

  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    Renee in Chicagoland, hey there nice to meet you! My husband said he would love to have a cleaning service too. But the kind where they wear lingerie! Of course he would scatter stuff all on the floor before they visited. OK I should explain, I married a raunchy sailor!!! Haha!!
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,400 Member
    My ant came out of the kiln tonight, and I realized that I completely forgot to paint the mouth! The gal there said that she would do it for me. I know that it's so hard to paint on the item once it's been fired. I also spoke to her about the tray. she thought that's a good idea. She said that she'd paint over the names and I told her that I'd pay her. At first she said "no" but I know that it's labor intensive.

    We're supposed to have a load of riverrock delivered tomorrow, but only 2 yards. I plan to go to the Y but I'll be home early so that we can put the tarp out for the delivery guy. The sister of one of my neighbors will be here so some of us from the neighborhood are going to go to lunch then Vince says I should get my oil changed. I'm going to go to VA Friday. Jess has an appt to go bridesmaid dress shopping. I suspect strongly that she would like me to come up so that we can use my car (I pay for the gas). I know things are tight for her right now. The guy she living with, his contract wasn't renewed so right now he's not working. I also spoke to Vince. Denise wants all the dresses ordered Sat so I'll put Jess' on my credit card. I'll probably go to VA Fri, spend the night at Jess', we'll drive to PA Sat., back to VA Sat. and I'll drive home Sun.

    Renee - I usually just boil the leaves enough so that they come off the head of cabbage. Then I let them cool. I read somewhere you should make a "y" cut and cut out the ribs, but I've never had much luck trying to stuff the cabbage. Well, I admit I don't make them very much since Vince won't eat them. I'm the only one who will.

    MyDailyPursuit - welcome! Post whenever you can, we love to hear from you. There are some gals here who only post occasionally, and that's OK. Where are you going on your holiday?

    Michele in NC
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    mydailypursuits, hi there from an old gal in Oregon! Congrats on the 35 lb loss! That's a great accomplishment! I seem to be in a holding pattern, but that will change, I have lots on my plate, (mentally). Do you have a name we can use, and where do you hail from? Welcome to our little women's Utopia!
  • pyanko7
    pyanko7 Posts: 153 Member
    Renee - I dig most of the core out of a head of cabbage and then freeze it. When you are ready to make staffed cabbage, just thaw the cabbage. This makes the leaves soft enough to roll properly. I cut the rib off.

    Hugs to Everyone.

    Paula Y.
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,781 Member
    NY Karen ... Yes, we are back! Finally have my boy back and I can see in just two days he is going to totally destroy my grocery budget this summer. I'll need to channel Becca and her frugal food strategies ... especially since the vehicle woes resulted in a 7,000.00 hit to the budget.

    I am still wading through multiple bags of laundry. Son's idea of packing was to dump everything into contractor's bags! Should probably have him channel Becca on that one too...

    Michele... we're having a freeze warning tonight and tomorrow I have someone coming to open the pool ... something's not right about that picture ...

    Janetr ... hugs

    Made it through a long week of roadside food and managed to not gain any weight so I'll take that as a positive. But seriously have to get my act together with making healthy food choices. Planning always helps and needing to adhere to a budget this month makes it even more necessary ... so that's what I'll do.

    Beth near Buffalo
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Renee in Chicagoland wrote :
    "Janetr – your mom was a real beauty! You probably have told your story already about your gastric bypass, but I’d love to hear more"
    Not sure what kind of details you are looking for but I'd be glad to answer any questions you may have. I was 63 when I decided to have the surgery and turned 64 before it was done. Sometimes, depending on the health of the patient, it can be 6-12 months of waiting and testing. From the time I first met with the bariatric surgeon in Oct. to surgery date in December was just two months. Almost unheard of he said to go that quickly. Other than the consequences of being overweight such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol Type II Diabetes I had no major health risks that preventing me from having major surgery. They have you and your spouse/partner attend a seminar to learn all of the facts and the different surgeries available, etc. I knew from the beginning that I was interested in the Roux-en-Y laparoscopic gastric bypass. They have you see a psychiatrist, nutitionist and everyone else you can think of to have you as fully prepared as possible. Almost all bariatric surgery is done laparscopically now and you are only in the hospital one or two nights. I weighed 283 lbs when I decided to have surgery, I had lost 24 lbs by surgery date and lost 125# total in about 9 months. There is a lot involved and eating is very strict and you have to be willing to commit to a life time change in eating habits. But as I said earlier I'd do it again. I only wish I had done it earlier. I do eat fairly normally now and most people seeing me eat would not think I was eating strangely or really any differently then they are. That does take a while tho. Feel free to ask any questions you may have.

    Janetr OKC
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Janet #1 I am so glad for you that your dear daughter is home and that you are catching up on those hugs. Enjoy!!!

    I'm better now. I know my sisters do not mean to hurt my feelings and I know they love me and I love them right back. I actually think part of my frustration was at not being able to be there with them when I would love to be. Unfortunately I cannot be two places at once :(

    Janetr OKC
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    Beth in Buffalo, Hey hey all this channeling is making my scalp tingly!! Haha!
    - all that laundry is a lesson in laundry techniques right there!!!
    - at least make him help you separate! Heehee
    - look at what ya got before you go get new stuff.
    - if you have to get every item to make something, buy cheap not name brand.
    - if you have to get name brand, buy it once and save container, then buy cheap and put it in the name brand container shhhhhh!
    - look at what you have to spend in a month on food, divide by 4 and stick to that amount for the weeks worth of food.

    You got this! You are the queen of da kitchen!!
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Beth, thank you sweetie hugs are always appreciated and my situation is really much less worrisome than what you have gone through in the last week. Sending big hugs back to you (((HUG)))

    Janetr OKC
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Becca: Don't apologize for taking good care of your home. I admire your tidy home. Maybe a little of your good influence will rub off on me. I'm not good at cleaning and let things go for too long before doing anything about them. :embarassed: You are golden! :smile: :heart:

    Pip: Bark all you want! Is that dog Floyd? NIce outfit. :smiley:

    Meg: Happy Birthday!!!!!

    Janet: In my opinion, your niece is an angel and can't be over appreciated. You may have difficult sisters, but you have a really awesome niece. :flowerforyou: Love the photo of your mom. She was a pretty girl.

    Glitterng: What is Holy Basil? :huh:

    Renee: Yoga was wonderful today!!! Thank you for asking. :smiley:

    Dana: I use a word document, too. I have it open on my computer screen beside the thread and write my comments as I go along. Then I copy and paste it into the thread and proof read it. I catch most of the boo-boos. :wink:

    Barbie: My Medicare supplemental insurance pays for my gym membership. This is insurance we pay for that pays for prescriptions & dental care and does other things like the gym membership. DSIL has different insurance, but hers also pays for a gym membership as long as she goes regularly. We have different providers from one another. Mine is through our public employees retirement system. Hers is through United Heathcare. :flowerforyou:

    I made a chocolate cake to give a neighbor who regularly brings us fresh salmon he has caught. The cake is cooling now and I'll frost it in the morning and get it to him tomorrow. He likes chocolate so he's getting chocolate cake with chocolate frosting.

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    Nothing is impossible, the word itself says 'I'm possible'!" -Audrey Hepburn
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,380 Member
    Hi all.
    For all you cabbage stuffers, the Unstuffed Cabbage from skinnytaste.com is delicious and freezes well. :D

    Janetr - they didn't speak any language I know! The train divides at Basingstoke and the front half goes via Southampton to Poole and the back half goes to Fareham, via my station. I heard the guard telling the family that they had to get out at Basingstoke and walk down to the front half of the train. (The train was very crowded) There are many, many announcements along the journey telling people which half of the train they should be in, but useless if you don't speak English! At Basingstoke I could see they were still sitting there, so I asked to see their ticket. It said Southampton. I waved my arms around and said "OUT! OUT!" And the gestured "TO THE FRONT, THE FRONT!" Just like a pantomime! :laugh" They jumped up and saying THANK YOU, THANK YOU, rushed out. I couldn't bear to think of them ending up in Fareham in the dark! Having been in similar situations myself abroad, I felt for them. :D

    I bought myself a wrist protector yesterday, but had to take the first one back as I got a left one by mistake. Eventually I got the right one and I think it will be a big help. I will wear it to yoga today. :D

    DJ - Happy for you! Three years is too long! <3

    Beth - Happy for you too. <3 Really sorry about the car expenses. Wow! :'( That's a LOT of dosh. (Is that an American word?)

    Yoga today and I will burn a few more calories on the bike this afternoon when a favourite programme is on. :DB)

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member
    LANETTE - thanks for compliment 49 I wish, I'm 72 next Sunday

    DANA - I have a word processing app on my ipad not sure if it's available on iphone, I'll check

    Kate UK
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    Meetings slated all day in Midland and Odessa - up early, but was asleep on the couch by 8 last night, after 11 hours or so of work, so feeling pretty good. In the shower by 5 a.m., on the road by 6 a.m., and in Midland by 8. :) At least four meetings that I know of, and maybe more if the boss has been able to fit any in. Kinda lovin' it--feel energized and engaging my brain completely is a rush.

    Back here tomorrow most likely - love y'all,
    Lisa in West Texas
  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member
    DANA the app is available for iPhone it's WPS Office

    Kate UK
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,834 Member
    Morning Ladies~
    Having my cup of tea.. was tired last night worked 9-5 with no lunch break ,like I told you the Dr is kinda pokey but I did bring a protein shake and some nuts..
    my hair is cut short.. so I have to wash it every day as it is sticking out everywhere
    next 2 days working 9:30-6 .. will go see lawyer friday am and then to work.. from there I go up and stay with Faith for the weekend.. wont be home until probably Sunday night..
    Everyone seems busy busy...I found something on facebook that really hit home and posted it.. the ladies that are facebook friends on here probably saw it.. about living your life from birth to death and all the years in between.. you work basically from 16-65 and then you retire.. why live to work? do things you want to do while still working..