June 2017 Running Challenge



  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    cburke8909 wrote: »
    Rest day for half marathon. Second day of carb loading (not enjoying nearly as much as I thought I might.) Took a nice bike ride with my wife and our two boys. Small stretch the legs run tomorrow and then it's race day. My terrific wife has purchased my hydration pack so I'll have all that I need for long runs training for full marathon.

    She sounds like a keeper :)
  • shrcpr
    shrcpr Posts: 885 Member
    shrcpr wrote: »

    And, I downloaded the 13.1 trainer from ZenLabs but it's a walk/run app only so it doesn't really get me to running a 13.1. Any suggestions on an app that trains for running the whole 13.1?

    My wife used Hal's plan to go from barely able to do a couple miles, to a 13.1 race. You can find it here:


    Thanks! I'm going to check that out.
  • hanlonsk
    hanlonsk Posts: 762 Member
    I am definitely in the don't wanna wake ups early to run camp. I was planning a short little easy run to figure out if any of my self attempts at rehab were working. But I overslept and then dawdled- so was not even as long as I planned.

    1.3= 32.9/75

    In other news that I'm very proud of, not running, but y'all will have to put up with it anyways, because I'm excited!! My lifting has apparently enjoyed the cardio break. FINALLY hit 5x5 @ 60 lbs on overhead press!! Was not pretty, and one rep may have technically a push press.... but the darn bar went up al, 25 times, I can worry about pretty next time.
  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    Trying to decide if I'm being smart, or taking my run geekiness to a whole new level. Using thr McMillan calculator and recent trail runs, I've come up with different training paces to use for trail and road runs.... good idea or over thinking?
  • MobyCarp
    MobyCarp Posts: 2,927 Member
    Trying to decide if I'm being smart, or taking my run geekiness to a whole new level. Using thr McMillan calculator and recent trail runs, I've come up with different training paces to use for trail and road runs.... good idea or over thinking?

    @MNLittleFinn - Over thinking. Trails vary in character, technical difficulty, rise, etc. Trail pace is meaningless unless you're comparing pace on the same trail all the time. The good trail runners I know track time on feet, and run by perceived effort. They track miles, too; but they tell me time on feet is more useful for training. BWDIK? I'm not much of a trail runner. I do know that unless a trail is extremely easy, my pace will be slower than on the road. How much slower depends on the trail.
  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    @MobyCarp Yup, I was thinking over thinking....lol. too much caffeine todsy is the cause of that.....mind is bouncing all over....
  • rusgolden
    rusgolden Posts: 1,337 Member
    shrcpr wrote: »
    No run for me today. I don't think I'll do any kind of workout today since Thursday is a busy day for me. So, rest day!

    I don't run with a watch of any kind. I have a FitBit Charge HR but don't really use it anymore. I use the MapMyRun app but hear it's not all that accurate. But, since I'm not really training for anything in particular I'm not sure if I really care all that much?

    And, I downloaded the 13.1 trainer from ZenLabs but it's a walk/run app only so it doesn't really get me to running a 13.1. Any suggestions on an app that trains for running the whole 13.1?

    I also looked at Hal's plans, and while I liked them, I really wanted an app that I wouldn't have to worry about what I was supposed to do next. So, at someone else's suggestion, I used the Rundouble app and really liked it and it worked well for me. Here is a link... http://www.rundouble.com/plans/HME
  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    rusgolden wrote: »
    I also looked at Hal's plans, and while I liked them, I really wanted an app that I wouldn't have to worry about what I was supposed to do next. So, at someone else's suggestion, I used the Rundouble app and really liked it and it worked well for me. Here is a link... http://www.rundouble.com/plans/HME

    Just as a note, Hal has apps too, but I have never used them so I know nothing about them. I just printed out the plan, stuck it to the wall and crossed out each run I did. But if that app worked for you that is great too! Just wanted to mention Hal has app too. :)
  • hanlonsk
    hanlonsk Posts: 762 Member
    edited June 2017
    rusgolden wrote: »
    shrcpr wrote: »
    No run for me today. I don't think I'll do any kind of workout today since Thursday is a busy day for me. So, rest day!

    I don't run with a watch of any kind. I have a FitBit Charge HR but don't really use it anymore. I use the MapMyRun app but hear it's not all that accurate. But, since I'm not really training for anything in particular I'm not sure if I really care all that much?

    And, I downloaded the 13.1 trainer from ZenLabs but it's a walk/run app only so it doesn't really get me to running a 13.1. Any suggestions on an app that trains for running the whole 13.1?

    I also looked at Hal's plans, and while I liked them, I really wanted an app that I wouldn't have to worry about what I was supposed to do next. So, at someone else's suggestion, I used the Rundouble app and really liked it and it worked well for me. Here is a link... http://www.rundouble.com/plans/HME


    That is the one I used. Running buddy and I started it early, and went off plan at the end to get over the 10 miles and to longer running bits.

    We used a tabata timer interval app and set up each run's intervals ahead of time
  • T1DCarnivoreRunner
    T1DCarnivoreRunner Posts: 11,502 Member
    edited June 2017
    **I won't be online to post in this thread again until July! If I finish the HM on Sat., I will meet goal. ETA: It should be 96 miles as of today, not sure why it shows 93 because the ticker even shows 96 when I'm looking at it on the tickerfactory website. :(

    6/1 - 5.20 miles (also starting a diet change to increase carbs slightly)
    6/2 - rest
    6/3 - 9.00 painful and slow miles in sweltering heat with the sun beating down
    6/4 - rest
    6/5 - 5.25 miles not as hot as Sat., but still hot (need to stop making excuses for slow pace)
    6/6 - 5.37 miles - early am, so started out dark, but nice and cool out
    6/7 - 5.00 miles (early am, nice and cool again... had to add some distance to get up to the full 5 miles)
    6/8 - 13.18 miles (started out 3am and tired along with GI distress, terrible pace but stuck with it - improved as I got to the last few miles - average total pace 11:13)
    6/9 - rest (backpacking in evening, not counting non-running miles)
    6/10 - rest (backpacking, not counting non-running miles)
    6/11 - rest (backpacking, not counting non-running miles)
    6/12 - 6.60 miles, fairly warm, totally new area while traveling for work, slow average pace
    6/13 - 6.93 miles, still warm, new area (paved trails mostly today), slow - need to work on that speed
    6/14 - 6.12 miles, not quite as warm, but 74% humidity still was tough - still slow
    6/15 - rest
    6/16 - rest
    6/17 - 14.30 miles... hot, slow pace. Stopped and re-filled my water bottle 3 times.
    6/18 - rest
    6/19 - 6.19 miles - plan was for 7 miles, but got started late because I woke up with low BG (46 mg/dl). Still could have done 7 miles, but ended early because the stuff I ate for the low BG was causing some issues.
    6/20 - 6.83 miles. Good pacing, so almost no walking. Still slower than I want, but at least kept pace more even.
    6/21 - Unplanned rest day. Plan was for 7 miles on a traveling (driving) day. Fell behind on driving schedule and not feeling well anyway. Stomach upset due to poor nutrition on the road and dehydration (worsened by sickness).
    6/22 - 3.07 miles. Got up before sunrise and banged out some miles on the dreadmill. Not enough, so I'm still behind schedule a bit. I need about 2 more miles + the HM on Sat. to reach goal (no running after the HM because I'll be backpacking).
    6/22B - 3.03 miles on a trail. Not high quality miles... still nutritional issues.


    6/24 - Glacier National Park Half Marathon
    6/25 - Rest (Backpack Glacier National Park, not counting non-running miles)
    6/26 - Rest (Backpack Glacier National Park, not counting non-running miles)
    6/27 - Rest (Backpack Glacier National Park, not counting non-running miles)
    6/28 - Rest (Backpack Glacier National Park, not counting non-running miles)
    6/29 - Rest (Backpack Glacier National Park, not counting non-running miles)
    6/30 - Rest (Backpack Glacier National Park, not counting non-running miles)
  • WhatMeRunning
    WhatMeRunning Posts: 3,538 Member
    I hope it is something that clears quickly @MobyCarp.
  • girlinahat
    girlinahat Posts: 2,956 Member
    juliet3455 wrote: »

    Two of my Peace River Running Club Friends went out for a Short 45km Trail Run Last Night, 1431m elevation and 5 hours.

    I have friends like that. Worries me that that sort of madness will rub off on me.
  • girlinahat
    girlinahat Posts: 2,956 Member
    Trying to decide if I'm being smart, or taking my run geekiness to a whole new level. Using thr McMillan calculator and recent trail runs, I've come up with different training paces to use for trail and road runs.... good idea or over thinking?

    Yeah, what @Mobycarp said. Forget about trying to use pace to train with. And HR training is limited too. Training via time and perceived effort will be the thing to do. Just because Scott Jurek can run forever on a 7 minute mile, doesn’t mean you can – if you try running for pace you’ll start getting cranky when you see 16 minute mile paces cropping up. Time on your feet is what matters and start small – if you’ve mostly been on road you are going to start using a whole new set of muscles – your core comes much more into play and same with stabilising muscles to your legs – I did a great mountain run at the beginning of the year and boy did the outsides of my calves hurt after – but I knew my ankles were getting stronger because of it.

    Tips I have heard are:
    • Walk the ups, run like mad down the downs, and run the flats at an easy pace.
    • Maintain cadence and effort to be the same on all undulations
    • Consider form, form, form all the time. Your body will be needing to adapt to changing surfaces, so your pace and stride will need to adjust accordingly
    • Look at where you are GOING to place your foot not where you are NOT going to place your foot.
    • Use your arms.
    • look up - nothing more embarrassing than being laid flat by a low hanging branch!!

    looking forward to seeing you hooked on trails...
  • cburke8909
    cburke8909 Posts: 990 Member
    Easy 2.5 miles just to stretch the legs. HM is tomorrow, can't wait. Interesting one on my small run today. Random car tosses an egg in my direction.

  • SweetSassyJen
    SweetSassyJen Posts: 129 Member
    June goal: 60 miles
    June 23: 4.38 miles
    June total: 27.89 miles