c25k - newbie runners



  • rianneonamission
    rianneonamission Posts: 854 Member
    beerfoamy wrote: »
    Sunday was first go at 90 second intervals outside. Tis mental how much longer that seems than a minute.
    I have to sing under my breath so I don't get stitch at the moment - hoping it helps me master this breathing malarky. :/

    Yes to how much longer than a minute the 90secs feels! That really surprised me. I also had a minor stitch this morning and might attempt the singing under my breath method to see if that helps.
  • girlinahat
    girlinahat Posts: 2,956 Member
    beerfoamy wrote: »
    second day of week 2 today. Went ok. Got up to 8.5km/h on the treadmill. Sunday was first go at 90 second intervals outside. Tis mental how much longer that seems than a minute.
    I have to sing under my breath so I don't get stitch at the moment - hoping it helps me master this breathing malarky. :/

    singing will help you run at the most appropriate speed. I can't stress enough how running slow is the best way to go.
  • Steve25k
    Steve25k Posts: 125 Member
    raefost wrote: »
    Been thinking of starting this for a while. Can walk for ages but never manages to up the pace. Hoping having a Labrador pup will help me keep going!

    I run with a labrador - although he's not a puppy anymore - he didn't get it at first and kept jumping up at me wondering what I was doing - now he's given up - he just goes off and sniffs things and then runs to catch up every now and then. We run along a woodland track so he's ok being off the lead.
  • Tacklewasher
    Tacklewasher Posts: 7,122 Member
    MazzyToday wrote: »
    I started but then realized I need Bed to 5K. Seriously, I only got through the first three run minutes before my body was all, "Nope."

    I am going to lose some more weight, keep walking with some 30-second running, then try again.

    I felt terrible about failing till I saw that the people my weight who were doing it mostly were athletic at some point. I need to get closer to overweight than obese before committing.

    You should really be able to walk briskly for 30 minutes without needing to catch your breath before starting the C25K. I was still obese when I started, but had been using the treadmill for 3 months or so mainly walking. I'm still obese and am doing a 5K most weeks (not all jogging though).
  • birgitkwood
    birgitkwood Posts: 486 Member
    So, I had a little hospital episode over this past weekend - right on the heels of my morning run. It was a crappy day outdoors and I decided to go to the gym and use the treadmill. Was not really feeling 100pct, and my workout was somewhat "less," both in intensity and duration. But I did get in a 15 min run, followed by 30 mins walking. When I was finished, I needed to sit in the locker room for quite a while to catch my breath. Then, while taking a shower, apparently I passed out for about a second or so. Long story short - ambulance came and took me to the nearest hospital.

    Last year in September I was initially diagnosed with atrial fibulation (a-fib), a very common and basically non-life threatening heart condition. I was prescribed heart meds that I've been faithfully taking ever since, and was told to go on and live my life, no restrictions, do nothing different. So that's what I've been doing.

    This past weekend, again I was in a-fib. But according to the cardiologist at the hospital, "people pass out in the shower all the time and it doesn't always mean something terrible is wrong. The humidity in the shower, the heat..." He said that it is entirely possible that it was the fainting-in-the-shower episode that MAY have triggered the a-fib, rather than the a-fib causing the fainting. There is just really no way to know. So a whole bunch of tests were run and all came back negative. My heart meds were slightly adjusted and I was sent home with basically a clean bill of health and was told to resume my normal life, do nothing different. I was told to run if I feel like running.

    But... not gonna lie! Although I feel perfectly well now, running feels like a very scary thing to do right now. Somehow I need to find a courage seed, and water the heck out of that baby. In the meantime I am walking, walking, walking.

    Keep on truckin', y'all.
  • tinkerbellang83
    tinkerbellang83 Posts: 9,104 Member
    MazzyToday wrote: »
    I started but then realized I need Bed to 5K. Seriously, I only got through the first three run minutes before my body was all, "Nope."

    I am going to lose some more weight, keep walking with some 30-second running, then try again.

    I felt terrible about failing till I saw that the people my weight who were doing it mostly were athletic at some point. I need to get closer to overweight than obese before committing.

    You should really be able to walk briskly for 30 minutes without needing to catch your breath before starting the C25K. I was still obese when I started, but had been using the treadmill for 3 months or so mainly walking. I'm still obese and am doing a 5K most weeks (not all jogging though).

    I am in the obese category too (still around 45lb overweight) and could never be described as "athletic" :lol: I do walk a lot though. @MazzyToday were you perhaps trying to run too quickly?
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    So, I had a little hospital episode over this past weekend - right on the heels of my morning run. It was a crappy day outdoors and I decided to go to the gym and use the treadmill. Was not really feeling 100pct, and my workout was somewhat "less," both in intensity and duration. But I did get in a 15 min run, followed by 30 mins walking. When I was finished, I needed to sit in the locker room for quite a while to catch my breath. Then, while taking a shower, apparently I passed out for about a second or so. Long story short - ambulance came and took me to the nearest hospital.

    Last year in September I was initially diagnosed with atrial fibulation (a-fib), a very common and basically non-life threatening heart condition. I was prescribed heart meds that I've been faithfully taking ever since, and was told to go on and live my life, no restrictions, do nothing different. So that's what I've been doing.

    This past weekend, again I was in a-fib. But according to the cardiologist at the hospital, "people pass out in the shower all the time and it doesn't always mean something terrible is wrong. The humidity in the shower, the heat..." He said that it is entirely possible that it was the fainting-in-the-shower episode that MAY have triggered the a-fib, rather than the a-fib causing the fainting. There is just really no way to know. So a whole bunch of tests were run and all came back negative. My heart meds were slightly adjusted and I was sent home with basically a clean bill of health and was told to resume my normal life, do nothing different. I was told to run if I feel like running.

    But... not gonna lie! Although I feel perfectly well now, running feels like a very scary thing to do right now. Somehow I need to find a courage seed, and water the heck out of that baby. In the meantime I am walking, walking, walking.

    Keep on truckin', y'all.

    Would a friend or your other half run with you and then stay with you afterwards to make sure you're OK?
  • rianneonamission
    rianneonamission Posts: 854 Member
    But... not gonna lie! Although I feel perfectly well now, running feels like a very scary thing to do right now. Somehow I need to find a courage seed, and water the heck out of that baby. In the meantime I am walking, walking, walking.

    I agree with TavistockToad, get yourself a buddy to run with. Also, perhaps walk it a good few times first, then start building it up again. And perhaps have some food ready for straight after: A banana, a cereal bar, a protein shake, something. That will get your blood sugar back up and hopefully that will stop the heat from the shower causing issues.
  • Steve25k
    Steve25k Posts: 125 Member
    girlinahat wrote: »
    MazzyToday wrote: »
    I started but then realized I need Bed to 5K. Seriously, I only got through the first three run minutes before my body was all, "Nope."

    I am going to lose some more weight, keep walking with some 30-second running, then try again.

    I felt terrible about failing till I saw that the people my weight who were doing it mostly were athletic at some point. I need to get closer to overweight than obese before committing.

    I've heard of people doing a modified walking routine to get them ready for c25k. Could you, for example, using the same format replace 'run' with 'walk briskly' and 'walk' with 'stop/rest' or 'walk slowly'?

    The other thing is to run slowly. I think I said this above. Don't RUN, jog, take it slow, take it easy, take it at whatever speed is the slowest you possibly can without walking. Make sure you can still talk whilst in the run' phase.

    Couldn't agree more - my run at the moment is really slow - probably not much faster than my walk but at the moment for me C25K is about getting used to the action of running.
  • krazy1sbk
    krazy1sbk Posts: 128 Member
    Has anyone gotten to the point where they don't hate running anymore? I'm on week 2... still waiting to not hate every second of the running parts (and I love walking/hiking)...
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    krazy1sbk wrote: »
    Has anyone gotten to the point where they don't hate running anymore? I'm on week 2... still waiting to not hate every second of the running parts (and I love walking/hiking)...

    It took me 2 years and a half marathon to really start enjoying running!
  • birgitkwood
    birgitkwood Posts: 486 Member

    I agree with TavistockToad, get yourself a buddy to run with. Also, perhaps walk it a good few times first, then start building it up again. And perhaps have some food ready for straight after: A banana, a cereal bar, a protein shake, something. That will get your blood sugar back up and hopefully that will stop the heat from the shower causing issues.

    Thanks for the suggestions. Unfortunately we live waaayyy out in the country and I have no one nearby Wil go running with me, Well, except my faithful canine companion. Note to self: teach Sadie you call 911 on cellphone... :-D. You're right, though - need to have high quality snacks easily available, especially along with the water bottle. I hate caring things when I'm walking/running, but really need to get over that and carry water at the very least.

    I WILL get back to running! Just might need a little bit of time.
  • ErynVee
    ErynVee Posts: 187 Member
    I just started week 4 yesterday! I have done the program several times, but most recently haven't stuck with it and have needed to start over again and again!

    I stink at running but I love the way it makes me feel mentally! Week 4 day 2 for me tomorrow!
  • MazzyToday
    MazzyToday Posts: 23 Member
    @girlinahat @tinkerbellang83
    I think the run speed was the issue then, 'cause I normally do a brisk 4-mile walk with random 30 second sprints. I probably tried that pace for C25K, but 30 seconds of sprinting doesn't mean one minute is doable repeatedly the next day.
    You have both been very helpful, because I wouldn't have tried again yet or given myself the OK to jog the run parts. I will try again Friday. Thanks!
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    MazzyToday wrote: »
    @girlinahat @tinkerbellang83
    I think the run speed was the issue then, 'cause I normally do a brisk 4-mile walk with random 30 second sprints. I probably tried that pace for C25K, but 30 seconds of sprinting doesn't mean one minute is doable repeatedly the next day.
    You have both been very helpful, because I wouldn't have tried again yet or given myself the OK to jog the run parts. I will try again Friday. Thanks!

    you shouldn't be sprinting your running intervals for c25k.

    runners and sprinters are completely different animals.
  • RuNaRoUnDaFiEld
    RuNaRoUnDaFiEld Posts: 5,864 Member
    krazy1sbk wrote: »
    Has anyone gotten to the point where they don't hate running anymore? I'm on week 2... still waiting to not hate every second of the running parts (and I love walking/hiking)...

    I hated running when I first started. I have a bone density issue and the pain was extreme. I found the slower I ran and the further I ran the more I started to enjoy it.
    It was around month 6 that I'd say I caught the running bug.
  • TheMrWobbly
    TheMrWobbly Posts: 2,541 Member
    This should be fun, 5k isn't that far - is it? Finished week 1, went and bought a new pair of Brook's running shoes ready for week 2 and jarred my knee walking briskly across the road when the lights changed. Hopefully a few days rest and I will be back at it.
  • motivatedsister
    motivatedsister Posts: 544 Member
    I just started week 2 yesterday. I've started C25K several times in the past but have never finished it. Usually by this time my feet/shins are killing me during the run sections and my breathing is labored, but so far so good! I've been doing a lot of boxing classes, and I think it's really helped improve my CV health.

    For those just starting out, how far distance wise are y'all getting? Yesterday I was just shy of two miles by the end, which was further than I was getting during week 1. I'm assuming the distance will increase as the program starts to have you run more than you walk. I'm not too concerned with the distance (just want to run during all the times I'm supposed to!), but I was just thinking there was no way I'd hit a true 5k ever during the timeframe based on the distance I did in week1. But then that got me thinking even if I get to the point where I'm doing say a 15 minute mile I would still need 45 minutes minimum to reach a 5k...does the time length of the program increase? Right now it's just 30 minutes total (warm up, workout, cooldown); I'm using the Zenlabs app.