


  • downinaggieland98
    downinaggieland98 Posts: 224 Member
    You people getting offended that we expect her to be a short order cook or a 1950s housewife are missing the point. It's just about doing something nice for someone. That's all.

    I don't have children but I do have young brothers and if they asked me to make them a cake, I'd make them a cake. It's a special request and doesn't sound like an every day occurrence.

    Do you also get mad if someone in a restaurant orders a high calorie dish and you can't have any because you're on a diet? Sheesh!

    Yep!! I love it when my family asks me to make something, and I like making it for them. It's not like it's an insult. People can be so overly sensitive!
  • Yanicka1
    Yanicka1 Posts: 4,564 Member
    I know I am not the only person who has this issue. So my husband for our entire 10 marriage has been an over the road truck driver, well until the last 2 months. For the first six weeks I made the food everynight that he likes to eat thinking that he wouldn't eat anything I was eating because he really is a very picky eater. In the the last 2 weeks I decided that he would just have to get over it. once he realized that how serious I was about getting my pre-baby body back he has been really supportive!:smile:
    Last night my step son came home and asked me if I could make this better than sex cake that he had at my girlfriends house. I told him no I wouldn't make it. That is wasn't fair to me that I would have make a cake that I then couldn't eat. He said well you could make it in cupcakes like Cori did and he would just eat it outside. I will be darned before I could even say another world my hubby jumped in and said not unless you want to die!!! You have no idea how proud of my husband I was! For the first time since I started trying to lose weight I feel like I have an actual ally!
    So I have to wonder, with my husband being so great about this if I haven't been just sabotaging myself all this time? At least I know that he will back me up and be there for me when I am having a weak moment. I feel really good about this!

    No, apparently you're not the only one..

    This comes across as pretty selfish of you. Just because you are on a "diet" doesn't mean everyone else has to be.

    You couldn't make your stepson a cake and simply not have any or make room if your day for a piece? I went to school for baking & pastry and I bake things all the time for others because I enjoy it and because I like doing nice things for other people. I either don't have any or I fit it into my calories for the day.

    Edit: Since this is MFP I feel the need to add a disclaimer. This is merely my thoughts on the subject in hopes to give you a little perspective and shouldn't be misconstrued as being mean, rude, or a bully. Have a great day! :flowerforyou:


    The world don't stop because you are on a diet.

    I bring my kids to the ice cream parlor and I just don't take any when I can't fit it in my diary, same for fast food. Sheeesh you must be fun to be around
  • Morninglory81
    Morninglory81 Posts: 1,190 Member
    I don't see the sabotage.

    This is one of the reason people find people who are trying to lose weight annoying . I think the child had valid points , so the if you want to die comments was stupid and unnecessary .

    I don't have children but I have a preteen nephew who lives with me , just because most of the house is on a diet that does not mean that he has to be in one.
    You missed her point. She was stating that she was the one who sabotaged her earlier efforts and is taking responsibility!
  • parrotlover
    parrotlover Posts: 143 Member
    You people getting offended that we expect her to be a short order cook or a 1950s housewife are missing the point. It's just about doing something nice for someone. That's all.
    I don't have children but I do have young brothers and if they asked me to make them a cake, I'd make them a cake. It's a special request and doesn't sound like an every day occurrence.
    Do you also get mad if someone in a restaurant orders a high calorie dish and you can't have any because you're on a diet? Sheesh!

    Since I made the 1950s comment, I'll assume you are addressing me.
    I'm not offended. I'm also not missing the point. No step-parent is obligated to make a kid a cake just because he wants one. Basic Parenting 101. Kids don't always get what they want, regardless of how "nice" it might be to hand them the things they ask for.
    And none of us are obligated to do every nice thing that someone else requests.
    So you would make your brother a cake. Great for you. I would not make one for my son. Great for me. That doesn't exaggerate or negate any of the other nice or not nice things we do for others throughout our lives.
    And although it's totally irrelevant, no, I don't get mad about what other people order in restaurants. And if they asked me to bake them a cake, I'd tell them no also.

    Nope, the minute you used "obligated to", "always get what they want", and "hand them the things they ask for", I can see you're still missing the point and refuse to budge from outside the point to see the point.

    Have a nice day.

    you are being a bit childish now. It's ok for you to state your opinion and just because MzPix has a differnt opinion you act like a child. Pull it together girl.

    Also Adini749. I think you said so yourself that you are not a parent. So what do you know about giving into children's requests to bake cakes?
  • micheleb15
    micheleb15 Posts: 1,418 Member
    This thread is what happens when you only eat 1200 calories. Peace out ladies lol

    Well if someone would make us some cake....just sayin.
  • Basia_and4345
    Basia_and4345 Posts: 61 Member
    Your right just because she is on a diet doesn't mean everyone else has to be. They can make their own food. Just because she is mom doesn't mean she has to be short order cook.

    I’m really surprised by the number of people who feel that this woman has some sort of duty to make a cake for this kid and by not doing so she is being selfish. Really? Is this 1950 suburbia?

    If my son came over to my house and asked me to bake him a cake, I would reply “Your oven broken?”
    I’ve got better things to do with my time than take cake requests from family members, and just perhaps the OP might have a life that goes beyond that as well.

    She isn’t being selfish, and she isn’t denying anyone anything they rightfully earned, and she isn’t making decisions for others, and she isn’t pushing her diet on anyone else. She is assertively turning down a request that she is under no obligation to fulfill in the first place.

    I totally agree with the statements above. I mean really if he is old enough to feel comfortable with asking his step mom to make a cake called "better than sex" then he can make it himself. I don't think it's selfish if she didn't want to bake a cake. I
    Also, I don't think it's selfish for her to decide not to make 2 meals every day for dinner. One that is healthy and one that is crap because her husband may not eat it. Then he can have a peanut butter sandwich.

    Come on now people. It's one thing to be a mother and a wife but I am sure this lady has other things she has to do in life..lik work etc.

    GESH! I feel like we are back in the 30's or something. I also feel for her because it is hard to make a cake and have it sitting around the house. Maybe instead of her making sacrifices by baking cakes and cookies etc and sacrificing her health...maybe her family could make a few sacrifices and not eat a bunch of junk around her that would ruin her diet.

    With all due respect your reasoning would make sense if OP's reason was she was too busy. But she even said she did not want to make it because she did not feel she could eat it due to her diet goals.Big difference.
  • dandelyon
    dandelyon Posts: 620 Member
    If he has a girlfriend, I'm pretty sure he's old enough to cook.

    Exactly, I don't even think it's hard to make, probably more assembly than actual cooking. And even if you weren't on a diet, it's your time and energy. You don't have to make a cake just because your son wants one.

    That being said, I would have no problem trying a recipe my kid suggested, but for the next special occasion, not on the fly the minute I was asked.

    It must feel great that your hubby backed you up when you weren't even expecting it!
  • 81Katz
    81Katz Posts: 7,074 Member
    "I'm too busy to bake a cake for my son" = good person

    "I don't want to make a cake for my son that I feel I cannot eat" = bad person

    Hmmmm ....
  • escloflowneCHANGED
    escloflowneCHANGED Posts: 3,038 Member

    Nope, the minute you used "obligated to", "always get what they want", and "hand them the things they ask for", I can see you're still missing the point and refuse to budge from outside the point to see the point.

    Have a nice day.

    you are being a bit childish now. It's ok for you to state your opinion and just because MzPix has a differnt opinion you act like a child. Pull it together girl.

    Also Adini749. I think you said so yourself that you are not a parent. So what do you know about giving into children's requests to bake cakes?

  • chandanista
    chandanista Posts: 986 Member
    My concern isn't that she said no. It's the manner in which his flesh and blood father backed her up, against his own son, with a threat. I doubt he would actually kill the kid, but I know that, growing up, a threat like that meant a butt-whoopin' was on the way.

    I'm glad that the OP has a husband who supports her. Personally, I think the kid didn't need cake, but a different approach to the whole thing is warranted.
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    This thread is what happens when you only eat 1200 calories. Peace out ladies lol

    Well if someone would make us some cake....just sayin.

    How dare you ask for cake when some people cannot have it! :angry:
  • GTAFrank
    GTAFrank Posts: 730 Member
    My 17yr old son had the nerve to ask me for crepes last weekend. I guess I could have told him he will die if he asks again or perhaps asked him to make them himself and show some respect for my need to lose weight, but silly me... I googled a recipe and made them for him. And that little bit I had... wasn't half bad.

    Man.. where was my backup to help make him feel like a douche for asking.
  • Morninglory81
    Morninglory81 Posts: 1,190 Member
    "I'm too busy to bake a cake for my son" = good person

    "I don't want to make a cake for my son that I feel I cannot eat" = bad person

    Hmmmm ....
  • rosemaryhon
    rosemaryhon Posts: 507 Member
    My 17yr old son had the nerve to ask me for crepes last weekend. I guess I could have told him he will die if he asks again or perhaps asked him to make them himself and show some respect for my need to lose weight, but silly me... I googled a recipe and made them for him. And that little bit I had... wasn't half bad.

    Man.. where was my backup to help make him feel like a douche for asking.

  • 81Katz
    81Katz Posts: 7,074 Member
    My 17yr old son had the nerve to ask me for crepes last weekend. I guess I could have told him he will die if he asks again or perhaps asked him to make them himself and show some respect for my need to lose weight, but silly me... I googled a recipe and made them for him. And that little bit I had... wasn't half bad.

    Man.. where was my backup to help make him feel like a douche for asking.

    Cool, glad it all worked out for you.
  • flitabout
    flitabout Posts: 200 Member

    This comes across as pretty selfish of you. Just because you are on a "diet" doesn't mean everyone else has to be.

    Your right just because she is on a diet doesn't mean everyone else has to be. They can make their own food. Just because she is mom doesn't mean she has to be short order cook.

    Does it say how old her step son is? What if he is too young to cook?
    He is 20 years old and could make it himself the issue is if it's in the house I will eat it all. Not that we don't have treats here it's that I don't need to try to fit an extra 600 calories a day in. I didn't mention that he asks me to make cupcakes candy and cookies at least 5 times a day. I have made the cake for him before. But I am just trying to get back on the wagon and the last thing I need is one of my favorite treats staring me in the face everytime I walk in the kitchen.
  • suziepoo1984
    suziepoo1984 Posts: 915 Member
    I know I am not the only person who has this issue. So my husband for our entire 10 marriage has been an over the road truck driver, well until the last 2 months. For the first six weeks I made the food everynight that he likes to eat thinking that he wouldn't eat anything I was eating because he really is a very picky eater. In the the last 2 weeks I decided that he would just have to get over it. once he realized that how serious I was about getting my pre-baby body back he has been really supportive!:smile:
    Last night my step son came home and asked me if I could make this better than sex cake that he had at my girlfriends house. I told him no I wouldn't make it. That is wasn't fair to me that I would have make a cake that I then couldn't eat. He said well you could make it in cupcakes like Cori did and he would just eat it outside. I will be darned before I could even say another world my hubby jumped in and said not unless you want to die!!! You have no idea how proud of my husband I was! For the first time since I started trying to lose weight I feel like I have an actual ally!
    So I have to wonder, with my husband being so great about this if I haven't been just sabotaging myself all this time? At least I know that he will back me up and be there for me when I am having a weak moment. I feel really good about this!

    No, apparently you're not the only one..

    This comes across as pretty selfish of you. Just because you are on a "diet" doesn't mean everyone else has to be.

    You couldn't make your stepson a cake and simply not have any or make room if your day for a piece? I went to school for baking & pastry and I bake things all the time for others because I enjoy it and because I like doing nice things for other people. I either don't have any or I fit it into my calories for the day.

    Edit: Since this is MFP I feel the need to add a disclaimer. This is merely my thoughts on the subject in hopes to give you a little perspective and shouldn't be misconstrued as being mean, rude, or a bully. Have a great day! :flowerforyou:
  • escloflowneCHANGED
    escloflowneCHANGED Posts: 3,038 Member
    I know I am not the only person who has this issue. So my husband for our entire 10 marriage has been an over the road truck driver, well until the last 2 months. For the first six weeks I made the food everynight that he likes to eat thinking that he wouldn't eat anything I was eating because he really is a very picky eater. In the the last 2 weeks I decided that he would just have to get over it. once he realized that how serious I was about getting my pre-baby body back he has been really supportive!:smile:
    Last night my step son came home and asked me if I could make this better than sex cake that he had at my girlfriends house. I told him no I wouldn't make it. That is wasn't fair to me that I would have make a cake that I then couldn't eat. He said well you could make it in cupcakes like Cori did and he would just eat it outside. I will be darned before I could even say another world my hubby jumped in and said not unless you want to die!!! You have no idea how proud of my husband I was! For the first time since I started trying to lose weight I feel like I have an actual ally!
    So I have to wonder, with my husband being so great about this if I haven't been just sabotaging myself all this time? At least I know that he will back me up and be there for me when I am having a weak moment. I feel really good about this!

    No, apparently you're not the only one..

    This comes across as pretty selfish of you. Just because you are on a "diet" doesn't mean everyone else has to be.

    You couldn't make your stepson a cake and simply not have any or make room if your day for a piece? I went to school for baking & pastry and I bake things all the time for others because I enjoy it and because I like doing nice things for other people. I either don't have any or I fit it into my calories for the day.

    Edit: Since this is MFP I feel the need to add a disclaimer. This is merely my thoughts on the subject in hopes to give you a little perspective and shouldn't be misconstrued as being mean, rude, or a bully. Have a great day! :flowerforyou:

    ^^^This. As Adini mentioned, try to make room in the calories for a piece of cake or just burn it off with exercise :)

    Or you know...suck it up and use something called will power....
  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    I feel awful for all the children out there with no cake *sigh*
  • jackpotclown
    jackpotclown Posts: 3,291 Member
    I feel awful for all the children out there with no cake *sigh*
    for just 70 cents a day, you can sponsor a child in need...........\m/