June 2017 Running Challenge



  • SpiritHippo
    SpiritHippo Posts: 53 Member
    zdyb23456 wrote: »
    All this talk of weather... I lived in Coronado, CA for 10 months. I don't think it rained the entire time I lived there and the weather was always perfect for running! Low humidity and never too hot. I sure do miss it.


    I'm extremely jealous of this!
  • SpiritHippo
    SpiritHippo Posts: 53 Member
    Since everyone here seems to be very consistent with their running workouts, is there any insight you can share in terms of what you do to make sure you don't miss your runs/ skip running workouts/ get behind? Sometimes I am on point with making every scheduled run for a few weeks straight but then something seems to happen either with scheduling, motivation, or desire to do a different workout. I need to be more consistent and it looks like all of you have it figured out so please let me know how you keep at it :smile:
  • zdyb23456
    zdyb23456 Posts: 1,706 Member
    6/1 5miles 46:33min
    6/2 3miles 27:09min
    6/3 7miles 65:53min
    6/4 rest
    6/5 3miles 27:52min
    6/6 4miles 36:43min
    6/7 3miles 27:55min
    6/8 13.1miles!!! 2:06:49min
    6/9 rest
    6/10 3.55miles 35:30min
    6/11 rest
    6/12 4mi intervals 38:32min
    6/13 5miles 50:34min
    6/14 rest
    6/15 5miles 48:52min

    Went out early this morning, well early for me, at 7:30 :smile: It was misty and about 70 degrees. Not bad but it felt humid. I ran through a few sprinklers which was nice.

    I feel like the half marathon training has made me really slow. I used to consistently run 5 miles in under 45 minutes, now I'm pushing to stay under 50 minutes. I'm not sure if it's my hip, the weather, or I'm just losing fitness by running the increased mileage.
  • juliet3455
    juliet3455 Posts: 3,015 Member
    Since everyone here seems to be very consistent with their running workouts, is there any insight you can share in terms of what you do to make sure you don't miss your runs/ skip running workouts/ get behind?
    @SpiritHippo What helps me is being involved with the local running club. As a general rule we have 3 planned group runs per week, Wednesday short & easy. Saturday = Long or Hills and mo Hills, Sunday short & easy.
    So my advice is go find a local Running Club/Group and join in. I am the avg Joe runner and there is always some one to run with, there is a core group of 6-7 and 20-30 more who rotate in & out based on life demands.
    For me it has also become part of my social circle. We had a lady join us last winter who was new to town and her plan was to join the local sporting clubs and activities to grow her social network in the community.
  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    edited June 2017
    @Stoshew71 yeah, yesterday was a weird day for carb percentage, I thought I had everything figured out, but then I made the mistake of eating that Mcdonald's for lunch, that threw everything off. Today I'm more on track, mainly because it's sunny, and I'm drinking more, and Powerade is my normal hot weather drink. Running 76% carbs as of now, but that's because the sausage I had at breakfast. I'll have to really watch the other macros today.
  • MobyCarp
    MobyCarp Posts: 2,927 Member
    Since everyone here seems to be very consistent with their running workouts, is there any insight you can share in terms of what you do to make sure you don't miss your runs/ skip running workouts/ get behind? Sometimes I am on point with making every scheduled run for a few weeks straight but then something seems to happen either with scheduling, motivation, or desire to do a different workout. I need to be more consistent and it looks like all of you have it figured out so please let me know how you keep at it :smile:

    I love running. I stay on schedule with a marathon training plan, which implies I'm going to run a marathon. Next marathon is September 17. I will run 7 or 8 shorter races between now and then; working the other races into the plan is an exercise in creativity and adaptation of the plan.

    That having been said, last training cycle I had 2 weeks (one in February, one in March) where lots of stuff got in the way and I just didn't get the miles in for that week. Sometimes you have to accept that life is going to knock you off your plan. You just have to get up, dust yourself off, and get back on from where you are when you resume running.

    The best way I can describe why I'm consistent is, I love running. If something happens that gets in the way of my running, I tend to resent it. It's more an attitude than a technique for remaining consistent.

    I don't love strength training so much, but I do it consistently because *not* doing it consistently can put me on the couch. And I really dislike that. Again, it's attitude. This morning I didn't feel like doing my weighted calf raises. Too bad. Go through the routine and do them anyway. Skipping them for a couple months then coming down with Achilles tendinitis is no fun at all. Been there, done that, don't need another tee shirt.

    TLDR: Running is my passion, no additional motivation is needed. Remaining able to run is motivation for the less fun stuff I need to do to support my running habit.
  • cburke8909
    cburke8909 Posts: 990 Member
    @SpiritHippo As you are new to this and I started in the beginning of this year, I would suggest a few things:
    1. Joining this group and reading the post gives you insight as to the varied programs that works for different people. It also provides you with emotional support and accountability.
    2. Have a plan and keep track, but understand that falling off the plan is not the problem failing to get back up is. The plan will need to be altered as you learn what works best for you. Stan and Moby are great runners but their plans don't need to be your plan and more than likely their plans won't work for you.
    3. Measure your success based on your reasonable goals and have some ambitious goals to motivate you father not lessen your accomplishments.
    4. When having trouble think about the factors that contributed. (stress, sleep, diet, etc) I love Stan's suggestion about an alarm clock to wake you up for early morning runs. What helped me most was setting a bedtime that meant sleeping 7-8 hours before that alarm went off. If there are complications and stresses in life, then scale back the plan.(Running 1/2 as far daily won't get you as far but the drop off is much less than what occurs if you try to do too much and get injured or quit.)
  • WhatMeRunning
    WhatMeRunning Posts: 3,538 Member
    Since everyone here seems to be very consistent with their running workouts, is there any insight you can share in terms of what you do to make sure you don't miss your runs/ skip running workouts/ get behind? Sometimes I am on point with making every scheduled run for a few weeks straight but then something seems to happen either with scheduling, motivation, or desire to do a different workout. I need to be more consistent and it looks like all of you have it figured out so please let me know how you keep at it :smile:
    I've been wondering that for a while too. Having been through periods where I slipped back and then had to catch up again, I've got it boiled down to this...

    NO EXCUSES!!! :naughty::naughty::naughty:NONE!!

    Except injury/pain. :lol: That is the ONLY excuse allowed. and even then you have to be honest with yourself and not cop out because you think something might be going wrong. But it is still always best to play it safe in that department.
  • Bakins929
    Bakins929 Posts: 895 Member
    Since everyone here seems to be very consistent with their running workouts, is there any insight you can share in terms of what you do to make sure you don't miss your runs/ skip running workouts/ get behind? Sometimes I am on point with making every scheduled run for a few weeks straight but then something seems to happen either with scheduling, motivation, or desire to do a different workout. I need to be more consistent and it looks like all of you have it figured out so please let me know how you keep at it :smile:

    Like @Stoshew71 said, set your alarm and do it before the rest of the day eats away at your free time. I find it easier to do in the morning because I'm still half asleep. I learned this in the Army. There were days where I would wake up at breakfast after PT was done! :) Plus, you feel good the rest of the day knowing you already have that behind you. This group is good motivation too, I feel I have to keep at it to meet my goal I proclaimed to the world (unless I feel an injury coming on).
  • Bakins929
    Bakins929 Posts: 895 Member
    3.25 easy run this morning.

  • lporter229
    lporter229 Posts: 4,907 Member
    Bakins929 wrote: »

    I wonder if you can pick chicken or beef? :p

    What do they do for the vegetarians?
  • cburke8909
    cburke8909 Posts: 990 Member
    @iporter229 Hello!!! Fish Tacos! The Mexican chain in my area has a tofu filling that is awesome!
  • SpiritHippo
    SpiritHippo Posts: 53 Member
    juliet3455 wrote: »
    Since everyone here seems to be very consistent with their running workouts, is there any insight you can share in terms of what you do to make sure you don't miss your runs/ skip running workouts/ get behind?
    @SpiritHippo What helps me is being involved with the local running club. As a general rule we have 3 planned group runs per week, Wednesday short & easy. Saturday = Long or Hills and mo Hills, Sunday short & easy.
    So my advice is go find a local Running Club/Group and join in. I am the avg Joe runner and there is always some one to run with, there is a core group of 6-7 and 20-30 more who rotate in & out based on life demands.
    For me it has also become part of my social circle. We had a lady join us last winter who was new to town and her plan was to join the local sporting clubs and activities to grow her social network in the community.

    Thank you so much @juliet3455 ! Both yours and the comment above provide some great advice. Do you think a running club would mind if I'm slow as a turtle running through a road of peanut butter?
  • SpiritHippo
    SpiritHippo Posts: 53 Member
    cburke8909 wrote: »
    @SpiritHippo As you are new to this and I started in the beginning of this year, I would suggest a few things:
    1. Joining this group and reading the post gives you insight as to the varied programs that works for different people. It also provides you with emotional support and accountability.
    2. Have a plan and keep track, but understand that falling off the plan is not the problem failing to get back up is. The plan will need to be altered as you learn what works best for you. Stan and Moby are great runners but their plans don't need to be your plan and more than likely their plans won't work for you.
    3. Measure your success based on your reasonable goals and have some ambitious goals to motivate you father not lessen your accomplishments.
    4. When having trouble think about the factors that contributed. (stress, sleep, diet, etc) I love Stan's suggestion about an alarm clock to wake you up for early morning runs. What helped me most was setting a bedtime that meant sleeping 7-8 hours before that alarm went off. If there are complications and stresses in life, then scale back the plan.(Running 1/2 as far daily won't get you as far but the drop off is much less than what occurs if you try to do too much and get injured or quit.)

    Thanks @cburke8909 ! I appreciate the tips. I've seen some really helpful responses on this thread so far and it's good to see that people are working in different types of workouts and scaling back when life doesn't cooperate with the plan. I like what you had to say about running at least some distance even if the scheduled workout isn't looking likely.
  • SpiritHippo
    SpiritHippo Posts: 53 Member
    Bakins929 wrote: »
    Since everyone here seems to be very consistent with their running workouts, is there any insight you can share in terms of what you do to make sure you don't miss your runs/ skip running workouts/ get behind? Sometimes I am on point with making every scheduled run for a few weeks straight but then something seems to happen either with scheduling, motivation, or desire to do a different workout. I need to be more consistent and it looks like all of you have it figured out so please let me know how you keep at it :smile:

    Like @Stoshew71 said, set your alarm and do it before the rest of the day eats away at your free time. I find it easier to do in the morning because I'm still half asleep. I learned this in the Army. There were days where I would wake up at breakfast after PT was done! :) Plus, you feel good the rest of the day knowing you already have that behind you. This group is good motivation too, I feel I have to keep at it to meet my goal I proclaimed to the world (unless I feel an injury coming on).

    Yes, as much as my brain resists getting up at 5:30, I would at least guarantee myself time to workout. Following @cburke8909 's advice about setting 'an alarm' to go to bed would be helpful in this case. I used to have workout classes scheduled before work and that studio had a 12 hour cancellation policy so it was two fold motivation to get there. It started at 5:30 AM but no one wanted to disappoint the other classmates (we called it the Breakfast Club), and no one wanted to lose the money it cost to take the class. It was a completely different type of workout but it could certainly apply to running as well. Thanks.
  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    @spirithippo I second everything everyone told you above. I also run first thing in the morning so life doesn't have time to get in my way. Being a single mom to a teenaged girl, life does find the way to get in the way. The days I really don't want to get up, I make myself. The minute I walk out the door I'm glad I did it. I will say too that last year when my mom passed away I lost all my motivation to run, then I got hurt. I went for a couple months barely running 20 miles. I started to force myself to run because I know I love it, now I'm feeling better and my head is in a better place, I guess I faked it until I made it back. Also keep in mind, probably 99% of people who run consistently love to run.