June 2017 Running Challenge



  • girlinahat
    girlinahat Posts: 2,956 Member

    Went out to run with the club last night, first time in ages. We’ve been having a mini-heatwave here (I won’t embarrass myself by telling you the temperatures we’ve been swearing at) so it was nice that it had FINALLY cooled down a bit. Although I found myself longing for woodland runs in the cold and dark I was still so hot.

    The route was a nice one, which started with a lot of zigzagging through a local estate. We end up with a lot of stopping so we don’t lose anyone, which allows me to catch my breath. It’s more the social thing I go for, although it’s often faster than I believe I can run. There was a very long period of a lot of down in the middle of the run, which only means one thing – yup, a big up. The up was a steep sided bit of wood, thankfully no one slid down but no one was running at that point either!! I wore my Vivobarefoot trail shoes for the first time with this group, and was extolling their virtues to myself when all of a sudden my legs went like lead. Really odd – a feeling of fatigue started at my waist and down through my legs. A bit of calf pain after, but it all subsided soon enough. Still love the shoes.

    Only 4 and a bit miles so shorter than we normally do – there were certainly a few look-up moments with big fallen trees to clamber under!! Most of the runners were getting excited by and gearing up for a trail relay race at the weekend. Next year for me!!

    One of our lot is doing the Mont Blanc Marathon this weekend and reckons it’ll take her about 12 hours. Just think about that for a moment.

  • girlinahat
    girlinahat Posts: 2,956 Member
    good luck tomorrow @cburke8909
  • cburke8909
    cburke8909 Posts: 990 Member
    Thanks for all the support. I'm thinking the egg incident is very rare. It's very early morning (5am) and I wasn't on my normal route so had to be some driver with a kitten attitude out for some random menacing. There are a few others that run and walk that road, perhaps the intended target stayed home and I was convenient. Had my big carbon meal for breakfast. I enjoyed my chocolate chip pancakes but I'm not liking the feel of my high sugar numbers right now. I am eating reasonably the rest of the day.i cannot believe this used to be normal!
  • lporter229
    lporter229 Posts: 4,907 Member
    June 1- 2.8 miles(first run back!)
    June 2- 30 minutes swim (800m)+ 30 minutes yoga
    June 3- 3.6 miles+ 30 minutes stretching/PT
    June 4- P90X3 Challenge
    June 5- 32 minute swim (850m)
    June 6- P90X3 CVX Cardio + 20 minutes stretching/PT
    June 7- 25 minutes swimming (650m)
    June 8- 30 min strength (back, shoulders, hamstrings and glutes), 28 min walk/run w/ Stella+ 10 min stretching
    June 9- 30 min swimming (850 or 900m?)+ 15 min stretching/PT
    June 10- Rest/ Travel day
    June 11- 3.5 mile road/trail run + 15 minute stretching/PT
    June 12- P90X3 Warrior+ 20 minutes stretching/PT
    June 13- 4 miles + 20 minutes strength training+ 10 min stretch/PT
    June 14- 36 minutes swimming (1000m)!+ P90X3 Dynamix
    June 15- 4 miles running
    June 16- 30 minutes swimming (850m)+ P90X3 Isometrix
    June 17- Rest Day
    June 18- 6 miles + 20 minutes stretching
    June 19- P90X3 Dynamix + 25 minute run/walk intervals with Stella
    June 20- 4.1 miles + 25 minutes strength training +10 minutes stretching/PT
    June 21-30 min swim (850m)+ 20 minutes stretching + P90X3 Accelerator
    June 22-3.5 miles
    June 23-17 min stationary bike warm up + 25 minutes strength training

    Today has already started off on the wrong foot. I got to the gym early to swim because the pool has been crowded on Fridays lately. When I walking in, I could see through the window that all of the lanes were already in use. I was preparing myself to pester somebody to share their lane, when I realized I had forgotten my towel. My gym does not have towel service, so my options at that point were limited. Fortunately, I had my gym bag in the car already packed with gym clothes for the evening (I usually swim and shower at the gym, then go back home, walk the dog and dry my hair before I go to work, so it was just by chance that I had this with me). I took it as a sign that I was meant to lift rather than swim. So I did a 17 minute warm up on the stationary bike and 25 minutes of strength training. I am not sure if anyone noticed that I was in my pool shoes though!

    Hopefully, going to swim this evening. Oh, and I'm really glad I did not sign up for that 5K. Thunderstorms here all day and evening.

    Happy Friday everyone. Have a great weekend!
  • SpiritHippo
    SpiritHippo Posts: 53 Member
    9.4 miles to go to reach my June running goal. There are six more days where I have availability to run so that should be more than enough!

    I ran yesterday and my breathing felt good (I was going a little slower), but my legs felt like garbage which does not generally happen. Someone previously suggested doing more cross training with other cardio which I haven't worked in to the routine yet. I'm sure that will help. Overall, it felt good. Then this morning I woke up at 3 AM with tons of swelling in my throat. It better not get in the way of those 9.4 miles!!
  • autumnblade75
    autumnblade75 Posts: 1,661 Member
    @autumnblade75 Sorry you did not PR, but at least you were not eaten by a bear. You have to admit that is a big win in and of itself! Sounds like you at least learned a bit more about yourself and marathons. That is always a plus.

    I will have to look up what Zombie Run is...

    I was ok with not running into any bears during my race. I would have liked to see some wildlife while I was in Alaska. The long-range glimpse of some Dall Sheep hardly counts.

    Zombies, Run! is only my most favorite of all running apps. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.sixtostart.zombiesrunclient&hl=en
    @autumnblade75 I completely understand about the shirt, I’d be upset about that too. The first time I got in a car with a push button was like WTH. Honestly I don’t love the technology, but my car has it. The other day I had the fob in my pocket and Skip was in the car and I went to go back in the house, the car gets pissed off when you do that and shuts off. Though I do like walking up to my car and touching the sensor and having the doors unlock.
    I could never wear a watch with the HRM on my wrist I wear my watch way too loose. I don’t like anything tight on my wrists, watches, jackets, bracelets. Maybe I was a prisoner hung by my wrists in a previous life.

    I still haven't had a response about the shirt. Maybe I'll order their generic 1/4 zip shirt just to have something. It won't say I finished, but it also won't have the wrong division on it.

    I don't know what I'm going to do about replacing cars in the future if they've all got all the features. I don't want ANY of that. Auto-braking, alerting (distracting!) you about cars in your blindspot, auto-PARKING! All those things are just extra stuff that can and will break. I'm driving around with my Check Engine light going, again. EGR sensor this time. I've got another 18 months to get that squared away, if I don't intend to buy a different car. I mean to Google that and see where it's located, and whether I can reasonably change it myself...

    I tend to wear watches pretty tight, in general. I have tiny wrists (5.75"), so I've always had to deal with the face of the watch trying to sneak around my wrist bone. I even considered ordering the Children's Garmin Vivofit Jr. as a replacement for my Fitbit - but it hasn't got the HRM. Then I discovered that the Vivosmart HR+ has GPS, at a similar pricepoint to the new Fitbit model I would have otherwise opted for. Totally the deciding factor.
  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    6.3 miles yesterday. Total for the month so far is 70.2 miles.

    I did the math, and with what days I have left to run in June, I probably won't make 100 miles. I'll be close, though, and that's fine. Unless I want to try for 11 or 12 on Sunday, which, based on how the weather is supposed to be, I just might try.

    @RespectTheKitty - sure you can. Just run 30 miles tomorrow. Piece of cake :lol:
  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    edited June 2017
    @autumnblade75 for the first time in my life I brought an extended warranty on a car, my dad was a mechanic so we never did that. I knew if any little "cute" feature that was electronic went on this car it would cost me at least $2,000 to have it fixed. I miss the days of being able to fix my own cars. We also have a 2005 Mariner that Skip drives, you can't get to 3 of spark plugs without practically pulling out the whole motor. Unfortunately we are raising an entire generation that can't change their own oil, most probably don't even know how to check theirs.
  • RespectTheKitty
    RespectTheKitty Posts: 1,667 Member
    6.3 miles yesterday. Total for the month so far is 70.2 miles.

    I did the math, and with what days I have left to run in June, I probably won't make 100 miles. I'll be close, though, and that's fine. Unless I want to try for 11 or 12 on Sunday, which, based on how the weather is supposed to be, I just might try.

    @RespectTheKitty - sure you can. Just run 30 miles tomorrow. Piece of cake :lol:

    LOL. I haven't even run a half yet, let alone an ultra. :smile:
  • garygse
    garygse Posts: 896 Member
    @autumnblade75 for the first time in my life I brought an extended warranty on a car, my dad was a mechanic so we never did that. I knew if any little "cute" feature that was electronic went on this car it would cost me at least $2,000 to have it fixed. I miss the days of being able to fix my own cars. We also have a 2005 Mariner that Skip drives, you can't get to 3 of spark plugs without practically pulling out the whole motor. Unfortunately we are raising an entire generation that can't change their own oil, most probably don't even know how to check theirs.
    A generation that asks "Rotate my tires? But they rotate plenty enough every time I drive..."

  • autumnblade75
    autumnblade75 Posts: 1,661 Member
    @autumnblade75 for the first time in my life I brought an extended warranty on a car, my dad was a mechanic so we never did that. I knew if any little "cute" feature that was electronic went on this car it would cost me at least $2,000 to have it fixed. I miss the days of being able to fix my own cars. We also have a 2005 Mariner that Skip drives, you can't get to 3 of spark plugs without practically pulling out the whole motor. Unfortunately we are raising an entire generation that can't change their own oil, most probably don't even know how to check theirs.

    Right? I'm in a 2002 Mazda Protege5. It's got 4-wheel disc brakes and a roof rack, and I didn't have to settle for Silver. I would've liked the standard instead of the automatic, (and the dealership had both!) but not for double the cost. The engine compartment is a little cramped, but to be honest, I don't get elbow deep in there very frequently, anyway. I loved my Jeep Cherokee for the height on it - I could wriggle under there to change the oil without putting it on the ramps or jacking it up onto the stands. The Mazda rides too low to get up the ramps. And nowadays, I trust the guy down the street for the maintenance stuff - he charges less than the supplies would cost, retail. I'm just concerned that if I continue to buy 15 year old beaters, I'm really going to be sorry when I run into all the gadget-filled models. It might be time to consider buying new.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    edited June 2017
    My check engine light is on, what do I do? lol! No really it is on. But it's probably just the gas cap.

    I keep missing my turns staring at it trying to figure out what it wants. Anybody have any black tape?
  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    Date Miles today - Miles for June

    6/1 10.5 miles - 10.5
    6/2 7.5 miles - 18
    6/3 14 miles - 32
    6/4 REST DAY
    6/5 8 miles - 40
    6/6 10 miles - 50
    6/7 5.4 miles - 55.4
    6/8 10 miles - 65.4
    6/9 4.15 miles - 69.55
    6/10 14 miles - 83.55
    6/11 REST DAY
    6/12 10.5 miles - 94.05
    6/13 10 miles - 104.05
    6/14 5 miles - 109.05
    6/15 10 miles - One hundred nineteen point oh five
    6/16 4 miles 123.05
    6/17 14 miles 137.05
    6/18 REST DAY
    6/19 10.5 miles - 147.55 << 1510 ft. elev gain
    6/20 8 miles - 155.55
    6/21 5 miles - 160.55
    6/22 REST DAY
    6/23 5 miles - 165.55


    Elkmont Hound Dog Half (unofficial) - 1/21 << 1:46:48 2 OA
    Elkmont Hound Dog Half (rescheduled) - 2/18 << 1:41:04 1 in AG & 24 OA
    Kentucky Derby Festival Marathon - 4/29 << 4:09:59

    Upcoming races:
    None so far

    I took a rest day yesterday. Waking up 5:30 AM to pouring rain with a still sore body from Monday mountain madness. I turned back over and slept in.

    Easy 5 this morning. Only light rain this morning. Hoping that it won't rain too bad tomorrow morning for my long run.
  • garygse
    garygse Posts: 896 Member
    Elise4270 wrote: »
    My check engine light is on, what do I do? lol! No really it is on. But it's probably just the gas cap.

    I keep missing turns staring at it while I'm out at lunch time. Anybody have any black tape?
    Don't worry about it...when it comes on, it's just letting you know that the bulb still works.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    edited June 2017
    garygse wrote: »
    Elise4270 wrote: »
    My check engine light is on, what do I do? lol! No really it is on. But it's probably just the gas cap.

    I keep missing turns staring at it while I'm out at lunch time. Anybody have any black tape?
    Don't worry about it...when it comes on, it's just letting you know that the bulb still works.


    It does have that engine switch, if something critical the engine will turn off. Haha! I'll give it til Monday to reset. Of course, I have to take it to Dallas to dealership to find out if it is something.
  • MobyCarp
    MobyCarp Posts: 2,927 Member
    Elise4270 wrote: »
    garygse wrote: »
    Elise4270 wrote: »
    My check engine light is on, what do I do? lol! No really it is on. But it's probably just the gas cap.

    I keep missing turns staring at it while I'm out at lunch time. Anybody have any black tape?
    Don't worry about it...when it comes on, it's just letting you know that the bulb still works.


    It does have that engine switch, if something critical the engine will turn off. Haha! I'll give it til Monday to reset. Of course, I have to take it to Dallas to dealership to find out if it is something.

    Autozone will read the check engine code for free. It's never something I'm competent to fix on my own, but at least I get an idea of how serious the issue is.