
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,057 Member
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,847 Member
    Gah! Made some pretzels with the kids to help fill our May Baskets; guess who ate TWO fresh out of the oven! WITH MUSTARD!!! I packaged up the rest, bagged up the ones that the kids will have for snack (into individual baggies with their names on them, to prevent me from being the creep who "steals candy/pretzels from a baby"!), and have removed myself from the kitchen. I also decided, I am full, and THAT will be my lunch with some tea to keep the edge off. I will have my planned lunch (tuna and romaine salad) for dinner. Bad Kelly! Thanks for the boot, Pip!
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,847 Member
    edited May 2017
    Cheri- LOL! I saw your two pictures and my first thought, before reading the post, was "Wow! Cheri must be a hardcore seamstress! She wears work out gloves to sew!" You go girl! Nice reward!
  • DanaReel180
    DanaReel180 Posts: 463 Member
    edited May 2017
    Lanette I bought those at Walmart online. Free shipping too which is great since it's hard for us to haul things. They are patio carpets and last a long time as long as DD (darling dog) doesn't eat them. I have big rocks or stepping stones on the corners! I hope I can take the stepping off. I also have bought some at Lowes in the patio dept.

    Lisa Thanks. I'll look for one on Amazon. I have Prime, so that will save me some cash on shipping.

    Cheri Great choices! Better than a malt or candy bar!

    Jobs: I have always gotten jobs on the first interview or during the interview!

    It's still raining!
    Dana in Arkansas
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,576 Member
    edited May 2017
    Lanette I bought those at Walmart online. Free shipping too which is great since it's hard for us to haul things. They are patio carpets and last a long time as long as DD (darling dog) doesn't eat them. I have big rocks or stepping stones on the corners! I hope I can take the stepping off. I also have bought some at Lowes in the patio dept.

    It's still raining!
    Dana in Arkansas

    Thanks Dana, I'll check them out. How does Dolly like the rain?

    Becca, a jewel would be great. Hope the surgery was successful!

    SW WA State where it's a sunny 78! Shorts are ON! Scaring the neighbors, lol. B)

  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Can someone tell me how to make the pictures smaller when I post them?
  • gotu52
    gotu52 Posts: 315 Member
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Carol - NOT me; I am not even sure how to actually post a picture; I know the icon to use; but, haven't tried it yet.

    Joyce – I don’t know what color you thumb is; but, with the windows so low, I would put in a low, spreading (don’t know what it is; but, looks like a bonsai tree, if you got it small and trimmed it up; maybe come down the sides of the sidewalk with some flowers that will tolerate the heat (don’t know what Zone you live in, so can’t suggest any; maybe use that ‘reddish’ colored mulch around all plants and spay out at the street a little bit; maybe a fast growing narrow tree or bush at the ends of the corners of the house; just make sure you plant them far enough from the house that when they grow, you won’t have to cut them back. At the end of our steps, we have a plant on both side, I can’t think of the name but it starts with a “S”. Nice thing about it is that in the early spring it has the prettiest pink, star-shaped flowers and the leave are green. They do not fall off either; and, in the fall, they turn bronze.

    Windows look nice. Windows World put our glass in the spaces where the screen used to be; the representative is supposed to call when he is almost finished with a job that he will be working on down here. They have to come from Tifton, GA. I hope they will do what we think needs to be done. I guess we will see when he comes. I live in Zone 8 and we can grow most things. Do NOT plant any Bradford Pears, while they bloom in the spring, the odor they give off is awful. Lot of places will try to sell people that, when they ask for a fast growing tree (that blooms). There are other trees that would do better; another thing about Bradford pears is in a high wind, they will split right down the middle. That is about all I would suggest; maybe a couple of trees in the yard away from the house. Check with the Arbor society; for about $10 they will send you trees to plant that will do well in your area. We’ve gotten dogwood trees, maples, and others which Louis has planted around our yard.

    Are the pieces to you quilt that are extra big enough to make pillow, maybe? Or use the pattern in the center of a pillow?

    Claudia – I don’t blame your husband for wanting to miss all the crowds on Cinco de Mayo. That would be Louis' outlook on it, too – or go in the mid-afternoon. That is what we normally do. I would not mind Mexican tonight; but, can’t have that many calories today. I am over my allotted amount by 57; so in a little bit I will be walking on the treadmill. Heck, I might go outside and walk since it is so pretty and they are forecasting rain tomorrow. The only thing about doing that is you don’t burn the number of calories even ‘if’ you walk longer.
    I’ve tried on slip-on Sketchers and don’t like the feel of them. I have a couple of pair of Sketcher sandals and like them. But, the slip on, slide up and down the heel of my foot, which is pretty narrow and I have a very high instep. I can wear anything from a 6 ½ to a 7 ½; with the latter being what I wear most often. DDnL#2 gave me a pair of really cute sandals, we wear the same size foot; after getting home, I realized that the toe was a lot further out than I normally wear and the first and only time I wore them I felt like I had to ‘high step’ to keep from tripping over them. DMGD said she would probably never wear them; a friend of DDnL#1 said she would try them, I guess they must have fit, I did not get them back. They almost looked like they were 8’s.

    I’ve seen some shoes (tennis type) that have velcro closings; but, I don’t wear tennis/walking shoes; because they hit my heel in the wrong place or they are too wide for me.

    Kelly – When my oldest niece got to that age of “WHY’s”; my middle sister was taking care of her and no matter what she said, Jennifer would say “Why?” After a morning of this, she got tired of it and the next time she said something and got a “Why?” She said very strongly, “BECAUSE BLUE BIRDS FLY, THAT’S WHY!” She stopped asking “Why?”

    Sharon - I’m almost afraid to ask; but, what are ‘breast shields’? Our DMGD has her ‘learner’s license’; but, she has not ‘learned’ to drive; she is now 16 and can’t get her DL because it means a car test with a stranger in the car, no parents. But, if she does not get her license by August, she will be 18 before she can; if not then, will have to wait until she is 21. Her parents are ‘not’ happy. I could solve that issue in a heartbeat; by taking away her electronics and drag her kicking a screaming in the car and make her drive down the 450+ miles of dirt road in the county. I could not WAIT until I was 16 and could drive a car. Daddy bought us old cars. Mine was a 1960 Baby Blue Ford Fairlane. It had a heater and a working radio, no seat belts and bench seats. I could and would pile in as many people as I could, even if they had to sit in someone’s lap. Of course, I guess that would now be considered ‘distracted driving’.

    Lanette – I saw that same picture on FB. Weird looking; but, I could guess it could be earth. I think everybody ought to learn how to drive a ‘stick-shift’ although you don’t seem too many of them now-a-days; if you were the only one someplace, only had a stick-shift car, and someone needed help … you’d be happy to know how to do so. I learned 3 on the column from a boyfriend; and, 4-in-the-floor from another HS classmate. The first one was a 56 Ford; and, was like driving a tank; the other was a newer Jeep and we’d ride up and down the hills beside I-75 when they were building it. It was fairly hilly where I grew up in Forsyth, GA.

    We still get calls from the same number that I reported; I guess they have more; but, if there is a call from out-of-the-area and I don’t recognize it, I answer, “Fire Department, where is your emergency?” That cause a slowing down of them. Someone said yesterday they answer, “Taco Bell, what’s your order?” I might change mine up. When we lived in Albany ‘one of the Pizza places had a number very close to ours, maybe 1 number off; I took pizza orders and told them we were having a “buy one large, get a medium free, get their address and told them we’d be there within 20 minutes, maybe 25 depending on traffic. If we weren’t there on time, to call back and we’d give them a special.” I think they ended up changing their number. Louis and the boys would just die laughing. When we get calls that the person asks, “Who is this?” I will either answer “Who DAT?” or “Who are you calling?” Never tell them my number and I don’t answer “Yes” to any question of ‘can you hear me’? It is a scam! Never have given out any personal information. Lady at Belk’s today asked a woman the last 4 digits of her card or SSN; she started rattling off her SSN and she stopped her immediately. Told her that only the last 4 digits was all she needed. Also said not to put the entire credit card number on the check; because way too many people see that check from the time it hits the store until it gets back to your checking account. I don’t do this and don’t give out my SSN. One day I got a call from someone saying they were from the billing office at the hospital and started asking questions. I said, ‘if you are actually from the hospital’s billing office, you would have all that information’. As soon as I hung up I called the office and told them I wanted to speak to a supervisor and told him what had happened. Apparently, I was not the only one that had complained about it, because he told me ‘that he knew where it was coming from’ and walked off.

    Beggar lice are triangular shaped little seeds that sort of have a low pile Velcro coating that you get from getting into tall weeds. They won’t hurt anything other than stick to whatever you put them on. I usually have a piece of typing paper when I am combing Cracker. While you are at it you should also check for ticks; or check a couple of hours later. You can pull them (beggar lice) off; or better yet, comb through the hair with a tight bristled brush. At least that is what we do on Cracker.

    TNToni – I remember when “Lithium” had been working for me, for 20 years; and, without doing anything different I became “Lithium Toxic” and almost die from it. But "Lithium" is now considered something I am 'allergic' to, so that nobody will try to ever put me on it again. They say, ‘if it ain’t broke; don’t fix it’ … but sometimes you do have to change medications ‘if’ they change another one or put you on one or take you off one. So far, my insurance has paid for most medications. IF they are ‘expensive’ I will get them through my mail order. I hopped all over my GYN for the asthma medication he Rx’d for me. 120 puffs … for over $60

    Kelly – YUMMY! A hot pretzel, fresh out of the oven with MUSTARD! What’s your address? I will be right over!

    If you stitch quilts by hand; you better have something protecting your hands; I would be pricking myself every 7 or 8 stitches. I’ve seen women sitting around a quilt frame and make tiny little stitches all over it. Talking and carrying on and never missing a stitch!

    Heather – That should be an interesting conversation …

    Becca – Either a jewel or some braided rope! Did he have bandages on his hand(s), too?

    I think you have to be creative when writing out a resume; some things can’t be asked, and therefore there are ‘some’ things that should not be added. Easy to cull through them, for the good and bad. It’s the ones that are ‘questionable’ that you wonder about. Like you said, a face-to-face interview is best for anyone. My DOGD sells Arbonne, she really believes in the product. Today, I tried the protein shake; she suggested adding a banana and ice. It wasn’t bad; but, she said the vanilla was her favorite. I bought some frozen fruit to go in it. I don’t know if the added ice chipped up in it was what made me feel gritty; but, I am not use to that texture from the protein bars I get. But, I have thought about adding fruit to them. I can’t use Avon products for the same reason.

    You’ll get there (goal); but, don’t count on a size 2 – we’d never see you again.

    Dana – We haven’t decided what to do on our porch when we get it almost finished. I had thought about painting the floor; but, not sure we’d be very successful at covering the cracks between the plywood over the wooden decking.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,131 Member
    Peach1948 wrote: »
    Can someone tell me how to make the pictures smaller when I post them?

    I think the only way to make the pictures smaller is to edit them on your computer before you post....however, I loved seeing you dog in giant size. :)
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Lenora, thanks for the suggestions. I hate Bradford pear. I know so many people love them because of their uniform shape. A neighbor across the street has one and half is dead and half is alive. They hate to cut it down because it isn't dead. And you are right, they split so quickly in the wind. And we can get some high winds herein southern Indiana.

    My Dad's Mom did a lot of quilts. after Grandpa died, she had a small apartment and had her quilting station set in the window. One Sunday morning, she didn't go down and meet the car to take her to church. Her ride knew how unusual that was so she had the super check her apartment. There Grandma was, sitting at her quilting table, dead. But she died doing what she loved so much and was her mission. When they cleaned out her apartment, there were boxes and boxes of quilt squares. Mom got all those boxes and for years enjoyed making quilts for so many people, made by her MIL and finished by her.

    My oldest daughter Christina is the kind of person who could find any job. And she has gradually increased her skill levels with each one, adding what she learned form the previous onto the next. Her major and minor was music and psychology so the latter has helped her a lot and the music part has just generally kept her a very happy person. Right now she is a personal assistant to a lawyer who invests and consults in many businesses. In property management which she no knowledge of, she learned and excelled in bookeeping, learning Spanish on the fly, management skills, city codes and laws. She is adding so much more to that.

    Temps today only in low 50s so windows are not open.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,057 Member
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,987 Member
    Hello ladies: Women's meeting at church today. We had a potluck which turned out to be all salads and one lady brought a pie which was cut into small pieces. It was very nice. I had small portions of several salads and a piece of pie, water to drink. I was going to work in the yard but it is hot and extremely humid outside so I didn't last for long.

    Cheri - Nice rewards!

    Carol - Love the pom. He does look like a stuffed animal.

    Katiebug - Sounds like an awesome workout.

    Everyone take care, Sue in WA
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,992 Member
    Evenin ladies~
    long day at work... home and in bed.. giving the pups treats lol