c25k - newbie runners



  • ck2d
    ck2d Posts: 372 Member
    Got rained on today!
    But it was actually brilliant - cooled me down and cut the humidity.
    Week 2 done.
  • ck2d
    ck2d Posts: 372 Member
    W3D1 was a piece of cake. I went early - before the sun was fully up - and I'm sure the temperature being 20 degrees less than what I'm used to helped a lot.
  • rianneonamission
    rianneonamission Posts: 854 Member
    Nice, nothing like a cool morning for a run. It's my preferred time of day too!
  • motivatedsister
    motivatedsister Posts: 544 Member
    I struggled Friday to complete my 30 minute run...ugh! This weekend was crazy so unfortunately I didn't really think out a plan as far as what I want to do now that I've finished C25K. I'll try to look into those other programs during my lunch break today if I have time. If not, I'll just go for another 30 minute run today.
  • thewindandthework
    thewindandthework Posts: 531 Member
    I managed to do both 5 minute intervals of W4 for the first time! I did extend the walking intervals a little, but I did the running bit as written, so I'm just going to repeat W4 until I get it as written 3 times in a row.
  • cmon288
    cmon288 Posts: 173 Member
    So I began W2D1 yesterday. It was bad. I was glad there were only 6 run intervals. I don't think I could have gone many more. I have found running in the morning is better than running in the nights for me on the weekends. I'll talk myself out of it if I wait to late on the weekends. I just need to get up 30-60 minutes early so I can beat the sun.
  • ck2d
    ck2d Posts: 372 Member
    cmon288 wrote: »
    So I began W2D1 yesterday. It was bad. I was glad there were only 6 run intervals. I don't think I could have gone many more. I have found running in the morning is better than running in the nights for me on the weekends. I'll talk myself out of it if I wait to late on the weekends. I just need to get up 30-60 minutes early so I can beat the sun.

    It gets easier once you get used to it.
    Slow down! A lot. You can work on your pace later. Long distance running isn't about sprinting.
    Congrats on the start!
  • rianneonamission
    rianneonamission Posts: 854 Member
    I know, the first one feels awful, but it does get easier @cmon288! As @ck2d has said, slow down. I found that in week two I had to run more slowly. By the time I got to week 4 I had slowed down even further. Only now that I am in week 8 I can start working on speed.

    But do keep telling yourself there's fewer run intervals each week. You might run for a little longer, but you don't have to do it 8 times. This week it's 6, next week it's only 4. Mind over matter and all that...

    Morning running is nice, there is something about the cool air that is refreshing and invigorating. Perfect start to the day!
  • rianneonamission
    rianneonamission Posts: 854 Member
    How are you getting on @thewindandthework? Is week 4 getting easier?
  • ck2d
    ck2d Posts: 372 Member
    W3D2 done. Can't believe how quickly I progressed. The first week I'd be huffing and puffing for half an hour after I finished. Now, I'm sweaty, but other than that I recovered so fast you can't even tell I did it.
  • ddrumstic
    ddrumstic Posts: 15 Member
    I reduced my speed from 6.3 mph to 5.8 and went back two runs to W3D3. No more shin splints and I actually found it easy! So much so that I kept jogging past the stop time on the last run. I'm looking forward to my next one now.
  • tinkerbellang83
    tinkerbellang83 Posts: 9,069 Member
    edited July 2017
    Currently on Week 6 I tweaked my run a little today as still got a bit of a dull ache in my calf which has been plagueing me for a few days now but much better than it was so I went for longer distance and more intervals. I should have been doing 2 x 10 mins with 1 x 5 min walk but instead did 3 x 8 mins and 2 × 3 min walk. First run interval was a bit slow to get into a rhythym as I was purposefully trying to go slower than usual until I got a bit warmed up. I completed just over 3km in 30 mins which is ok in my book. I will probably do the same again Saturday and then try the 2x10 mins on Sunday
  • ck2d
    ck2d Posts: 372 Member
    1/3rd of the way through the program!
  • ck2d
    ck2d Posts: 372 Member
    W4D1 done.
    I've tipped the balance - more running than walking now.
    I'm drained. But it was 80 degrees and muggy out, so that didn't help.
    And I stopped huffing and puffing much faster than the first week.
    I'll be fine once I do this a couple more times.
  • rianneonamission
    rianneonamission Posts: 854 Member
    Nice work! you'll wonder why it was such a struggle at the start. I went for a 5k run yesterday evening (it was my last C25K session on the Zenlabs app) and I remember thinking how nice it is to be able to put on some gear and head out for a bit. It was really lovely! There's still some mental battling going on, but nowhere near as much as there used to be.
  • ck2d
    ck2d Posts: 372 Member
    W4D2 done.
    It was much better than Monday's session. No huffing and puffing for breath when I was done.
    Though today there was 95% humidity and I was sweating as soon as I stepped out the door, so I wouldn't exactly call the session comfortable...
  • melodydee66
    melodydee66 Posts: 115 Member
    edited July 2017
    I completed my second W4D1 yesterday. I think I'm ready to try W4D2. I'm a little scared, but I'm going to go for it!