
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,089 Member
  • pitegny
    pitegny Posts: 1,006 Member
    Finally made my way through the last three pages of posts. We are a prolific group!

    Kate: Congratulations on the loss!

    Chris: Congratulations on the changes in your approach to food and drink!

    Jagbug: Hope the change from WW to calories go well!

    Janetr1: Your before and after photos are inspirational!

    Renee: Good luck with the new diabetes medicine; hope you won't have any side effects.

    Sarah: Congratulations at reaching at Onederland!

    Orchidmother: You have come to a great place for support! I hope the trial will work well for you.

  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited May 2017
    Leigh, thank you so much. I had gastric bypass surgery in December 2013. It's was a very fast way to lose weight but I have to say not easy plus it includes challenges for the rest of your life. But yes, I'm glad I did it and yes I'd do it again in a heartbeat...

    Janetr okc
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    Janetokc, Congrats on grandson going into the Navy!! Air traffic controller, like on a base, or with a ship? You see my husband was an Operations Specialist OS, and he was the guy like in the movies plotting and graphing sea and air contacts on a map table or writing on the plexiglass with a grease marker. In a sense being a traffic controller for the area around the ship. The "air Navy" is really overmanned sadly. Many a time my sons had passed the rate tests, but there were no openings. I hope his boot camp experience goes well. I am going to have Owain read both brothers correspondence to us when they were in boot camp, so he will know what a head game it is. Just play the game...

  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    Carol in GA, Its not often I get in the mood to clean, but when I go, watch out! After cleaning I was saying, "hello clean sink, why hello sparkly shower", and driving husband coo coo!
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    Katla, I am really the worst type of cleaner! I am the type that turns over couches,(because lord knows what can get stuck in them!), and my cleaning can travel from room to room. So my husband just says ," oh no you are in that mood again aren't you!!??". Yesterday I had to wear my apron for awhile until the feeling to clean kicked in. I usually take everything off counters and floor in my bathrooms and put it on the bed. See now I really have ta clean! Its quite a mental thing! Haha!
    Quite the mental merry maid in
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    Presently my weight is 239. I have gained some weight since ending TOPS, but only a couple. The pressure of managing my weekends in order to have a good weigh in on Wednesday is gone. Each day stands on its own, and my accountability is to myself alone.
    Now having said all that, I have been dipping into my sons peanut/honey almonds/M&M mixture, so its now off the counter. I had some handfuls on Friday, so that was probably the culprit for my upset stomach over the weekend. Hey I reaped what I sowed! My fault, I will own it!
    Everyone is doing so well! I am proud of all of you!!
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Becca ~ I got into my DH's malted milk balls last nite. We're bad...LOL
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,847 Member
    LOL! Sorry Janet and Karen- for the baby mixup! Both beautiful girls and I know, in my brain, whose babe is whose; I even went back three times to re-read that sentence about the baby's grandmother! Hahaha! Just should have looked closer at who was posting!
    Becca- THAT was how I was with my cleaning this weekend! Usually I just do what needs to be done and that is it; but I have my times when my body is taken over by some sort of cleaning demon. And it was such a beautiful day, and I wanted to stop cleaning; but I couldn't! And it was crazy, madwoman, kind of cleaning. I was red faced and working at a furious pace, and moving things and talking to myself and congratulating myself with every task completed. AND I AM THE WORST SORT!!! I actually make my DH take a tour through the house upon completion, while I tell him everything that I did. LOL!
    Yvonne- IF you are having a hard time finding the motivation/time to fit in exercise (even just walking) make your goals small! I had to start at 15 minutes. I had to tell myself, "You have time for 15 minutes!" So I would go out and walk for 15 minutes. Sometimes that 15 minutes would stretch to 30; but the point is just to get you out and moving. I have been at 30 minutes of walking a day. I am starting to feel the "itch" to really push to an hour or push to begin running; but I am making myself take it slow. I don't want to risk injury or turn it into something I dread doing. Start small and you will be fine!
    Welcome new ladies!
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    Greetings! It’s a hot day here today (90 degrees) and kind of cloudy. It’s my birthday, but DH has to work tonight and I have a support group, so no celebrating just yet! That’s ok. Hopefully this Saturday both kids can come over for dinner and cake. I spent my whole morning in a meeting…ugh!

    DH has his postponed lawyer appointment today. I’m trying not to think about it. I’m just so worried about how this will turn out. I still cannot believe we are in this position.

    DD#1 actually texted me to say happy birthday after no communication since Good Friday. She wants me to come to a dr. appointment with her the 30th. So that was a nice gesture. I don’t know what to do about her; I guess there’s nothing to do, but DH was so frustrated over her inability to even commit to a birthday celebration that he was very upset. She simply won’t commit to anything because she says “I don’t know” to all questions or plans. If you just plan and tell her when it is, she’s angry because she didn’t get any input.

    Lanette: yes, the TENS should work great on back strain

    Jane hope you are feeling better by now

    Mia: congrats!!!

    Grandmallie: I think everyone’s advice here has been solid!

    Pip: your dog looks like my cats up on a box staring out the window! Yesterday they were trying to attack the birds that are building nests on our awnings! It’s hilarious.

    So I know I have missed most of you but I read all and will be thinking of you today~ Meg from Omaha

  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited May 2017
    I'm sitting here a getting more and more upset and I keep telling myself to just let it go, so decided to share with you my friends and then give it to the universe. It is what it is. About a month ago, my niece in Denver texted me that her daughter is graduating high school in May and said her Mom and Dad, my sister that I haven't seen for about 2 1/2 years, will be coming to Denver for their granddaughters graduation. They live in Seattle now but had lived in Southern California for about 20 years, I flew to CA 2 1/2 years ago for their 50th wedding anniversary. So I told my niece that I would not be able to come to Denver as my granddaughter here in Oklahoma was graduating HS that same weekend and my daughter from Denver would be coming here. Told her I was so sorry to miss her parents, etc.

    So today I get another text from the same niece saying my sister (one of them that lives in Denver) is having a lunch for all the sisters at her house on May 15th and they would love for me to be there. Now she knows that I'm busy and can't come but what bother's me even more is why in the world would my niece be the one inviting my to my sister's home for lunch? I'm always calling my older sisters and I'm always telling them that I would love it if they would call me once in a while too, but they never do and it really hurts my feelings. Now I'm invited to lunch by a niece, not even a daughter to the sister that is having the lunch. Does that make sense? Any way, I politely told her that I would not be able to make it. Ugh.

    Sorrry for the long complaint and thanks for letting me vent.

    Janetr OKC
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,618 Member
    edited May 2017
    Hi all,
    Just got back from London. My friend was in fairly good form through the chemo, but they had three goes at getting the canula in. :#
    I walked back to the train station - 50 mins, so got a bit of exercise. :D
    Did not drink any alcohol and only went over by 100 which is good on a low exercise day.
    On the way home I saved a group of non English speaking foreigners from going in the completely wrong direction by telling them to get out and join the front half of the train when it was dividing. My good deed for the day. :Do:)

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited May 2017
    Heather, where were the people from that were going to go the wrong way? I guess I'm asking if they understood English or if you had to speak to them in another language. You always impress me with your knowledge :)

    Janetr OKC
  • DanaReel180
    DanaReel180 Posts: 463 Member
    Janet. So sorry you have been hurt by your sister and family. I've had my share too! If the May 15th conflicts with your DD graduation, just enjoy yourself in town. I wouldn't call them at all. Words might be said that can't be taken back. Do your own thing, don't worry about it. There will be other times to get together.