

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,677 Member
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Mia- very proud of your accomplishment! Congratulations!


    Mary from Minnesota
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,384 Member
    Did Michelle Dozois' Pure Strength DVD today. The plan for tomorrow is to do Leslie Sansone's 5 Day Slimdown DVD

    Vicki - I'm very uncomfortable asking for money, too.

    Yvonne - you know, whenever I am in the pool, I wear a pair of old short shorts. I really don't want the sun to get to the tops of my legs. If that gets burned, it sure hurts when you have to sit down

    Toni - I can't believe the weather here! It's so chilly today. And to think that the other day I was laying in the pool

    First went to Bi-Lo to get clementines on sale. Found coupons this a.m. so took them, too. Went to church then to WalMart. Needed strawberries to dip in white chocolate for a gal whose birthday is later in the month. She's moving so that's why I'm doing it earlier. Then home to have dinner, now here since I have a little time

    Rori - I try to prelog whatever I can. I usually have dinner for the week planned out (I can't be bothered trying to think so as long as I have it written down, I'm safe) and I log that at least.

    DJ - I didn't realize how far you've come by losing the weight. Congrats!

    Joyce - it doesn't surprise me one bit that you would take in an abused animal. You have such a big heart, I can see it.

    Dana - Jessica is "trying to lose weight". I try to say just a little to her, like "it's really how much of what you eat that's important. You really can have anything you want, but in moderation". In the end I know that she's going to do what she wants to do. The guy she's with seems to really like beer and she's gotten to drinking a bit too (not too much). That certainly doesn't help much. On that I try to keep quiet. Your daughter is amazing! There's no way I could ever do something like that

    Lenora - I had been taking phenobarbitol. That's what the MD is trying to wean me off of while keeping me on the Lamictal.

    Lisa - my car has navigation, but I have to update it regularly and the updates are expensive! So, therefore, I haven't done it. I use my phone for navigation to newer locations. The car looks lovely. I like 4 door cars. Have fun with ds!

    Why does everyone have such luck walking away when looking at a car? Jess was looking at one car, she told them what she needed them to do to make the sale, but they wouldn't come down at all. Bummer.

    Dana - how terrible! Prayers

    Marti - welcome!

    Hot flash coming on...gonna go get some frozen grapes

    Made chocolate chip cookies for me to take to Jess and maybe Denise next weekend. Then made 5 chocolate cakes. Remember I made that wedding cake? Well, the gal didn't save the top layer, so I'm making her some. Only Jess said to use the smallest cake pan I have, which is why I made 5 cakes. I figure what Jess doesn't use, I can give to Vince. Then I made some icing. See, I got this recipe from when I took a cake decorating class way back when. Only to me it tasted too much like Crisco. Well, this time instead of milk I used sweetened condensed milk. I needed a splash of regular milk just to give it the consistency. I'll freeze that, take it up to Jess for when she decorates the cake, and the remainder I'll bring home and maybe ice Vince's cake.

    Sue in WA - yea for those jeans

    Mia - Congrats! So very proud of you

    Michele in NC
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,654 Member
    Hi Gals,

    Logged in with 260+ messages to read, so skimmed…..

    So the few things that stuck in my memory -
    Mia – great job
    Heather – happy anniversary
    Heather and Lisa – great job on new cars
    Allie – I pay a bit more that you are – BUT that is car and home insurance! And just because a friend did not know this you can change insurance any time during the year and get a refund of what has not been used from the old company.

    Meeting with Rori was a delight, I was delighted to be Lucky 13! We had a nice leisurely dinner (no acholic beverage and no dessert) It is fun to meet in person!

    Today is the first semi quiet day since seeing Rori, my nephew’s ½ brother’s grandma died, they share a Mom– so yesterday was the funeral, my Mom and I went. His grandma took him in at 8 days old, and has raised him ever since, when he was about 5 his dad got sober and moved in too – So this is a big hole in his life, he is just 14. But grandma (82 yrs old) died of cancer so she and Mike (1/2 brother) had time to talk about how much she loved him… Mike was born drug addicted and drunk, and amazingly has turned out fine, well spoken, bright and athletic.

    My mom stayed for 2 nights and as much as she says don’t bother with me just work it never works out that way! So I got behind on embroidery and my own stuff, so yesterday I worked into the night and have put in a full day embroidering and have made a good dent on catch up. I need to get ahead a bit as I got a call from my god daughter and she is flying in on Thursday and I’ll pick her up and have her here for a couple of days. And I’d rather visit than work!


    Kim from N. California
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,138 Member
    miakoda40 wrote: »
    I did it!!!!



    Congratulations! :)
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,677 Member
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    As I was sitting on my recliner being bored last Wednesday nite, my DGD called to tell me her play was on Thursday nite. She had forgotten to tell me the date. It was so important to her so we packed up Thursday and went to Dallas. Then Friday we drove home,changed clothes and drove out to our son's ranch. So instead of being bored, I am tired.
    Re - I am so happy for you. Great job.
    DJ- glad you enjoyed your cruise and your Happy Birthday.
    Dana- my twin grans are going to a wilderness camp in AR in a few weeks as part of their school's transitioning to high school. Hope the rain is gone.
    Welcome to the newbies and the returning friends.
    SueBDew in TX
    PS - Rori,I was just wondering where in the CO foothills you are located. I am going to Parker for me DGS's high school graduation in a week. It would be fun to meet you.
  • marysafterschool
    marysafterschool Posts: 1 Member

    A quality supplement is a good idea. I just know that a plant based quality supplement is better than a synthetic one. Go to the Health food store and have them pick you a decent one. Our diets often lack certain minerals because we wash our food..."selenium" is one of those elements. So yes, I'm supportive of vitamins.

    I was in an accident a while ago. My care plan included B vitamins, and certain foods that seem to inflame tissue so I was off corn, wheat, and ate a lot of fish oil and coconut oil. All very good for brain healing and defending our aging brains. Coconut oil is my main fat now days and is especially good for our brains. I love the colored salts too.

    Mary: From Seattle relocated to Colorado in 97.

    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Lanette – A TENS unit is meant to be used by putting the pads on ‘trigger points’ on your body and the unit will send shocks to those points making your muscles contract, when it stops the muscles will release. Since you are not having it put on by someone else who would know these points; I would suggest Googling ‘trigger points’ and knowing where to put them on. Usually, it takes a stronger shock if your muscles are not strong or have been injured; this is to make them stronger. Just not be so high that your muscles don’t have enough time between the shocks for your muscles to relax and rest. Usually, they have several different modes of hitting your trigger points. Some I liked a lot better than others. There are trigger points all over your body. I’ve used one several times.

    Insurance (car) paid for mine, too! Then they wanted it back once I was finished with it. Only to have it be thrown away (is what they told me they would have to do with it). WHOOPS! You mean you did not get it in the mail? Sorry! I used it for several reasons for the following 2 or more years. Upper back to help with migraines that were caused by the back wreck I had.

    Sue – Great on your NSV!

    Jane – Yes DD and DD mean ‘dear’ daughter and husband; but, it also can mean ‘damn’, ‘dumb’, ‘devious’, any adjective beginning with a “D”. I want to check into buying a mini-trampoline. Guess I will check with Target first, then maybe Wal-Mart, or the Sport Supply business where we bought sons’ stuff for their various sports.

    Pip – Second choice will certainly give you a lot more color to work with. Like both; but, for the $$$$ savings – I’d be going for the 2nd. The price of the first one would have made me look for something else. Even ‘if’ you did not need that many yards; cost of paying someone to do them would be ‘outta sight’. My Mother used to make our drapes/curtain.

    Mia – Proud of you!!!!

    Michele – After my last seizure (at the bank, last May) they upped my Lamictal to 300mg twice a day; and, I take 100mg of Dilantin 2x a day. When Will was a baby until he outgrew the ‘febrile seizures’ he’d have he was on Phenobarbital (liquid); and, he would rock on all 4s to go to sleep (fighting it); and, rocked so hard that we’d have to tighten the screws in the baby bed (which had only been used for our oldest son prior) and we did not have that issue with him. The real reason I’d like to come off the Dilantin is the side effects it has on my gums. But, Louis said he’d rather pay the dentist than for me to have a seizure and have to go on a driving restriction.

    Found another recipe for ‘bread pudding’ that has a lot less sugar. Next time, I will try it. Gave son ½ of what I made. He and Madison loved it (and the sugar); but Jenn and Emilee did not like it – too sweet. Even Louis admitted that it had too much sugar; but, he liked it and ate it. I’ve only had a little of it.

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited May 2017
    suebdew - My oldest daughter lives in Parker CO :) Rori lives in the Golden CO area further west.

    Sorry for answering for you Rori lol

    Janetr OKC
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,331 Member
    Mia - Brilliant! :D:drinker: I know you worked really hard for that. Be really, really proud of yourself!

    HeatherUK xxxxxxx
  • dreamwriter
    dreamwriter Posts: 610 Member
    Made it this far. I will catch up.