c25k - newbie runners



  • beerfoamy
    beerfoamy Posts: 1,520 Member
    Does anyone else's brain do weird things a few hours before the run?

    I am on Wk 6 day 3 and have a 22min run later tonight.

    So my toe has a niggle, my left foot aches a bit, my back aches a bit. All of which weren't happening about 30 minutes ago. But then I started thinking about the run and the route and if I was going to manage it, and suddenly I have all these niggles! :/

    Congrats to everyone who is doing C25K - it is a really good progamme and we are all killing it!!
  • thewindandthework
    thewindandthework Posts: 531 Member
    Week 2 Day 2 went great yesterday! I breezed through, it was over before I knew it, and I hardly broke a sweat!

    Weird considering how tough Week 2 Day 1 was, but awesome!
  • katys_workinforit
    katys_workinforit Posts: 30 Member
    I have been working on my walking to get build up to the c25k. 3 weeks of walking = scared, but ready to start jogging. w1d1 here I come.
  • tinkerbellang83
    tinkerbellang83 Posts: 9,073 Member
    Original comment is probably lost in the first couple pages of this thread somewhere - have a group for those who are using C25K or thinking about it this year http://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/group/120724-c25k-couch-to-5km-2017-app-users all are welcome to join. Mostly a progress discussion but have threads for general chats and for people to share tips :smile:
  • motivatedsister
    motivatedsister Posts: 544 Member
    You can do it! @katys_workinforit

    I believe it was @stanmann571 that said the intervals on either side of the 20 minute run were both worse than the actual 20 minute run...OMG, not lying! I think I was a little over confident after completing the 20 minute run that it would be a cakewalk after breaking through that mental barrier lol. So I wasn't mentally prepared for how hard W6D1 would be.

    I glanced over the workout, and I must have misread it because I thought it was only a combination of 5 or 3 minute runs/walks, piece of cake right?!? First 5 minute jog was okay..the usual getting into it thing that normally happens on the first part of any run for me. My second one is always better! Begin the second segment which I think is also 5 minutes, and it was just rough! I thought for a second there my app must be malfunctioning because surely 5 minutes have passed; take a look and nope you still have 3 minutes left. 3 minutes?!? I'm dying here! After finishing the segment I glanced at the workout description and yea...the segment was 8 minutes. The longest 8 minutes of my life! It shouldn't have been that big of a deal after running 8 minutes before and longer, but I think because I wasn't anticipating running that long mentally I was over it.

    I finished though, and the last 5 minute running segment went by quickly.

    Ready for day 2...I know what's coming (two 10 minute segments) so I will mentally prepare myself come Friday!
  • motivatedsister
    motivatedsister Posts: 544 Member
    I did day 1 of week 7 today...25 minute run. Exhausted! I can't believe I'm almost to the end of the program. Hope everyone else is still faring well!
  • Steve25k
    Steve25k Posts: 125 Member
    SNAP - Day 1 of Week 7 for me too today and I got personal bests on my 1 mile and 2 mile times, probably because they're normally interrupted by walking.

    I run down a dirt track and back again so 25 minutes of running meant I went further than any previous runs. My run consists of the mental game of "just get to the bridge", "just get to the river", "just get to the hump", "just to the next bridge", "just get to the pond", "shout at the dog to get out of the pond", "just get to that muddy bit", "turn around", "just get to that muddy bit", "just get to the pond", "shout at the dog again" etc.

    I'm starting to enjoy it more now that I can actually run a longer without stopping, I'm really feeling a sense of achievement.
  • motivatedsister
    motivatedsister Posts: 544 Member
    Good job on the personal records Steve! I'm supposed to do day 2 today, but I have so much going on this weekend that I might have to run tomorrow night. I've got meetings tonight and tomorrow for the majority of the day, so I won't be able to get to the gym before then.

    I'm also doing StrongLifts on the days I'm not running, but I think I'm getting to a point on all exercises where I'm nearing my max for the moment...so the last couple of workouts I have been more sore than usual the next day. So it might be a good thing I don't run today to give my body a little time to recover from yesterday's workout. I will at least try to do some stretching tonight before bed!
  • stanmann571
    stanmann571 Posts: 5,728 Member
    Good job on the personal records Steve! I'm supposed to do day 2 today, but I have so much going on this weekend that I might have to run tomorrow night. I've got meetings tonight and tomorrow for the majority of the day, so I won't be able to get to the gym before then.

    I'm also doing StrongLifts on the days I'm not running, but I think I'm getting to a point on all exercises where I'm nearing my max for the moment...so the last couple of workouts I have been more sore than usual the next day. So it might be a good thing I don't run today to give my body a little time to recover from yesterday's workout. I will at least try to do some stretching tonight before bed!

    Be careful. I'm pretty sure both SL and C25K call for rest days between sessions... since both are total body/leg heavy, you're really not getting the rest you need.

    I'd encourage you to pick one program to work for 6-12 weeks before adding the second one.
  • tinkerbellang83
    tinkerbellang83 Posts: 9,073 Member
    I tend to try and do any strength training just before my C25K workout and have a total rest day in between, where the only exercise I am getting is walking. I did cut back on the weight training a bit after Week 2 and switched to resistance band workouts. I have returned to weights again now my muscles don't feel dead after a run :smile:
  • rianneonamission
    rianneonamission Posts: 854 Member
    Everyone's doing really well! It's nice to see a training plan which seems to suit so many different people.

    I have finally completed Wk6 D3 this morning. Was worried I wouldn't manage 22mins of non-stop running, but I got in to a rhythm and the 2nd half was definitely easier than the 1st half. The last minute I even managed to speed up, so felt very good. Bring on week 7!
  • Don_WM_
    Don_WM_ Posts: 262 Member
    I completed week 4 Saturday and will do week 5 day 1 today hopefully. It'll be tough, but I'm pretty sure I can do it. Love this program!
  • Steve25k
    Steve25k Posts: 125 Member
    Week 7 day 2 finally done, should have happened on Saturday but stuff happened. The good news (well for me, it's irrelevant news for everyone else) is that I discovered a way to make my phone receive ANT+ signal from my Heart Rate Monitor, so my Strava record now contains my heart rate too. I was on the edge of buying a £200 training watch so that's a good saving.
  • motivatedsister
    motivatedsister Posts: 544 Member
    I ran yesterday since I missed Friday's run...lol which didn't go well. Mentally I just wasn't with it and ended up taking a water break about 19 minutes in before running the last few minutes. I haven't run back to back ever during this program, but I think I might go ahead and run today so that I get back on track and not having to shift other workouts around this week due to running. If I don't run today I won't do it until Wednesday, and after mentally quitting yesterday I think having two days off will do nothing but fuel negative talk in my head come Wednesday as I'm already a little sluggish when I have two days off from running.

    I think I just need a mental victory! I did week 7 day 1 successfully, so I know I can do the 25 minutes...physically I was fine, just gotta beat that little voice in my head!
  • Steve25k
    Steve25k Posts: 125 Member
    I think I just need a mental victory! I did week 7 day 1 successfully, so I know I can do the 25 minutes...physically I was fine, just gotta beat that little voice in my head!

    I'm constantly surprised at how little my brain wants to help me, it's as though it doesn't actually like me.

  • tinkerbellang83
    tinkerbellang83 Posts: 9,073 Member
    I am starting Week 5 tonight, I think I will be ok, but going to have to leave it pretty late in the evening again, it is far too hot here the last couple of day I think I will melt if I go before 9pm lol. I have updated my blog about my repeat of week 4, I will leave the link rather than repeating myself :smile: https://blackwellange.wixsite.com/exercisenoextrafries/single-post/2017/06/14/C25K-Update-Week-4-Repeat---Not-failing-miserably
  • motivatedsister
    motivatedsister Posts: 544 Member
    I have one day left to complete in week 8, which is the last day of the program (I'm doing the zen labs version). What are you guys planning to do once you finish the program? I'm not at a 5k distance wise...so should I just keep running until I reach that? Or just go on to the 10k program? Or repeat C25K for speed?

    I do think I need a structured plan so that I get to the gym and have a plan for what I'm doing, and to ensure I keep progressing beyond what I think I can do. Any suggestions?
  • tinkerbellang83
    tinkerbellang83 Posts: 9,073 Member
    I have one day left to complete in week 8, which is the last day of the program (I'm doing the zen labs version). What are you guys planning to do once you finish the program? I'm not at a 5k distance wise...so should I just keep running until I reach that? Or just go on to the 10k program? Or repeat C25K for speed?

    My plan is to be able to run 5k comfortably by September and increase my speed if I can. I might try a bridging program after that or might switch my focus to something different depending on the weather lol
  • ddrumstic
    ddrumstic Posts: 15 Member
    Does anyone run in kph? I did week 4 day 2 yesterday and had to stop due to painful shin splints. I was so disappointed in myself but after reading these posts I think I may be running too fast.
  • tinkerbellang83
    tinkerbellang83 Posts: 9,073 Member
    @ddrumstic My settings are for kph. If you think you are running too fast you probably are, give your legs a couple of days to recover and then take it a bit slower. I found I had to repeat Weeks 3 & 4 to build up to doing the longer running intervals.