


  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    The OP coming back and informing us of additional details has not changed my opinion one iota. Her additional details only further supported what she was saying in the first place. I never made any assumptions about the missing details and I still stand by everything I’ve said all along.

    which was???

    ... now she should make a super sized cake and over night each of us a piece who have participated on this board?

    seconded! better-than-sex-cake.jpg
  • MzPix
    MzPix Posts: 177 Member
    The OP coming back and informing us of additional details has not changed my opinion one iota. Her additional details only further supported what she was saying in the first place. I never made any assumptions about the missing details and I still stand by everything I’ve said all along.

    which was???

    ... now she should make a super sized cake and over night each of us a piece who have participated on this board?

    No. Not at all. Feel free to read back to my original comments.
    In a nutshell, I don't think she was wrong or selfish and that she asserted herself in saying no when someone asked her to make a cake.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    No step-parent is obligated to make a kid a cake just because he wants one. Basic Parenting 101. Kids don't always get what they want, regardless of how "nice" it might be to hand them the things they ask for.

    That's a valid reason for not baking the cake.

    HOWEVER, that's not the reason she implied. The reason OP was implying was they couldn't have any because she couldn't. That's NOT a valid reason.

    But see, from many people's point of view, that IS a valid reason.

    I can't smoke cigarettes because I was a 23 year addict. I will not buy them for other people. That IS valid.
    I can't eat shellfish. I will not cook it for other people. That is valid.
    I am not religious. I will not sit through a sermon for someone else. That is valid.

    It is completely valid to decline to do a favor for someone else due to your own weaknesses with the subject of said request.


    I can't eat mushy oatmeal, but I make it for my husband. He can't eat tacos, but he puts up with the smell when I make it for myself. I am not Catholic, but I went to mass with a friend because she asked me to.

    When I love someone, I am willing to do things like that for them.
  • Mcgrawhaha
    Mcgrawhaha Posts: 1,596 Member
    The OP coming back and informing us of additional details has not changed my opinion one iota. Her additional details only further supported what she was saying in the first place. I never made any assumptions about the missing details and I still stand by everything I’ve said all along.

    which was???

    ... now she should make a super sized cake and over night each of us a piece who have participated on this board?

    seconded! better-than-sex-cake.jpg

    if cake does exist that is better than sex, id like the recipe please...
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    Did sex turn into a bad word and I missed the memo?

  • OtakuMusician
    OtakuMusician Posts: 66 Member
    And this is why I learned how to make cake at a young age.
  • Mcgrawhaha
    Mcgrawhaha Posts: 1,596 Member
    Did sex turn into a bad word and I missed the memo?


    omg... stop saying the "s" word... perv!
  • purplegoboom
    purplegoboom Posts: 400 Member
    I haven't read all the replies so I'm just going to say: it doesn't matter why she didn't want to bake the cake. She didn't want to bake it. She is not obligated to bake a cake for whatever reason.

    When stepson pushed a second time for the cake, even after OP gave her reasons, husband saw that as him being disrespectful to her. So yeah, I can see why hubby was a bit snippy.

    If stepson has a girlfriend, and can ask for a "better than sex" cake, he sounds like he is at least 15 or 16. Plenty old enough to be respectful and make his own cake if he wants one so bad. I would have politely said "no, I will not make it for you, but here is the recipe."
  • keith_w61
    keith_w61 Posts: 20 Member
    If he's coming home from a friend's and asking for Better than Sex cake, he's old enough to cook, at least under supervision
  • dnunny70
    dnunny70 Posts: 411 Member
    Did you tell you were making the cake tomorrow? At 20, he could bake for himself.

    My son has made brownies (with peanut butter) and cookies several times this summer. He's 14. He finds a recipe and then does his magic. I wouldn't say he is sabotaging me. I choose to eat it or not eat it. My family likes the lemon bars that I make--they eat them up; I have a small piece. Portion control!

    If I was to make that Better than S#x Cake, I wouldn't call it in the house! Call me old fashioned!
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    why can't dad make the cake?


    I bake/cook a LOT of things that I either can't fit in my day or simply choose not to eat. If you don't like to make cakes for the fun of it, then have dad make it. (But seriously, I can normally find room for a piece of cake. CAKE FTW)

    I have no idea what the OP has to do with "sabotage" though. :ohwell:

    same here. is it that a 20 yr old is sitting around wondering how to knock stepmom off her plan? bs.gif


    ...and even then
    cake.jpg <====seems legit.


    I just hope my son still asks me to make him cake when he turns 20. :drinker:
  • TheCaren
    TheCaren Posts: 894 Member
    Give your step son the recipe and call it a day. Oh and high five the hubby for being supportive.

    If a person knows they are too weak to resist a food item when it's in front of them, how is it selfish to choose not to prepare it for someone else, particularly someone who is very likely completely capable of making it himself? I'm sorry but my feeling is if you know I'm too weak to resist Oreos right now and you insist on having Oreos in the house, that's just not nice. You can eat Oreos ANYWHERE else in the world, just not in the house. Is that really asking too much from people who love you and see you struggling to maintain your focus?

    My husband is doing the South Beach diet. His Achilles heel is ice cream. I like ice cream and I don't have "off limits" foods for the most part. But I wouldn't dream of mowing down on a big old bowl of ice cream in front of him. I can have it ANYTIME I want. Just not at home. And he didn't ask me to do it this way, it's just common courtesy. So I stop and get an ice cream while I'm out now and again. That's how we support one another. In the beginning of my weight loss, fruit flavored candy was just too much for me to resist. He didn't keep any in the house during that time (or since, actually). And I didn't complain when he brought chocolate into the house because it wasn't a big trigger food for me. Problem solved.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    Did sex turn into a bad word and I missed the memo?


    omg... stop saying the "s" word... perv!
    okay is this better, spit mutha plucka bot damn!.... that cake looks good! no wonder kiddo was asking for it..

  • sabified
    sabified Posts: 1,051 Member

    Not getting tangled in this... just wanted to say LOL
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    Give your step son the recipe and call it a day. Oh and high five the hubby for being supportive.

    If a person knows they are too weak to resist a food item when it's in front of them, how is it selfish to choose not to prepare it for someone else, particularly someone who is very likely completely capable of making it himself? I'm sorry but my feeling is if you know I'm too weak to resist Oreos right now and you insist on having Oreos in the house, that's just not nice. You can eat Oreos ANYWHERE else in the world, just not in the house. Is that really asking too much from people who love you and see you struggling to maintain your focus?

    My husband is doing the South Beach diet. His Achilles heel is ice cream. I like ice cream and I don't have "off limits" foods for the most part. But I wouldn't dream of mowing down on a big old bowl of ice cream in front of him. I can have it ANYTIME I want. Just not at home. And he didn't ask me to do it this way, it's just common courtesy. So I stop and get an ice cream while I'm out now and again. That's how we support one another. In the beginning of my weight loss, fruit flavored candy was just too much for me to resist. He didn't keep any in the house during that time (or since, actually). And I didn't complain when he brought chocolate into the house because it wasn't a big trigger food for me. Problem solved.

    Yeah give him one from me too,

  • WenHurley
    WenHurley Posts: 166 Member
    I don't think it's selfish for you to not bake the cake. My family loves it when I cook/bake. They know that right now I am trying to get my weight under control. I have asked that they not eat certain foods in front of me and for my husband NOT to by my favorite ice cream. I am working on disciplining myself. And sometimes a small taste turns into much more.

    If you know your limits, that's a starting point. The first time it took me a while to get to the point where I could go back to making treats and not eating them. I eventually did it. But I "fell off the wagon" so to speak and now am starting over.
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    If I'm ever at a point where my friends and family ask me to bake and I say no cause it's too much temptation I've clearly failed and need to stop. My friend are all competent grown ups but everyone knows I make the beast brownies, basically a fudgy mass of butter and sugar, and I haven't stopped because 'diet'.

    And I certainly don't let my husband dole out death threats, joking or otherwise. Oddly enough he's incredibly supportive without getting rude.
  • SRH7
    SRH7 Posts: 2,037 Member
    Can't believe I've read through eight pages and still can't see the recipe for this better-than-sex cake.

    Feeling used :grumble:
  • OtakuMusician
    OtakuMusician Posts: 66 Member
    I don't think it's selfish for you to not bake the cake. My family loves it when I cook/bake. They know that right now I am trying to get my weight under control. I have asked that they not eat certain foods in front of me and for my husband NOT to by my favorite ice cream.

    It's one thing to ask family not to buy certain foods for around the house. I ask my mom not to get anything but fruit for snacks. Thankfully, both of my parents are more than supportive of my current lifestyle changes, and are actually joining me on my quest.

    It's another, though, to ask someone NOT to eat a certain food in front of you? o_O It's your choice whether to eat it or not. If my dad wants to enjoy a fast food cheeseburger or a pop in front of me, by all means he can.
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    If I'm ever at a point where my friends and family ask me to bake and I say no cause it's too much temptation I've clearly failed and need to stop. My friend are all competent grown ups but everyone knows I make the beast brownies, basically a fudgy mass of butter and sugar, and I haven't stopped because 'diet'.

    And I certainly don't let my husband dole out death threats, joking or otherwise. Oddly enough he's incredibly supportive without getting rude.

    My best friend requested lemon meringue pie (I make an awesome from scratch one) or this

    I making it this weekend.