

  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    Heather - isn't it funny that they're both treading that path at the same time? I've always been the negotiator, as I refuse to pay thousands more than we should just because that's the price they put on it. So fun to be able to stay to the side and watch them work. :)

  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,835 Member
    B) reading. shopping. mowing.
  • DanaReel180
    DanaReel180 Posts: 463 Member
    Good morning! Happy Saturday!

    Lisa Pretty red car! I'll be up here in Arkansas! Did you see any areas you liked? I know that storm hit when you were here. It does rain a lot, but a lot of sunny days too!

    I can't find the post where someone asked about a "Bigfoot" sign in a picture, but, Yes it is! We're Bigfoot fans and love the shows. LOL. Did you know Fouke, Arkansas is famous for the old movie The Legend of Biggy Creek? It was known as the Fouke monster.

    Lenora Hopefully your daughter doesn't get flooded. My mother's house was flooded years ago and I still see mud to be cleaned off underneath her casement furniture. My dad went in and moved things before the wood was ruined.

    156,000 acres of farmland has been flooded in Arkansas so far. The White river is at flood stage but the farmers are hopeful the water will go down and they can plant again. Prayers for them and us! Rice is one of the main crops here.

    Well, time to get up!!
    Lake Hamilton is still muddy from the storm and a lot of debris in the water
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,835 Member
    Ooops! Can't let this pass. Dana, about the young girl eating ding dongs and mountain dew at meals. I am sure she knows it is not a healthy choice, and the consequences of eating like that may not show themselves until she is a bit older; but I would mention to her that she is getting her body addicted to the fat and sugar and THAT is a hard addiction to kick. It WILL take a toll on her heart, arteries, brain, body, if she continues to eat this way. She may be skinny and look pretty on the outside, but it is what is going on the inside that harms you (or if eating healthy; keeps you alive and vibrant). Pretty people die of heart attacks, diabetes, etc. every day!
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited May 2017
    Heather happy anniversary, your meals sound terrific. You and I are the same age and hearing you say your six year old grandson in so "old" made me laugh. My oldest grandson will be 24 in three months the youngest will be 10 this month. One granddaughter is graduating high school in two weeks. Makes me feel very old some times.

    Hope your arm heals soon. You're a trooper to continue with your work out routine through all the pain. <3<3<3

    Janetr okc
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,677 Member
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,331 Member
    Well ladies, I have just finished preparing the "escargots" - snails - for tonight's first course. I have never done this at home before, as it's the kind of thing I normally only have in a restaurant, preferably in France. I once bought some ready stuffed ones in an English fishmonger and they were not garlicky enough. :s


    When the time comes I just have to put them in a very hot oven until the butter sizzles and the smell is irresistible. The point of them is definitely not the snail, but the garlic butter. :laugh: DH will have a slice of bread to mop up the butter, I will use my finger. :D Got to work out the calories in a minute.

    Janetr - I think I meant they grow so QUICKLY! :o Where is that little baby boy?

    Lisa - I am quite good at negotiating, but DH is much calmer and more patient. He disputes all the bills and gets big reductions. Insurance, utilities etc. In an emergency though I am better at holding my nerve and insisting on my rights. I can get a lot done by complaining. He tends to back off from real conflict. I do like listening to him do it. He writes a terrific email too. :D

    I think I'll do a bit of cycling. Pain killers have worn off and I don't feel up to walking.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,677 Member
    morning peeps-
    started putting up my donation thingy on fb.. starting earlier. never too early right? already got $60 beans!
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Lanette: The new glasses are a whole lot of special. Polycarbonate, self-darkening & new flexible frame that weights practically nothing. My insurance used to pay for part of the cost of new glasses but doesn't do that anymore. I didn't want to reuse my current frames because I have never liked them. They were "sold" to me in a weak moment and I've regretted the choice for the past several years. :ohwell:

    Heather: Happy Anniversary of your first meeting. It was a lucky day for both you and your DH. :heart:

    Meg: Have a good day today. :smiley:

    Kate: Having my gallbladder removed was a Godsend. It is the only surgery I've ever had that required a hospital stay and an anesthetic. I've had some minor procedures with local anesthetics along the way. Good luck to you. :flowerforyou:

    Danaree: Your advantage plan is like mine. The exam is covered but not the glasses. :ohwell:

    Janet: I hope you feel better soon. Sinus infections are an awful misery. (((hugs)))

    Sarah: I hope your house stays dry and the river stays where it belongs in its banks. :star:

    Becca: I love the goals on your chalkboard. :smile:

    Gloria: I am fascinated by your photo. It brings back memories. Did you use a "fall" to help with the construction of that elaborate hair-do, or was it all your own hair? In my first year of college I had a dorm-mate who had a hairdo like yours and she definitely had an artificial "fall" to make it all work. :smiley:

    Grits: I did say no to this woman, and she put the bunch grass plants I do not like & said no to in the spot anyway. I threw them away. No does indeed mean no. Sometimes actions speak louder than words to those who choose not to hear plain speaking. :grumble:

    Lisa: Great job Corey! The car looks like a good choice. :smiley:

    DH and I talked about landscape changes we would like to make in the area around our home and I'm quite excited about ithem. Now all we have to do is track down the plants and see about getting the work done. I'm trying to decide whether to talk to our Landscape Nazi about it at all. PS: I am of German decent and I'm deliberately using the word Nazi to insult the woman. I hope I don't offend anyone here.

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    "Normally I'm quite normal . . ." The Gods Must be Crazy

  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Heather I understand, and that is so very true. It seems to happen in the blink of an eye. Your escargot look lovely.

    Janetr OKC
  • AnnofB
    AnnofB Posts: 3,586 Member
    exermom wrote: »

    Have a question for all you quilters. I found this handsewn top piece for a quilt among MIL's things. Only it's probably for a single (maybe double) bed. I would like it for at least a queen size, if not king. How can I make it bigger?

    Michele in NC

    Hi Michele,

    I feel for you with with your sinus problems. Seems like all my life I have had sinus issues. :s

    About that quilt top. I think you could add a border around it in either a contrasting color or something matching and it would look fine. Queen sized quilt measurement is 90x108. Maybe a double border, in 2 different solid colors would work. I'm new to quilting, so I'm kind of guessing what would work. I hope an experienced quilter will jump in here. :)

    Have great day!
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,789 Member
    Morning ladies~
    well it has been a busy morning so far...went and fed DFIL and dusted and washed the wood floors with Murphy's oil soap.. then it will be on to mowing the yard.. Tom home yesterday afternoon.. so he is being busy as usual.. he just handed me the insurance bill for my car for the year it is 1138.00 , It doesnt have to be paid until July 9th so will have to save up for that..the sun is coming out so better get my working clothes on.
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Heather- have a Wonderful Anniversary! Enjoy your meal. Your escargot looks delicious! Made with love <3
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,677 Member
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,085 Member
    Allie that bill seems high. Have you take AARP driving class. You can do that online. That will save you 10%.Your driving and or car might have discounts. Can you pay it in 2 installments without adding to the cost? How old is your car? If there is no payment it might be worth dropping collision. The book value can get to the point that it is not worth fixing it if in an accident. If you still owe on the car you have to have collision. Good luck.If you are paying homeowner with the same company there should be a discount for that.
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,222 Member
    Hi to everyone. What a beautiful day here today. Too bad we have to be stuck inside doing our taxes LOL. Last night we went out to dinner and played cards with friends which was a lot of fun.

    Dana; yes, now I remember Dolly! Last time you put up pictures it led to half a day of looking at Treeing Walker Coonhounds and Beagles on line! She is gorgeous. That’s the “dog look” I like.

    Janetr: hope you feel better soon!

    Jane: I was laughing at your haircut story. I had very similar hair when I was little, although I did not have such a routine. One day I put it in a ponytail and just whacked it all off! My mom almost had a stroke! Hope your knee feels better.

    Sarah: hope you are safe

    Michele: you are always so busy! Thank you for your good wishes!

    Toni: stay dry!!!

    Lanette: hubby and I both have experience with the TENS. What can I help you with?

    Rori: always nice to see you!

    DJ: your story is inspiring!

    Gloworm: what a great photo!

    Lenora: I adore bread pudding!

    Heather: I had one of those diesel volkswagons for 7 years until it got bought back in December. I LOVED it!!!

    Well I am off to get started on the pesky taxes. I don’t know why we put them off every year, but we do…usually til the fall. So at least we are in the ball park Take care all. Meg from sunny Omaha

    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Janetr okc – When you are taking medications for a ‘sinus’ infection; you need to drink a lot more water than you might normally drink. IF the medication is for ‘drying up your sinuses to make it easier to breathe', it is doing the same thing to your body. If necessary, get one of those thermal cups and keep it full of ‘ice water’.

    I always get Mother’s Day and Father’s Day mixed up as to when they occur; one is always the 3rd Sunday of the month; the other is always the 2nd Sunday of the month. I want to say Mother’s Day is the 3rd Sunday of the month; because my DOS’s birthday will ‘occasionally’ fall on Father’s Day and his birthday is 6/16.

    Heather – We used to have a used Mercedes, which operated on diesel fuel and it was a lot cheaper than regular gas; now it is more expensive. Being in that Mercedes saved my life 20+ years ago when I accidentally crossed the center line and hit a pick-up truck (in somewhat of a glancing) head-on. Poor man had just picked up a brand-new pick-up truck and he saw me and was trying to pull off road; 4 – 6 more inches over, we’d both be dead. I had leaned down to grab the cord on the phone that was attached to the hump in the front seat; because i had dropped it and knew since I was the one who instigated the call that it would prevent the other person from making a call. I thought I had a long straight road; and, when I looked up I saw a GMC grill logo right at my steering column. I thought the wreck had occurred 'in the town I was headed to' to get there before the bank closed; but, Louis told me it was 'on a hilI and I was headed home. I had to be ‘cut out’ of the car. I don’t remember being ‘in pain’ even though I had almost had my left arm taken off; broken my left thigh, broke and crushed my right heel, and hit my chest on the steering column (although I was belted in). I do not go anywhere without my seat belt buckled around me. What I do remember is the awful sound of the “Jaws of Life” and the saw they were using to get me out. I was screaming that I had just filled the car up (I was so afraid it would blow up before they got me out of it). I remember the fireman sitting on the side of the seat trying to keep me calm. I don’t remember anything after they got me out until I work up in the ICU. Couldn’t remember my name, Louis or the boys; but, I kept calling for a friend and when the nurse came over and asked me ‘who’ I was calling for I said, my friend Wanda. I could not remember her last name; but, I did remember that her husband was a Commissioner. She knew who I was talking about because she was her back-door neighbor. She came to the hospital and notified Louis that I had been involved in a wreck. I guess the nurse did not recognize me even though our sons were in the class in school together.

    The Mercedes was like a tank. They cut the roof off and peeled it back like a can opener. Windshield broke; but, the fireman had put his jacket and hard hat on me before that occurred. Because my DOGD’s car seat was in the front seat; but, buckled, they kept asking me ‘if there was anybody else in the car with me’. I could not remember (thankfully not). When we went over to make sure that we had gotten everything out of it; I don't see how I survived it. Roof pulled back like a tin can top and blood all over the front seat. I still cannot remember most of it. MD/Surgeon said I probably never will, and it would probably be for the best.

    Escargot – snails – UGH! My DMnL ‘loved’ them; they tasted like rubber to me. Too chewy. I think it was just the thought of 'slugs'. But, they remind me of that scene in “Pretty Woman” when she sends one flying across the room; and, the waiter catches it. LOL! I love ‘crawdads’ … the ‘poor man’s lobster’. HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!!!!!

    Lisa – Nice car – beautiful color. You will just need to make sure you keep it washed and wax in that ‘hot’ TX sun. What year is it? New or Used? My Honda is a 4-cylindar; but, still has a great deal of ‘pep’ to it. I had traded in my Honda 6-cylindar. That was one of the things Louis got upset about until we drove it the next day to Louisiana. When we hit the gas to go around a car, it picked up speed; but, did not ‘kick in’ like the old one; but, still we could pass on a quarter and it saves so much gas. Besides it being filled up by the dealership; we only spent $75 of our own money to get to Louisiana and back to Georgia.

    Unfortunately, the young man who was one that sold me my last two cars go run over by his wife shortly after buying it; but, I expect that it might be my ‘last’ new car; if not the ‘last’ car (if I take good care of it). He had one as his 'company car' and said he would never buy another 4-cylinder. Gas mileage saving was a plus for me. When we drove it to Louisiana, Louis was pleasantly surprised at the pep it had.

    Dana – What I remember most about the 500-year flood we had in the SW GA area (while I was still working – more than 20 years ago) was that we got an extra week of vacation because we could not get back over the Flint River. When we did finally come home, the water over the bridge at Lake Blackshear was right up to the bottom of the roadbed. Exactly one week later the damn broke and the Lake was completely ‘dry’ until they could rebuild the damn. Louis and the boys said they should have been out there marking good fishing spots (holes and trees); but, we were on the way to visit my Mother at the time. Lots and lots of downed trees. But, the lake is still deep enough to ski on. Fishing got a lot better once this happened. It was amazing to me that that would happen.
    I called my boss twice a day for a report on whether or not our house was ‘under water’. Both ends of the street were flooded to the point that even ‘if’ we had come home, we would not have been able to get to the house. I’d rather have been down in Miami that battling the masses at all the stores paying twice what anything costs.

    Katla – I used to ‘go along with the program’ because I did not ‘know’ how to use the word, “NO!” But, did not take me long and only a few times have I had someone ‘push me’ on my ‘reasons’. “What part of ‘NO’ are you having a problem understanding?” Like when a nurse at a hospital that I should NEVER have been sent to came at me with a shot of insulin. I am ‘not’ diabetic. She was a smart-@$$ when I asked her ‘what it was’. A shot! “No $#*T, Sherlock, what is ‘in it’? She asked ‘if I was refusing it’. You’re damn right because I am NOT a diabetic. For some reason when I was “Lithium Toxic” they had given me insulin. I had not taken it since the December prior to this hospitalization and had not taken it since. The ‘idiot’ of a MD that sent me there, did not take it off my ‘list of medications’. Obviously, she never bothered to do anything. When I took her before the State Composite Board of Medical Examiners she HAD to provide me with my medical records. I read through them and ‘mark every entry she had made’ that was false. Including that she had sent the records to the MDs that I had signed authorizations for. She had put a ‘sticky note’ on my files that ‘there were NOT to be provided to me’ (even though I went to the hospital twice to try to get them. First for them to give them to me; the 2nd time for them to be sent to one of my MDs. That, also, was in my complaint – Quality of Care and Failure to Release Medical Records. That made me end up having unnecessary testing done because they were actually ‘duplicates’.

    I can understand using the work Nazi would be an insult; sometimes we use a word that is no longer acceptable to say. I’d never say it ‘outside of home’; and, especially not ‘to someone of color’. But, growing up in the Deep South it was commonly used. People’s careers have been side-tracked because 20 years earlier (or more) someone says they used that word. My Daddy used to say it all the time. I remember when we had the first colored man as the Police Chief and My Daddy calling a 'boy' over to see if he would come pick up pecans at our house. He 'ignored' Daddy - at that time they got 'insulted' being called 'boy' (the younger ones). The Chief called him over and used that word to do so. After he left my Daddy asked him 'why' he used that word. He said that it was extremely 'insulting' for one to call another one that and especially since he was someone in power. He was NOT about to NOT come across the street. I can still remember our maid walking me uptown to pick up ‘hamburgers’ from The Grill and having to go to the backdoor to get them and me asking her 'why we could not go in the front door and sit inside'. She told me ‘it just was NOT done’ for people of her race (late 50's). She was like a 2nd “mama” to me and it took years and years before I would ever go there (and they made the ‘best’ hamburgers in town). There were not any ‘fast food chains’ in town until I was in HS (in the mid-60’s). I would have ‘never’ disrespected her. When I went off the art school and came home one day, I asked her ‘what she wanted to be referred to as being’? At that time I think “African-American” had just started to be used. She told me to refer to her as a “Negro”, A “Negroid woman, or a ‘colored woman’. Being called a ‘colored woman’ was taught to me when she threw a white towel over our arms we had raised and she asked me ‘if she was black’? “No M ’ham!" Are you white? "No M ‘ham" … then we are BOTH colored women, I don’t know about it; but, I know I was not born in Africa so don’t ever refer to me as an African; that would be insulting to me … don’t even remember any parent or grandparent working on a plantation.

    Growing up in Georgia –The book, “The Help” was a way of life for a lot of people – black and white. I remember the first time my Mother drove her home. She was afraid for my Mother; but, nobody would have messed with “Mr. Buford’s” wife OR his children. Normally, she'd either walk uptown and go home with one of her 5 sons who worked in a department store; or, she would 'walk' home. Easily 5 miles from our house. She'd also catch a ride or walk to our house in the morning.

    In 8th grade we had 3 students in my class who had volunteered to come to the (at the time) all white school. That was in 1964; they ended up graduating with us. Two black boys, and one black girl. The black girl was extremely shy and quiet; and only a few girls made friends with her. One of the black boys was sort of a trouble-maker, the other black boy was one of a set of twins, played sports, and was active in clubs and such. I often wondered if his parents ever came to his games when the other twin had football games as well. I did see a few blacks that would sit on the hill at one end of the football field on blankets. The black cemetery was behind the school and a lot of people thought it to be ‘haunted’.

    What you call ‘bunch grass plants’ … is that the same things as “Liriopi grass”? I know it is quite often used as a ‘border’ grass around here; but, it is extremely invasive because it is a ‘tuber’ plants. When you first put it out, you can put it out in little bunch around a flower bed; then cut it back every year until it get thick enough as a border plant; then you have to mow your grass right up next to it to keep it from spreading and weed whack it on the inside or choke it out with a thick layer of mulch (pine straw or in our case - oak or pecan leaves. My parents had their yard professionally landscaped and I remember it being used all the way around the beds and some used in the middle of the back yard around a spigot. They put ‘thick’ layer of pine straw in the beds, which also kept it from spreading into the flower beds. But, it is difficult to get rid of; you have to dig it out and throw it away or let it dry out and burn it.

    Michele – The quilt might be able to be made larger (using the same pattern in the original quilt) or have a border sewn around it to make it larger.; which would be easier. Some people might suggest taking off the backing; but, with a border, to add the batten to keep it at the same thickness; there are some places (like with us, Hobby Lobby) and they either have someone or know of someone who has one of the ‘new’ embroidery/quilting machines that will quilt a pattern on the border. I know this summer, I am going to take a quilt that is on our bed (actually more of a queen-sized than a king-sized and stitch where it is coming apart. By hand, too thick to try to do it on my sewing machine.

    I’d love to find someone who knits to see if a baby blanket my Mother made that now has a hole in the middle of it because the boys would stick their fingers through the stitches and twirl their fingers. I think the other blankets as well as the sweaters knitted for Taylor are in her ‘hope chest’. I need to ask Jennifer if they are. I know that she found them up on the top shelf in her room when she and Trey married.
