    Dream life is only a reflection of our individual realities.
  • Carlos0690
    Carlos0690 Posts: 417 Member
    I dreamt I was half llama half baboon and i was skiing through a forest of pasta in search of CAKE !
    Please don't analyse this I already know I'm mad
  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    Never remember my dreams, but sometimes wake up and remembered that I dreamed of certain people but no clear details.
  • loveliveswithin
    loveliveswithin Posts: 2,256 Member
    i pulled up at steak n shake parking lot i was suppose to meet my wife there. i found her car i opened her door she was with 3 of her friends. she had her hair cut short again and they were passing around a joint . disappointed i closed the door and left then i woke up

    Again, a situation beyond your control.

    so daniella what does that mean?

    Perception is awareness shaped by belief. Beliefs "control" perception. Rewrite beliefs and you rewrite perception. Rewrite perception and you rewrite genes and behavior... I am free to change how I respond to the world, so as I change the way I see the world I change my genetic expression. We are not victims of our genes. We are masters of our genetics." -Bruce Lipton Ph.D., cellular biologist

    Could you perceive the situation differently?

    no i cant .... when im dreaming i dont know im dreaming until i wake up maybe reason nothing surprises me. i know some people they know when they are dreaming and i know some who cam change it.

    I don't mean to change your dream thinking. You can change your perceptions in awake life.
    I can see you're struggling so here is an example... You're at work, your Co worker leaves before forfilling all their duties. Now you have to do them. You're irritated. (Here's where perceptions come in) Fact, the situation is beyond your control. You could choose to identify with the person who shirked their duties and say, they probably just forgot or it slipped their mind, I have extra time, I don't mind doing it, I've been there before... your molecular levels are changing from closed and angry to compassionate and open.
    Or you could see the situation as out of control, you're irritated and you will not do some one else's work! You're going home and that's that! You're angry and will stay angry. Your molecular composition hasn't changed.

    Dream life is only a reflection of our individual realities.


    i have to keep doing this perception thing to change my dream?

    this is hard work lol but i see what youre saying thanks!

    Yes, you're is short for you are and that is exactly what I mean.

  • FireTurtle75
    FireTurtle75 Posts: 2,014 Member
    I rarely ever remember my dreams unless they are intense.
  • loveliveswithin
    loveliveswithin Posts: 2,256 Member
    Last night I dreamt I was at an antique store contemplating a gift for someone. I saw a messenger bag filled with all sorts of tools for measuring oil, rullers, tiny glass containers, maps, readings and an old fork. I thought I would have a look around the store before deciding on that particular gift. When I returned to the bag, it was being sold to another customer but the contents were placed into an old wood tool box. I still wanted it.

    Just before I woke up, I remember someone holding my hand and quoting something about death.
  • FireTurtle75
    FireTurtle75 Posts: 2,014 Member
    Never had a dream like that but I love perusing through antique stores for interesting stuff.
  • loveliveswithin
    loveliveswithin Posts: 2,256 Member
    Last night I dreamt I was at an antique store contemplating a gift for someone. I saw a messenger bag filled with all sorts of tools for measuring oil, rullers, tiny glass containers, maps, readings and an old fork. I thought I would have a look around the store before deciding on that particular gift. When I returned to the bag, it was being sold to another customer but the contents were placed into an old wood tool box. I still wanted it.

    Just before I woke up, I remember someone holding my hand and quoting something about death.

    its beyond your control

    Nope, good guess. It's about passing the torch.