

  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    When I weigh in the morning I always channel my nudist self! I used to weigh in at TOPS in my swimsuit, until they told me I couldn't do that! They said it wasn't normal daily attire. Oh they do not even know what normal attire is for me! Summertime I can be found wearing my swag, but I do wear clothes out and about! When my sons were younger, they would be pulling off their clothes in the RV, even before we turned the corner into the clothing optional resort! Sometimes I would just wear my swag home! I hated leaving the resort, so most times my husband was in the RV driving, then honk, and I would dash out of the pool, waving to everyone....like a nudey queen!!! Haha!
    Becca in
    Oregon just
    There you can have a look see. No all the nudists had to hide when they took pics for this website. Or cross their legs just so!
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    I notice doctors scales are mostly clunky old things that the nurses don't take time for the weights to settle out.
  • MartiB856
    MartiB856 Posts: 85 Member
    Just finish reading posts, there are alot everyday. I love the before and after pics. Congrats.
    I am headed out to my veggie garden area - the weeds and the goatheads have taken over, I will be at least another week getting it ready to plant. Marti
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member

    Who had their shelves bust and a mason jar break?? This looks like a handy thing!
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,740 Member
    I think I will ride hm today
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Beautiful sunny day here with a nice breeze. I planted a Mandevilla plant by the mail box. It is a vine that twines around and has pretty pink flowers. I just had a problem digging the hole deep enough. Also planted Shasta daisies. They were so root bound that it was almost impossible to break them up. Will see. Also pulled these huge vines out of my Rose of Sharon tree. It took both me and the DH to get them out.

    Carol in GA
  • ydailey
    ydailey Posts: 516 Member
    Happy Lost Sock Memorial Day!

    I had a long conference call first thing this morning, and it's thrown off my day in terms of reading posts. Let's see if I can catch up!

    DJ - Congratulations on having your daughter nearby again! I just saw a post from someone nearby looking to rehome a Great Dane puppy... I'm having to sit on my hands to keep from responding. We adore Luna, but I do miss having a giant dog.

    Kate - What a great place for an art installation! I think the figures on the beach are evocative in a way they might be if they were anywhere else.

    Becca - Pie and lattes - hilarious!

    Dana - I weight in on Wednesdays, first thing in the morning, in my shortie pajamas.

    Philip and I are making the Hairy Bikers Spanish-style chicken bake this afternoon - one for our dinner tonight and one to take to our friends we're cooking for this month. It smells heavenly but the kitchen is getting kind of hot!

    Tonight is "Detox & Retox" (yoga) so I'm thinking of sending Philip off to deliver dinner while I get my mellow on. It would be a welcome break after what is turning out to be a frenetic day.

    Hurray for me - yesterday I finally got back on the exercise bike. I used the interval timer on my phone and worked it pretty hard, so I felt thoroughly worked out when I was done!

    -Yvonne in TX
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Yeah, I wish we all could customize our cable/dish packages. I don't listen to over half and probably 3/4 stations offered. Consider here that a lot of those stations are music. I like my basic stations, golf, HGTV and Hallmark. I did ask for the Hallmark movie mystery channel and after the 3 months free of that I will probably keep it. She did give us 3 months free of Starz.

    Our Evansville families are trying to decide where to go for Mother's Day. My dear wonderful, ha ha, husband suggested Bob Evans. yeah, that's like going to McDonalds for me. We go there so often it is not special. I think it is between Cheddars, Red Lobster or a local steak house that has prime rib to die for.

    Really tired today, not in a talkative mood.

    Joyce, in sunny Indiana
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Lanette: I'm sorry you had a mess in the garage. Our whole garage is a mess, but an organized mess. We've never kept a car in it and we've lived here for 20 years. :embarassed:

    Heather: You have a good attitude about your housing situation. The photos of your home that you posted in the past are lovely and I'd live there in a heartbeat if I could. I love living in a small town that is near enough to a city. I doubt you'd think of Portland, OR as a BIG city, but it is big enough and close enough. Good public transportation would make a world of difference because the freeways are too jammed with big trucks and quite unpleasant to drive. Western Oregon and Western Washington are handicapped by one main freeway that has to handle too much traffic. The topography doesn't really allow for a second freeway. Both states have a coast range, a valley, and the Cascade mountain range. The bulk of each state's populations are located in that valley. Washington has a better public transportation than Oregon, but in both states, the public transportation system serves the largest city, and not much else. Washington does have a fabulous ferry system. If you ever get to the west coast of the US you will want to ride some of those ferries. :bigsmile:

    Lenora: I slam my iceberg lettuce on the counter to remove the core, too. Great minds think alike. DH loves iceberg lettuce, but I've come to prefer Romaine. :smiley:

    Dana: I weigh first thing in the morning one or two times a week, in the nude. My scale is in the bedroom and I have all the privacy I want. :flowerforyou:

    Today is gorgeous and the river is deep. I assume that the Bonneville Power Administration is letting as much water down the spillways as possible without causing flooding. They seem to do a great job planning for the tides. The Columbia River is tidewater all the way to Portland Harbor. In the summer when the water level is lower we sometimes have the river running backwards in front of our house. It was quite a surprise the first time we saw logs floating up stream.

    Have a great day!

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,375 Member
    edited May 2017
    Toni - Many congratulations! That's a big loss! :D

    I lost around 1.5 lbs last week. Don't know exactly because my scales are analogue and old fashioned, but it's definitely more than a pound. :D Only 2 pounds to go to be back at target.

    I've lost my cleaner. :'( Last week she rang just before she was due to arrive to say her father had collapsed and she was going to the hospital with him. Today she texted and evidently he had died and she and her mother were terribly upset. It was totally unexpected and he was a big part of her life. Almost like a best friend. She is married, but has no children. She is my son's age. Her dad must have been my age. So she is moving in with her mum to help her cope with the shock. Her mum lives a way from here. So she can't come any more.
    Not a good moment for me with the party and stay over this weekend and only one arm. But we'll manage between us. I'm going to have to sit down tomorrow and make a big list of stuff to buy and do. DH has cricket all day on Friday, so we will have to prepare before that. Panicking a bit, but it'll be fine. Lots of things I can't do with the arm and everything I can do takes twice as long and hurts. Can't drive etc. He has mowed the grass. :) There are weeds everywhere, but that's too bad. I can't make beds and I've got to fill , ice and decorate the cake and make dinner and lunches. With one arm. Aaaaarrrgggghhhh!
    Lists, lists, lists. Tomorrow is another day.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,819 Member
    Good morning my dear friends. I am working the 6-6 shift today and then tonight at church they are starting a 6 week women's Bible study that I signed up for. Today was weigh in day and I lost .1 which is better then I expected. One day at a time.

    Meg--Happy Be-lated Birthday.

    Janetr--Hugs! You can vent here anytime.

    Sunday afternoon DH and I took the triker over to the doctor clinic's parking lot and he started teaching me to drive the trike. It is different trying to shift with my foot, but I did ok and got into 2nd with no problems. I did like it and may just have to keep practicing so I can ride by myself at times. But that is a long way off at this point.

    DH and I weigh in every Tuesday morning at the hospital where I work on the same scale. That seems to work best for us.

    Well ladies I am up to date on reading and run out of time to say much. Take care, Blessings, Vicki Grand Island,NE
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Heather, wish I were close I would certainly come help. I cannot ice and decorate a cake or cook like you do but I can certainly make beds and clean house. All will be fine, we know you are a perfectionist and terrific host. Biggest hugs ever.

    Janetr OKC
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    On my last post about DDnL wanting to go back to 'diet doctor' ... I meant to say DDnL#1; DDnL#2 is slim, nice shape.

    Hope y'all in the Seattle, WA will find out when the Chinese Warrior Exhibition is going to be there and get to go; it is worth the time. Really interesting and well done. And you can move through it at your leisure and the earphones means you can hear it all.

    A/C still 'out'; it is about 85 inside and out; but, the fans are running at full speed. We'll turn them down as soon as it is dark and cools down outside. Trey told us that our A/C's guy's Mother and Sister were in a bad wreck down in FL, so that might be why we can't get in touch with him.

  • itmeansflower
    itmeansflower Posts: 29 Member

    Too funny! :smiley:
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,829 Member
    nighty night ladies~ Happy Birthday Meg~
    Heather~ If I lived closer to you, I would be there to help you however I could xoxox
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    Did an hour of a 20-40-60 (speed intervals) workout on the treadmill. The plan for tomorrow is to do the South Beach Diet Supercharged DVD since we have a Newcomer general meeting.

    Went out to lunch with some of the ladies in the neighborhood. I thought I was pretty good, mostly peas & carrots, some cottage cheese (oh the sodium probably), a small thin slice of beef, cup of hot tea (why do they always want to give you iced tea?), salad with mushrooms, grape tomatoes, cucumbers and onions (no dressing).

    Afterwards, went to get the oil in my car changed then stopped at the Green Room to pick up some of the boxes they had. See, the programs come in these heavy but not real big boxes. Since my girlfriend (one of the gals we play mahjongg with on Mondays) is moving, these will be nice for heavy things like books etc. Vince is at shooting right now (with the Newcomers). We got another load of riverrock delivered, but this time only 2 yards (the minimum you can buy for delivery). We won't be doing a whole lot, but over the years some of the rock has settled so we're just going to use it to fill in.

    Tomorrow we have a Newcomer general meeting. Then in the afternoon Vince is going to wait for the guy from Charter to be here while I go to Aldi, then ceramics at night.

    Becca - that pilates post really made me smile. Thanks

    Paula - I have heard of freezing cabbage, just never did it.

    Beth - sending you some coupons!!!!

    Becca - for years and years when the kids were little I'd buy store brand cheerio-o's and put them in a Cheerio box. Boy, were they ever surprised to find out that I did this!

    Helen - happy birthday to your hubby. Have fun celebrating

    Dana - my "official" weight-in day is Sat. am. I weigh myself on the same scale shortly after going to the bathroom. I'm just in my pajamas so I figure that's not adding that much.

    Becca - wonder if there's a TOPS meeting at a nudist colony? That would be interesting. Laguna del Sol looks like such a relaxing place. Now I know why you liked it there so much

    katla - speaking of Romaine lettuce. The gal whose house we go to on Mondays to play mahjongg, her dogs absolutely love the lettuce ribs from the Romaine. That's one of the reasons I give Vince romaine. Honestly, the way these dogs get so excited when I come with the lettuce ribs, you would think I was coming with a t-bone steak!

    Beth - when my kids were little, every year, never failed, our bathroom downstairs was "broken" and I had to lock the door to keep someone from accidentally using it. Actually, that's where I kept the presents as I was wrapping. Do you know that they never caught on how every year the bathroom broke and suddenly the day after Christmas, it was fixed. They finally caught on after we'd moved out of the house.

    Claudia - you're just fine

    Michele in NC